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Search results for: SMALL CROSS-BORDER
Business competencies and innovation capability in cross-border small regional enterprises
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Belarusian – Polish Border: The Politics of Cross-Border Migration
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Belarusian – Polish Border: The Diplomacy of Cross-Border Migration
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Evaluation of cross-border cooperation in Czechia since 1993: Euroregions on the way to authentic cross-border regions?
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Cross-border Cooperation Local Governments in the Euroregion Baltic
Euroregion as an Entity Stimulating the Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services in a City Divided by a Border
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The Turów coal mine international dispute as a determinant of the cross-border integration of inhabitants of the Polish-Czech border
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Euroregion as an Entity Stimulating the Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services in a City Divided by a Border
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Building the Relationship Between Cultural Institutions and Citizens of a Small City Divided by the Border
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Cross-border cooperiation between nongovernmental organisations in the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian voivodeships
Cross-border transmission line configuration influence on the electrical power and energy billing process
PublicationIn 2015 a connection between the Polish and Lithuanian power systems become fully operational. The connection consists of a 400 kV double circuit transmission line and a back-to-back HVDC substation located on the Lithuanian side. A magnetic couplings between the circuits of the transmission line cause that during power transmission a different values of active power losses are observed in both circuits. This situation may cause...
Sustainable Management of the Offer of Cultural Institutions in the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services—Barriers and Conditions
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Sustainable Management of the Offer of Cultural Institutions in the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services – Barriers and Conditions
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Creating private and public value in data-related management projects: a cross-border case study from Switzerland and Italy
PublicationThe literature in the field of smart cities shows a continuous emphasis and interest in the topic of big data due to the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies by public and private institutions within each city. There is undoubtedly value in big data: in data lie insights on the city, its stakeholders, citizens, products, and services. Challenges, though, lie in data’s variety, volume, and velocity, but also...
Manufacturing Elements with Small Cross-Sections of 17-4 PH Steel (1.4542) with the Application of the DMLS Additive Manufacturing Method
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Polish- Russian Cooperation of Pomorskie Province
PublicationPolish-Russian Cooperation of Pomorskie Province commenced in 1999 and was based on the intergovernmental agreements. The new agreement, executed between the authorities of the Pomeranian Province and Kaliningrad Oblast in 2002, provided for cooperation in many areas. The contacts between the partners were dominated by economic cooperation. The Polish-Russian cooperation stopped with Polish accession to the Schengen zone. Cooperation...
Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.
PeopleBorn on 5th of April, 1965 in Gdansk. In 1987-1991 studied the economics of transport, at the University of Gdansk. At 1993 she started to work at the Faculty of Management and Economics. In 1997 received a PhD at the faculty, in 2006 habilitation at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk. Since 2009 Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. In 2010-2012 Associate Professor of Humanistic High School at Gdansk. The...
Białowieża primeval forest as an example of transfrontier co-operation between Poland and Bielarus
PublicationThe Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is completing their work on the agreement on local border traffic (May 2009.) At the final stage of the works, the list of the towns and villages situated within the area covered by the so-called "local traffic" on both the Polish and the Belarusian sides of the border is being verified. The "border belt" area, whose residents will be able to move between the bordering countries under the...
Błażej Prusak dr hab.
PeopleBłażej Prusak is Head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME), as well as a member of editorial boards of such journals as Intellectual Economics; Space. Economics. Society; Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including:...
Database for integration of information in distributed data exchange system elements of Border Guard
PublicationThe paper presents the database solution for integration of information in distributed data exchange system elements of the Polish Border Guard. The proposed database solution is described in the context of data exchange system elements which control position and store identification data of vessels (fishing, sports and sailing boats) and other suspicious objects on the territorial sea, sea-coast and the internal sea-waters controlled...
PublicationMonitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This activity can be enhanced with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources, processing of that information and its visualization. The paper presents the next stage of development of the STRADAR project (Streaming of real-time data transmission in distributed dispatching and teleinformation systems of the Border...
Streaming Real-time Data in Distributed Dispatcher and Teleinformation Systems for Visualization of Multimedia Data of the Border Guard
PublicationSurveillance of the sea borders is a very important task for the Border Guard. Monitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. This task can be accomplished using a technology that allows to collect information from distributed sensors of different...
PublicationEvents Visualization Post is a part of the STRADAR project, which is dedicated to streaming real-time data in distributed dispatcher and teleinformation systems of the Border Guard. Events Visualization Post is a software designed for simultaneous visualization of data of different types. In the paper, the structure of the software is presented, the process of generation of tasks is described, and the visualization of audio, files,...
PublicationThe paper presents the results of simulation tests of connected power systems in which phase shifters were installed on cross-border links. The analysis was carried out in terms of assessing the impact of shifters on node voltage stability. Individual systems were characterized by different balance of active power: deficit or excess. The evaluation of voltage stability was based on the dU/dQ and dU/dP criteria.
A system of visualization of operational situation on digital maps for mobile units of the Border Guards
PublicationBorder guards have to be equipped with technology enabling a communication, an acquisition, an exchange, and a visualization of data in different operational situations. This also applies to the staff, which is located on mobile units such as ground vehicles, aircrafts and vessels. Within the project realized for the Polish Border Guard and financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, a system was designed and...
Visualization of events using various kinds of synchronized data for the Border Guard
PublicationSTRADAR project is dedicated to streaming real-time data in a distributed dispatcher and teleinfor-mation system of the Border Guard. The Events Visualization Post is a software designed for simultaneous visualization of data of different types in BG headquarters. The software allows the operator to visualize files, images, SMS, SDS, video, audio, and current or archival data on naval situation on digital maps. All the visualized...
PublicationIn this paper the architecture of the software designed for management of position and identification data of floating and flying objects in Maritime areas controlled by Polish Border Guard is presented. The software was designed for managing information stored in a distributed system with two variants of the software, one for a mobile device installed on a vessel, an airplane or a car and second for a central server. The details...
Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)
PublicationRising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...
Performance measurements and optimization of visualization of routes traveled in the distributed dispatcher and teleinformation system for visualization of multimedia data for the Border Guard
PublicationMonitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This activity can be enhanced with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources, processing of that information and its visualization. The system presented in the paper is an advancement of the previously developed distributed map data exchange system. The added functionality allows to supplement the map data with...
Stradar - Multimedia Dispatcher and Teleinformation System for the Border Guard
PublicationSecurity of national borders requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project. The system, apart from providing communication means, gathers data, such as map data from AIS, GPS and radar receivers, videos and photos from camera or audio from...
The central server of the Border Guard's distributed multimedia system for monitoring and visualisation of ongoing and archival events
PublicationThe paper presents the architecture and functionalities of the central server (CENTER) of the distributed system for the Polish Border Guard (BG) for monitoring maritime areas. The overall system has been extended to incorporate, apart from map data, also different multimedia elements such as video from cameras or audio from telephone connections operated by BG units. This requires new system elements: Archive Servers for storing...
How can HSR promote inter-city collaborative innovation across regional borders?
PublicationMany studies have shown that high-speed rail (HSR) can reshape the spatial pattern of economic geography. However, there needs to be more logical argumentation and rigorous empirical design on the paths and mechanisms involved. This paper considers the impact of the border effect on HSR links and innovation clusters from the perspective of inter-regional collaborative innovation. It provides a logical and compact theoretical...
Risk Assessment Due To Customs Delays In Supply Chains By Fuzzy Logic
PublicationDue to violations of existing trade relations, cargo flows between the European Union and Ukraine have been redistributed. As a result, new supply chains have been created that have increased the tension on ground transport, including road and rail. Unfortunately, this has caused significant delays when crossing the border, which has led to a greater increase in the total delivery time of goods. Therefore, to plan for effective...
Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system
PublicationThe main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means,...
Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży z perspektywy polskich i litewskich instytucji na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
PublicationCelem artykułu było ukazanie partycypacji obywatelskiej młodzieży w opinii pracowników instytucji działających na terenie 5 polskich gmin: Dzierzgoń, Elbląg, Gdynia, Iława i Nowe Miasto Lubawskie i litewskiej gminy Teslai. W ramach projektu SB YCGN przeprowadzono badanie metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety internetowej na 118 respondentach z 53 polskich instytucji i 47 respondentach z 10 litewskich...
Youth Civic Participation in the South Baltic Region. Example of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden
PublicationThe aim of this study was to show youth civic participation as a social inclusion element in the Southern Baltic region in need of reinforcement, based on the examples of selected municipalities from Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The authors focused on the diagnosis of key elements of youth civic engagement at local and cross-border level, taking into account the context of national youth policies and the European Union policy....
Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)
PublicationSegmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...
Use of innovative digital laboratories to train a new generation of architects: integration of education, practice and research for digital cultural heritage
PublicationIn this article, the authors outline the potential of using innovative digital laboratories to train a new generation of architects. The evolving built environment and technology continuously challenge architectural educators to take an innovative approach to better understand, preserve and protect the architectural heritage, and ensure development toward a sustainable and green economy. One of those approaches is a methodology...
Piotr Dominiak prof. dr hab.
PeopleHe was born in Radom on June 29, 1948. He graduated in Economy at the University of Warsaw (1971), where he also obtained his doctorate (1976) and his habilitation (1989). He received the title of Professor in 2005. He has been working at GUT since 1971. Between 1991 and1993 he was a director of the Institute of Economic Sciences and Humanities at GUT. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics in the years 1993-1999...
The System of the Supervision and the Visualization of Multimedia Data for BG
PublicationMonitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. The system presented in the paper is an extension and enhancement of the previously developed distributed system map data exchange system. The added functionalities allow supplementation of map data...
How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: Evidence from Europe
PublicationThis paper uses a sample of over 9 million workers from 22 European countries to study the intertwined relationship between digital technology, cross-border production links and working conditions. We compare the social consequences of technological change exhibited by three types of innovation: computerisation (software), automation (robots) and artificial intelligence (AI). To fully quantify work-related wellbeing, we propose...
Stanowisko wizualizacji zdarzeń w systemie STRADAR – realizacja i funkcje dla operatora
PublicationIt is crucial for the Border Guard to be equipped with a communication-teleinformatic infrastructure designed to support them in efficient realization of their operational tasks. STRADAR – a system which results are presented in this paper – is such an infrastructure. It is a distributed solution for the maritime division of the border guard. The system, with the use of a network of sensors located in both stationary and mobile...
A strategy for GPS data processing in a precise local network during high solar activity
PublicationThis paper presents the analyses connected with reduction of errors from ionospheric refraction using GPS data from local satellite networks. This is particularly essential during rising solar activity. The Bernese GPS Software v. 4.2 was used, as an analytical tool. The test data included measurements from a geodynamic network SUDETES situated in the Sudety Mountains across the border between the Czech Republic and Poland. A local...
Edge-coloring of 3-uniform hypergraphs
PublicationWe consider edge-colorings of 3-uniform hypergraphs which is a natural generalization of the problem of edge-colorings of graphs. Various classes of hypergraphs are discussed and we make some initial steps to establish the border between polynomial and NP-complete cases. Unfortunately, the problem appears to be computationally difficult even for relatively simple classes of hypergraphs.
The influence of small intestinal mucus structure on particle transport ex vivo
PublicationMucus provides a barrier to bacteria and toxins while allowing nutrient absorption and waste transport. Unlike colonic mucus, small intestinal mucus structure is poorly understood. This study aimed to provide evidence for a continuous, structured mucus layer and assess the diffusion of different sized particles through it. Mucus structure was assessed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Ultra-structure was assessed by scanning...
Borders of Digital Art in the Context of the Information Society
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the development of information technologies, the characteristics of the information society and digital art. The broad possibilities of the digital world related to recording, storing and processing data (cyber text, big data, smart services) and the creation of virtual worlds are pointed out. The influence of the development of information technologies on the character of the works of...
Hybrid System for a Person Tracking in Harsh Indoor Environments
PublicationIn the article, the prototype of a system for a person tracking in a harsh indoor environment, especially when no other commercially available radiolocalization system can be used, was briefly described. The prototype realizes the data fusion, i.e. combines data from inertial and environmental sensors and radio distance measurements to estimate the position of a moving person. It is worth noting that the concept and practical realization...
A Hybrid Method for Objective Quality Assessment of Binary Images
PublicationIn the paper, a novel hybrid method for an automatic quality assessment of binary images is proposed that may be useful, e.g., for computationally limited embedded systems or Optical Character Recognition applications. Since the quality of binary images used as the input for further image analysis strongly influences the obtained results, a reliable evaluation of their quality is a crucial element for the validation of such...
Vernacular and neovernacular architecture without a user. Wooden catholic churches in the vicinity of brody in Ukraine.
PublicationOne of the basic theoretical postulates for the protection of monuments is to preserve them in the place of their creation. However, such action is not always possible to implement. The great historical processes of the 20th century led to significant national, political, religious and cultural changes in the border areas between Poland and Ukraine. As a result of those changes, a large number of wooden churches have lost their...