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Search results for: water vapour transmission
Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublicationThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...
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Journal of New England Water Environment Association
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Journal of the New England Water Works Association
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Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA
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Method for the correlation coefficient estimation of the bottom echo signal in the shallow water application using interferometric echo sounder
PublicationThe article presents a new method for the assessment of bottom echo correlation coefficient in the presence of multiple echoes. Bottom correlation coefficient is a parameter that characterizes spatial properties of echo signal. Large variability of the bottom shape or properties (for example caused by the presence of bottom objects) and the presence of the acoustic shadow strongly influence the value of the correlation coefficient....
Enhanced Toxicity of Bisphenols Together with UV Filters in Water: Identification of Synergy and Antagonism in Three-Component Mixtures
PublicationContaminants of emerging concern (CEC) localize in the biome in variable combinations of complex mixtures that are often environmentally persistent, bioaccumulate and biomagnify, prompting a need for extensive monitoring. Many cosmetics include UV filters that are listed as CECs, such as benzophenone derivatives (oxybenzone, OXYB), cinnamates (2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate, EMC) and camphor derivatives (4-methylbenzylidene-camphor,...
Performance tuning of chitosan-based membranes by protonated 2-Pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid-sulfolane DES for effective water/ethanol separation by pervaporation
PublicationToday, the applicability of deep eutectic solvents (DES) in various fields, including membrane science and technology, is extensively investigated. In pioneering works, we have implemented different DES as a component of chitosan (CS)-based flat membranes for pervaporation (PV) separation. Herein, we present a new protonated (by sulphuric acid) 2-Pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid: sulfolane DES, as a green additive for its chemical...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique – plug flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: plug flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated EC...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique – slug flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: slug flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated EC...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique –bubble flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: bubble flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated...
Ewa Marjańska dr inż.
PeopleEwa Marjańska works as an assistant professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Faculty of Management and Economics. She received her doctorate in the field of commodity science. Her scientific interests focus primarily on the methods of quantitative measurements of quality, including food quality analysis and quality management systems, as well as on the quality of higher education. She is the author of papers published...
The bismuth vanadate thin layers modified by cobalt hexacyanocobaltate as visible-light active photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water oxidation
PublicationBismuth vanadate thin films deposited using the pulsed laser deposition technique were modified using cobalt hexacyanocobaltate (Cohcc). The 2-step method of Cohcc nanocubes preparation was applied: i) metallic cobalt deposition and ii) cobalt electrooxidation in Co(CN)63− containing electrolyte. The presence of CN stretching vibrations was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. The energy band gap was equal to 2.5 eV and was estimated...
Krzysztof Czerwionka dr hab. inż.
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Synergistic effects of a swirl generator and MXene/ water nanofluids used in a heat exchanger pipe of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
Publicationfocus on optimizing heat exchangers contributes to improved temperature control mechanisms, ensuring the sustainable operation of innovative power plants working towards negative CO2 emissions. In the realm of oxy-combustion within Negative CO2 Emission Power Plants (nCO2PP), the temperature of combustion products surpasses 3000 (K). Addressing this challenge, the imperative arises to reduce these elevated temperatures to a manageable...
Seashore sediment and water chemistry at the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica) – geochemical analysis and correlations between the concentrations of chemical species
PublicationThis study covers water and sediment chemical characteristics by the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) in 2016. Chemical processes between sediment and water have been described based on the determination of ions, metals, non-metals, and TOC concentrations. Rock weathering is an important source of Fe, Ni, Co, Al in the seashore area. The PCA shows the impact of acidification in the release metals...
Evaluation of Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms for Removal of Cephalexin and Tetracycline Antibiotics By Sistan Sand from Water and Wastewater Samples
PublicationIn this research, Sistan sand was used as a natural and inexpensive sorbent for removal of cephalexin and tetracycline antibiotics from water and wastewater samples. For a concentration 60.0 mg L-1 of cephalexin, optimum removal conditions were: pH of the sample 3.0, adsorbent amount 1.0 g, contact time 20.0 min, added amount of sodium chloride to adjust the ionic strength of the solution 7.0 g L-1. Langmuir isotherm was the best...
Multiprocessor implementation of Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Allocation of Chlorination Stations in Drinking Water Distribution System - a new water quality model approach
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A small-signal sound speed and parameter of non-linearity B/Ain a ternary mixture. Examples of calculations of mixture consisting of air, water and water vapor
PublicationZostało wyliczone zaburzenie entropii z dokładnością do członów nieliniowych rzędu drugiego. Jedyne założenie ograniczające, toże para wodna i powietrze są gazami doskonałymi. Ostatecznie,parametr nieliniowości i prędkość fali akustycznej przedstawione jako rodzinę krzywych, zależnych od trzech parametrów. Przedstawiono ilustrację tych zależności.
Wpływ warunków hydraulicznych w sieci wodociągowej na wtórne zanieczyszczenie wody = Effect of hydraulic conditions in the water distribution system on the secondary water pollution
PublicationCelem badań jest próba empirycznego wykazania wpływu zmian prędkości i czasu przebywania wody w przewymiarowanej sieci wodociągowej na wtórne jej zanieczyszczenie. Podstawą analizy są pomiary hydrauliczne wykonane podczas realizacji płukania rurociągów żeliwnych D=100 mm oraz badania laboratoryjne popłuczyn w zakresie suchej pozostałości, w tym zawartości związków żelaza. Każdą pobraną próbkę popłuczyn z hydrantów poddano szczegółowej...
Time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation and the water availability: A case study of Bakun-Murum Catchment Region in Malaysia
PublicationThe Bakun-Murum (BM) catchment region of the Rajang River Basin (RRB), Sarawak, Malaysia, has been under severe threat for the last few years due to urbanization, global warming, and climate change. The present study aimed to evaluate the time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation/agricultural lands and the water availability within the BM region. For this purpose, the Landsat data for...
Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) modified cellulose acetate NF membranes for potential water treatment application
PublicationIn this study, cellulose acetate (CA)-based nanofiltration membranes, modified with zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) particles, were prepared with various ZIF-8 contents (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%), to obtain membranes with improved flux and filtration performance by combining advantages of CA polymer and ZIF-8 metal-organic frameworks. Removal efficiency studies were carried out with bovine serum albumin and two different...
Research on water lubricated main shaft bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling conducted on high torque real-life scale bush test rig
PublicationWater lubricated polymer bushes find increasingly popular use in the sliding bearings of marine propellers, water turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means relatively affordable price. In addition, properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. However, in practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear...
Fog water chemical composition in different geographic regions of Poland
PublicationPróbki wody z mgły były pobierane za pomocą pasywnych i aktywnych próbników na trzech stacjach pobierania próbek. Miejsca pobierania próbek usutuowane były w różnych regionach geograficznych Polski. Analizowano następujące parametry: przewodność, pH, wybrane kationy i aniony. Uzyskane wyniki mogą stanowić wartościową informacje na temat chemizmu atmosfery.Statystyczna analiza wyników wskazuje na znaczne różnice w wartościach otrzymanych...
Analysis of water erosion processes using terrestrial laser scanning
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Development of urban water and sewerage systems in Gdansk ). Historical background.
PublicationGospodarka wodno - ściekowa Gdańska. Rozwój historyczny, konsekwencje, ciągłość i kompleksowość działań. Wpływ aglomeracji na środowisko Zatoki Gdańskiej i Bałtyku.
Accuracy and parameter estimation of elastic and viscoelastic models of water hammer
PublicationW artykule analizowany jest zagadnienie uderzenia hydraulicznego, stanowiące jeden z najważniejszych problemów nieustalonego przepływu w przewodach pod ciśnieniem. Mimo ponad stuletnich doświadczeń w badaniach zagadnienie to jest ciągle nie w pełni rozpoznane. Może być onio rozpatrywane na dwóch płaszczyznach - praktycznej i teoretycznej. W obu przypadkach na etapie rozwiązania powstają problemy sprawiające, że wyniki nie są satysfakcjonujące....
Specialized genetic operators in drinking water distribution systems control
The stability of a damaged roll-on roll-off vessel with water on deck
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę stateczności statku ro-ro w stanie awaryjnym z wodą na pokładzie. Pokazano, że moment przechylający związany jest z wypiętrzeniem wody na pokładzie ponad poziom wody zaburtowej, pochodzącym od fali. Omówiono trzy metody wyznaczania kąta przechyłu, wywołanego wodą na pokładzie. Zidentyfikowano krytyczne wypiętrzenie wody, przy którym następuje utrata stateczności statku.
Analytical challenges and recent advances in the determination of estrogens in water environments.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę i syntezę danych literaturowych związanych z występowaniem i oznaczaniem zwiazków endogennych w próbkach wody.Przedstawiono najważniejsze wyzwania związane z wykrywaniem i oznaczaniem śladowych ilości tego typu związków w próbkach środowiskowych.Omówiono również najnowsze rozwiązania metodyczne w zakresie:-przygotowania próbek do analizy (konserwacja, derywatyzacja, izolazja i wzbogacanie analitów)-oznaczania...
Efficiency of deep bed filtration in treatment of swimming pool water
PublicationPrzebadano efektywność filtracji wody w filtrach ze złożem żwirowo-piaskowym w instalacji basenu rehabilitacyjnego. Obok analizy instrumentalnej wody, w badaniach uwzględniono rozkład wielkości cząstek i analizę termiczną osadu zgromadzonego w złożu piaskowym filtrów wgłębnych i usuwanego podczas płukania.
Ozone and Photocatalytic Processes for Pathogens Removal from Water: A Review
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Effect of Newly Created Water Reservoirs on Agricultural Landscape Stability
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Impact of water reservoirs in Nienawiszcz on improve of the visual values of landscape
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Portable reactor with LTCC electrodes for production of plasma activated water
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Determination of metronidazole residues in water, sediment and fish tissue samples
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Structure and function of natural proteins for water transport: general discussion
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Robust Estimation of Integrated Hydraulics and Parameters in Water Distribution Systems
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Heat calculations for water-cooled radiators of the inverter for induction heating
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Cylindrospermopsin: Water-linked potential threat to human health in Europe
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<title>Fiber optic probe for monitoring of drinking water</title>
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Assessment of water quality based on multiparameter fiber optic probe
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PF5 and PCl5 interacting with water – Comparative study at the molecular level
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Polymers (Polyvinylpyrrolidones) As Active Additives Modifying the Lubricating Properties of Water
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TiO2-Nitrogen Modified for Water Decolourisation under VIS Radiation
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Vibrational Spectroscopy in Analysis of Stimuli-Responsive Polymer–Water Systems
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Assessment of the Water Needs of Fruit Plants in the Perspective of Climate Change