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Search results for: DEVELOPMENT
Shaping the City Responding to Climate Change – Concept of Development of the Right Bank of the Vistula River in Toruń, Poland,
PublicationThe problems of cities of the 21st century are caused by anthropogenic oppression of the environment, through the growth of economic activity and continuous urbanisation, and taking away ecologically important open areas and biologically active areas. Increasingly frequent and sudden rains, strong winds, turbulence and rising world water levels are some of the consequences of climate change that have a direct impact on the functioning...
Development of Technical Creativity Featuring Modified TRIZ-AM Inventive Principle to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing
Publicationhe design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) processing was introduced to fully utilise the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM). Consequently, appropriate design methodologies have become essential for this technology. Recently, many studies have identified the importance of DFAM method utilisation to produce AM parts, and TRIZ is a strategy used to formalise design methodologies....
Development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace
PublicationThis research is focused on the development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace (SSD-DYB) system designed for seismic resistance of steel structures. The SSD-DYB integrates the energy dissipation capability of a steel slit damper (SSD) in its initial segment, enhancing performance in the case of lower seismic intensities levels while employing a larger segment for...
Photogrammetric Development Of The Threshold Water At The Dam On The Vistula River In Wloclawek From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Uav)
PublicationBarrage in Wloclawek (Poland) was designed by Hydroprojekt and built in the years of 1962 - 1970 as the first stage of the planned Lower Vist ula Cascade. Cascade design assumed the construction of 8 dams in Wyszogr o d, Plock, Wloclawek, Nieszawa (Ciechocinek as an option), Solec Kujawski, Chelmno, Opalen and Tczew. Nieszawa dam was supposed to ensure the maintenance of an adequate free surface...
Development of Biocompatible Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles as Subcellular Delivery Platform for Glucosamine-6-phosphate Synthase Inhibitors
PublicationNumerous inhibitors of glucoseamine-6-phophate synthase (GlcN-6-P), the enzyme responsible from catalysis of the first step of metabolic pathway leading to metabolism 5’-diphospho-N-acetyl-D- glucosamine, were reported as effective agents for inhibiting the growth of various fungal pathogens. Among the reported inhibitors,...
Civilization Threats and Sustainable Development -2022/23
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Civilization Threats and Sustainable Development 23/24
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Environment protection and sustainable development (2023/2024)
e-Learning Coursesconsultation personally (room 414) or remotely, Teams platform, consultation link:
Development of linear projecting in studies of non-linear flow. Acoustic heating induced by non-periodic sound
PublicationRównanie bilansu energii rozkłada się na sumę dwóch równań, opisujących dynamikę fali akustycznej i wywołanego przez nią ogrzewania. Nowe równanie dynamiczne stosowane jest dla opisu dźwięku nieokresowego zarówno jak okresowego. Rozpatruje się geometrię wiązkową. Omówiane są poszczególne udziały przewodnictwa cieplnego i lepkości w ogrzewaniu akustycznym. Równania stanu ośrodka propagacji są uwzględniane w najbardziej ogólnej postaci.
Research and development on underwater acoustic systems at Polish Naval Academy and Gdansk University of Technology for the Polish Navy
PublicationWe wstępie artykułu wymieniono korzystne aspekty prawie pięćdziesięcioletniej współpracy obu Uczelni z polską Marynarką Wojenną. W dalszych częściach omówiono prace z dziedziny hydroakustyki wykonywane na rzecz Marynarki Wojennej w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. W Akademii MW w tym okresie były to głównie prace związane z pomiarami i analizami hydroakustycznych pól okrętów wraz z aplikacjami technicznymi tych analiz oraz aplikacje...
Role of inner-city brownfields in urban development of european cities - example of Gdańsk Music and Congress Centre
PublicationPołożone w bliskim sąsiedztwie śródmieść tereny poprzemysłowe odgrywają w miastach europejskich ważną rolę w przekształceniach struktur miejskich. Kształtowane na posiadających bardzo silną tożsamość terenach wielofunkcyjne, przestrzenie publiczne przyczyniają się do zatrzymania w centrum miast jego mieszkańców i przeciwdziałają ich ucieczce na obrzeża. Wyżej wspomniane kulturowe i historyczne dziedzictwo, jak i genius loci obecny...
Children’s Astronomy. Development of the Shape of the Earth Concept in Polish Children between 5 and 10 Years of Age
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Effect of printing direction on fatigue response and damage development in additive manufactured Haynes 282 nickel superalloy
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Fatigue Damage Development in 14MoV6-3 Steel for Power Plant Pipes Monitored by Digital Image Correlation
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The development of speech in early childhood in children from twin pregnancies with twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
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Targeted metabolomics in bladder cancer: From analytical methods development and validation towards application to clinical samples
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Effect of high temperature exposure on the fatigue damage development of X10CrMoVNb9-1 steel for power plant pipes
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Method development and validation for optimized separation of the major polyphenolics in propolis extracts using GC-MS method
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Euroregion as an Entity Stimulating the Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services in a City Divided by a Border
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Editorial: Towards 2030: sustainable development goal 8: decent work and economic growth. A sociological perspective
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Euroregion as an Entity Stimulating the Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services in a City Divided by a Border
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Host related differences in the development and reproduction of the cereal rust mite,Abacarus hystrix(Acari: Eriophyidae) in poland
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Electronics and telecommunications in Poland, issues and perspectives: Part III. Innovativeness, applications, economy, development scenarios, politics
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Ultimate Development Of Hybrid Extrusion, Multicrucible And Multirod-In-Tube Technologies Of Tailored /Special Purpose/ Optical Fibres
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<title>TESLA cavity modeling and digital implementation with FPGA technology solution for control system development</title>
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MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE 4 impacts leaf development, temperature, and stomatal movement in hybrid aspen
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Noise level arrangement in determined zones of homogenous development of green areas on the example of the spa park in Inowrocław
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Application of 3D Digital Image Correlation for Development and Validation of FEM Model of Self-Supporting Arch Structures
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Innovations and Other Processes as Identifiers of Contemporary Trends in the Sustainable Development of SMEs: The Case of Emerging Regional Economies
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Development of an Oxide Layer on Al 6061 Using Plasma Arc Electrolytic Oxidation in Silicate-Based Electrolyte
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Development, Characterization, and Bioactivity of Non-Dairy Kefir-Like Fermented Beverage Based on Flaxseed Oil Cake
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Long-Term Correlations between the Development of Rail Transport and the Economic Growth of the German Reich (1872-1913)
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The development of an indirect ELISA for the detection of goose parvovirus antibodies using specific VP3 subunits as the coating antigen
PublicationIn Poland, the leader in goose production in Europe, goose parovirus infection, or Derzsy’s disease (DD), must be reported to the veterinary administration due to the serious economic and epizootic threat to waterfowl production. Prophylactic treatment for DD includes attenuated live or inactivated vaccines. Moreover, the control of DD includes the monitoring of maternal derived antibody (MDA) levels in the offspring and antibody...
Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...
Development of an emulation platform for synchronous machine power generation system using a nonlinear functional level model
PublicationThe article presents the Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) approach for an autonomous power system analysis based on the synchronous generator model incorporating magnetic saturation effects. The model was prepared in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and then compiled into the C language for the PHIL platform implementation. The 150 kVA bidirectional DC/AC commercial-grade converter was used to emulate the synchronous generator....
Identification of High-Value Dataset determinants: is there a silver bullet for efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven development?
PublicationOpen Government Data (OGD) are seen as one of the trends that has the potential to benefit the economy, improve the quality, efficiency, and transparency of public administration, and change the lives of citizens, and the society as a whole facilitating efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven services. However, the quick achievement of these benefits is closely related to the “value” of the OGD, i.e., how useful, and reusable...
Photo-elastic and DIC techniques to study development of dilatant and compaction shear bands within granular materials
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki doświadczalne w odniesieniu do rozwoju stref ścinania w materiałach granulowanych. Wyniki stref ścinania otrzymano stosując metodę foto-sprężystą oraz technikę korelacji cyfrowych obrazów DIC. Pokazano zalety i wady obu metod to wykrywania stref scinania.
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2017
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2017. The survey was conducted in 2019, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1594 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2016
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2016. The survey was conducted in 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1947 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2015
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2015. The survey was conducted in 2017, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2553 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2018. The survey was conducted in 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 727 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2013.
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2013. The survey was conducted in 2015, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1777 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' qualifications development - the year 2014
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ qualifications development. The research refers to graduates from the year 2014. The survey was conducted in 2016, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2004 respondents. The study referred to as i.a. to examine...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 3/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in the form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with various annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/22/23
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 1/22/23
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 4/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 1/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using various combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and basins,...