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Comparison of effectiveness of gas sensing by low frequency fluctuations in resistance and microbalance quartz gas sensors
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Nasal endoscopy: an adjunct to patient selection for preoperative low-dose CT examination in chronic rhinosinusitis
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Factors determining accumulation of bisphenol A and alkylphenols at a low trophic level as exemplified by mussels Mytilus trossulus
PublicationThe aim of the study was to investigate abiotic and biotic factors influencing the accumulation of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) such as bisphenol A (BPA), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP) and 4- nonylphenol (NP) in mussels Mytilus trossulus from the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic). The key abiotic factor influencing BPA, OP and NP accumulation in mussels is their hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, which affects their main assimilation...
f-Cycles - a new approach to providing fast service recovery at low backup capacity overhead
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano klasowy algorytm doboru tras przeżywalnych, wykorzystujący autorską koncepcję f-Cykli ochronnych. Celem podejścia było zminimializowanie wartości czasu odtwarzania uszkodzonych strumieni ruchu. Cel ten został osiągnięty poprzez dostosowanie wielkości obszaru ochrony w zależności od klasy usług. Badania symulacyjne pokazały, że wykorzystując autorką koncepcję f-Cykli ochronnych, możliwe jest również jednoczesne...
Chapter 15 : Methods of determination of correct operation area for hydraulic component in low ambient temperatures
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych zespołów hydraulicznych: silników satelitowych, silników orbitalnych, pomp i silników zębatych, rozdzielaczy suwakowych w tym proporcjonalnych, pomp tłoczkowych, siłowników w warunkach szoku termicznego w celu określenia obszarów parametrów prawidłowego i nieprawidłowego rozruchu nie tylko tych badanych zespołów. Została stworzona baza danych z wartościami współczynników...
High temperature corrosion of steel equipment in modern rafinery environments with high and low sulphur content
PublicationPrzedstawiono charakterystykę i mechanizmy procesów wysokotemperaturowej korozji elementów ze stali we współczesnych rafineriach ropy naftowej podczas eksploatacji we frakcjach węglowodorowych o niskiej i wysokiej zawartości siarki. Zwrócono uwagę na procesy korozji siarkowej w obecności wodoru i bez obecności wodoru oraz proces pylenia metalu pod wpływem węgla ze środowiska - w wypadku niskiej zawartości siarki w środowisku.
Mixed algorithm in searches of mechanical system steady-state conditions for low precision of the state estimation
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano algorytm poszukiwania rozwiązania układu równań nieliniowych. Nieliniowe funkcje lewych stron znane są z ograniczoną dokładnością, a wzory określające ich pochodne względem czasu nie są znane. Wartości pochodnych wyznaczane są numerycznie za pomocą różnic skończonych. Z uwagi na niską precyzje wyznaczania wartości funkcji, wartości pochodnych znane są jedynie z ograniczoną dokładnością., pochodne zawierają...
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublicationThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
Thermo-mechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber via extrusion at low temperature: Efficiency and limits
PublicationThermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR) was performed at different temperatures (60, 120, and 180°C) using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Obtained samples were used in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) blends. As reference samples, SBR compounds containing untreated GTR were used. Curing characteristics, static and dynamic mechanical properties, and morphology of the obtained blends were determined. The results...
Low-cost EM-Simulation-based Multi-objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures
PublicationIn this work, a simple yet reliable technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized microwave structures is discussed. The proposed methodology is based on point-by-point identification of a Pareto-optimal set of designs representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives such as electrical performance parameters as well as the size of the structure of interest. For the sake of computational...
Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bond Determines Target-Binding Affinity and Specificity of the Antitubercular Drug Bedaquiline
PublicationThe role of short strong hydrogen bonds (SSHB) in ligand-target binding remains largely unexplored, thereby hin- dering a potentially important avenue in the rational drug de- sign. Here, we investigate the interaction between bedaquiline (Bq), a potent anti-tuberculosis drug, and the mycobacterial ATP synthase, to unravel the role of a specific hydrogen bond to a conserved acidic residue in the target affinity and specificity....
Charge Transfer, Complexes Formation and Furan Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Low-Energy Helium Cations
PublicationThe present work focuses on unraveling the collisional processes leading to the fragmentation of the gas-phase furan molecules under the He+ and He2+ cations impact in the energy range 5–2000 eV. The presence of different mechanisms was identified by the analysis of the optical fragmentation spectra measured using the collision-induced emission spectroscopy (CIES) in conjunction with the ab initio calculations. The measurements of...
Machine-Learning-Powered EM-Based Framework for Efficient and Reliable Design of Low Scattering Metasurfaces
PublicationPopularity of metasurfaces has been continuously growing due to their attractive properties including the ability to effectively manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves. Metasurfaces comprise optimized geometries of unit cells arranged as a periodic lattice to obtain a desired EM response. One of their emerging application areas is the stealth technology, in particular, realization of radar cross section (RCS) reduction. Despite...
Study of Aliphatic Polyurethanes by the Low-Field 1H NMR Relaxometry Method with the Inversion of the Integral Transformation
PublicationIn this paper, the distributions of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin–lattice and spin–spin relaxation times are used to characterize the mobility of different sections of macromolecules of aliphatic polyurethanes and the cross-linking density of polymer chains. The NMR relaxometry method with inversion of integral transformation is applied to study the effect of poly (ethylene glycol) and glycerol phosphate calcium...
Harnessing digital technologies for poverty reduction. Evidence for low-income and lower-middle income countries
PublicationThis paper contributes to understanding the relationship between ICT deployment and poverty alleviation in developing countries. It assess the digital technologies contribution to poverty reduction, through different channels of impact, like education, labor market, income and ICTtrade related activities. Using the sample of 40 developing countries between 1990 and 2019, it relies on macro data extracted from the World Bank Development...
Fracture Areas Quantitative Investigating of Bending-Torsion Fatigued Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel
PublicationIn this study, the impact of pseudo-random non-proportional bending-torsion fatigue loadings proportion on the fatigue life and the fracture surface topography was analyzed. Investigation was carried out for 24 specimens made of S355J2 steel with 11 different ratios of maximum stresses λ. For these cases, after the fatigue tests, the surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer, using the focus...
Device characteristics extraction by low frequency noise measurements; Someresults on the state-of-the-art MOSFET´s
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów i analizy szumów tranzystorów MOSFET z izolatorem bramki wykonanym z SiO2 i HfO2. Wyniki pomiarów wykorzystano do oszacowania gęstości aktywnych stanów na powierzchni użytego tlenku i porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi metodą charge-pumping.
Interactions of amphotericin B derivative of low toxicity with biological membrane components - the Langmuir monolayer approach
PublicationMetodą monowarstw Langmuira zbadano naturę oddziaływań nowej pochodnej antybiotyku przeciwgrzybowego amfoterycyny B o niskiej toksyczności, tj. estru metylowego N-metylo-N-D-fruktopiranozyloamfoterycyny B (MF-AME)z komponentami błon biologicznych: ergosterolem, występującym w komórkach grzybowych i cholesterolem występującym w komórkach zwierzęcych oraz z modelowym fosfolipidem DPPC i na tej podstawie stwierdzono, że zróżnicowanie...
Experimental study of the fuel jet combustion in high temperature and low oxygen content exhaust gases
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne spalania pojedynczego strumienia paliwa gazowego. Paliwo podawano współosiowo do generowanych przez konwencjonalny palnik gazowy spalin o wysokiej temperaturze i niskiej zawartości tlenu. Badano wpływ zawartości tlenu w utleniaczu na widzialność płomienia i skład produktów spalania.
Trajecta: relgie, cultuur and society in de Nederlanden / religion, culture and society in the Low Countries
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Similarities and differences in d6 low-spin ruthenium, rhodium and iridium half-sandwich complexes: synthesis, structure, cytotoxicity and interaction with biological targets
PublicationIn this paper, we discussed the similarities and diferences in d6 low-spin half-sandwich ruthenium, rhodium and iridium complexes containing 2,2′-biimidazole (H2biim). Three new complexes, {[RuCl(H2biim)(η6 -p-cymene)]PF6}2·H2O (1), [(η5 - Cp)RhCl(H2biim)]PF6 (2), and [(η5 -Cp)IrCl(H2biim)]PF6 (3), were fully characterized by CHN, X-ray difraction analysis, UV–Vis, FTIR, and 1 H, 13C and 15N NMR spectroscopies. The complexes exhibit...
Low frequency nois of supecapacitor
Open Research DataDataset contains noise measurement results on prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor. The measurement procedure is described in https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/mms-2017-0059.
Oxygen partial pressure and temperature dependence of low frequency capacitance of symmetrical porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 electrode on CGO substrate
Open Research DataThis dataset contains values of low frequency capacitance at different temperatures (800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C and 600 °C) and oxygen partial pressures (20%, 10%, 5%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01% pO2) of symmetrical Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 electrode sintered at 1000 °C. This values were obtained by fitting each measured impedance spectra by electrical equivalent...
Oxygen partial pressure and temperature dependence of low frequency resistance of symmetrical porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 electrode on CGO substrate
Open Research DataThis dataset contains values of low frequency resistance at different temperatures (800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C and 600 °C) and oxygen partial pressures (20%, 10%, 5%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01% pO2) of symmetrical Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 electrode sintered at 1000 °C. This values were obtained by fitting each measured impedance spectra by electrical equivalent...
The corrosion studies of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid as an effective corrosion inhibitor of low alloy steel
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies evaluating if gallic acid is a corrosion inhibitor for low alloy steel. Three measurements were carried out each case; corrosion potential (label ecorr), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (label eis) and cyclic polarization (label cp). The measurements were carried out in sodium chloride, acidified...
Cost-effective methods of fabricating thin rare-earth element layers on SOC interconnects based on low-chromium ferritic stainless steel and exposed to air, humidified air or humidified hydrogen atmospheres
PublicationMost oxidation studies involving interconnects are conducted in air under isothermal conditions, but during real-life solid oxide cell (SOC) operation, cells are also exposed a mixture of hydrogen and water vapor. For this study, an Fe–16Cr low-chromium ferritic stainless steel was coated with different reactive element oxides – Gd2O3, CeO2, Ce0.9Y0.1O2 – using an array of methods: dip coating, electrodeposition and spray pyrolysis....
On the synthesis of coupled-lossy resonator filters with unloaded quality factor control
PublicationA technique for fast synthesis of coupling matrix low-pass prototypes of generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with lossy resonators is presented in this paper. The coupling matrix is found by solving a nonlinear least squares problem based on zeros and poles of filter's transfer functions. Additional constraints are introduced that allow one to control the level of unloaded quality factor of resonators.
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
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<title>Fiber-optic low-coherence tomography system for visualization of internal structure of ceramic materials</title>
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Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach
PublicationIn this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely...
Enzymatic Activity and Content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils under Low-Stack Emission in Lublin
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Mechanical response of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy subjected to dynamic testing at low temperature: Experiment and modelling
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Influence of pregranulation and low-pressure compaction on the properties of ceramic materials incorporating clay and spent coffee grounds
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Low temperature growth of carbon nanotubes from methane catalytic decomposition over nickel supported on a zeolite
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Span's low damped vibrations and vibration's damping by modal disparity inducted by cable stays temporal addition
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problem obecności słabo tłumionych drgań przęseł mostów wraz z metodą ich aktywnego tłumienia. Badania przeprowadzono korzystając z analizy numerycznej. Analizowany mechanizm zamodelowano korzystając z metody elementów skończonych. W praco przedstawiono zwarty opis wykorzystanej metody. Następnie, zbudowano dwa alternatywne modele, różniące się liczbą odciągów usztywniających przęsło. Wyznaczono postaci i...
Sweeping of hydrophobic amines under inhomogeneous electric field and low surfactant concentration in micellar electrokinetic chromatography
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Application of State Feedback Controller with Feedforward for velocity ripples reduction of PMSM drive at low speed operation
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Electric properties of an Au-CuPc-Au sandwich system: Direct current and low signal admittance studies
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów stałoprądowych i niskosygnałowej admitancji układu złoto/ftalocyjanina miedzi/złoto. Obserwowana asymetria charakterystyk stałoprądowych sugeruje, że prąd elektryczny płynący przez układ jest prądem ograniczonym elektrodowo i wydajność wstrzykiwania dziur jest uwarunkowana kolejnością nanoszenia warstw. W przypadku wstrzykiwania dziur przez bardziej regularną międzypowierzchnię (tj. gdy ftalocyjanina...
Effects of Low Concentration of Selected Analgesics and Successive Bioaugmentation of the Activated Sludge on Its Activity and Metabolic Diversity
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Application possibilities of the low-temperature repairs on creep-resistance turbine components from material GX23CrMoV12-1
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Competency Gaps of Employees in the Construction Sector in Terms of the Requirements of a Low-Carbon Economy. Polish and Czech Case
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Properties of a Sand and Bentonite Mixture as a Material for Spot Seals of Low Flood Embankments in the Area of Żuławy Elbląskie
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Hydroacoustic System in a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle to Avoid Collision with Vessels with Low-Speed Propellers in a Controlled Environment
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Low-energy (0.1 eV) electron attachment S?S bond cleavage assisted by Coulomb stabilization
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Low-cost nitrogen-doped activated carbon prepared by polyethylenimine (PEI) with a convenient method for supercapacitor application
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Up-conversion luminescence in low phonon heavy metal oxide glass co-doped with Er3+/Ho3+
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The basis set, scattering wavefunction and Schwinger variational principle: an application for low energy positron-atom scattering
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Operation of a ground thermal energy storage supplied by different sources in a low-temperature district heating network
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A comprehensive survey on low-cost ECG acquisition systems: Advances on design specifications, challenges and future direction
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Investigation of volatile low molecular weight compounds formed during continuous reclaiming of ground tire rubber
PublicationGround tire rubber was thermo-mechanically reclaimed at different temperature conditions (80, 120, 160 °C) using a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The progress of ground tire rubber reclaiming was evaluated with specific mechanical energy, sol fraction and thermogravimetric analysis. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including volatile sulfur compounds (VCSs) released from ground tire rubber and ground tire rubber after reclaiming...