Search results for: au,pd, tio2
Gas‐Phase Removal of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Airborne Microorganisms Over Mono‐ and Bimetal‐Modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanocomposites
PublicationThe photocatalytic deactivation of volatile organic compounds and mold fungi using TiO2 modified with mono‐ and bimetallic (Pt, Cu, Ag) particles is reported in this study. The mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) titanium(IV) oxide photocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction method and characterized using XRD, XPS, DR/UV‐Vis, BET and TEM analysis. The effect of incident light, type and content of mono‐ and bimetallic...
Photocatalysts for Solar Energy Conversion
PublicationPhotocatalytic oxidation over suspended solid photocatalysts (e.g., titanium dioxide) has been proposed as a sustainable process for treatment and purification of water and wastewater as well as the process for photoconversion of solar energy to hydrogen, methane, and other low hydrocarbons. Solar radiation could be used to drive heterogeneous electrochemical reactions at the surface of an optically active photocatalyst (e.g.,...
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublicationIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
Novel nitrogen precursors for electrochemically driven doping of titania nanotubes exhibiting enhanced photoactivity
PublicationNitrogen doped titania nanotubes were successfully sensitized by electrochemical method, i.e. as-anodized titania was immersed in different amine (diethyleneamine-DETA, triethyleneamine-TEA, ethylenediamine-EDA) and urea (U) solution and a constant potential was applied. The highly ordered morphology of fabricated N-TiO2 was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. Spectroscopic techniques, i.e. UV-Vis spectroscopy,...
Preparatyka i badania katalizatorów tytanowych w świetle widzialnym
PublicationGłównym celem pracy było otrzymanie nowego katalizatora tytanowego, fotoaktywnego w świetle widzialnym. Prace badawcze obejmowały preparatykę, charakterystykę oraz ocenę fotoaktywności w świetle widzialnym i nadfioletowym próbek domieszkowanego TiO2. Właściwości fotokatalityczne otrzymanych katalizatorów byłybadane w degradacji wybranych zanieczyszczeń modelowychw napowietrzanej fazie wodnej. Określono wpływ temperatury kalcynacji...
Characterization and Technical Application of Fine Photocatalytical Particles - A Study of the Immobilization of Photocatalysts
PublicationThe main aim of this dissertation was the transfer of photocatalytical laboratory scale experiments to semi-technical scale. Preliminary experiments of the purification of organic chlorine-loaded waters and the immobilization of photocatalysts were performed, which yielded the research back to the roots of synthesis. The first applied research was carried out on treatment of recreational water. Several light sources, particularly...
Excited states of mono- and biruthenium(II) complexes adsorbed on nanocrystalline titanium dioxide studied by electroabsorption spectroscopy
PublicationComprehensive characterization of the lowest energy electronic excited states for mono- and binuclear Ru(II) complexes containing bipyridine ligands has been performed by electroabsorption (EA) spectroscopy. The EA spectra of Ru complexes sensitizing a TiO2 semiconductor were compared with the spectra of these complexes in the form of solid neat films, both of which parametrized within the Liptay theory. The extracted values of...
Depth profile of the gold-silver bimetallic structures
Open Research DataSilver and gold bimetallic layers were deposited on a silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering method. Both, Au and Ag layers had 3 nm of thickness. That prepared nanostructures were measured by XPS method. To obtain a depth profile of chemical composition, an Argon ion (Ar+) gun was used for etching surface of sample. Each cycle of etching takes 30...
Ethylene photocatalytic decomposition in high temperature reaction chamber
Open Research DataData contain data logs of measurements performed on High Temperature Chamber "The Praying Mantis" coupled with SRI 8010 gas chromatograph. Measurement was performed for TiO2 irradiated by UV and under flowing of ethylene gas diluted in air and with the use of elevated temperature.
Comprehensive study on graphene hydrogels and aerogels synthesis and their ability of gold nanoparticles adsorption
PublicationGraphene hydrogels were prepared by ascorbic acid-assisted gelation of graphene oxide (GO) aqueous suspensions both in acidic and basic conditions. Different mass ratio of ascorbic acid (AA) to GO was used (namely 20:1 and 10:1). In order to eliminate the influence of AA on the final structure of hydrogels, samples without AA were prepared by a hydrothermal gelation of GO in an autoclave. An in-depth structural characterization...
Internal friction in FePd alloy during ordering
PublicationStwierdzono występowanie wysokiego poziomu tarcia wewnętrznego w zahartowanym stopie FePd (50% at. Pd). Zbadano proces uporządkowania atomowego w korelacji ze zmianami tarcia wewnętrznego defektu modułu i relaksacji magnetycznej stopu porządkującego się podczas nagrzewania do 900 K. Zaobserwowano efekt prędkości nagrzewania na punkt Curie.
Sterowanie procesem destylacji z wykorzystaniem regulatorów rozmytych
PublicationProces destylacji jest popularnym przemysłowym sposobem rozdziału ciekłych mieszanin wieloskładnikowych. W artykule rozważana jest mieszanina etanol-woda, będąca powszechnie destylowanym produktem. Celem artykułu jest zaprojektowanie i symulacyjna analiza działania trzech układów sterowania kolumną rektyfikacyjną z wykorzystaniem rozmytych regulatorów: P, PD i PI.
Properties of electrodes modified with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and Pt particles-part II.
PublicationWłaściwości elektrokatalityczne elektrody Au/PEDT,PSS/Pt w reakcji utleniania kwasu mrówkowego, metanolu i etanolu określono za pomocą metody cyklowoltamperometrycznej i chronoamperometrycznej. Osiągnięto przyśpieszenie utleniania anodowego badanych reakcji. Ponadto ilościowe charakterystyki procesów wyznaczone metodą woltamperometryczną różnią się od charakterystyk przeprowadzonych metodą chronoamperometryczną.
A facile method for Tauc exponent and corresponding electronic transitions determination in semiconductors directly from UV–Vis spectroscopy data
PublicationIn this work, a facile method allowing for estimation of the exponent in the Tauc equation directly from the UV–vis spectra is presented. It is based on the Taylor expansion of the logarithmic version of the Tauc equation. The Tauc exponent is calculated from the tangent slope of the absorption data. Knowledge of this coefficient provides information about the optical transition types and is used as an input for the calculations...
Crystal structure and physical properties of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr)
PublicationWe report the discovery of two new compounds AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) crystallized in different hexagonal structures. Single crystals of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) are obtained using the Bi-flux method. Crystallographic analysis by both powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction shows that CaPd1-xP1+x crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure with the space group P-6m2 (No.187) and lattice parameters a = b = 4.0391(9)...
Cathodic Activation of Titania-Fly Ash Cenospheres for Efficient Electrochemical Hydrogen Production: A Proposed Solution to Treat Fly Ash Waste
PublicationFly ash (FA) is a waste product generated in huge amounts by coal-fired electric and steam-generating plants. As a result, the use of FA alone or in conjunction with other materials is an intriguing study topic worth exploring. Herein, we used FA waste in conjunction with titanium oxide (TiO2) to create (FA-TiO2) nanocomposites. For the first time, a cathodic polarization pre-treatment regime was applied to such nanocomposites...
Photochemical degradation of pollutants in aqueous phase
PublicationTlenek tytanu (IV) wykorzystywany jest jako fotokatalizator służący oczyszczaniu wody i powietrza z wykorzystaniem tzw. powierzchni samoczyszczających się. Zastosowanie fotodegradacji w obecności TiO2 uzasadnione jest przede wszystkim do usuwania substancji toksycznych i/lub trwałych i jednocześnie występujących w małych stężeniach oraz jeżeli w procesie fotodegradacji można wykorzystać promieniowanie słoneczne. Wyniki badań wskazują,...
Exhaled breath gas sensing using pristine and functionalized WO3 nanowire sensors enhanced by UV-light irradiation
PublicationThe development of advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor sensing technologies for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in exhaled breath is of great importance for non-invasive, cheap and fast medical diagnostics. Our experimental studies investigate the effects of operating temperature selection and UV-light irradiation on improving the response of WO3 nanowire sensors towards exhaled breath exposure. Herein,...
Mono- and bi-metallic plasmonic photocatalysts for degradation of organic compounds under UV and visible light irradiation
PublicationTitania powders were surface modified with gold and/or silver nanoparticles (NPs) by photodeposition method. Gold modified titania exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity during methanol dehydrogenation under UV irradiation than titania modified with monometallic silver and bimetallic Au–Ag NPs. Bimetallic photocatalysts exhibited either enhanced or reduced visible light activity, depending on properties of noble metal NPs,...
Conducting Polymer Microelectrodes Anchored to Hydrogel Films
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje wytwarzanie organicznych hydrożeli z mikroelektrodami poli(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene, PEDOT), które wykazują obniżoną rezystywność 100 Ω/□. Proces przygotowania rozpoczyna się elektroosadzania przewodzącego PEDOT (ok. 20 S/cm) na mikroelektrodach Pt. Elektrolityczne wiąże się film PEDOT z hydrożelem. Tak wytworzona struktura jest odrywana elektrycznie pd podłoża.
Group 11 complexes with a phosphanylphosphaalkene ligand: preparation and stability study
PublicationThe reactivities of two selected phosphanylphosphaalkenes, Ph2C=P-PtBu2 (1a) and (p-MeO-Ph)2C=P-PtBu2 (1b), toward CuCl, AgCl and (tht)AuCl (tht = tetrahydrothiophene) were investigated. As a result, new phosphanylphosphaalkene dimeric and monomeric complexes were formed (Cu and Ag dimeric and Au monomeric). All obtained products were air and moisture stable and light insensitive.
Collaboration between a proportional-derivative and a model-based controllers in case of a variable mass redundantly articulated manipulators
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki analizy numerycznej dynamiki złożonego układu mechatroniczego. Częścią mechaniczną analizowanego układu jest manipulator sterowany nadmiarowo. Rozważania ograniczono do analizy płaskiego manipulatora równoległego. Część sterująca to układ sterowania (regulacji) z modelem. Analizowane zadanie polega na wymuszeniu ruchu wzdłuż zadanej trajektorii. Problemy związane ze sterowaniem prowadzą nas do pierwszego...
Badania eksperymentalne kąta zwilżania nanocieczy
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu rodzaju i koncentracji nanocząsetek Al2O3, TiO2, Cu oraz rodzaju podłoża na wartość kąta zwilżania nanocieczy woda-Al2O3, woda-TiO2 oraz woda-Cu na podłożu stalowym, aluminiowym i szklanym. Badano nanociecze o trzech koncentracjach masowych nanocząstek: 0,01%, 0,1% oraz 1%. Jako ciecz bazową zastosowano wodę destylowaną.
Detailed Insight into Photocatalytic Inactivation of Pathogenic Bacteria in the Presence of Visible-Light-Active Multicomponent Photocatalysts
PublicationThe use of heterogeneous photocatalysis in biologically contaminated water purification processes still requires the development of materials active in visible light, preferably in the form of thin films. Herein, we report nanotube structures made of TiO2/Ag2O/Au0, TiO2/Ag2O/PtOx, TiO2/Cu2O/Au0, and TiO2/Cu2O/PtOx obtained via one-step anodic oxidation of the titanium-based alloys (Ti94Ag5Au1, Ti94Cu5Pt1, Ti94Cu5Au1, and Ti94Ag5Pt1)...
New trifunctional acrylic water-based paint with self-cleaning, biocidal and magnetic properties
PublicationIn the present study, we report the synthesis and application of ZnFe2O4/SiO2-TiO2 nanocomposites with nonstoichiometric content of Fe to Zn used for the first time for the preparation of new generation trifunctional paints with self-cleaning, biocidal and magnetic properties. Currently, there are no compositions on the market for obtaining protective coatings in the form of paint, which simultaneously exhibit biocidal, magnetic...
Chapter 9. Sustainable development and heterogeneous photocatalysis
PublicationTlenek tytanu(IV) jest efektywnym fotokatalizatorem w procesach usuwania zanieczyszczeń z fazy wodnej i gazowej, fotokonwersji CO2 oraz generowania H2. TiO2 wykazuje wysoką stabilność i reaktywność pod wpływem promieniowania UV, którego energia jest wyższa od szerokości pasma wzbronionego anatazu (3,3 eV). W artykule omówiono mechanizm reakcji w obecności TiO2, obecne oraz potencjalne możliwości zastosowania.
Patrycja Szumała dr hab. inż.
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Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna with an Integrated Noise-Rejecting Parasitic Notch Filter for Online Partial Discharge Detection
PublicationPower transformers and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) play crucial roles in electrical power grids. However, they may suffer from degradation of insulation material due to wear and tear, leading to their imminent failure. Partial discharges (PDs) are an initial sign of insulation materials degradation which emit signals spanning various physical domains, including electromagnetic. PDs are temporally narrow, high-frequency, stochastic...
Gold(III) complexes with chloride and cyanopyridines: Facilitated hydrolysis of nitrile ligand to amide and antibacterial activity
PublicationA range of novel simple gold(III) compounds has been synthesized in their monocrystalline form, including two previously unknown chloro-complexes of Au3+ with 2-cyanopyridine or 3-cyanopyridine, respectively. Our investigations have revealed the intricate nature of the reaction between 2-cyanopyridine and tetrachloroauric acid, yielding at least three distinct products. The main product, obtained in high yield, is a salt featuring...
The computational methods in the development of a novel multianalyte calibration technique for potentiometric integrated sensors systems
PublicationIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in small volume samples. One of the key problems related to the preparation of potentiometric integrated sensors systems (PISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim...
Highly stable organic–inorganic junction composed of hydrogenated titania nanotubes infiltrated by a conducting polymer
PublicationA poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) conducting polymer doped with poly(2-styrene sulfonate) (pEDOT:PSS) was efficiently electrodeposited on a layer composed of ordered titania nanotubes. TiO2 nanotubes were formed during an anodization process and, after calcinations, a layer was subjected to hydrogen plasma. Hydrogenation leads to Ti(III) formation, a decrease in resistance, and a huge increase of donor density when compared with...
Photophysics of a Ruthenium 4H-Imidazole Panchromatic Dye in Interaction with Titanium Dioxide
PublicationThe photophysics of bis(4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine-κ2N,N′)[2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(p-tolylimino-κN)imidazolato]ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate is investigated, both in solution and attached to a nanocrystalline TiO2 film. The studied substitution pattern of the 4H-imidazole ligand is observed to block a photoinduced structural reorganization pathway within the 4H-imidazole ligand that has been previously investigated....
Modification of titanium dioxide with platinum ions and clusters: application in photocatalysis
PublicationW celu polepszenia właściwości fotokatalitycznych, TiO2 (komercyjny-P25 oraz syntezowany metoda zol-żel) był domieszkowany za pomocą jonów lub klasterów [Pt3(CO)6]62- platyny. Własności fizyczne fotokatalizatorów były badane za pomocą elektronowego mikroskopu transmisyjnego (TEM), dyfraktometru rentgenowskiego (XRD) oraz analizatora powierzchni właściwej (BET). Dyfuzyjna spektrometria odbiciowa (DRS) została zastosowana w celu...
Low-Coherence Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors with Potential Applications as Biosensors
PublicationFiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometers (FPI) can be applied as optical sensors, and excellent measurement sensitivity can be obtained by fine-tuning the interferometer design. In this work, we evaluate the ability of selected dielectric thin films to optimize the reflectivity of the Fabry-Pérot cavity. The spectral reflectance and transmittance of dielectric films made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with...
Low-Coherence Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors with Potential Applications as Biosensors
PublicationFiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometers (FPI) can be applied as optical sensors, and excellent measurement sensitivity can be obtained by fine-tuning the interferometer design. In this work, we evaluate the ability of selected dielectric thin films to optimize the reflectivity of the Fabry-Pérot cavity. The spectral reflectance and transmittance of dielectric films made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with...
Mono- and bimetallic (Pt/Cu) titanium(IV) oxide core–shell photocatalysts with UV/Vis light activity and magnetic separability
PublicationTitanium(IV) oxide is one of the most widely investigated photocatalysts. However, separation of nano-sized particulate titania might result in profitless technologies for commercial applications. Additionally, bare titania is almost inactive under the Vis range of solar spectrum due to its wide bandgap. Therefore, the present study aims to prepare novel coreinterlayer- shell TiO2 magnetic photocatalysts modified with metal nanoparticles...
Nowy algorytmy działania automatyki odciążającej w Krajowym Systemie Elektroenergetycznym.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono nowy algorytm automatyki odciążającej oparty na elementach logiki rozmytej. Zastosowanie układu Rozmytej Adaptacyjnej Automatyki Odciążającej (RAAO) umożliwia znaczną poprawę zarówno skuteczności jak i jakości procesu odciążania. W referacie zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki badań symu-lacyjnych weryfikujących skuteczność działania zaproponowanego algorytmu. Otrzy-mane wyniki porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi...
Tuning of photocatalytic activity by creating a tridentate coordination sphere for palladium
PublicationThe synthesis and characterisation of an asymmetric potential bridging ligand bmptpphz (bmptpphz = 2,17-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2’,3’-c:3’’,2’’-h:2’’’,3’’’-j] phenazine) is presented. This ligand contains a 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and a 2,9-disubstituted phen sphere and possesses a strong absorbance in the visible. Facile coordination of the phen sphere to a Ru(tbbpy)2 core leads to Ru(bmptpphz) ([(tbbpy)2Ru(bmptpphz)](PF6)2;...
Fabrication of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Supported on Zinc Imidazolate Metal–Organic Frameworks as Active Catalysts for Hydrogen Release from Ammonia Borane
PublicationWell-dispersed Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs) have been immobilized on a zinc imidazolate metal−organic framework, Zn(mim), using the “one-pot” method and tested as catalysts in ammonia borane hydrolysis. The AuNPs@Zn(mim) and AgNPs@Zn(mim) materials were characterized by FTIR, XRD, ICP-OES, TGA, BET, SEM, and TEM. The AgNPs@Zn(mim) catalyst showed a high yield (98.5%) and high hydrogen generation rate (3352.71 mL min−1 gAg−1) in...
Texture or Linker? Competitive Patterning of Receptor Assembly toward Ultra-Sensitive Impedimetric Detection of Viral Species at Gold-Nanotextured Titanium Surfaces
PublicationIn this work, we study the electrodes with a periodic matrix of gold particles pattered by titanium dimples and modified by 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) followed by CD147 receptor grafting for specific impedimetric detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral spike proteins. The synergistic DFT and MM/MD modeling revealed that MPA adsorption geometries on the Au–Ti surface have preferential and stronger binding patterns through the carboxyl...
Photocatalytical degradation of toluene and cyclohexane using LED illumination
PublicationA sol-gel process followed by hydrothermal reaction was used to prepare coupled WO3-TiO2 photocatalysts with varying amounts of WO3 in respect to TiO2 (3 mol% and 5 mol% respectively). Additionally, photocatalysts have been subjected to different calcination temperatures of 400ºC and 800ºC, which allowed us to compare how these affect photodegradation efficiency. Photocatalysts were characterized under a scanning electron microscope,...
Nanotubular Titanium Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity
PublicationThe present paper describes the techniques to improve the bioactivity of titanium and enhance the bone-implant bonding ability by the electrochemical anodization to fabricate titania nanotube arrays (TiO2).
Modulation of dielectric properties in low-loss polypropylene-based composites at GHz frequencies: theory and experiment
PublicationPolymer composites with high dielectric constant and low loss tangent are highly regarded as substrates for modern high-speed electronics. In this work, we analyze the high-frequency dielectric properties of two types of composites based on polypropylene infused with high-dielectric-constant microparticles. Two types of fillers are used: commercial ceramics or titanium oxide ( TiO2) with different concentrations. The key observation...
AUMEIS Electrochemical Au-Minecraft: a new approach towards the impedimetric biosensing system
ProjectsProject realized in Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering according to UMO-2020/37/B/ST7/03262 agreement from 2021-01-26
Formaldehyde detection with chemical gas sensors based on WO3 nanowires decorated with metal nanoparticles under dark conditions and UV light irradiation
PublicationWe report results of formaldehyde gas (CH2O) detection under dark conditions and UV light irradiation with pristine tungsten trioxide nanowires (WO3 NWs) and metal nanoparticles decorated WO3 NWs gas sensing layers. The resistive layers were deposited by one step aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD) on commercial alumina substrates with 10-pair interdigitated platinum electrodes. The elaborated gas sensors, based...
Construction and investigation of SO2 amperometric sensor with a solid polymer electrolyte membrane
Publicationn this paper a sensor for detection of the sulphur dioxide based on three electrode cell configuration with a liquid electrolyte, a mercury sulphate reference electrode and a solid polymer electrolyte working electrode is presented. Working elec- trode was obtained by using Takenaka-Torikai chemical deposi- tion method by precipitation of Au particles into the pores of the Nafion membrane. Sensors characteristics measurements were...
Concentration-Dependent Fluorescence Properties of Rhodamine 6G in Titanium Dioxide and Silicon Dioxide Nanolayers
PublicationWytworzono cienkie warstwy zawierające rodaminę 6G w dwutlenku tytanu (R6G/TiO2) i w dwutlenku krzemu (R6G/SiO2) stosując metodę zol-żel. Badane były dwa rodzaje matryc, w których domieszkowano barwnik rodamina 6G (R6G) o różnych koncentracjach. Został stwierdzony istotny wpływ koncentracji barwnika na widma absorpcji i emisji oraz na czasowo rozdzielone widma fluorescencji. W szczególności stwierdzono znacznie mniejszą zdolność...
Nitrofurazone Removal from Water Enhanced by Coupling Photocatalysis and Biodegradation
Publication(1) Background: Environmental contamination with antibiotics is particularly serious because the usual methods used in wastewater treatment plants turn out to be insufficient or ineffective. An interesting idea is to support natural biodegradation processes with physicochemical methods as well as with bioaugmentation with efficient microbial degraders. Hence, the aim of our study is evaluation of the effectiveness of different...
XRD for molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of XRD analysis conducted on molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles . The MoS2 was prepared on the TiO2 nanotube substrates via a facile hydrothermal method, followed by the deposition by magnetron sputtering of Ni or Pt nanoparticles on the MoS2 surface. Structural characterization...
Sposób otrzymywania proszku TiO2 domieszkowanego azotem