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Search results for: BALTIC SEA REGION
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Adenosine triphosphate in the marine boundary layer in the southern Baltic Sea
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Probabilistic prognosis of cliffslide along Baltic Sea coast in Poland.
PublicationAnaliza stateczności wybrzeży klifowych metodą probabilistyczną. Określnie stref zagrożonych utratą stateczności.
PublicationModern granulometry opens a new way of analysing images by means of morphological filters. In this paper a closer look has been presented on the problem of interpreting information about the features and conditions of marine environment from images taken at the sea coast and shallow water. Using this method allows for example selection of the objects on the image according to the differences in shape. Processes occurring in the...
Youth Civic Participation in the South Baltic Region. Example of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden
PublicationThe aim of this study was to show youth civic participation as a social inclusion element in the Southern Baltic region in need of reinforcement, based on the examples of selected municipalities from Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The authors focused on the diagnosis of key elements of youth civic engagement at local and cross-border level, taking into account the context of national youth policies and the European Union policy....
Morphologic and hydrodynamic conditions of Hel Peninsula's abrasion in the Kuźnica region (southern Baltic)
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Recent trends in prevalence of neoplasia in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea).
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Airborne and mobile laser scanning in measurements of sea cliffs on the southern Baltic
PublicationMeasurements of sea cliffs performed using periodic surveying based on laser scanning is currently one of the fastest and most accurate solutions. Supported with the technology of satellite measurements using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning and photographic measurements with the use of aerial vehicle, they enable an effective monitoring of the sea cliffs affected by the erosion. In case of the coast of southern...
Arsenic concentrations in Baltic Sea sediments close to chemical munitions dumpsites
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Observations of presumable groundwater seepage occurrence in Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea)
PublicationWe report the results of recent field measurements of seawater thermohaline structure and transparency carried out in early summer 2014 in Puck Bay. Near-bottom, less saline waters occurred almost in the entire study area. Their occurrence in the shallow part of Puck Bay was accompanied by an increase in the seawater transparency. The most likely explanation of these observations is a submarine fresh groundwater discharge.
Daily Radiation Budget of the Baltic Sea Surface from Satellite Data
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Use of Satellite Data in Monitoring of Hydrophysical Parameters of the Baltic Sea Environment
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Observations of presumable groundwater seepage occurrence in Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea)
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Mercury in particulate matter over Polish zone of the southern Baltic Sea
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Mercury in various components of the environment (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationTotal mercury concentration was determined monthly form January 2012 to May 2013 in the water (microlayer and the surface), plankton, epilithon, epiphyton, benthos and sediment. The study was conducted in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk. The abundance and biomass of plankton, benthos; the concentration of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen; δ13C and δ15N in the suspended matter; sediment...
Rip currents in the southern Baltic Sea multi-bar nearshore zone
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Spatiotemporal distribution of copepod populations in the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic Sea)
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An evaluation and implementation of the regional coupled ice-ocean model of the Baltic Sea
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Mercury in the zoobenthos of the coastal zone of the Puck Bay (southern Baltic Sea)
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The Baltic Sea as a dumping site of chemical munitions and chemical warfare agents
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problem składowania w Morzu Bałtyckim aminucji chemicznej i bojowych środków trujących. Przedstawiono typy oraz charakterystykę BST składowanych na dnie Morza Bałtyckiego. Omówiono potencjalne zagrożenia dla środowiska abiotytcznego oraz dla organizmów żywych związanych z tego typu składowiskami. Przedstawiono również podstawowe informacje o procedurach analitycznych, które mogą być wykorzystane do wykrywania...
Problems of adapting Polish ports for ferry shipping services on the Baltic Sea
PublicationArtykuł zawiera analizę porównawczą największych terminali promowych na Bałtyku oraz terminali promowych położonych w części południowej i wschodniej Morza Baltyckiego, w tym w Polsce. W pracy przedstawiono również możliwości i kierunki rozwoju polskich terminali promowych.
Determination of chlorophenols and phenoxyacid herbicides in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic Sea.
PublicationChlorofenole i kwasy fenoksyoctowe to dwie grupy zanieczyszczeń środowiska, obecne w wodach powierzchniowych. Kwasy fenoksyoctowe, ze względu na dobrą rozpuszczalność w wodzie, stosunkowo łatwo przedostają się do zbiorników wodnych i innych elementów środowiska. W ramach pracy postanowiono zbadać zawartość chlorofenolu i kwasów fenoksyoctowych oraz ich sezonowe zmiany w wodach ujścia Wisły i Zatoki Gdańskiej. Opracowano metodę...
Sea surface temperature distribution during upwelling along the Polish Baltic coast
PublicationAmong over 150 maps of sea surface temperature in the Polish Baltic coastal region derived from satellite data during the warm period of the year (April-October) in 2000-2002, 41 cases were noted where its distribution showed characteristic features indicating the occurrence of coastal upwelling. The fundamental parameters of range, probability of occurrence and temperature modification caused by water from deeper sea layers...
Influence of water salinity on corrosion risk - the case of the southern Baltic Sea coast.
PublicationWater corrosivity in Gdansk Bay, Poland, the southern part of the Baltic Sea, was investigated. The analysed region is heavily industrialized, and the coastline is very diverse. Twenty-seven test points along the coastline were selected. Water parameters such as salinity, total dissolved solids content, resistivity, conductivity, oxygenation, pH and corrosion rate were determined. The results of the investigation are presented....
Shell deformation in the baltic clam Macoma balthica from southern Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Gdansk): hypotheses on environmental effects
PublicationWysokorozdzielcza fotografia cyfrowa i analiza obrazu graficznego została zastosowana w celu zdefiniowania zewnętrznych cech morfologicznych deformacji muszli w czterech populacjach małży bałtyckiej Macoma balthica z Zatoki Gdańskiej. Proponowane indeksy deformacji małży (shell deformation indices - SDI), które opierały się na obliczeniu stosunku wybranych średnic przednich i tylnich części małży, ukazały przynajmniej trzy morfologiczne...
Actual field corrosion rate of offshore structures in the Baltic Sea along depth profile from water surface to sea bed
PublicationThe paper presents the results of field electrochemical investigations on the corrosion rate of carbon steel in seawater of the Baltic Sea at the location of the Baltic Beta production rig. The measurements were conducted throughout the year in seawater at different depths from the sea surface to the sea bed (about 75 m). The results revealed corrosion aggressiveness of the seawater along the entire depth profile. There was...
Study of the formation of calcareous deposits on cathodically protected steel in Baltic sea water
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the sedimentation of calcareous deposits occurs on cathodically protected steel in Baltic sea water. Design/methodology/approach – Steel electrodes were cathodically polarized in natural Baltic sea water at potential þ0.150 V vs Zn electrode in potentiostatic mode. During exposure chronoamperometric measurements were carried out. After the exposure, the electrode’s surface...
Present state of sewage and wastewater treatment plants in the polish coast of Baltic Sea
PublicationIn the paper the state of art of wastewater management in four zones of Polish Baltic Sea coast: the Vistula Lagoon, the Bay of Gdansk and Bay of Puck, the open sea zone and the Szczecin Lagoon, is discussed. Hydrological characteristics of these four zones as well as characteristics and operation effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located there, are presented.
Biodiversity of microorganisms in the Baltic Sea: the power of novel methods in the identification of marine microbes
PublicationUntil recently, the data on the diversity of the entire microbial community from the Baltic Sea were relatively rare and very scarce. However, modern molecular methods have provided new insights into this field with interesting results. They can be summarized as follows. (i) Although low salinity causes a reduction in the biodiversity of multicellular species relative to the populations of the North–East Atlantic, no such reduction...
Operational algae bloom detection in the Baltic Sea using GIS and AVHRR data
PublicationDuring the blooming season, algal colonies can, in extreme cases, cover up to 200 000 square kilometres of the Baltic Sea water surface. Because the position and shape of the blooms may significantly change in very short time due to the influence of wind and waves, regular monitoring of the blooms' development is necessary. Currently, the desired monitoring frequency may only be achieved by means of remote sensing. The article...
Publication• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
PublicationClimate Research of the globe is a current task, in particular to confirm the general hypothesis of global warming associated with an increase in average temperature. The sea acoustic climate is derived from the concept of climate and refers to the conditions of propagation of acoustic waves in a particular basin. In this paper, the results of systematic measurements of temperature, salinity and velocity distributions of sound...
Surf Zone Currents in the Coastal Zone of the Southern Baltic Sea – a Modelling Approach
PublicationNearshore currents in a multi-bar non-tidal coastal zone environment located in the Southern Baltic Sea are studied. Spatiotemporal seaward-directed jets – so-called rip currents – are an important part of the nearshore current system. In previous research, Dudkowska et al. (2020) performed an extended modelling experiment to determine the wave conditions that are conducive to the emergence of rip currents. In this paper, the...
Corrosion hazards and inhibitor protection in the seawater injection system on the Baltic sea rig
PublicationOil extraction efficiency in LOTOS Petrobaltic Company is increased by means of injection of seawater into an oilfield aquifer, which is implemented on the Baltic Beta rig, operating on the Baltic Sea. Operational experience has shown a significant degree of corrosion aggressiveness in the injected water, which necessitates frequent repairs of the seawater injection installation. Evaluation of the corrosion phenomena is crucial...
Trophic Transfer of Mercury in a Temperate Marine Food Web, Southern Baltic Sea
PublicationMercury (Hg) is considered to be one of the most dangerous global environmental pollutants. The toxicity and bioavailabilityof Hg depend on its chemical form, and the greatest hazard is posed by the organomercurial compounds. Hg is introduced into the human body primarily through the consumption of fish and seafood. Despite numerous studies on Hg in marine organisms, there is still a gap in the knowledge on Hg uptake and...
Aspects of pollution in Gdansk and gdynia Harbours at the coastal zone of the South Baltic Sea
PublicationOrganotin compounds (OTC), as well as metals, are toxic to many organisms. Even at very low concentrations OTC and metals can have several negative effects. The paper discusses key issues relating to the location of harbours in the coastal zone (including near the river mouths and semi-closed access to the sea) and the pollution of harbour sediments with heavy metals (e.g. zinc, copper, nickel and lead) and organotin derivatives...
Impact of the Artificial Strait in the Vistula Spit on the Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea)
PublicationIn the Vistula Lagoon, storm surges are induced by variable sea levels in the Gulf of Gdańsk and wind action. The rising of the water level in the southern part of the basin, exceeding 1.0 m above mean sea level, can be dangerous for the lowland area of Żuławy Elbląskie, causing the inundation of the polders adjacent to the lagoon. One of the potential possibilities to limit the flood risk is to decrease the water level in the...
Chemical Munitions Search & Assessment—An evaluation of the dumped munitions problem in the Baltic Sea
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Upwelling intrusion into shallow Puck Lagoon, a part of Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea)
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Stratification of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in the Gdańsk Deep (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Particulate organic carbon in the southern Baltic Sea: numerical simulations and experimental data
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A new marine ecosystem 3D CEMBS model (version 2) for the Baltic Sea
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The Effects of Wastewater Treatment Plant Failure on the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic Sea)
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The impact of declining oxygen conditions on pyrite accumulation in shelf sediments (Baltic Sea)
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Spatial distribution of phosphorus forms in sediments in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea)
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Identification of anisakid nematodes from the Southern Baltic Sea usingPCR-based methods
PublicationZaproponowano metodę identyfikacji nicieni gatunków Anisakis, Hysterothyla-cium, Contracaecum przy użyciu techniki PCR/RFLP.
Physical, Chemical and Biological Changes in the Gulf of Gdańsk Ecosystem (Southern Baltic Sea).
PublicationPrzedstawiono fizyczne, chemiczne i biologiczne zmiany zachodzące w ekosystemie Zatoki Gdańskiej (Południowy Bałtyk. Opisano klimat (temp. wody, opady poziom morza, zasolenie), fluktuację stężeń związków biogennych (azotany,fosforany, krzemiany), poziom organicznych zanieczyszczeń (POP´s, PcB´, pestycydy, WWA) oraz zmiany w biologicznym życiu morza.
Organotin compounds in the liver tissue of marine mammals from the PolishCoast of the Baltic Sea.
PublicationOznaczono zawartość związków cynoorganicznych w próbkach wątrób pochodzących od ssaków morskich złowionych w polskiej strefie ekonomicznej Morza Bałtyckiego. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań opracowana została oryginalna metodyka analityczna. Całkowite stężenie związków z tej grupy wahało się w granicach od 43,9 do 7698 ng Sn/g próbki (w przeliczeniu na suchą masę). Badano zależność stężeń tych związków od wieku i płci osobników.
Present state of sewage and wastewater treatment plants in the polish coast of Baltic sea.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono stan gospodarki ściekowej w czterech strefach polskiego wybrzeża Bałtyku: Zalewu Wiślanego, Zatoki Gdańskiej z Zatoką Pucką, strefy otwartego morza oraz Zalewu Szczecińskiego. Wymienione strefy scharakteryzowano pod względem hydrologicznym oraz przedstawiono charakterystykę i efektywność pracy oczyszczalni ścieków zlokalizowanych na terenie każdej z nich. Ponadto, oszacowano inne, istotnie ważne źródła zanieczyszczeń...
Pollution of the Baltic Sea - DPSIR approach oriented. Pesticide pollution case study
PublicationPraca przedstawia krótką charakterystykę systemu DPSIR i podjętą próbę zastosowania go dla Morza Bałtyckiego. Opisano projekt szczegółowy, którego tematem było zanieczyszczenie pestycydami Morza Bałtyckiego. Przedstawiono sposób postępowania przy ustalaniu elementów systemu DPSIR, przedstawiono również skrótową charakterystykę pestycydów.