Search results for: RADAR CROSS-SECTION (RCS)
High Frequency Proximity Losses Determination for Rectangular Cross Section Conductors
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Minimization of Eddy Current Losses in a Straight Rectangular Cross Section Conductor
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High-Frequency Proximity Losses Determination for Rectangular Cross-Section Conductors
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Idiosyncratic risk and cross-section of stock returns in emerging European markets
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Idiosyncratic volatility and the cross-section of anomaly returns: is risk your Ally?
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Is tail risk priced in the cross-section of Chinese mutual fund returns?
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Salience theory and the cross-section of stock returns: International and further evidence
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The cross-section of returns in frontier equity markets: Integrated or segmented pricing?
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Electron scattering from hexafluoroacetone molecules: cross section measurements and calculations
PublicationZmierzono absolutne całkowite przekroje czynne na zderzenie elektronów z drobinami hexafluoroacetonu (HFA). Pomiary przeprowadzono dla energii zderzenia od 1 do 400 eV. Zależność energetyczna przekroju czynnego wykazała obecność struktur związanych z procesami o charakterze rezonansowym. Wykonano obliczenia sprężystego i jonizacyjnego przekroju czynnego dla drobin HFA i acetonu. Suma obliczonych przekrojów wykazuje dużą zgodność...
Recent total cross section measurements in electron scattering from molecules
PublicationThe grand-total cross sections (TCSs) for electron scattering from a range of molecules, measured over the period 2009-2019 in various laboratories, with the use of different electron transmission systems, are reviewed. Where necessary, the presented TCS data are also compared to earlier results. Collection of investigated molecular targets (biomolecules, biofuels, molecules of technological application,hydrocarbons) reflects their...
Comparative tests of the wall thickness effect of a glass-reinforced thermosetting plastic coating with a non-circular cross section in a soil-coating object for economic aspect
PublicationCulvert structures made of plastics are employed extensively in the construction of new facilities as well as the renovation of existing ones. Due to the high costs of materials required for the manufacturing of these goods, the objective of this research is focused to lessen the thickness of the walls, which may, on the other hand, result in a reduction in the stiffness of the system. In the course of the testing, the structure...
Static analysis of grids assembled with thin-walled beams of the open cross-section
PublicationPraca dotyczny analizy statycznej rusztów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych. Przedstawiono w niej koncepcję metody modelowania konstrukcji dźwigarów cienkościennych i rusztów z wykorzystaniem superelementów w połączeniu z klasyczną teorią belek cienkościennych o przekroju nieodkształcalnym. Zamieszczono wyniki przeprowadzonej eksperymentalnej weryfikacji badań teoretycznych.
Dynamic control of the receiving beam horizontal cross-section in the side scan sonar
PublicationW skonstruowanych przed kilkunastu laty a obecnie modernizowanych sonarach bocznych jako jeden z zabiegów modernizacyjnych wprowadzono dynamiczną regulację kąta rozwarcia odbiorczej charakterystyki kierunkowej w przekroju horyzontalnym. Regulacja taka zapewnia quasi-stałą rozdzielczość liniową sonaru (zamiast stałej rozdzielczości kątowej) przy odbiorze sygnałów echa ze wzrastających odległości od wykrywanych celów. W efekcie tego...
Total cross-section measurements for electron collision with α-tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (C5H10O2)
PublicationPrzedstawiono całkowite przekroje czynne (TCS) na rozpraszanie elektronów na drobinach α-tetrahydrofurfurylu, zmierzone w zakresie energii zderzenia 1-370 eV oraz policzone powyżej 50 eV. Przedyskutowano otrzymaną zależność TCS od energii. Wyniki porównano z dostępnymi teoretycznymi i eksperymentalnymi przekrojami czynnymi.
Macroeconomics matter: Leading economic indicators and the cross-section of global stock returns
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Who should be afraid of infections? Pandemic exposure and the cross-section of stock returns
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Beware of the crash risk: Tail beta and the cross-section of stock returns in China
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Decomposing the earnings-to-price ratio and the cross-section of international equity-index returns
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Cross section calculations for electron impact ionization and elastic scattering from cisplatin
PublicationCałkowity przekrój czynny na jednokrotną jonizację cisplatyny (H6N2Cl2Pt) w zderzeniach z elektronami został obliczony przy wykorzystaniu modelu BEB (binary-encounter-Bethe) dla energii zderzenia od progu na jonizację do 5 keV. W celu uzyskania danych niezbędnych w modelu BEB, geometryczna i elektronowa struktura cisplatyny została przebadana metodami chemii kwantowej. Obliczono również przekrój czynny na sprężyste rozproszenie...
Total electron-scattering cross section measurements for tetrahydropyran, (CH2)5O, molecules
PublicationZmierzono całkowity przekrój czynny (TCS) na rozproszenie elektronów na drobinach tetrahydropyranu. Pomiary przeprowadzono metodą transmisyjną w zakresie energii zderzenia 1 - 400 eV. Otrzymana zależność energetyczna TCS wskazuje na obecność procesów rezonansowych w zakresie 3 - 15 eV. Wyniki porównano z całkowitymi przekrojami czynnymi dla drobin tetrahydrofuranu i alkoholu alfa-tetrahydrofurfurylowego.
Application of time-series-cross-section data in case of sale forecasting in an enterprise
PublicationW artykule wskazano możliwości wykorzystania danych przestrzenno-czasowych do prognozowania sprzedaży w przedsiębiorstwie. Przedstawiono różne podejścia do prognozowania ekonometrycznego przy użyciu tego typu danych. Wyznaczono krótkookresowe prognozy sprzedaży benzyny bezołowiowej Pb95 w przekroju województw oraz dokonano oceny ich jakości przy użyciu mierników ex-post. Dwie najdokładniejsze metody prognozowania wykorzystano do...
Selected problems of stability of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów stateczności osiowo ściskanych prętów o bisymetrycznym przekroju otwartym. Badano wpływ nieliniowości materiału pręta oraz wstępnego zakrzywienia osi na wyboczenie skrętne oraz początkową ścieżkę pokrytyczną. Na przykładach numerycznych wykazano, że w pewnych przypadkach stateczny, symetryczny punkt może zmienić się na symetryczny ale niestateczny, co oznacza możliwość redukcji siły krytycznej.
Radar water level sensors for full implementation of the river information services of border and lower section of the Oder in Poland
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Distortional buckling of composite thin-walled columns of a box-type cross section with diaphragms
PublicationDistortional buckling of axially compressed columns of box-like composite cross sections with andwithout internal diaphragms is investigated in the framework of one-dimensional theory. The channel membersare composed of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to the member orthotropic materialare applied: homogenization based on the theory of mixture and periodicity cells, and homogenization basedon the Voigt–Reuss...
Scattering From a Cylindrical Object of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple and intuitive solution to scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The main idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of projection of the fields at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. Different convex shapes and various obstacle materials are considered to verify the validity of the method in open and closed structures. The...
Bearing Capacity of aluminum bars with built-up cross section and glued or welded connections
PublicationThe paper is focused on numerical analysis and experimental test of aluminum bars with glued and welded connections between separate members. The connection properties were tested experimentally. The numerical analysis were conducted for the beam and shell model of the structure. The shape and magnitude of initial geometric imperfection was taken into account
Electron-impact ionization cross section calculations for 5-chloropyridine and 5-bromopyridine molecules
PublicationThe total cross sections for the single electron-impact ionization of 5-chloropyridine (5-C5H4ClN) and 5-bromopyridine (5-C5H4BrN) molecules have been calculated using binary-encounter-Bethe method for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV.
Board cross-section errors while sawing on twin shaft multi-rip saws
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ warunków pracy pił na powstawanie błędów przecinania w postaci uskoku na przekroju poprzecznym tarcicy.
Calculations of electron impact ionization cross section for simple biomolecules: formic and acetic acids
PublicationObliczono przekroje czynne na jednokrotną jonizację kwasu mrówkowego oraz kwasu octowego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono używając formalizmu BEB w zakresie energii od progu na jonizację do 400 eV. Wyniki porównano z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi.
Selection of the cross-section area shape of the ducts used in the shelter ventilation systems – analysis
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A Fast Method of Separation of the Noisy Background from the Head-Cross Section in the Sequence of MRI Scans
PublicationThe paper presents a new method of removing the noisy background from the sequence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRl) scans. The sequence of scans is required in order to monitor a passage of a contrast agent through the brain tissue. The scans contain the noisy head-cross data and also the noisy background data. The latter has to be removed and excluded from a further analysis. It is achieved by applying some basic morphological...
Misery on Main Street, victory on Wall Street: Economic discomfort and the cross-section of global stock returns
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Electromagnetic plane wave scattering from a cylindrical object with an arbitrary cross section using a hybrid technique
PublicationA hybrid technique combining finite-element and mode-matching methods for the analysis of scattering problems in open and closed areas is presented. The main idea of the analysis is based on the utilization of the finite-element method to calculate the post impedance matrix and combine it with external excitation. The discrete analysis, which is the most time- and memory-consuming, is limited here only to the close proximity of...
PublicationElectron-impact cross sections for platinum chemotherapeutic compounds, purine and pyrimidine molecules calculated using binary-encounterBethe model are presented as examples of possible applications of that method.
Dynamics of cutting power during sawing with circular saw blades as an effect of wood properties changes in the cross section
PublicationIn the paper the effect of the method calculation upon the cutting power is presented. In computations were used models in which fracture toughness was incorporated. The comparison concerned models as follows: FM-CM – classic model in which the sum of all uncut chip thicknesses of the simultaneously teeth engaged represented the mean uncut chip thickness, FM-FDM – full dynamical model in which besides variable uncut chip thickness...
Differential cross section for electron impact excitation of the a1 δ g state of molecular oxygen in the 15-180° angular range.
PublicationZmierzono absolutne różniczkowe przekroje czynne na wzbudzeniu drobin tlenu do poziomu oscylacyjnego v=0 stanu a1 δ g. Pomiary wykonano dla energii elektronów równej 10eV w zakresie kątów rozproszenia od 15° do 180°.
Elastic cross-section calculations for electron collisions with XY4 (X=Si,Ge; Y=H, F, Cl, Br, I) molecules
PublicationObliczano elastyczne przekroje czynne dla tetraedrycznych związków krzemu i germanu. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z innymi dostępnymi wynikami obliczeń oraz z danymi doświadczalnymi; dla energii powyżej 100 eV uzyskano zadowalającą zgodność.
Impact of cross-section centers estimation on the accuracy of the point cloud spatial expansion using robust M-estimation and Monte Carlo simulation
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Electron collisions with methyl-substituted ethylenes: Cross section measurements and calculations for 2-methyl–2-butene and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene
PublicationWe report electron-scattering cross sections determined for 2-methyl–2-butene [(H3C)HC==C(CH3)2] and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene [(H3C)2C=C(CH3)2] molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured for incident electron energies in the 0.5–300 eV range, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The experimental TCS energy dependences for the both targets appear to be very similar with respect to the shape. In each...
Portico Farmhouses of the Vistula Delta: Architecture, Current State and Finite Element Modelling of Timber Roof Truss under Material and Cross-section Uncertainty
PublicationThe article focuses on the oldest surviving I-type portico houses located in the Vistula Delta, which were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The study describes the houses’ origins, structure, details of roof structures and technical condition, and it also includes numerical modelling of a roof truss and its mechanical analysis. Numerical models of the roof trusses are defined and analysed by means of the finite element method....
Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) histological cross section observations of stems, leaves, and roots using light microscope
Open Research DataThis data set contains images of root crown, root, stem, and leaf cross-sections of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus). Runner bean seedlings (3-5 cm) were planted on soil amended with poultry (chicken) manure biochars pyrolized at various temperatures (400, 500, and 600 C degrees). Three different poultry manure biochar materials (450, 500, and 600°C)...
Demograficzne uwarunkowania stosowania ćwiczeń fizycznych w profilaktyce bólu w chorobie dyskowej odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa / Demographic determinants of using exercise as the prophlaxis of the cross section of the disk – lumbar spine’s pain
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Wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończonych w obliczaniu stateczności silosu z blachy falistej = Finite element method in determining stability of with corrugated walls strengthened by vertical columns of thin walled open cross section
PublicationGwałtowny rozwój zastosowania MES w działalności inżynierskiej nastąpił w połowie lat osiemdziesiątych w związku z pojawieniem się komputerów osobistych (PC), na które przeniesione zostały programy z dużych jednostek obliczeniowych. W ten sposób efektywne narzędzie rozwiązywania problemów analiz i projektowania jakim jest MES, stało się powszechnie dostępne. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie MES w analizie stateczności stalowego...
Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Calculations of Cross-Sections for Positron Scattering on Benzene
PublicationIn this work, we present a theoretical study on positron scattering by benzene molecules over a broad energy range (1–1000 eV). The aim of this work is to provide missing data from partial cross-sections for specific processes. In particular, calculations of cross-sections for direct ionization and electronic excitation were carried out for benzene molecules in the gas phase. An estimate for the cross-section for positronium formation...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase benzene
PublicationIn this paper we are presenting calculations of the elastic cross section of positrons with gas-phase benzene for the energy range from 0.25 eV to 9.0 eV. The calculations are done with the molecular R-matrix method for positron-scattering from poly-atomic molecules using a scaling factor to scale the electron-positron interaction. The scaling factor influences the position of the poles of the R-matrix. We adjust the scaling factor...
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of boron-doped diamond thin films at poly(lactic acid)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the photos obtained by scanning electron microscope(SEM), revealing the surface morphology and cross-section of boron-doped diamond electrodes on commercially available graphene-doped polylactide acid. The boron doping level expressed as the [B]/[C] ratio in the gas phase for these studies was 500 and 10,000 ppm. The top views of...
Janusz Cieśliński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleHe was born on April 15, 1954 in Slupsk. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology (1978). In 1986 he received the title of Doctor, in 1997 he obtained the title of Ph.D. with habilitation, and in 2006 he received the title of Professor. He worked as head of department and vice-dean for Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for two terms (2002-2008). His research interests...
Microstructure of cross-sections of samples after laser treatment for the article entitled "Mechanical and corrosive properties of Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subjected to laser treatment with MWCNTs coatings"
Open Research Data