Search results for: EMOTION
PublicationNew methods in education become more popular nowadays. Distant learning is a good example when teacher and student meet in virtual environment. Because interaction in this virtual world might be complicated it seems necessary to assure as much methods of conforming that student is still engaged in the process of learning as it is possible. We would like to present assumption that by means of web-cam we will be able to track facial...
Interpretation and modeling of emotions in the management of autonomous robots using a control paradigm based on a scheduling variable
PublicationThe paper presents a technical introduction to psychological theories of emotions. It highlights a usable ideaimplemented in a number of recently developed computational systems of emotions, and the hypothesis thatemotion can play the role of a scheduling variable in controlling autonomous robots. In the main part ofthis study, we outline our own computational system of emotion – xEmotion – designed as a key structuralelement in...
Exploring the role of brand experience in driving consumer emotions and engagement with sports brands in Australia
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to fill the theoretical gap in understanding and practical implementation by examining how sports brands in Australia use brand experience to link emotional response and brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The study fits into the positivist paradigm. The starting point is the stimulus-organism-response theory. A quantitative method, which is an online survey, was used to collect data. Responses...
Emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in teachers after the reopening of schools
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on people's psychological well-being and mental health. This study aimed to identify factors linked to emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety in teachers related to the reopening of Polish schools after lockdown, remote work, and the holiday period between March and August 2020. A total of 1,286 teachers from different educational institutions participated in the...
Homeopathic remedies as placebo alternatives — verification on the example of treatment of menopause-related vegetative and emotional disturbances
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Assessment of respiratory responses to emotional virtual reality stimuli with non-contact respiration monitoring system
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Qualia: About Personal Emotions Representing Temporal Form of Impressions - Implementation Hypothesis and Application Example
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the new extension of the xEmotion system as a computerized emotional system, part of an Intelligent System of Decision making (ISD) that combines the theories of affective psychology and philosophy of mind. At the same time, the authors try to find a practical impulse or evidence for a general reflection on the treatment of emotions as transitional states, which at some point may lead to the...
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
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Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
PublicationIntroduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers.Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studiesprimarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leavingcaregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial...
Emotional Distress Associated with Surgical Treatment and its Relationship with Coping Profiles Among Chronically ill Older Patients
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Reasons why we read blogs and memorial pages of people who lost a child. Life motives of emotional rubberneckers
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Job-related emotions and job burnout among civil servants: examining the shape of the relationship in cross-sectional and longitudinal models
PublicationWstęp: Związek pozytywności, czyli proporcji między pozytywnymi a negatywnymi emocjami, z wypaleniem zawodowym może przybierać kształt krzywoliniowy. Ponadto z perspektywy teoretycznej jest to relacja przyczynowo - skutkowa, w której pozytywność jest proksymalnym, a wypalenie – dystalnym wymiarem dobrostanu zawodowego. Dotychczasowe badania były jednak prowadzone najczęściej w planie poprzecznym i testowały relacje prostoliniowe....
Cykl obrazów: CZŁOWIEK WOBEC| uwspólnienie udział w ogólnopolskiej wystawie zbiorowej EMOTIONAL ECOLOGY / EKOLOGIA EMOCJONALNA. Ekologia, humanizm, etyka. Świadomość historii wzornictwa i nowe ścieżki rozwojowe jako element procesu. | cykl: ‘Design w procesie’
Publication„Zależności pomiędzy organizmami i miejscem ich przebywania, są obszarem zainteresowania kreatorek i kreatorów. Czerpią oni impuls płynący z emocji własnych i innych organizmów. W efekcie synergii emocji, powstaje perspektywa przestrzeni naturalnej. Ekologia opiera się na systemie wymiany pomiędzy miejscem przebywania a kreatorami. Relacja ta zachodzi dokładnie pomiędzy jednostką a środowiskiem społecznym i naturalnym. Człowiek...
AffecTube — Chrome extension for YouTube video affective annotations
PublicationThe shortage of emotion-annotated video datasets suitable for training and validating machine learning models for facial expression-based emotion recognition stems primarily from the significant effort and cost required for manual annotation. In this paper, we present AffecTube as a comprehensive solution that leverages crowdsourcing to annotate videos directly on the YouTube platform, resulting in ready-to-use emotion-annotated...
Subjective tests for gathering konwledge for applaying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot,and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with...
Subjective tests for gathering knowledge for applying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot, and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with or...
Design Elements of Affect Aware Video Games
PublicationIn this paper issues of design and development process of affect-aware video games are presented. Several important design aspects of such games are pointed out. A concept of a middleware framework is proposed that separates the development of affect-aware video games from emotion recognition algorithms and support from input sensors. Finally, two prototype affect-aware video games are presented that conform to the presented architecture...
Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods
PublicationThis paper concerns the monitoring of educational processes with the use of new technologies for the recognition of human emotions. This paper summarizes results from three experiments, aimed at the validation of applying emotion recognition to e-learning. An analysis of the experiments’ executions provides an evaluation of the emotion elicitation methods used to monitor learners. The comparison of affect recognition algorithms...
DevEmo—Software Developers’ Facial Expression Dataset
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of remote activities and digital tools for education, work, and other aspects of daily life. This reality has highlighted the need for emotion recognition technology to better understand the emotions of computer users and provide support in remote environments. Emotion recognition can play a critical role in improving the remote experience and ensuring that individuals are able...
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics
PublicationWhen we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...
Affect aware video games
PublicationIn this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.
Affective Learning Manifesto – 10 Years Later
PublicationIn 2004 a group of affective computing researchers proclaimed a manifesto of affective learning that outlined the prospects and white spots of research at that time. Ten years passed by and affective computing developed many methods and tools for tracking human emotional states as well as models for affective systems construction. There are multiple examples of affective methods applications in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)....
Robot Eye Perspective in Perceiving Facial Expressions in Interaction with Children with Autism
PublicationThe paper concerns automatic facial expression analysis applied in a study of natural “in the wild” interaction between children with autism and a social robot. The paper reports a study that analyzed the recordings captured via a camera located in the eye of a robot. Children with autism exhibit a diverse level of deficits, including ones in social interaction and emotional expression. The aim of the study was to explore the possibility...
Using Different Information Channels for Affect-Aware Video Games - A Case Study
PublicationThis paper presents the problem of creating affect-aware video games that use different information channels, such as image, video, physiological signals, input devices, and player’s behaviour, for emotion recognition. Presented case studies of three affect-aware games show certain conditions and limitations for using specific signals to recognize emotions and lead to interesting conclusions.
Opracowanie metodologii rozpoznawania i klasyfikowania emocji w filmach przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublicationCelem rozprawy doktorskiej jest opracowanie metodologii pozwalającej na rozpoznawanie i klasyfikację emocji w filmie za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych. W pracy przedstawiono tematykę związaną z kolorowaniem sceny filmowej w kontekście oddziaływania koloru na emocje widza. W celu analizy wpływu filmow na emocje widza dokonano wyboru tytułow filmowych, następnie przeprowadzono szereg wstępnych testow subiektywnych pozwalających...
EMBOA - affective loop in Socially Assistive Robotics as an intervention tool for children with autism
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the training course "Intensive programmes for higher education learner" within the EMBOA project is to familiarise participants with the use of social robots as an intervention tool for children with autism, emotion recognition and the combination of both methods. Students will be informed about the guidelines and results of the project.
Affective reactions to playing digital games
PublicationThe paper presents a study of emotional states during a gameplay. An experiment of two-player Tetris game is reported, followed by the analysis of the results - self-reported emotional states as well as physiological signals measurements interpretation. The study reveals the diversity of emotional reactions and concludes, that a representative player's emotional model is hard to define. Instead, an adaptive approach to emotion...
The role of time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions in coping styles
PublicationBoth time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions are groups of traits that are connected to self-control abilities and might be important for coping styles. However, to date, no study has systematically investigated their utility in predicting coping styles with regard to their multidimensional nature. The current study was correlational and exploratory, aiming to discover what amount of variance in each of the three coping...
Analysis of human behavioral patterns
PublicationWidespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...
Agnieszka Landowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgnieszka Landowska works for Gdansk University of Technology, FETI, Department of Software Engineering. Her research concentrates on usability, accessibility and technology adoption, as well as affective computing methods. She initiated Emotions in HCI Research Group and conducts resarch on User eXperiene evaluation of applications and other technologies.
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę rozwiązań do rozpoznawania emocji opartych na mowie i możliwości ich wykorzystania w syntezie mowy z emocjami, wykorzystując do tego celu sieci neuronowe. Przedstawiono aktualne rozwiązania dotyczące rozpoznawania emocji w mowie i metod syntezy mowy za pomocą sieci neuronowych. Obecnie obserwuje się znaczny wzrost zainteresowania i wykorzystania uczenia głębokiego w aplikacjach związanych...
Music Mood Visualization Using Self-Organizing Maps
PublicationDue to an increasing amount of music being made available in digital form in the Internet, an automatic organization of music is sought. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of songs based on Self-Organizing Maps. Parameters describing mood of music are proposed and calculated and then analyzed employing correlation with mood dimensions based on the Multidimensional Scaling. A map is created in which...
Affect-awareness framework for intelligent tutoring systems
PublicationThe paper proposes a framework for construction of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), that take into consideration student emotional states and make affective interventions. The paper provides definitions of `affect-aware systems' and `affective interventions' and describes the concept of the affect-awareness framework. The proposed framework separates emotion recognition from its definition, processing and making decisions on...
Is it too late now to say we’re sorry? Examining anxiety contagion and crisis communication strategies using machine learning
PublicationIn this paper, we explore the role of perceived emotions and crisis communication strategies via organizational computer-mediated communication in predicting public anxiety, the default crisis emotion. We use a machine-learning approach to detect and predict anxiety scores in organizational crisis announcements on social media and the public’s responses to these posts. We also control for emotional and language tones in organizational...
Methodology of Affective Intervention Design for Intelligent Systems
PublicationThis paper concerns how intelligent systems should be designed to make adequate, valuable and natural affective interventions. The article proposes a process for choosing an affective intervention model for an intelligent system. The process consists of 10 activities that allow for step-by-step design of an affective feedback loop and takes into account the following factors: expected and desired emotional states, characteristics...
Detection of Face Position and Orientation Using Depth Data
PublicationIn this paper an original approach is presented for real-time detection of user's face position and orientation based only on depth channel from a Microsoft Kinect sensor which can be used in facial analysis on scenes with poor lighting conditions where traditional algorithms based on optical channel may have failed. Thus the proposed approach can support, or even replace, algorithms based on optical channel or based on skeleton...
Stress Detection of Children with Autism using Physiological Signals in Kaspar Robot-Based Intervention Studies
PublicationThis study aims to develop a stress detection system using the blood volume pulse (BVP) signals of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during robot-based interven- tion. This study presents the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis method to detect the stress, where HRV features are extracted from raw BVP signals recorded from an E4 wristband during interaction studies with the social robot Kaspar. Low frequency power...
Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition
PublicationWith the growth of accessible digital music libraries over the past decade, there is a need for research into automated systems for searching, organizing and recommending music. Mood of music is considered as one of the most intuitive criteria for listeners, thus this work is focused on the emotional content of music and its automatic recognition. The research study presented in this work contains an attempt to music emotion recognition...
Autistic Employees’ Technology-Based Workplace Accommodation Preferences Survey—Preliminary Findings
PublicationBackground: There has been an increase in the number of research studies focused on the design of accommodations aimed at improving the well-being and work performance of autistic employees. These accommodations took various forms; some of them were based on modification of management practices, for example, support in the area of effective communication, or involved modifications to the physical working environment aimed at limiting...
Discovering Rule-Based Learning Systems for the Purpose of Music Analysis
PublicationMusic analysis and processing aims at understanding information retrieved from music (Music Information Retrieval). For the purpose of music data mining, machine learning (ML) methods or statistical approach are employed. Their primary task is recognition of musical instrument sounds, music genre or emotion contained in music, identification of audio, assessment of audio content, etc. In terms of computational approach, music databases...
Self Portrait with a Mask
PublicationPaweł SASIN - Self Portrait with a Mask “Every work of art is the child of its time, and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions. “ Wassily Kandynsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art The two years 2020 and 2021 were marked by the COVID-19 pandemic – a lengthy period of time in which everyone felt in danger of losing one’s health or life. As a result, many people were experiencing negative emotion, becoming subject to psychological...
Robot-Based Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationChildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in the socio-communicative domain and frequently face severe difficulties in the recognition and expression of emotions. Existing literature suggested that children with ASD benefit from robot-based interventions. However, studies varied considerably in participant characteristics, applied robots, and trained skills. Here, we reviewed robot-based interventions targeting...
How can the work environment be redesigned to enhance the well-being of individuals with autism?
PublicationPurpose – This article examines the opportunities to create optimal conditions for individuals with autism, to work successfully within the contemporary workplace and improve their well-being. These opportunities arise from digital technology (DT) development, enabling the work environment to be remodeled by providing new possibilities and ways of working. The author discusses both technology-based as well as non-technological accommodations...
Automatic recognition of males and females among web browser users based on behavioural patterns of peripherals usage
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this paper is to answer the question whether it is possible to recognise the gender of a web browser user on the basis of keystroke dynamics and mouse movements. Design/methodology/approach An experiment was organised in order to track mouse and keyboard usage using a special web browser plug-in. After collecting the data, a number of parameters describing the users’ keystrokes, mouse movements and clicks...
PublicationExpressions of the human face bring a lot of information, which are a valuable source in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing and affective computing. For years, by analyzing the movement of the skin and facial muscles scientists are trying to create the perfect tool, based on image analysis, allowing the recognition of emotional states of human beings. To create a reliable algorithm, it is necessary to explore and examine...
Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Applied to Music Mood Recognition
PublicationThe paper presents two experiments aimed at categorizing mood associated with music. Two parts of a listening test were designed and carried out with a group of students, most of whom where users of online social music services. The initial experiment was designed to evaluate the extent to which a given label describes the mood of the particular music excerpt. The second subjective test was conducted to collect the similarity data...
Positivity and job burnout in emergency personnel: examining linear and curvilinear relationship
PublicationThe aim of this study was to examine whether the relationship between the ratio of job-related positive to negative emotions (positivity ratio) and job burnout is best described as linear or curvilinear. Participants were 89 police officers (12% women) and 86 firefighters. The positivity ratio was evaluated using the Job-related Affective Wellbeing Scale (Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector, & Kelloway, 2000). Exhaustion and disengagement,...
Paweł Larionow Dr