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Search results for: dc micro grid

Search results for: dc micro grid

  • Genetic Programming for Workload Balancing in the Comcute Grid System


    - Year 2012

    A genetic programming paradigm is implemented for reliability optimization in the Comcute grid system design. Chromosomes are generated as the program functions and then genetic operators are applied for finding Pareto-suboptimal task assignment and scheduling. Results are compared with outcomes obtained by an adaptive evolutionary algorithm.

  • Micro and Nanosystems


    ISSN: 1876-4029



    ISSN: 0272-1732 , eISSN: 1937-4143

  • Micro and Nanostructures


    eISSN: 2773-0123

  • Estimation of the Maximum Permissible PV Power to be Connected to the MV Grid


    - Year 2023

    In recent decades, a significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in power grids at various voltage levels has been observed. A number of articles have been published highlighting emerging problems in low-voltage grids with a large share of prosumers and in medium- and high-voltage grids to which photovoltaic (PV) plants are connected. The article analyzes the medium-voltage grid in terms of the possibility of...

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  • DC-link voltage balancing in cascaded H-Bridge converters

    In the paper a DC-link voltage balancing strategy for multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter is proposed. Presented solution bases on optimal choice of active vector durations in Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SV-PWM). It makes it possible to DC-link voltages control and to properly generate the output voltage vector in the case of DC-link voltage unbalance. Results of simulation and experimental researches...

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  • Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter


    This paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...

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  • Optymalizacja równoważenia obciążeń w systemach klasy grid


    Zaprezentowano techniki równoważenia obciążeń testowane w systemie rozproszonym Comcute o architekturze typu grid. Omówiono niezbędne uwarunkowania środowiska prowadzenia obliczeń w zestawie laboratoryjnym Politechniki Gdańskiej, a także odniesiono się do kryteriów kierunkujących równoważenie obciążeń. Przedstawiono wielopoziomową metodę równoważenia obciążeń.

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  • New trends in development of micro heat exchangers for ORC's


    - Year 2014

    In the paper, new trends in development of micro heat exchangers for CHP are presented. Main attention is concentrated on the question, how channels size and thermal development lenght affect the heat transfer. New types of micro heat exchangers developed at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS and the methoda of their design are presented. The new experimental testing methods of the micro-channel heat exchangers, new algorithms...

  • Foundations of Grid Processing Architecture for the Comcute System


    - Year 2012

    Fundamental system algorithms and structures implemented in the Comcute system are described and analysed in detail. Layered architecture of the system model is highlighted. System tasks of the layers are elaborated, presented and described. Operational details of communication interfaces among layers are worked out and examined. The focus is put onto implemented system components with regard to their operability and efficiency....

  • Mechanics of Micro- and Nano-Size Materials and Structures


    - Year 2022

    Nanotechnology knowledge is always looking to expand its boundaries to achieve the mostsignificant benefit to human life and meet the growing needs of today. In this case, we can refer tomicro- and nanosensors in micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). These electricaldevices can detect minimal physical stimuli up to one nanometer in size. Today, micro/nano-sensordevices are widely used in the...

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  • Impact of DC fault blocking capability on the sizing of the DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter


    - Year 2020

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  • Frequently updated noise threat maps created with use of supercomputing grid

    An innovative supercomputing grid services devoted to noise threat evaluation were presented. The services described in this paper concern two issues, first is related to the noise mapping, while the second one focuses on assessment of the noise dose and its influence on the human hearing system. The discussed services were developed within the PL-Grid Plus Infrastructure which accumulates Polish academic supercomputer centers....

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  • Behavior of residual current devices at earth fault currents with DC component


    - SENSORS - Year 2022

    Low-voltage electrical installations are increasingly saturated with power electronic converters. Due to very high popularity of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the spread of electric vehicles (EV) as well as their charging installations, DC–AC and AC–DC converters are often found in power systems. The transformerless coupling of AC and DC systems via power electronic converters means that an electrical installation containing...

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  • An Overview of Bidirectional EV Chargers: Empowering Traction Grid-Powered Chargers


    - Year 2023

    In recent years, the number of electric vehicles has been at least doubling year after year. As a result, today electric vehicles already account for approximately 10% of the global automotive market, which positively affects environment in urbanized areas. However, to take full advantage of the EV integration it is necessary to use renewable sources for their charging; optimally place charging stations/terminals; optimally manage...

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  • Image Processing Techniques for Distributed Grid Applications


    - Year 2012

    Parallel approaches to 2D and 3D convolution processing of series of images have been presented. A distributed, practically oriented, 2D spatial convolution scheme has been elaborated and extended into the temporal domain. Complexity of the scheme has been determined and analysed with respect to coefficients in convolution kernels. Possibilities of parallelisation of the convolution operations have been analysed and the results...

  • Dobór elementów instalacji fotowoltaicznych - instalacje on-grid


    Obecnie instalacje fotowoltaiczne dołączone do sieci stanowią 72% wszystkich systemów fotowoltaicznych.System PV podłączony do sieci elektroenergetycznej wytwarza energię, która jest w sposób ciągły przekazywana do sieci, co (przeciwnie niż w instalacjach off-grid) pozwala na całkowite niedopasowanie liczby zamontowanych w instalacji modułów fotowoltaicznych do zapotrzebowania obiektu na energię elektryczną. W efekcie instalacja...

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  • Performance Characteristics of a Micro-turbine, International

    . In the paper a design of a multi-stage micro-turbine with partial admission of all the stages is described in detail and the results of particular experimental investigations and numerical calculations are shown, followed by conclusions. The co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. The values of the main cycle parameters were as follows:- heat...

  • [EiF] Economic theory - micro

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Parteka

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina:  Ekonomia i Finanse Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku Prowadzący:   dr hab. Tomasz Brodzicki Liczba godzin: 30 h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Economics and Finance Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd year PhD students Academic teacher:  dr hab. Tomasz Brodzicki Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}

  • Use of AMI Meters in the Process of Low Voltage Grid Optimization


    - Acta Energetica - Year 2017

    This is a report of a project involving, inter alia, low voltage grid performance optimization with data from AMI meters . The study was supported with a European UPGRID grant, and executed by a consortium of companies from seven European countries, including Poland .

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  • Condition-Based Monitoring of DC Motors Performed with Autoencoders


    - Year 2022

    This paper describes a condition-based monitoring system estimating DC motor degradation with the use of an autoencoder. Two methods of training the autoencoder are evaluated, namely backpropagation and extreme learning machines. The root mean square (RMS) error in the reconstruction of successive fragments of the measured DC motor angular-frequency signal, which is fed to the input of autoencoder, is used to determine the health...

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  • Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid

    • V. Minambres-Marcos
    • I. Roasto
    • E. Romero-Cadaval
    • R. Strzelecki
    • F. Barrero-Gonzalez

    - Year 2015

    This paper presents the control of one cell of a modular single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for meeting the smart grid concept. In this way, the converter could be used not only as a conventional transformer but also for grid such as reactive power, harmonic elimination and energy storage. The topology of the cell is composed by a bidirectional converter with three stages: a half bridge in the input...

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    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by improving the usage of regenerative breaking. In 2016 the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej (PKT, Trolleybus Transport Company) in Gdynia began practical implementation...

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  • Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems


    In this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...

  • Requirements for interconnection of HVDC links with DC-DC converters

    • D. Gomez
    • J. Paez
    • M. Cheah-Mane
    • J. Maneiro
    • P. Dworakowski
    • O. Gomis-Bellmunt
    • F. Morel

    - Year 2019

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  • Overview of DC–DC Converters Dedicated to HVdc Grids



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  • Genetic Positioning of Fire Stations Utilizing Grid-computing Platform


    A chapter presents a model for determining near-optimal locations of fire stations based on topography of a given area and location of forests, rivers, lakes and other elements of the site. The model is based on principals of genetic algorithms and utilizes the power of the grid to distribute and execute in parallel most performance-demanding computations involved in the algorithm.

  • Evaluation of Open Source SIEM for Situation Awareness Platform in the Smart Grid Environment


    - Year 2015

    The smart grid as a large-scale system of systems has an exceptionally large surface exposed to cyber-attacks, including highly evolved and sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Botnets. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. The smart grid requires developing and deploying an extensive ICT infrastructure that supports significantly...

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  • Sieciowe systemy przetwarzania rozproszonego typu GRID – rozwiązania systemowe oraz przykłady aplikacyjne


    - Year 2014

    Zaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania oraz integracji rozproszonych mocy obliczeniowych komputerów Internautów w globalnej sieci www. Pokazano paradygmaty internetowego przetwarzania rozproszonego typu grid computing oraz volunteer computing. Zwrócono uwagę na istotność tego typu przetwarzania w rozwiązywaniu zagadnień wymagających bardzo dużych mocy obliczeniowych. Pokazano reprezentatywne przykłady rozwiązań systemowych tego...

  • Estimation of DC motor parameters using a simple CMOS camera


    - Year 2017

    Different components of control systems for mobile robots are based on dynamic models. In low-cost solutions such a robot is wheeled and equipped with DC motors, which have to be included in the model of the robot. The model is fairly simple but determination of its parameters needs not to be easy. For instance, DC motor parameters are typically identified indirectly using suitable measurements, concerning engine voltage, current,...

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  • Comparative Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Converters Suitable for Application in DC and AC Grids

    • O. Husev
    • O. Matiushkin
    • T. Jalakas
    • D. Vinnikov
    • N. V. Kurdkandi


    This article presents a comparative evaluation of several topological solutions to the universal power electronics interface for the dc or single-phase ac grids using the same terminals. The idea of a dual-purpose approach lies in the utilization of the same semiconductors in the dc–dc and the dc–ac configuration, resulting in minimal redundancy. Particular focus is on the power density improvement and control. Out of the three...

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  • On three-dimensional dynamics of smart rotating micro-disks

    • S. Dastjerdi
    • M. Malikan
    • M. Tahani
    • M. Kadkhodayan
    • A. Ameli


    In this paper, three-dimensional (3D) dynamic analysis of a rotational smart piezomagnetic-flexomagnetic (PFM) multi-functional micro-disk has been investigated. In the mathematical modeling, an attempt has been made to develop a wide range of factors influencing the analyzed structure, which is intended to be used as a micro-sensor/actuator. The investigated smart micro-disk could have many sensitive and accurate applications,...

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  • Smart grid technologies in electric traction: Mini inverter station


    - Year 2017

    The growing number of trams and trolleybuses equipped with recuperation systems contribute to the increase in the amount of energy recovered during braking. It raises questions about the possibility of its usage. One of such possibilities is the use of smart grid technology. The paper presents a case study of the use of braking energy in the trolleybus system for external loads by implementing mini inverter stations. Analysis is...

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  • Gas boiler as a heat source for the domestic micro-CHP


    This analysis considers a commercially available domestic gas boiler as a heat source for a domestic organic Rankine cycle system. An experimental study was made into the applicability of the gas boiler (De Dietrich with thermal power 25 kW) coupled with the laboratory prototype micro ORC setup. The main aim of the study is to determine the working fluid temperature, attainable heat rates and effciencies of the whole system. Preliminary...

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  • Gas boiler as a heat source for the domestic micro-CHP


    - Year 2013

    In the presented analysis a commercially available domestic gas boiler as a heat source for domestic ORC is considered. The applicability of the gas boiler (De Dietrich with thermal power 25 kW) coupled with the laboratory prototype micro ORC setup has experimentally studied. The main aim of the study is to determine the working fluid temperature, attainable heat rates and efficiencies of the whole system. Preliminary investigations...

  • Wybrane rozwiązania występujące w architekturach systemów rozproszonych klasy grid


    - Year 2012

    Opisano wybrane rozwiązania występujące w architekturach systemów rozproszonych klasy grid. Odniesiono się do zapewnienia przezroczystości, a także do możliwości zarządzania i kontroli wykorzystania zasobów. Omówiono zasady optymalizacji zarządzania takimi systemami.

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  • Automatic evaluation of information credibility in Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid


    - Year 2008

    This article presents a novel algorithm for automatic estimation of information credibility. It concerns information collected in Knowledge Grid and Semantic Web. Possibilities to evaluate the credibility of information in such structures are much greater than those available for WWW sites which use natural language. The rating system presented in this paper estimates credibility automatically on the basis of the following metrics:...

  • On time-dependent nonlinear dynamic response of micro-elastic solids

    A new approach to the mechanical response of micro-mechanic problems is presented using the modified couple stress theory. This model captured micro-turns due to micro-particles' rotations which could be essential for microstructural materials and/or at small scales. In a micro media based on the small rotations, sub-particles can also turn except the whole domain rotation. However, this framework is competent for a static medium....

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  • Design and investigations of a micro-turbine flow part

    -generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. The heat output of the plant was assumed equal to 20 kW, while the electric output amounted to about 3kW.In the paper a multi-stage micro-turbine with partial admission of all the stages is described in detail and the results of the particular experimental investigations and numerical calculations are shown,...

  • Influence of the operating frequency on DC-DC converters for HVDC grids

    • J. Paez
    • J. Maneiro
    • S. Bacha
    • D. Frey
    • P. Dworakowski

    - Year 2019

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  • 9 kW SiC MOSFET based DC/DC converter

    • L. Niewiara
    • T. Tarczewski
    • M. Skiwski
    • L. Grzesiak

    - Year 2015

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  • Zastosowanie tranzystorów GaN w wysokoczęstotliwościowych przekształtnikach DC/DC

    W artykule przedstawiono tranzystory mocy z azotku galu (GaN) jako przyrządy, umożliwiające budowanie wysokoczęstotliwościowych przekształtników energoelektronicznych. Opisano tranzystory GaN HEMT SSFET, przedstawiono sposób ich sterowania i czasy przełączeń. Podano wyniki badań eksperymentalnych przekształtnika obniżającego napięcie o sprawności 96,5%, pracującego z częstotliwością przełączeń 500 kHz. Zaprezentowano metodę doboru...

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  • Very high altitude micro air vehicle deployment method


    - IFAC-PapersOnLine - Year 2019

    The paper presents the original work and method for high altitude micro air vehicle deployment. The method is based on the scientific ballooning, and adapted for stratospheric flight of commercial off-the-shelf micro air vehicle in flying wing configuration. The High Altitude Micro Air Vehicle, built for this research, was deployed during a test experiment at the lower level of the stratosphere. The results of the experiment and...

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  • Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter for multilevel propulsion converters for electrical multiple units (EMU)


    - Year 2018

    Semiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in power converters. Two different approaches to implementation of modern traction converters in electric multiple units (EMU) have been presented in recent years: (i) 3.3-kV SiC MOSFET-based three-level PWM inverter with regenerative braking and (ii) 6.5-kV IGBT-based four-quadrant power electronic traction transformer...

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  • Smart Grid in Practise - Implementation of the Billaterall Supply in Gdynia Trolleybus Network


    - Year 2017

    Since 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. In 2011 was introduced the first supercapacitor storage energy system. In PKT started applications of Smart Grid technologies in supply network: the bilateral supply. The paper presents results of these this novel investitions.

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  • Efektywne zrównoleglanie obliczeń w systemie klasy grid na przykładzie hipotezy Collatza


    Zaprezentowano problem Collatza oraz sposób jego adaptacji, pozwalający na realizację obliczeń w systemie typu grid. Zidentyfikowano również pożądane cechy problemów obliczeniowych, dzięki którym mogą one zostać zrównoleglone w sposób efektywny w systemach typu grid i porównano je z cechami zadań realizowanych typowo przy użyciu klastrów obliczeniowych.

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  • A multistage turbine for a micro power plant

    This paper presents results of a design analysis of a multi-stage turbine for the cogeneration micro-power plant working in accordance with Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20 kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be of about 3 kW. Different variants of the radial and axial-flow turbines have been considered, while the detailed results of the calculations...

  • Isolated High Step-Up Current-Fed DC-DC Converter With Low Input Current Ripple and Wide Full-Soft-Switching Capability

    • P. Mohseni
    • S. Pourjafar
    • O. Matiushkin
    • O. Husev
    • D. Vinnikov


    This paper presents a current-fed isolated, high step-up dc-dc converter that has low voltage stress on the power switches. The suggested configuration achieves isolation between the input and output using a High-Frequency (HF) transformer. The leakage inductance of the transformer is harnessed to achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) during power switch turn-on and Zero Current Switching (ZCS) for power diodes across a broad range...

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  • Przetwornica rezonansowa LLC AC-DC w układzie półmostka

    W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty prac nad rezonansową przetwornicą AC/DC typu LLC w układzie półmostka o mocy 100W. Układ sterowania przetwornicy został opracowany w oparciu o dedykowany sterownik UCC25600 (Texas Instrumens). W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję przetwornicy oraz porównano właściwości opracowanej przetwornicy z komercyjnie dostępnym układem typu Flyback.

  • Review and Indication of Key Activities for Energy Management Improvement in DC Microgrids


    DC MicroGrids (MG) must have Energy Management Systems (EMS) to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control (MPC), proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC microgrids, i.e.:...

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