Search results for: INNOVATIONS
Social perception of technological innovations at sports facilities: justification for financing ‘white elephants’ from public sources? The case of Euro 2012 Stadiums in Poland
PublicationThe main purpose of the paper is to provide a monetary valuation of social benefits in connection with the hypothetical implementation of technological innovations at four Euro 2012 stadiums in Poland. Not only the construction of the sport’s arenas, but also the ongoing maintenance drain the pockets of Polish taxpayers. At the same time Euro 2012 stadiums remain underused, which familiarize the host cities with the concept of ‘white...
Journal of Information Technology Education-Innovations in Practice
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Innovations-Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
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Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology
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Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy-Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions
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Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations
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Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Formerly: Educational and Training Technology International)
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Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science
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Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
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International Conference on Innovations for Community Services
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Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences
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International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications
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IEEE Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT
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Application of different modes of nanoscale impedance microscopy in materials research
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Evaluation of organic coatings condition with AFM-based method
PublicationThe paper presents an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based approach to evaluation of local protective properties of organic coatings. Apart from topography, it provides local ac and dc characteristics of examined coating. The method consists in application of ac voltage perturbation signal between conductive AFM tip and coated metal substrate. The resulting current is used to determine local impedance characteristics. Both impedance...
Application of different modes of nanoscale impedance microscopy in materials research
PublicationIn recent years, there is noticeable interest in application of various types of scanning probe microscopy in material science research. One of them is contact atomic force microscopy combined with local impedance measurements, known as nanoscale impedance microscopy. Literature references present its application in investigations of new materials, microelectronics diagnostics, or research of protective coatings performance. In...
Impedance evaluation of coatings from biobased material
PublicationThe authors propose a modification of sodium caseinate edible coating for foodstuff protection. The aim was to improve the film’s barrier properties. It was achieved by the addition of propolis, which is a natural, environmentally friendly product known from its intrinsic sealing action. In the next step, propolis-admixed sodium caseinate films were exposed to elevated temperature for 10 min. This approach was meant to improve...
Marketing and Management of Innovations [ Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій ]
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Development of Nanocomposite based Antimicrobial Cotton Fabrics Impregnated by Nano SiO2 Loaded AgNPs Derived from Eragrostis Teff straw
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Long Distance Geographically Distributed InfiniBand Based Computing
PublicationCollaboration between multiple computing centres, referred as federated computing is becom- ing important pillar of High Performance Computing (HPC) and will be one of its key components in the future. To test technical possibilities of future collaboration using 100 Gb optic fiber link (Connection was 900 km in length with 9 ms RTT time) we prepared two scenarios of operation. In the first one, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical...
Effects of Harvesting Dates on Qualitative Characteristics of Bread Wheat Cultivars
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SpinOff Support of innovations trough improvement of regulatory framework for higher education in Ukraine
ProjectsProject realized in Vice-Rector for Partnerships according to 2012-2990/001-001 agreement from 2012-09-25
CERGE-EI, 16th Annual Regional Research Competition “Reshaping financial systems - identifying the role of ICT in diffusion of financial innovations. Recent evidence from European countries”
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to CERGE_GDN agreement from 2016-01-01
Risk-management of public-private partnership innovation projects
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Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
PeopleReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework
PublicationIn view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...
Małgorzata Szopińska dr inż.
PeopleMałgorzata Szopińska rozwój naukowy rozpoczęła realizując pracę doktorską pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. inż. Żanety Polkowskiej (Politechnika Gdańska, PG) oraz dr hab. Danuty Szumińskiej (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy) w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej, kierowanej wówczas przez prof. dr hab. inż. Jacka Namieśnika. Pracę doktorską pt. „Charakterystyka czynników modyfikujących skład wód powierzchniowych na obszarach...
Innovazioni fraseologiche nei titoli della stampa italiana: una classificazione dei motivi delle innovazioni fraseologiche
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of phraseological innovations in the titles of the articles in one of the Italian newspapers La Stampa. In the first part of the article, key terms such as the phraseological norm and the phraseological innovation have been defined, taking into account various terms related to this process. Then, some innovation classifications have been presented. Finally, the analytical...
How non-technological innovation saved the day by using ICT
PublicationCertainly, the current pandemic situation provides a lot of evidence of the need for non-technological innovations, both in the area of company organization and marketing. Socio-cultural innovations are not less important. Therefore, the role of non-technological innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in the sixth chapter. Innovations supported by digital solutions have become a silent heroes for many companies as...
Innowacje w działalności marketingowej instytucji finansowych na rynku polskim
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono istotę innowacji w usługach finansowych. Na podstawie danych statystycznych dokonano analizy poziomu innowacyjności instytucji finansowych z uwzględnieniem zróżnicowania podmiotowego oraz ze względu na rodzaje innowacji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na innowacje marketingowe jako wpływające w sposób bezpośredni na działalność marketingową instytucji finansowych. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie innowacji...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Ryms, PhD, DSc, Eng. is the physicist, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. PhD thesis defended at the Chemical Faculty. Since 2011 an employee at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND – now as an associate professor. His research interests includes: improvement of energy efficiency and possibilities of new application of phase change materials...
Innowacyjność instytucji finansowych w Polsce – perspektywy rozwoju
PublicationUsługi finansowe będące coraz ważniejszą częścią gospodarki w krajach rozwiniętych, w dużym stopniu absorbują innowacje, stając się jednocześnie ważnymi podmiotami tworzącymi innowacje w obszarze zmian marketingowych i organizacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono istotę innowacji w usługach finansowych. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie innowacji stosowanych w usługach finansowych. Na podstawie danych statystycznych dokonano analizy...
Nietechnologiczne nie znaczy gorsze. Rzecz o innowacjach
PublicationInnowacje nietechnologiczne nie zajmują istotnego miejsca w dyskursie naukowym jak i praktycznym. Zauważona luka badawcza oraz brak praktycznych rozwiązań wspierających innowacje nietechnologicznie, były motywem podjęcia tego tematu przez międzynarodowy zespół, składający się z badaczy z czterech krajów (Danii, Finlandii, Litwy i Polski) oraz szeregu instytucji wspierających biznes, w tych krajach, pełniących funkcje pośredników...
System of innovation: a sectoral approach
Publicationthe article presents a systems approach to innovation as an alternative method of assessing the sector innovativeness. in the article the building blocks of each sectoral system of innovations (ssi) such as a knowledge base, institutions and actors are discussed. moreover, the five models of ssi are presented.
Selected issues on inovativeness of enterprises in Poland
PublicationThe article presents the issue of innovative activities in company processes. The forms of innovative activity important from the point of view of industrial, trade and service enterprises were described. The influence of different types of implemented innovations on the possible benefits obtained by enterprises was also described.
Karol Moszyk
PeopleCertified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with maritime transport and operations academic background. Logistics professional with a broad experience in various container terminal positions, reporting to COO and Operations Director in Operations Department and CFO (directly) and CEO (indirectly) within Performance Improvement Team. Professional ambition is to combine an open and pragmatic leadership style with a customer focus supported...
Marcin Sikorski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMarcin Sikorski is a professor at the Department of Informatics in Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Earlier he had numerous fellowships in academic institutions, among others in Germany (Universities in Bonn and in Heidelberg), Switzerland (ETH Zurich), the Netherlands (TU Eindhoven) and the USA (Harvard University). Professor Sikorski is a representative of Poland in...
Workbook for cooperative development of personnell and organisation for innovation in SME in the Baltic Sea Region
PublicationThis study highlights the potential for cooperative development of personnel and organisational innovations in SMEs and gives an example implemented by the University of Lund together with the Municipality of Astorp and local companies. This innovation field is of particular importance for all companies in the region, since it does apply to any professional sector, be it a service oriented company or a manufacturing business. This...
Do mistakes acceptance foster innovation? Polish and US cross-country study of tacit knowledge sharing in IT
PublicationAbstract Purpose – This study aims to understand and compare how the mechanism of innovative processes in the information technology (IT) industry – the most innovative industry worldwide – is shaped in Poland and the USA in terms of tacit knowledge awareness and sharing driven by a culture of knowledge and learning, composed of a learning climate and mistake acceptance. Design/methodology/approach – Study samples were drawn from...
Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal
PublicationThis paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....
MSRL and the Real-Life Processes of Capturing and Implementing the "Urban Innovation"
PublicationResult of the MSRL workshop, five research projects, reflect on a broader process of exchange of the ideas between the cities, that is occurring in the real life and became one of the driving factors of the urban development nowadays. The objective of the MSRL research - concepts, which help to advance the development of the cities, support the improvement of the quality of urban environment or meet the future challenges, can be...
Comparison of requirements for location, maintenance and removal of road advertising between polish and foreign regulations
PublicationThe article gives an overview of Polish and international formal and legal requirements for roadside advertising and the relevant road safety impacts. The analysis focussed on outdoor advertising life cycle consisting of three stages: location, operation and removal of advertising. Experience of road authorities from Australia (Queensland), Republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom was collected. The article is part of a...
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł przedstawia jeden z projektów dydaktycznych realizowanych w ramach programu Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovations. Projekt ten nosi tytuł INNOCASE – Transfer innowacyjnej metodyki studium przypadku w edukacji biznesowej. W artykule można znaleźć informacje na temat genezy powstania projektu, jego celów, grup docelowych, konsorcjum realizującego projekt, metodologii i planu pracy, a także znaczenia projektu...
Ukrainian Market of Electrical Energy: Reforming, Financing, Innovative Investment, Efficiency Analysis, and Audit
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the influence of electrical energy market regulation reform in Ukraine on the competitive environment, the reproduction processes of financial and innovative support, and the energy efficiency of the national economy. The authors have put forward and verified the hypothesis that, under conditions of institutional maturity of the Ukrainian electrical energy market, its liberalization and...
Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle
PublicationThe present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...
Innovative activity of SMEs In Poland
PublicationInnovative activity of enterprises is determined by many factors. On one hand, these are external factors creating a sort of innovative climate in the economy, on the other hand - there are many internal factors stimulating or reducing the intensity of innovative activities. What influences the innovativeness of enterprises is the effectiveness of the system supporting innovations, which was stated by for example Pyciński and Żołnierski...
The Emergence of ETFs in Asia-Pacific
PublicationThe major objective of this book is to contribute to the present state of knowledge by exploring empirical links between the processes of diffusion of financial innovations— exchange-traded funds—and growing deployment of ICT across Asia-Pacific countries, between 2004 and 2017. We examine the evolutionary patterns of ETFs on selected Asia-Pacific stock exchanges and verify the hypothesized relationship between increasing ICT penetration...
Knowledge work and knowledge workers in knowledge-based economy - theoretical considerations
PublicationIt is often claimed that an organization is as good as people working in it and that talented workers are the driving force of an organization. To cope with the growing requirements of knowledge-based economy, organizations need a special type of workers - knowledge workers. This is especially important in organizations building their competitive advantage on innovations and the application of information and communication technologies...
Research on entrepreneurship – the forms of entrepreneurship
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present suggestions for future directions of research on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on different forms of entrepreneurship. The suggestions are preceded by a brief review of research on entrepreneurship. The article is theoretical in nature and does not present any own research, although its content is based on multiple years of experience in studying this phenomenon. The forms of entrepreneurship...