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Search results for: DATA PRE-PROCESSING
Model of an Integration Bus of Data and Ontologies of Smart Cities Processes
PublicationThis paper presents a model of an integration bus used in the design of Smart Cities system architectures. The model of such a bus becomes necessary when designing high-level architectures, within which the silo processes of the organization should be seen from the perspective of its ontology. For such a bus to be used by any city, a generic solution was proposed which can be implemented as a whole or in part depending on the requirements...
EvOLAP Graph – Evolution and OLAP-Aware Graph Data Model
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to propose a graph model that would be suitable for providing OLAP features on graph databases. The included features allow for a multidimensional and multilevel view on data and support analytical queries on operational and historical graph data. In contrast to many existing approaches tailored for static graphs, the paper addresses the issue for the changing graph schema. The model, named Evolution...
Emulator and simulator of Terma SCANTER and ARPA radar data server
PublicationThe software solutions presented in this paper generate real-time data compatible with ARPA radar standard as well as Terma SCANTER 2001 radar cooperating with Video Distribution and Tracking (VDT) server. Two different approaches to this problem are considered: emulation based on the data captured from real devices and simulation of objects on the sea. For both of them architecture, implementation details and functional test results...
Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...
Synteza algorytmu detekcji pęknięcia szyby metodą ''data fission - data fusion''
PublicationPrzedstawiono założenia projektowe oraz proces syntezy algorytmu detekcyjnego akustycznego detektora pęknięcia szyby. W konstrukcji algorytmu użyto techniki rozszczepiania i syntezy danych. Przedstawiono użyte narzędzia badawcze, opracowany model pęknięcia szyby oraz wynki testowania finalnego algorytmu detekcyjnego. Metoda znalazła zastosowanie w konstrukcji akustycznego detektora pęknięcia szyby stosowanego w systemach alarmowych.
Assessing Highway Travel Time Reliability using Probe Vehicle Data
PublicationProbe vehicle data (also known as “floating car data”) can be used to analyze travel time reliability of an existing road corridor in order to determine where, when, and how often traffic congestion occurs at particular road segments. The aim of the study is to find the best reliability performance measures for assessing congestion frequency and severity based on probe data. Pilot surveys conducted on A2 motorway in Poland confirm...
Performance measurements and optimization of visualization of routes traveled in the distributed dispatcher and teleinformation system for visualization of multimedia data for the Border Guard
PublicationMonitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This activity can be enhanced with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources, processing of that information and its visualization. The system presented in the paper is an advancement of the previously developed distributed map data exchange system. The added functionality allows to supplement the map data with...
Using Isolation Forest and Alternative Data Products to Overcome Ground Truth Data Scarcity for Improved Deep Learning-based Agricultural Land Use Classification Models
PublicationHigh-quality labelled datasets represent a cornerstone in the development of deep learning models for land use classification. The high cost of data collection, the inherent errors introduced during data mapping efforts, the lack of local knowledge, and the spatial variability of the data hinder the development of accurate and spatially-transferable deep learning models in the context of agriculture. In this paper, we investigate...
Coastal zone monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR polarymetry data
PublicationIn recent years the role of the surveillance and security of Polish boundaries has significantly increased. Polish coastal zone monitoring requires various approaches using various technological means in order to ensure the protection of Polish boundaries. In this paper, the authors discuss and present alternatives to underwater surveillance methods of coastal area analysis and monitoring using data retrieved from the newly developed...
Multitaper-Based Post-processing of Compact Antenna Responses Obtained in Non-anechoic Conditions
PublicationThe process of developing antenna structures typically involves prototype measurements. While accurate validation of far-field performance can be performed in dedicated facilities like anechoic chambers, high cost of construction and maintenance might not justify their use for teaching, or low-budget research scenarios. Non-anechoic experiments provide a cost-effective alternative, however the performance metrics obtained in such...
Study of data scheduling methods in the WiMAX Mobile metropolitan area networks
PublicationThe paper discusses basic assumptions of the WiMAX Mobile system. It also presents and analyses the results of simulation tests run for selected data scheduling methods and subcarrier allocation. Based on the test results, the authors have prepared a comparative analysis of two popular data scheduling methods, i.e. WRR and PF, and their own method CDFQ which uses information about the current channel situation for the queuing processes...
Description logic based generator of data-centric applications
PublicationThe knowledge stored in Ontology Management Systems (OMS) that originally has the form of expressions, can be seen as a user application specification or as knowledge provided by an expert. The generator of applications discussed in this paper is defined as a program that automatically generates an application that meets a certain specification stored in OMS. It is shown that it is possible to build a user interface for data management...
Description logic based generator of data-centric applications
PublicationThe knowledge stored in Ontology Management Systems (OMS) that originally has the form of expressions, can be seen as a user application specification or as knowledge provided by an expert. The generator of applications discussed in this paper is defined as a program that automatically generates an application that meets a certain specification stored in OMS. It is shown that it is possible to build a user interface for data management...
Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for underwater navigation
PublicationThe Inertial Navigation System (INS) is usually employed to determine the position of an underwater vehicles, like Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and, more recently, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The accuracy of the position provided by the INS, which uses accelerometers and gyroscopes, deteriorates with time. An external aiding sources such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be employed to reduce the error growth...
Towards classification of patients based on surface EMG data of temporomandibular joint muscles using self-organising maps
PublicationThe study considers the need for an effective method of classification of patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The self-organising map method (SOM) was applied to group patients and used together with the cross-correlation approach to interpret the processed (rectified and smoothed by using root mean square (RMS) algorithm) surface electromyography signal (sEMG) obtained from testing the muscles (two temporal...
Structure-Property Relationship and Multiple Processing Studies of Novel Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers
PublicationCurrently, the growing demand for polymeric materials has led to an increased need to develop effective recycling methods. This study focuses on the multiple processing of bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs) as a sustainable approach for polymeric waste management through mechanical recycling. The main objective is to investigate the influence of two reprocessing cycles on selected properties of bio-TPUs....
Assessment of the Impact of GNSS Processing Strategies on the Long-Term Parameters of 20 Years IWV Time Series
PublicationAdvanced processing of collected global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) observations allows for the estimation of zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD), which in turn can be converted to the integrated water vapour (IWV). The proper estimation of GNSS IWV can be affected by the adopted GNSS processing strategy. To verify which of its elements cause deterioration and which improve the estimated GNSS IWV, we conducted eight reprocessings...
Klaudia Skelnik dr
Peopledr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...
Detection and segmentation of moving vehicles and trains using Gaussian mixtures, shadow detection and morphological processing
PublicationSolution presented in this paper combines background modelling, shadow detection and morphological and temporal processing into one system responsible for detection and segmentation of moving objects recorded with a static camera. Vehicles and trains are detected based on their pixellevel difference from the continually updated background model utilizing a Gaussian mixture calculated separately for every pixel. The shadow detection...
Approximate Cramér–Rao bound on Doppler error in correlation-processing relatively narrowband noise radar
PublicationThe paper studies limitations on accuracy of Doppler estimation in continuous-wave noise radar with correlation processing. Second order properties of output of the correlation receiver are evaluated and an approximate Cram´er-Rao bound on errors of Doppler measurement is derived. The accuracy of Doppler measurements is found to be affected by the following factors: power spectral density of noise signal, frequency response of the...
Network-aware Data Prefetching Optimization of Computations in a Heterogeneous HPC Framework
PublicationRapid development of diverse computer architectures and hardware accelerators caused that designing parallel systems faces new problems resulting from their heterogeneity. Our implementation of a parallel system called KernelHive allows to efficiently run applications in a heterogeneous environment consisting of multiple collections of nodes with different types of computing devices. The execution engine of the system is open for...
e-Learning CoursesSTAC
Advanced Data Mining 2022/23
e-Learning Courses -
Numerical Methods - Data Engineering - 2023
e-Learning Coursesstudia inżynierskie, informatyka i inżynieria danych
Business Data Analytics-2024 /2025
e-Learning Courses -
Data analysis - team project 2024
e-Learning Courses -
Numerical Methods - Data Engineering - 2024
e-Learning CoursesInżynieria danych
Business Data Analytics-2023 /2024
e-Learning Courses -
Big Data ST (2024/2025_zima)
e-Learning Courses -
Inżynieria Danych Data Science 2024
e-Learning Courses -
Advanced Data Mining 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Analiza danych typu Big Data
e-Learning Courses -
Numerical Methods - Data Engineering - 2025
e-Learning CoursesInżynieria danych
Review and comparison of smoothing algorithms for one-dimensional data noise reduction
PublicationThe paper considers the choice of parameters of smoothing algorithms for data denoising. The impact of the window size on smoothing accuracy was analyzed. The parameters of denoising filters were selected with respect to the meansquare error between the computed linear regression and the noisy signal. Finally, we have compared mean, median, SavitzkyGolay, Kalman and Gaussian filter algorithms for the data from the digital sensor....
Deep eutectic solvents for the food industry: extraction, processing, analysis, and packaging applications – a review
PublicationFood factories seek the application of natural products, green feedstock and eco-friendly processes, which minimally affect the properties of the food item and products. Today, water and conventional polar solvents are used in many areas of food science and technology. As modern chemistry evolves, new green items for building eco-friendly processes are being developed. This is the case of deep eutectic solvents (DESs), named the...
Yield surface identification of CP-Ti and its evolution reflecting pre-deformation under complex loading
Publication -
Trends in English Language Use in Remote Work Environments: A Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-Pandemic Communication
Publication -
Early Predictors of Learning a Foreign Language in Pre-school – Polish as a First Language, English as a Foreign Language
Publication -
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Journals -
3D seafloor reconstruction using data from side scan and synthetic aperture sonar
PublicationSide scan and synthetic aperture sonars are widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. They are relatively cheap and easy to deploy, in comparison with more powerful sensors, like multibeam echosounders. Although side scan and synthetic aperture sonars does not provide seafloor bathymetry directly, their records are finally related to seafloor images. Moreover, the analysis of such images performed by human eye...
Computer controlled systems - 2022/2023
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization...
Computer Controlled Systems lecture summer 2024-2025
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
Occupational Health and Safety in the World of Digitalizing Work
PublicationWhen employees have a sense of work well-being and safety, so shall the employer organization thrive. In the digitized work content, also called the Forth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, employer organizations prioritize faster or efficient production with ever more precise decision-making, entirely and workflow for task accomplishment of which employees and employer organizations are learning “on-the-go” how to manage the...
Global Miniaturization of Broadband Antennas by Prescreening and Machine Learning
PublicationThe development of contemporary electronic components, particularly antennas, places significant emphasis on miniaturization. This trend is driven by the emergence of technologies such as mobile communications, the internet of things, radio-frequency identification, and implantable devices. The need for small size is accompanied by heightened demands on electrical and field properties, posing a considerable challenge for antenna...
Hydrophobic (deep) eutectic solvents (HDESs) as extractants for removal of pollutants from water and wastewater – A review
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are a new generation of solvents that attracted increasing attention in diverse applications. In last years, growing number of studies on hydrophobic (deep) eutectic solvents (HDESs) as an alternative extractants for various chemicals from aqueous environments have been reported. This article provides an overview on the usage of HDESs in liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) of different pollutants from water...
Removal of phenolic inhibitor compounds from hydrolysates and post-fermentation broths by using a Hydrophobic Magnetic Deep Eutectic Solvent
PublicationHydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), furfural (FF), hydroquinone (HQ), and vanillin (VAN) are among the main inhibitors generated during most of biomass pre-treatments prior to fermentation processes. They are recognized as toxic to several fermentative microorganisms and therefore cause a decrease in biohydrogen or biofuel production (after hydrolysis). Moreover, if they are released into aqueous solutions (after fermentation), they can...
On Computationally-Efficient Reference Design Acquisition for Reduced-Cost Constrained Modeling and Re-Design of Compact Microwave Passives
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis has been playing a major role in the design of microwave components for the last few decades. In particular, EM tools allow for accurate evaluation of electrical performance of miniaturized structures where strong cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately quantified using equivalent network models. However, EM-based design procedures (parametric optimization, statistical analysis) generate...
Investigations of the Working Process in a Dual-Fuel Low-Emission Combustion Chamber for an FPSO Gas Turbine Engine
PublicationThis investigation is devoted to an analysis of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. The low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial pre-mixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirlers was chosen as the object of research. When modelling processes in a dual-flow low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, a generalized method...
Alternative methods for dark fermentation course analysis
PublicationDark fermentation course analysis is crucial, as complexed matrix of gaseous components may be formed and revealed during the process. The paper considers key issues related to the microbiological process in which complex organic substances are transformed into hydrogen. For the purposes of hydrogen generation, the application of wastewater mixed sludge pre-treated according to Faloye method (Faloye et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy...