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Search results for: Neo-Latin studies
Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of flat plate air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationThe current state of development of the solar energy sector necessitates a new form of incentive for entities to invest in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. Effective methods for heat recovery from BIPV/T collectors are searched for. Presented research experimentally and numerically considered the influence of cooling conditions on the electrical...
Evaluation of surfactant and biosurfactant mixture usefulness in oil removal from soil, based on physicochemical studies and flushing experiments
PublicationZbadano aktywność powierzchniową i właściwości zwilżające surfaktantu niejonowego - Rokanolu NL6, biosurfaktantu - JBR 425 i ich mieszanin. Na podstawie tych badań określono zdolność tych surfaktantów do usuwania oleju syntetycznego (PAO 6) z piasku. Roztwory surfaktantów zostały użyte do przemywania złoża piaskowego w kolumnie oraz odmywania piasku metodą dynamiczną. Testy kolumnowe z roztworami Rokanolu NL6 i JBR 425 dały niskie...
Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids
PublicationShort-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...
A new phosphonium calix[4]arene for selective anion recognition: synthesis and studies in solution and in ion selective electrodes
PublicationZaprezentowana została synteza i charakteryzacja tetra (trifenylofosfoniowego) p-tert-butylkaliks[4]arenu 2. Oddziaływania z anionami były badane z użyciem (1)H oraz (31)P NMR i spektrofotometrii absorpcyjnej UV. Badania wykazały oddziaływania z anionami: CLO4-, I-, oraz SCN-. Selektywność jonoforu 2 badano również w membranowych elektrodach jonoselektywnych (ISE) PCV/o-NPOE. Elektroda zawierająca związek 2 generuje odpowiedź potencjometryczną...
Comparison of Cadmium Cd2+ and Lead Pb2+ Binding by Fe2O3@SiO2‐EDTA Nanoparticles – Binding Stability and Kinetic Studies
PublicationThis study describes the synthesis and characterization of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) functionalized magnetic nanoparticles of 20 nm in size – Fe3O4@SiO2‐EDTA – which were used as a novel magnetic adsorbent for Cd(II) and Pb(II) binding in aqueous medium. These nanoparticles were obtained in two‐stage synthesis: covering by tetraethyl orthosilicate and functionalization with EDTA derivatives. Nanoparticles were characterized...
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublicationThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
The hydration of the protein stabilizing agents: trimethylamine-N-oxide, glycine and its N-methylderivatives - the volumetric and compressibility studies
PublicationThe densities at T = (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K and sound velocities at T = 298.15 K have been measured for aqueous solutions of trimethylamine-N-oxide, glycine, N-methylglycine (sarcosine), N,N-dimethylglycine, N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine). From these data the apparent molar volumes, VΦ, the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KS,Φ, and the solvation numbers of solutes have been determined. The concentration...
Biomimetic zinc(II) and cobalt(II) complexes with tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolate and imidazole ligands - structural and spectroscopic studies.
PublicationNowe heteroleptyczne kompleksy tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowe Zn(II) i Co(II) z dodatkowymi ligandami imidazolowymi zostały scharakteryzowane strukturalnie i spektralnie. Otrzymano kompleksy o różnych centrach koordynacji w zależności od ligandów imidazolowych. Dla jonów Co(II)otrzymano kompleksy o rdzeniach: NOS2 (z cząsteczką metanolu jako O-donorowy ligand) w związku 2', NO2S2 w 2'', N2S2 w 1, zaś w przypadku jonów Zn(II):...
Solvation of ionic liquids based on N-methyl-N-alkyl morpholinium cations in dimethylsulfoxide – volumetric and compressibility studies
PublicationThe density and sound velocity of the solutions of ionic liquids based on N-alkyl-N-methyl-morpholinium cations, N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, N-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, N-methyl-N-octyl-morpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide in dimethylsulfoxide were measured at T = (298.15 to 318.15)...
How thermal stability of ionic liquids leads to more efficient TiO2-based nanophotocatalysts: Theoretical and experimental studies
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) containing distinct nitrogen-bearing organic cations (pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, imidazolium, ammonium, morpholinium) were first used for the preparation of 23 IL-TiO2 types of composites by ionic liquid assisted solvothermal synthesis. These 23 optimal ILs structures (i.e. compounds exhibiting an optimal combination of specific properties, functionality, and safety) for synthesis and experimental validation...
Digital data and tools in transformative education to preserve architecture and cultural heritage: case studies from Italy and Poland
PublicationIn this article, the authors present the findings and results of a recent study focused on various collaborative activities mostly between Italy and Poland, and digital teaching platforms aimed at educating future architects. These architects are envisioned as curators of digital data and experts in using digital tools in the field of architecture and architectural heritage. The investigation had two main objectives. Firstly, it...
IgG Avidity Test as a Tool for Discrimination between Recent and Distant Toxoplasma gondii Infection—Current Status of Studies
PublicationToxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of one of the most prevalent zoonoses worldwide. T. gondii infection is extremely important from a medical point of view, especially for pregnant women, newborns with congenital infections, and immunocompromised individuals. Thus, an accurate and proper diagnosis of this infection is essential. Among the available diagnostic tests, serology...
Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
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Raman studies of 3D printed CB-PLA samples after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy analyses of microwave-activated carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes.
SEM and Raman studies B:CNWs and BDD electrode used for electrochemical paraquat determination
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and Raman spectra of B:CNWs and BDD samples deposited by MW-PECVD. SEM was used to characterise the morphology of BDD and B:CNW. In contrast, RAMAN was used to reveal the main differences in the crystalline structure of BDD and B:CNWs.
Nonlinear Studies
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Gabriela Rembarz dr inż. arch.
PeopleGabriela Rembarz inżynier-architekt, urbanista, naukowiec, dydaktyk i aktywna projektantka, jest doktorem nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka, Ukończyła studia magisterskie na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, uzupełniając je specjalizacją w Ochronie Środowiska w ramach międzyuczelnianego CENVIG Center of Environmental Studies (Politechnika Gdańska) akredytowanego przez Roskilde...
Studies of Optimal Conditions for Depletion of the $^{110m}$Ag Isomer Via Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in a Beam-based Scenario
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Self-Sensitized Photocatalytic Degradation of Colorless Organic Pollutants Attached to Rutile Nanorods—Experimental and Theoretical DFT+D Studies
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The performance of multicomponent oxide systems based on TiO2, ZrO2 and SiO2 in the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B: Mechanism and kinetic studies
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FTIR, NMR and kinetic studies of proton transfer reactions from nitro-substituted diarylmethanes to N-bases with guanidine character
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The reaction of substituted N-phenacyl-pyridinium bromides in the pyridine ring with DABCO and DBU in water and DMSO. Kinetics and DFT studies
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Birthweight and the risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: a meta-analysis of observational studies using individual patient data
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X-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray diffraction studies of crystallographic grains in nanocrystalline FePd:Cu thin films
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Complementation studies of the DnaK–DnaJ–GrpE chaperone machineries from Vibrio harveyi and Escherichia coli, both in vivo and in vitro
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Experimental and first-principles studies of high-pressure effects on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of semiconductors and lanthanide doped solids
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Sulfanyl Porphyrazines with Morpholinylethyl Periphery—Synthesis, Electrochemistry, and Photocatalytic Studies after Deposition on Titanium(IV) Oxide P25 Nanoparticles
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Physicochemical profile of Os (III) complexes with pyrazine derivatives: From solution behavior to DNA binding studies and biological assay
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Synthesis, activity on NK-3 tachykinin receptor and conformational solution studies of scyliorhinin II analogs modified at position 16
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Influence of bulky 3,3′-diphenylalanine enantiomers replacing position 2 of AVP analogues on their conformations: NMR and molecular modeling studies
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Aminopropyl-functionalized mesoporous silica SBA-15 as drug carrier for cefazolin: adsorption profiles, release studies, and mineralization potential
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Studies on the formation of formaldehyde during 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate demethylation in the presence of reactive oxygen and chlorine species
PublicationIn order to protect the skin from UV radiation, personal care products (PCPS) often contain chemical UV-filters. These compounds can enter the environment causing serious consequences on the water ecosystems. The aim of this study was to examine, the effect of different factors, such as UV light, the presence of NaOCl and H2O2 on the formaldehyde formation during popular UV filter, 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate (ODPABA)...
Monitoring T-Cell Responses in Translational Studies: Optimization of Dye-Based Proliferation Assay for Evaluation of Antigen-Specific Responses
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Studies of the Variability of Sugars, Vitamin C, and Chlorophylls in Differently Fermented Organic Leaves of Willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub)
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Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.
PublicationSustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users’ opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method’s advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...
ChemInform Abstract: Studies on the Enantioselective Kinugasa Reaction: Efficient Synthesis of β‐Lactams Catalyzed by N‐PINAP/CuX Complexes.
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The Space for Preservation and Dilapidation of Historical Houses in Modlimowo Village in the Light of Post-Dependence Studies and Historical Politics after 1945
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present the results of the research on spatial degradation of Modlimowo village. Modlimowo is an example of a settlement form typical of the Western Pomerania region. Until 1945, half-timbered buildings of Modlimowo village constituted a wellpreserved architectural and cultural heritage of this region. Over the past 25 years, changes in the spatial layout of Modlimowo Village irreversibly...
N-(2-Arylmethylthio-4-Chloro-5-Methylbenzenesulfonyl)amide Derivatives as Potential Antimicrobial Agents—Synthesis and Biological Studies
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A new approach in the calibration of passive samplersA new approach on the calibration of passive dosimeters for studies of indoor air (....--------ROZBIEŻNOŚĆ TYTUŁÓW-------------------------------------
PublicationPrzedstawiono problematykę kalibracji próbników pasywnych wykorzystywanych w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej Wydz. Chemicznego PG do monitoringu jakości powietrza wewnętrznego. Proponowane podejście pozwala na oszacowanie wartości stałych kalibracyjnych, a tym samym oznaczenia stężeń związków od heksanu do dodekanu. Tak więc permeacyjne dozymetry pasywne mogą być wykorzystane w analogicznym zakresie jak próbniki aktywne.
Binuclear Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates. Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopic studies.
PublicationA series of Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes have been synthesized in reaction of respective metal tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with pyrazine 1 and 2 and 1,2-bis(2-pyridyl)ethylene 3–5. All compounds have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination, elemental analysis, FT-IR and thermogravimetry. Obtained complexes are bimetallic with the formula of [M{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-L)]2 and metal ions bridged by N,N′-spacer....
PublicationThe knowledge of pistons' TDC is crucial while performing any kind of measurement beneficial to diagnostic inference of a diesel engine. The research of engines under exploitation often cause impartial difficulties with, eg. capability of probe installation. Therefore, it becomes crucial to minimalize those. The paper presents a description of a TDC impulse distributor - divider that provides signal delivery to more than one measurement...
Antioxidant properties and bioactive constituents of some rare exotic thai fruits and comparison with conventional fruits. in vitro and in vivo studies
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były ekstrakty uzyskane zarówno z egzotycznych owoców z terenu Tajlandii (durian, snake fruit, mangosteen) jak i owoców ''konwencjonalnych'' (mango, kiwi, awokado) w celu porównania zawartości związków bioaktywnych i aktywności przeciwutleniającej.Wyniki badań prowadzonych zarówno in vitro jak i in vivo mogą być wykorzystane przy opracowywaniu diety. W trakcie badań in vitro wykorzystano testy do określania potencjału...
Evaluating the effect of different operational strategies on the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment plants – case studies from northern Poland
PublicationNowadays, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is expected at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, emission quantification and evaluation still faces difficulties related to data availability and uncertainty. The objective of this study was to perform carbon footprint (CF) analysis for two municipal WWTPs located in northern Poland. Slupsk WWTP is a large biological nutrient removal (BNR) facility (250,000 PE) which benefits...
Nickel(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with N-heterocyclic bases as additional ligands: Synthesis, molecular structure and spectral studies
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono metodę syntezy trzech kompleksów silanotiolanowych z takimi N-heterocyklicznymi zasadami jak: pirydyna, 2-metylopirydyna i 3,5-dimetylopirydyna. Dla tych kompleksów przeprowadzono badania X-Ray, analizy elementarnej. Przy pomocy rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej wykazano różną koordynację atomu centralnego - niklu.
Synthesis and transport studies of model dipeptides with modified n-terminal amino groups into e. coli k12 mutant strains
Publicationotrzymano na drodze syntezy chemicznej kilka modelowych dipeptydów zawierających n-terminalna guanidynę oraz betainę. zbadano transport tych peptydów do komorek e. coli k12, posiadających zróżnicowane systemy transportowe. wyniki badań potwierdziły brak transportu do komórek bakteryjnych z wykorzystaniem permeaz peptydowych. dodatnio naładowana i silnie polarna grupa aminowa uniemożliwia efektywny transport tych związków do komórek...
Short-range order structure and free volume distribution in liquid bismuth: X-ray diffraction and computer simulations studies
PublicationThe structure of liquid bismuth was studied by X-ray diffraction and computer simulation methods. The contraction of the atomic structure within the first coordination sphere in the temperature interval of 575- 1225 K is reported. The temperature dependencies of the coordination numbers and of the free volume are analysed. On the basis of the temperature dependencies of the free volume, the temperature dependencies of viscosity...
Hydrodynamic cavitation based advanced oxidation processes: Studies on specific effects of inorganic acids on the degradation effectiveness of organic pollutants
PublicationThe use of cavitation in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to treat acidic effluents and process water has become a promising trend in the area of environmental protection. The pH value of effluents – often acidified using an inorganic acid, is one of the key parameters of optimization process. However, in the majority of cases the effect of kind of inorganic acid on the effectiveness of degradation is not studied. The present...
Small Vessel with Inboard Engine Retrofitting Concepts; Real Boat Tests, Laboratory Hybrid Drive Tests and Theoretical Studies
PublicationThe development of modern technologies and their increasing availability, as well as the falling costs of highly ecient propulsion systems and power sources, have resulted in electric or hybrid propulsions systems’ growing popularity for use on watercraft. Presented in the paper are design and lab tests of a prototype parallel hybrid propulsion system. It describes a concept of retrofitting a conventionally powered nine meter-long...
The Influence of COD Fraction Forms and Molecules Size on Hydrolysis Process Developed by Comparative OUR Studies in Activated Sludge Modelling
PublicationThe activated sludge models (ASMs) commonly used by the International Water Association (IWA) task group are based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionations. However, the proper evaluation of COD fractions, which is crucial for modelling and especially oxygen uptake rate (OUR) predictions, is still under debate. The biodegradation of particulate COD is initiated by the hydrolysis process, which is an integral part of an ASM....