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Reliability assessment of an OVH HV power line truss transmission tower subjected to seismic loading
PublicationThe study focuses on the reliability of a transmission tower OS24 ON150 + 10, an element of an OVH HV power line, under seismic loading. In order to describe the seismic force, the real-life recording of the horizontal component of the El Centro earthquake was adopted. The amplitude and the period of this excitation are assumed random, their variation is described by Weibull distribution. The possible space state of the phenomenon...
Analysis of ship shaft line coupling bolts failure
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotyczące uszkodzeń linii wałów okrętowych, w tym także pęknięć zmęczeniowych śrub sprzęgieł kołnierzowych wałów. Wyjaśniono także mechanizm powstawania tego typu uszkodzeń i zagrożenia jakie niosą ze sobą. Opisano przypadki takich uszkodzeń oraz badania jakie są prowadzone dla lepszego poznania zjawisk zmęczeniowych w omawianych uszkodzeniach.
PublicationSubject of this paper is the mathematical model estimating the Economical threshold between usage of combustion engine traction and electrical traction for new and modernized railway passenger communication lines. Currently available models do not coincide with the whole complexity of the problem. The proposed model was implemented into Matlab and then validated on “Pomorska Kolej Metropolitalna” investment time-frame and its cost...
Methods of mapping out the route contour of a railway line
PublicationStosowane obecnie toromierze elektroniczne wykorzystywane są przede wszystkim do pomiaru geometrii toru. Dane z pomiarów mogą być również wykorzystane w procesie projektowania regulacji toru (np. podczas usuwania dołków). W referacie przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania profilu podłużnego linii kolejowej na podstawie pomierzonych nierówności pionowych. Wyznaczony w ten sposób profil w dalszym etapie wykorzystany by był w projektowaniu...
Concept of rural spatial planning in line with social expectations
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A Fast Image Analysis Technique for the Line Tracking Robots
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Some remarks on the design of microstrip to coplanar line transformer.
PublicationPrzedyskutowano technikę projektowania transformatora standardu umożliwiającego współpracę linii mikropaskowej i linii koplanarnej. Jako sekcję pośrednią wykorzystano uziemiony falowód koplanarny (conductor backed coplanar waveguide). Dokonano oceny różnych profili sekcji pośredniej w oparciu o szereg symulacji elektromagnetycznych, jak i pomiarów charakterystyk transmisji wykonanych modeli transformatorów.
Simulation and discretization of random field in the slip line method.
PublicationW pracy rozpatrywany jest problem nośności granicznej podłoża o własnościach stochastycznych przy obciążeniu spoczywającym na nim ciężkim sztywnym bloku.Opisano sposób generacji wielowymiarowego pola losowego oparty na diagonalizacji macierzy kowariancji przy wykorzystaniu macierzy dolnotrójkątnej .Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wpływ dyskretyzacji ośrodka na rozwiązanie oraz jego zbieżność.
Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationDue to high requirements of variety of 3D spatial data applications with respect to data amount and quality, automatized, effcient and reliable data acquisition and preprocessing methods are needed. The use of photogrammetry techniques—as well as the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) automatic scanners—are among attractive solutions. However, measurement data are in the form of unorganized point clouds, usually requiring transformation...
Proposal of a Mobile Medical Waste Incinerator with Application of Automatic Waste Feeder and Heat Recovery System as a Novelty in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issues of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and the problems regarding their proper management in Poland. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers human health and the environment. Infectious waste must be properly disposed of—in practice, the only method of their disposal available in Poland is a thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose....
Exploring the landscape of automatic cerebral microbleed detection: A comprehensive review of algorithms, current trends, and future challenges
PublicationThis paper provides the first review to date which gathers, describes, and assesses, to the best of our knowledge, all available publications on automating cerebral microbleed (CMB) detection. It provides insights into the current state of the art and highlights the challenges and opportunities in this topic. By incorporating the best practices identified in this review, we established guidelines for the development of CMB detection...
Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Context of the Marine Cadastre
PublicationIn the wake of the European and global spatial data infrastructures (SDI) it is important to build information systems which use and serve thematic data in compliance with the INSPIRE Directive. In the context of hydrographic data, the Directive requires EU member states to collect and share information on maritime areas divided into regions and sub-regions, as well as coastal zone management areas. These data are part of recently...
Automatic Credibility Assessment of Popular Medical Articles Available Online
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Role of various parametres in automatic classification of musical instrument sound.
PublicationArtkuł dotyczy problemu automatycznej klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych, w tym głównie wpływu indywidualnych parametrów na proces automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów. Parametryzacja wykorzystuje wdirmo Fourierowskie i analizę czasową dźwięków do formowania 14 i 62-parametrowych wektorów cech dystynktywnych. Autorzy porównują jakość rozpoznawania i rozróźnialność instrumentów. Przy ocenach tego typu stosowano drzewa...
WP1 of INDECT Project: Intelligent Monitoring and Automatic Detection of Threats
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WP1: Intelligent Monitoring and Automatic Detection of Threats - partners cooperation
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WP1: Intelligent monitoring and automatic detection of threats -introduction to the WP1
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Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
DCANet: deep context attention network for automatic polyp segmentation
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Improved Combined Metric for Automatic Quality Assessment of Stitched Images
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Automatic assessment of the hearing aid dynamics based on fuzzy logic
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawy koncepcyjne systemu dopasowania protez słuchu opartego na logice rozmytej. Przeprowadzono dyskusje na temat metody skalowania głośności. Następnie podano szczegóły procesu aproksymacji funkcji przynależności odzwierciedlające słuchowe wrażenia głośności. Załączono wnioski.
Rough set based automatic classification of musical instrument sound
PublicationReferat dotyczy problemu automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów muzycznych rozwiązywanego z zastosowaniem, inteligentnych algorytmów decyzyjnych. Wnioski zawarte w referacie dotyczą reprezentacji sygnałów muzycznych, która jest przydatna w procesie automatycznej klasyfikacji instrumentów.
Preliminary Study on Automatic Recognition of Spatial Expressions in Polish Texts
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Soft computing based automatic recognition of musical instrument classes.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów dotyczących automatycznego rozpoznawania klas instrumentów muzycznych. Proces klasyfikacji zrealizowano w oparciu o sztuczne sieci neuronowe, zaś wektor cch został oparty o parametry obliczane w wyniku analizy falkowej dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych.
Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationDiseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is not uncommon for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected...
Methodology of experimental research on efficiency of hydro-mechanical automatic gearbox
PublicationThe article shortly describes the design and principle of operation of the hydromechanical gearbox and presents the methodology and design of test stands used for testing hydromechanical proto-type gearbox developed at Technical University of Gdansk. The article presents an approach according to which, in order to obtain reliable measurement data, it is necessary to separate the tests of the hydraulic and mechanical parts of the...
PublicationEstimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...
Automatic prosodic modification in a Text-To-Speech synthesizer of Polish language
PublicationPrzedstawiono system syntezy mowy polskiej z funkcją automatycznej modyfikacji prozodii wypowiedzi. Opisane zostały metody automatycznego wyznaczania akcentu i intonacji wypowiedzi. Przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmów przetwarzania sygnału mowy w procesie kształtowania prozodii. Omówiono wpływ zastosowanych modyfikacji na naturalność brzmienia syntezowanego sygnału. Zastosowana metoda oparta jest na algorytmie TD-PSOLA. Opracowany...
Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationDiseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is common for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected as...
CSR AG II on line NST
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Zarządzanie wiedzą zima on-line 2024
e-Learning CoursesOto link do wykładów z Zarządzania wiedzą i Koncepcji zarządzania:
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NST on line FILOZOFIA AG 2023
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Integracja Gospodarcza Europy (NS on-line)
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Negocjacje_(on-line)_(PG_00061060), piątki 19.15
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Mathematical Modelling of Drive System with an Elastic Coupling Based on Formal Analogy between the Transmission Shaft and the Electric Transmission Line
PublicationIn the paper, the kinematic structure of the transmission shaft between the driving motor and the working mechanism is studied. The analysis is based on electrical and mechanical similarities. The equivalent circuits, typical for electrical systems, are defined for the transmission shaft concerned. Modelling of the transmission shaft based on a formal analogy between the transmission shaft and the electric transmission line is...
XXXII Wieczór z Ekonomią - on-line
EventsGościem wieczoru będzie prof. Dariusz Filar z Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, a tematem autorska książka "Na błędnym kursie. Polityka i gospodarka Polski w latach 2015-2020".
Automatic Watercraft Recognition and Identification on Water Areas Covered by Video Monitoring as Extension for Sea and River Traffic Supervision Systems
PublicationThe article presents the watercraft recognition and identification system as an extension for the presently used visual water area monitoring systems, such as VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) or RIS (River Information Service). The watercraft identification systems (AIS - Automatic Identification Systems) which are presently used in both sea and inland navigation require purchase and installation of relatively expensive transceivers...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in Trento University laboratory on "unknown" object using 2-wire probe
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of "black-box" object with interesting phase characteristics. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
SEM image and line EDS of SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d porous electrode sintered at 800 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains image of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d porous electrode sintered at 800 °C with line EDS analysis results. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV in a high vacuum mode. The chemical compositions of the investigated powder...
Selective H2 production from plastic waste through pyrolysis and in-line oxidative steam reforming
PublicationThis study deals with the proposal of pyrolysis and in-line oxidative steam reforming (P-OSR) for plastic waste valorization and assesses the potential of this strategy for the selective production of H2. Overall, the study aims at progressing towards the fine-tuning of the pyrolysis-reforming technology by co-feeding O2. Thus, a multi-point O2 injection system has been developed to ensure a suitable O2 distribution in the reforming...
Time-Gating method with automatic calibration for accurate measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in Non-Anechoic environments
PublicationNon-anechoic sites represent a cheap alternative to measurements of antennas in dedicated facilities. However, due to a high noise—from the external EM signal sources and multipath interferences—the quality of radiation patterns obtained in non-anechoic conditions is poor. The characteristics can be corrected using a time-gating method (TGM), which involves filtering of the noise based on temporal analysis of the measured signals....