Implementation of Hermite-Ritz method and Navier’s Technique for Vibration of Functionally Graded Porous Nanobeam Embedded in Winkler-Pasternak Elastic Foundation Using bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity
PublicationPresent study is devoted to investigating the vibration characteristics of Functionally Graded (FG) porous nanobeam embedded in an elastic substrate of Winkler-Pasternak type. Classical beam theory (CBT) or Euler-Bernoulli beam theory (EBT) has been incorporated to address the displacement of the FG nanobeam. Bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity is being used to capture the small scale effect of the FG nanobeam. Further, the...
Force transfer and stress distribution in short cantilever deep beams loaded throughout the depth with a various reinforcement
PublicationDeep beams used as the main reinforced concrete structural elements which taking over the load and stiffening construction are often found in high-rise buildings. The architecture of these buildings is sometimes sophisticated and varied, arouse the admiration of the majority of recipients, and thus causing an engineering challenge to correctly design the structural system and force transfer. In such structures is important to shape...
Evaluation of adhesion strength, corrosion, and biological properties of the MWCNT/TiO2 coating intended for medical applications
PublicationMulti-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) coatings are gaining increasing interest because of their special properties used in many science fields. The titania coatings are known for their improvement of osteoblast adhesion, thus changing the surface architecture. Bi-layer coatings comprising 0.25 wt% of the MWCNTs and 0.30 wt% of titania (anatase structure) were synthesized in a two-stage procedure using the electrophoretic deposition...
Electrical Simulations of the SIS100 Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Circuits: Transients, Earthing and Failure Modes
PublicationThe 100 Tm superconducting synchrotron SIS100 is the main accelerator of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) currently under advanced construction in Darmstadt, Germany. The SIS100 dipole circuit which creates the magnetic field required to bend the beam, consists of 108 dipoles distributed over six arc sections of the ring. The magnetic field for the beam focusing is generated by three individual...
PublicationModern monetary policy focuses on credibility and shaping inflation expectations. In keeping with the concept of inflation forecast targeting, the inflation forecasts published by central banks play a crucial role in the instrument rate decision-making process and may be treated as a specific intermediate target. This study proposes an inflation forecast credibility index, the scope of which is narrowed to non-specialists’ approach...
Diatomaceous earth as a drug-loaded carrier in a glass-ionomer cement
PublicationThe effect of a natural filler (diatomaceous earth [DE], a promising drug-delivery agent) and its content was investigated on the performance of a model glass-ionomer cement (GIC). Three sample series, differing in DE content (0, 2.5 and 5 wt%), were prepared using a commercial GIC as a matrix (3M Ketac Molar Easymix). The resultant surface microhardness and roughness, wear performance, and compressive strength of the samples were...
Towards Resource Theory of Coherence in Distributed Scenarios
PublicationThe search for a simple description of fundamental physical processes is an important part of quantum theory. One example for such an abstraction can be found in the distance lab paradigm: if two separated parties are connected via a classical channel, it is notoriously difficult to characterize all possible operations these parties can perform. This class of operations is widely known as local operations and classical communication....
MultiRegional PCA for leakage detection and localisation in DWDS - approach
PublicationMonitoring is one of the most important parts in advanced control of complex dynamic systems. Information about systems behavior, including failures indicating, enables for efficient control. The chapter describes an approach to detection and localisation of pipe leakage in Drinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDS) representing complex and distributed dynamic system of large scale. Proposed MultiRegional Principal Component Analysis...
Assessing Metal Distribution in Diverse Incineration Ashes: Implications for Sustainable Waste Management in Case of Different Incineration Facilities
PublicationIncineration contributes about 10% of metals emission in Europe and leaching of metals from reuse or landfilling of incineration products remains a global concern. Thus, evaluating metal distribution in incineration residues is critical. The present study highlights the distribution of selected metals, Zn, Mn, Ni, Co, Fe, Cr, Al, Cu, and Pb, in incineration ashes in relation to incinerator capacities/sizes. Al was most distributed...
Optimal edge-coloring with edge rate constraints
PublicationWe consider the problem of covering the edges of a graph by a sequence of matchings subject to the constraint that each edge e appears in at least a given fraction r(e) of the matchings. Although it can be determined in polynomial time whether such a sequence of matchings exists or not [Grötschel et al., Combinatorica (1981), 169–197], we show that several questions about the length of the sequence are computationally intractable....
Phytoplankton communities of polar regions–Diversity depending on environmental conditions and chemical anthropopressure
PublicationThe polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) constitute up to 14% of the biosphere and offer some of the coldest and most arid Earth's environments. Nevertheless several oxygenic phototrophs including some higher plants, mosses, lichens, various algal groups and cyanobacteria, survive that harsh climate and create the base of the trophic relationships in fragile ecosystems of polar environments. Ecosystems in polar regions are characterized...
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannels heat exchanger performance
PublicationNowadays, the most difficult technological challenge in energy sector is connected with the gas micro-CHP units, dedicated to the distributed power generation. They are expected to be of high efficiency and at the same time of compact in size. Regarding the first reason, significant increase in microturbine efficiency can only be achieved by increase in the engine operating temperature. Therefore, one of the critical elements in...
The influence of the Cu2O deposition method on the structure, morphology and photoresponse of the ordered TiO2NTs/Cu2O heterojunction
PublicationThe increased interest in highly ordered titania structures exhibiting tubular shape that could be directly formed onto the stable substrate is related with the intensive research on their modification enabling absorption of light within the wide solar spectrum and its further conversion into electric or chemical energy. Among others, formation of uniform 3D heterojunctions based on the TiO2 nanotubes attracts attention since porous...
The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program
PublicationWe present an overview of the ONETEP program for linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) calculations with large basis set (planewave) accuracy on parallel computers. The DFT energy is computed from the density matrix, which is constructed from spatially localized orbitals we call Non-orthogonal Generalized Wannier Functions (NGWFs), expressed in terms of periodic sinc (psinc) functions. During the calculation, both the...
Accident susceptibility index for a passenger ship-a framework and case study
PublicationThe continuous monitoring and assessment of operational vulnerability and accident susceptibility of passenger ships is crucial from the perspective of ship and passenger safety. Despite the existing solutions for vulnerability monitoring, stemming mainly from watertight door operations, a comprehensive framework for accident susceptibility assessment and monitoring is missing in the literature. Therefore, this paper offers a...
The Effect of Increasing the Amount of Indium Alloying Material on the Efficiency of Sacrificial Aluminium Anodes
PublicationAl-Zn-In alloys having 4.2% zinc content and various indium content in the range of 0.02–0.2% were tested with respect to the most important electrochemical properties of sacrificial anodes in a cathodic protection, i.e., the current capacity and potential of the operating anode. The distribution of In and Zn in the tested alloys was mapped by means of the EDX technique, which demonstrated that these elements dissolve well in the...
Technological vs. Non-Technological Mindsets: Learning From Mistakes, and Organizational Change Adaptability to Remote Work
PublicationThe permanent implementation of the change in working methods, e.g., working in the virtual space, is problematic for some employees and, as a result, for management leaders. To explore this issue deeper, this study assumes that mindset type: technological vs. non-technological, may influence the organizational adaptability to change. Moreover, the key interest of this research is how non-technological mindsets...
More than just a beer – Brewers' spent grain, spent hops, and spent yeast as potential functional fillers for polymer composites
PublicationBeer is among the most popular beverages in the world, with the production distributed uniformly between the biggest continents, so the utilization of brewing by-products is essential on a global scale. Among their potential recipients, the plastics industry offers extensive range of potential products. Herein, the presented study investigated the application of currently underutilized solid brewing by-products (brewers' spent...
Renewable energy transition in Europe in the context of renewable energy transition processes in the world. A review
PublicationBoth the global and European energy sectors have been undergoing a deep transition for several years, associated with a reduction in the overall share of conventional coal-based energy in favor of new technologies, especially energy from renewable sources (RES). This transition is moving from centralized production towards distributed technologies and from providing only energy to end users towards combining innovative products...
Nutrient transport and acquisition by diatom chains in a moving fluid
PublicationThe role of fluid motion in delivery of nutrients to phytoplankton cells is a fundamental question in biological and chemical oceanography. In the study of mass transfer to phytoplankton, diatoms are of particular interest. They are non-motile, are often the most abundant components in aggregates and often form chains, so they are the ones expected to benefit most from enhancement of nutrient flux due to dissipating turbulence....
Anti-cancer effect of Rumex obtusifolius in combination with arginase/nitric oxide synthase inhibitors via downregulation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and polyamine synthesis
PublicationCancer continues to be a leading cause of death worldwide, making the development of new treatment methods crucial in the fight against it. With cancer incidence rates increasing worldwide, ongoing research must focus on identifying new and effective ways to prevent and treat the disease. The combination of herbal extracts with chemotherapeutic agents has gained much interest as a novel strategy to combat cancer. Rumex obtusifolius...
Stability Enhancement of Grid-Connected Wind Power Generation System Using PSS, SFCL and STATCOM
PublicationThe stability related issues may occur in a power system due to disturbances in generating or loading conditions, especially in the presence of distributed generation (DG) based on renewable energy resources (RERs). This paper proposes a novel strategy for the stability enhancement of a wind power generation system (WPGS) by using a combination of three devices, namely, a power system stabilizer (PSS), resistive superconductor...
Annual signals observed in regional GPS networks
PublicationAbstract: This paper describes analyses concerning annual signals in GPS-derived coordinates. The data was processed in the Military University of Technology Local Analysis Centre with Bernese 5.0 software. We used observations from 129 permanent GPS stations which belong to the Polish Active Geodetic Network (ASG-EUPOS), for the period of GPS weeks 1465-1729, corresponding to about 5 years. The annual signals have been estimated...
The role of clusters as collective actors in the energy transformation: the case of Mazovia Cluster ICT
PublicationPurpose – In our paper we aim to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustainability in the context of energy transformation using the concept of an industrial cluster. The implementation of the idea of sustainability is of particular importance from the perspective of the functioning of the meta-organisations involved in the implementation and promotion of decarbonisation processes. Industrial clusters, as collective...
The particle method for simulation of self-organization phenomena
PublicationThe aim of the work was to design, implement, and use, in a number of experiments, an abstract software environment (an artificial world)suitable for modelling systems consisting of many moving and interactingobjects distributed in space. The environment, named DigiHive, is directed towards modeling of complex systems manifested by processes of self-organization, self-reproduction and self modifications. The environment is mainly...
Topology recognition and leader election in colored networks
PublicationTopology recognition and leader election are fundamental tasks in distributed computing in networks. The first of them requires each node to find a labeled isomorphic copy of the network, while the result of the second one consists in a single node adopting the label 1 (leader), with all other nodes adopting the label 0 and learning a path to the leader. We consider both these problems in networks whose nodes are equipped with...
Nickel phase deposition on V2CTx/V2AlC as catalyst precursors for a dry methane reforming: The effect of the deposition method on the morphology and catalytic activity
PublicationDry reforming of methane (DRM) is a promising alternative technology for the production of syngas with simultaneous utilization of two main greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2). However, DRM technology is still an industrially immature process due to the lack of stable and active catalyst. Therefore, the search for new catalytic materials is of great research interest. Recently, MAX and MXenes materials are increasingly being tested as...
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
PublicationIntroduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers.Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studiesprimarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leavingcaregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial...
Doskonalenie strumienia wartości
PublicationKsiążka ta ma na celu praktyczne ujęcie problemu optymalizacji przedsiębiorstwa opartej na koncepcji Lean (z ang. Lean – szczupły) i jej narzędziu Mapowania Strumienia Wartości. ---- Tu pobierzesz jej pełną treść w wersji elektronicznej: ---- Prezentowane...