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Search results for: urban systems
Space syntax analysis - methodology of understanding the space
PublicationNowadays space is considered as a net of connections between different areas. The questions how to delineate its character and how it is possible to objectively compare two spaces is the matter under consideration. This was the reason for creating new theories about the structure of place. "Space syntax analysis" (SSA) or simply "Space Syntax" defines a number of theories and research areas devoted to the analysis of space configuration....
Unveiling the Green Mirage: Unearthing Weaknesses in Pro-Environmental Applications
PublicationGrowing ecological concerns and a general shift towards tailored digitized solutions in cities lead to an increased popularity of pro ecological applications, especially those associated with transport-oriented functionalities. This research focuses on the results from a testbed of a pro-environmental application deployment among early adopters. Based on quantitative and cartographic analysis enriched with interviews’ results,...
Performance of Noise Map Service Working in Cloud Computing Environment
PublicationIn the paper a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise subject is presented. It is based on cloud computing. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in cloud computing environment. In the study issues related to noise modeling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a special focus on road noise. Examples of results obtained...
PublicationAerodynamic phenomena that occurs around building developments exert a significant impact on the quality of climate in cities. Environmental wind engineering is a dynamically developing field of knowledge that offers a chance to study and, in consequence, regulates the air flow around buildings and complexes of building developments. The following paper discusses the issue of wind conditions that may be experienced on pedestrian...
Virtual reality technology in architectural education
PublicationContemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublicationIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
The resilient city in architectural engineering education: a joint design studio between Gdańsk and Chalmers universities of technology
PublicationChallenges to society, such as those posed by climate change require a new approach to the education of the engineer-architect. Contemporary solutions should serve future generations and that is why the idea of the resilient city should be discussed and implemented, both in theory and in practice. It is necessary to teach students to design urban structures in such a way that they are resilient to dynamically changing conditions....
Mapping negative unintended consequences of disruptive technologies use in smart cities
PublicationSmart cities governance (SCG) consists of both to foster technology-enabled innovation, and to utilize disruptive technologies (DT) outcomes and impacts to increase public value of urban services. Despite widespread discussion of DT benefits, scientific literature identifies multiple determinants of unintended negative consequences (UC) of DT deployment in smart city initiatives. By considering UC as the negative aspects resulting...
Dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDespite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...
Design and implementation of an illumination system to mimic skyglow at ecosystem level in a large‐scale lake enclosure facility
PublicationLight pollution is an environmental stressor of global extent that is growing exponentially in area and intensity. Artificial skyglow, a form of light pollution with large range, is hypothesized to have environmental impact at ecosystem level. However, testing the impact of skyglow at large scales and in a controlled fashion under in situ conditions has remained elusive so far. Here we present the first experimental setup to mimic...
Application of Multinomial Logistic Regression to Model the Impact of Rainfall Genesis on the Performance of Storm Overflows: Case Study
PublicationIn this study, a mathematical model was proposed to analyze the performance of storm overfows. The model included the infuence of rainfall genesis on the duration of storm overfow, its volume, and the maximum instantaneous fow. The multinomial logistic regression model, which has not been used so far to model objects located in a stormwater system, was proposed to simulate the duration of storm overfow. The Iman–Conover method,...
DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Open Research DataInvestigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
PublicationThis paper summarises the results of the research carried out at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia, during the PhD visiting period of the first author from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in the framework of the PhD course "Sensitive urban places", leaded by the second author. Focusing to the specific problems of the Gdansk Osowa district in Poland, this research develops the idea of sensitivity...
Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
PublicationThe interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...
Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy
PublicationIn many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...
Natura i dziedzictwo – Cele Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (SDG) jako czynniki integracji społecznej w przestrzeniach osiedli mieszkaniowych. Studium Zaspy./ Nature and heritage – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as factors of social integration in the space of housing estates. Study of Zaspa
PublicationThis article introduces the topic of revitalising outdoor common spaces in existing housing developments. The aim of the research is to present universal design models by analysing nature and heritage as dominant values, complementing perceived natural and cultural deficiencies. For this purpose, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), UNESCO (UNESCO, 2015) and the Research Through Design (RTD) method were used. The Zaspa housing...
The green waterfront of a city. Where are the limits of good planning? Gdansk case
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the role of green public areas of waterfronts in shaping the image of cities, and the threats to such landscape which may be caused by wrong planning decisions. The case study of Gdansk sea-shore area in Poland is presented as an example to illustrate the values and potential of the waterfront landscape which can be easily destroyed by inadequate spatial development. Some theoretical studies...
Various cases of preservation and adaptive reuse Heritage Buildings in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThe port of Gdynia contains a diverse range of heritage assets, starting with its spatial layout which is an urban concept designed in the first half of the 1920s. It is important to point out, this historically-shaped harbor space is preserved in its general idea and still functioning in port activities. Another significant element is the structural, technological solution which was the basis for constructing the entire port area...
Practical Eco-Driving Strategy for Suburban Electric Multiple Unit
PublicationIn this paper, a practical approach to velocity profile optimization for electric multiple unit was presented. The study focuses on a case of fast urban railway, which is a popular mean of transport across Tricity, Poland. Based on observations and measurements, a potential for improvement of energy efficiency by modifying the speed profile was recognized. In order to conduct necessary calculations, simulation model of railway...
Analysis of Induced Voltages and Power Losses in High Voltage Power Cables for Selected Methods of Cables Sheaths Bonding
PublicationPower is increasingly supplied to city centres with 110 kV cable lines. This is a convenient way to supply power, and practically the only one possible in areas of dense urban development. A high-voltage cable contains a coaxial metallic sheath, in which in normal operation and in fault conditions (during short-circuits) significant line-to-earth voltages can be induced, which threatens electric shock and/or damage to the cable’s...
Architektura pomników poświęconych ofiarom ataków terrorystycznych jako kontynuacja realizacji komemoratywnych kształtowanych w postpamięci
Publicationarchitecture of Memorials Dedicated to the Victims of terrorist attacks as a continuation of commemorative Structures created within Post-memory Having the rich art of commemorating events of the Second World War as a key reference, this article will try to show how contemporary architectural interven- tions in public space make attempts to respond to the social need of dealing with traumatic events and formulating a new attitude...
PublicationProblem suburbanizacji jest wciąż aktualny w analizach rozwoju miast. Przybiera często formy spontanicznego rozlewania się miast (urban sprawl). Badacze tego problemu skupiają się przeważnie na rozwoju funkcji mieszkaniowej w strefach podmiejskich. Specyficzny charakter polskiego procesu suburbanizacji polega na równoległym rozwoju klasycznej suburbanizacji osiedleńczej oraz rozwoju mikro- oraz małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw....
PublicationPoland is at the beginning of the revitalization process, which started in 2015, when the legal framework had been provided. The revitalization process, understood as an innovative change that is based on four equally important aspects – the social, the economic, the infrastructural and the ecological ones, has been facing an important barrier in Poland. After over two decades of constant modernization, public involvement in planning...
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy procesu żywiołowej suburbanizcji (urban sprawl) w Polsce. Jego celami są: (1) analiza powiązań między negatywnymi skutkami tego procesu, (2) prezentacja negatywnych skutków dla transportu i zużycia energii oraz ładu przestrzennego, (3) analiza sposobów przeciwdziałania negatywnym procesom, w tym uwarunkowań (w szczególności ograniczeń) stosowania tych sposobów i ich skuteczności. Jako metody zastosowano: obserwację,...
Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies
PublicationThe current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...
How to provide fair service for V2I communications in VANETs?
PublicationIn this paper, we focus on fairness issues of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. In particular, we show that under a common technique of selection of RSUs by OBUs based on the received signal strength, a vast variability of a number of OBUs connected to RSUs can be observed leading to inefficient/unfair service provided by RSUs. To overcome this problem, we propose an algorithm for RSU selection called RSEL to obtain...
New First - Path Detector for LTE Positioning Reference Signals
PublicationIn today's world, where positioning applications reached a huge popularity and became virtually ubiquitous, there is a strong need for determining a device location as accurately as possible. A particularly important role in positioning play cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). In the LTE Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning method, precision of device location estimation depends on accuracy...
PublicationThe article expresses an idea of the privileged role of universities in the process of shaping the new culture for urban mobility. Mobility management of the academic community is adopted in order to indirectly influence a wider group of the population. The aim of the study was to investigate the situation at the Polish universities and the willingness of their authorities to implement integrated tools to manage the transportation...
Artificial intelligence in architectural education - green campus development research
PublicationThe rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced new possibilities and challenges in design education. This article explores the need for changes and adaptations in the teaching process of design as AI-related technologies, based on image generation, transform the creative process and offer novel opportunities. In a research-by-design studio in an architectural faculty in Poland, students who utilised...
Digital data and tools in transformative education to preserve architecture and cultural heritage: case studies from Italy and Poland
PublicationIn this article, the authors present the findings and results of a recent study focused on various collaborative activities mostly between Italy and Poland, and digital teaching platforms aimed at educating future architects. These architects are envisioned as curators of digital data and experts in using digital tools in the field of architecture and architectural heritage. The investigation had two main objectives. Firstly, it...
PublicationThe paper presents the multi-criteria approach in the design process of residential structure as a part of a multifunctional building system. The purpose of work was to broaden the field of multifunctional building system design process. Background for the presented work is to define the direction of architectural growth of the modern city center area where actually are built complex and large capacity structures with a great impact...
Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism
PublicationWater is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...
Estimation of Vehicle Energy Consumption at Intersections Using Microscopic Traffic Models
PublicationThis paper addresses issues related to modeling energy consumption and emissions using microscopic traffic simulations. This paper develops a method in which a traffic model is used to calculate the energy needed to travel through selected types of intersections. This paper focuses on energy consumption and derived values of calculated energy, which can be, for example, carbon dioxide emissions. The authors present a review of...
Wykorzystanie technologii internetowych w kształceniu - oferta Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono ofertę szkoleń CEN PG oraz możliwości jej wykorzystania na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej w studiach doktoranckich i podyplomowych, które zostaną uruchomione w ramach V Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej, Centra Doskonałości (projekt CURE - Centre for Urban Construction and Rehabilitation: Technology Transfer, Research and Education). Zaprezentowano model nauczania zintegrowanego, który łączy różne formy...
Internet technology in education - offer of Gdansk University of Technology.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono ofertę szkoleń Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz możliwości jej wykorzystania na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej w studiach doktoranckich i podyplomowych, które zostaną uruchomione w ramach V Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej, Centra Doskonałości (projekt CURE - Centre for Urban Construction and Rehabilitation: Technology Transfer, Research and Education). Zaprezentowano model nauczania...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / BedZED, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Seestadt Aspern, Vienna, Austria
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Hammarby-Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden.
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma (formerly Spacemaker) / Battersea Power Station Development, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Brunnshög district in Lund, Sweden
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Västra Hamnen, Malmö, Sweden.
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Pilestredet Park, Oslo, Norway.
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / King’s Cross, London, UK.
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Oceanhamnen, Helsingborg, Sweden
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / ZAC de Bonne, Grenoble, France
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / La Courrouze district in Rennes, France
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Garnizon district in Gdansk, Poland
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Człowiek i jego samochód - relacje w strukturach mieszkaniowych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zapis refleksji
PublicationJakość środowiska zbudowanego - przekształcanego i tworzonego dla coraz liczniejszych pokoleń mieszkańców jest przedmiotem wieloletniej i narastającej dyskusji zawodowej środowiska architektonicznego.Ludzka potrzeba samorealizacji poprzez codzienną aktywność, działalność zawodową, przyjmowane role społeczne wpływa na kształtowanie indywidualnych modeli codzienności miejskiej, na decyzje o wyborach miejsca zamieszkania, miejsca...
PublicationThis paper addresses dynamic planning and analysis of earthquake disaster relief work by analysis the disaster throughout the technical and procedural method. And combine this analysis as continues assessment for better input to investigating planning disaster for discontinuous economic growth. This implemented, considering the vulnerability and hazard analysis as a procedural analysis disaster to estimating acceptance risk leveling...
Optimization of hydrodynamic vortex separator for removal of sand particles from storm water by computational fluid dynamics
PublicationStorm water treatment has been gradually acknowledged for the removal of pollutants from urban areas using the hydro cyclone separation technique. The separation efficiency of the hydrodynamic vortex separator (HDVS) is a complex phenomenon. With the aim enhance the separation potency of HDVS for storm runoff to get rid of sand particles, the HDVS with different structural configurations was studied by computational fluid dynamics....