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Sleep Apnea Detection by Means of Analyzing Electrocardiographic Signal
PublicationObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition of cyclic, periodic ob-struction (stenosis) of the upper respiratory tract. OSA could be associated with serious cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, arrhythmias, hearth failure or peripheral vascular disease. Understanding the way of connection between OSA and cardiovascular diseases is important to choose proper treatment strategy. In this paper, we present a method for integrated...
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Implementation of an Adaptive Method for Changing the Frequency Division of the Counter Clock Signal in a Frequency-to-Code Converter
PublicationProcessing physical quantities into an indirect signal is a standard method of transferring information about the measured quantity to the master system, which analyzes the data obtained from the acquisition system. The intermediate signal is very often the voltage, but another transmission medium can be the frequency of the output signal of the “physical quantity-to-frequency” converter. The article presents the implementation...
Detection of the First Component of the Received LTE Signal in the OTDoA Method
PublicationIn a modern world there is a growing demand for localization services of various kinds. Position estimation can be realized via cellular networks, especially in the currently widely deployed LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks. However, it is not an easy task in harsh propagation conditions which often occur in dense urban environments. Recently, time-methods of terminal localization within the network have been the focus of attention,...
Advanced acoustic signal analysis used for wheel-flat detection
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Theoretical and Measurement Investigations of DS CDMA Signal Detection Problem
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis teoretyczny wybranej motody wykrywania sygnałów z widmem rozproszonym DS CDMA. Przedstawiono prototypowe stanowisko laboratoryjne do wykrywania sygnałów DS CDMA i zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarowe.
Improving peak detection by Gaussian mixture modeling of mass spectral signal
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Broadband LFM signal source for a module-based diver detection sonar
PublicationPraca przedstawia koncepcję źródła impulsów sondujących sonaru DDS, dla pogrupowanych po stronie nadawczej elementarnych sekcji przetwornika w moduły 8 lub 16 elementowe. Na podstawie oszacowania teoretycznego i pomiarów czwórnikowych określono potrzebną moc wyjściową i topologię tych nadajników. Przedstawione są też uzyskane na drodze pomiarów charakterystyki częstotliwościowe modułów przetwornika, razem z zastosowanym układem...
Detection and isolation of manoeuvres in adaptive tracking filtering based on multiple model switching
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawia się model radarowego procesu pomiarowego oraz omawiaproblem modelowania trajektorii ruchu obiektów latających. Przyjęto klasę o-biektów cywilnych, których tor ruchu można opisać jak złożenie ruchu prosto-liniowego jednostajnego oraz ruchu prostoliniowego jednostajnie zmiennegolub ruchu po okręgu ze stałą prędkością (manewru). zastosowano również meto-dę estymacji nieznanej wartości wielkości sterującej,...
Magnetic field gradient as the most useful signal for detection of flaws using MFL technique
PublicationThe magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technique is extensively used for detection of flaws as well as for evaluation of their dimensions in ferromagnetic materials. However, proper analysis of the MFL signal is hindered by the MFL sensor velocity causing distortions of this signal. Traditionally measured components of the MFL signal are particularly sensitive to the scanning velocity. In this paper, an another signal – the gradient of...
Improvement of glass break acoustic signal detection via application of wavelet packet decomposition
PublicationThe main subject of the authors' research are non-contact methods of glass break detection based on analysis of the acoustic signal generated during the event. This problem has essential meaning for modern cost- effective alarm systems, particularly those installed into big buildings. The main difficulties of the matter are: transient character of the signal, great number of similar sounds (false signals, mainly accidental glass...
Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines
PublicationThis research contributes to the field of reliability engineering and system safety by introducing an innovative diagnostic method to enhance the reliability and safety of complex technological systems. Steam turbines are specifically referred to. This study focuses on the integration of advanced signal processing techniques and engineering dynamics in addressing critical issues in the monitoring and maintenance of mechanical systems....
Lamb wave based structural damage detection using cointegration and fractal signal processing
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PublicationNowadays a new area of interest is gaining importance - it is home biomedical examination. Intelligent home can be supported by set of devices for habitants observation. It can be particularly useful for elders or person with some health risks but living alone. One of critical locations within the house is bathroom. One of utilities in the bathroom is a bathtub which is sometimes preferred over shower. There are reports of problems...
Speed Sensorless AC Drive with Inverter LC Filter and Fault Detection Using Load Torque Signal
PublicationThe industrial development in recent years has seen a major increase in the use of induction motors, whereby the cost has to be as low as possible and the lifetime as long as possible. To follow up this desire, investigations in this area have become very intense. For that reason, this paper presents a solution for driving an induction motor and simultaneous fault detection with no need for additional sensors. In order to achieve...
Speed sensorless ac drive with inverter output filter and fault detection using load torque signal
PublicationIn this paper, a sensorless induction motor (IM) drive using speed observer system is presented. The system includes load torque computation for gear fault detection. Nonlinear control method is adopted for controlling the motor over a wide speed range. An LC filter for smoothing current and voltage waveforms is used at the output of the voltage inverter. The use of filter imposes more building of the used observer to avoid using...
Theoretical and experimental investigation of low-noise optoelectronic system configurations for low-coherent optical signal detection
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki teoretycznej i eksperymentalnej analizy konfiguracji niskokoherencyjnego układu detekcji sygnałów optycznych. Zaprezentowano zaprojektowany układ detekcji optycznych sygnałów niskokoherencyjnych, który pozwala na pracę w konfiguracji zrównoważonej i niezrównoważonej, co umożliwia porównanie parametrów obu konfiguracji.
A New Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Signal Detection Method for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Shallow-Water Channel
PublicationDirect-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is one of the modulation and coding techniques used in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems for reliable data transmision even at low signal levels. However, in a shallow water channel, there is a strong multipath propagation which causes a phase fluctuation of the received signal, affecting the performance of the spread-spectrum system. The article presents a differential method...
Operational System Modelling in a Focused Fire Alarm System with an Open and Signal Detection Circuit Supervising Railway Station Premises
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Hybrid SONIC: joint feedforward–feedback narrowband interference canceler
PublicationSONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler) is an acronym of a recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitude and/or frequency) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainty. We show that although SONIC can work reliably without...
Pre-arrangement of solvability, complexity, stability and quality of GPC systems
PublicationPraca dotyczy podstawowych problemów strojenia algorytmów dyskretnoczasowego uogólnienia sterowania predykcyjnego (GPC). Optymalne sterowanie predykcyjne, w sensie pewnego kwadratowego funkcjonału kosztów, wyznacza się rozwiązując odpowiednie liniowe zadanie. W pracy podano warunki, przy których macierz tego zadania jest macierzą o pełnym kolumnowym rzędzie - co gwarantuje istnienie optymalnego sterownika. W następnej kolejności...
Asynchronous distributed state estimation based on a continuous-time stochastic model
PublicationW artykule rozważa się ogólny problem estymacji stanu w asynchronicznych rozłożonych systemach (ADE) opartych na wielu czujnikach. W takich systemach stan obiektu jest oceniany przez grupę lokalnych estymatorów, z których każdy oparty zwykle na filtrze Kalmana, dokonuje fuzji danych zebranych poprzez jego lokalne czujniki oraz danych uzyskanych od innych (zdalnych) procesorów, w celu wyznaczenia możliwie najlepszych estymat. Przeprowadzając...
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleZdzislaw Kowalczuk received his M.Sc. degree in 1978 and Ph.D. degree in 1986, both in Automatic Control from Technical University of Gdańsk (TUG), Gdańsk, Poland. In 1993 he received his D.Sc. degree (Dr Habilitus) in Automatic Control from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, and the title of Professor from the President of Poland in 2003. Since 1978 he has been with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics...
Sonar Pulse Detection Using Chirp Rate Estimation and CFAR Algorithms
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to sonar pulse detection. The method uses chirp rate estimators and algorithms for the adaptive threshold, commonly used in radiolocation. The proposed approach allows detection of pulses of unknown parameters, which may be used in passive hydrolocation or jamming detection in underwater communication. Such an analysis is possible thanks to a new kind of imaging, which presents signal energy in...
Artur Gańcza dr inż.
PeopleI received the M.Sc. degree from the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, in 2019. I am currently a Ph.D. student at GUT, with the Department of Automatic Control, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. My professional interests include speech recognition, system identification, adaptive signal processing and linear algebra.
Adaptive system for recognition of sounds indicating threats to security of people and property employing parallel processing of audio data streams
PublicationA system for recognition of threatening acoustic events employing parallel processing on a supercomputing cluster is featured. The methods for detection, parameterization and classication of acoustic events are introduced. The recognition engine is based onthreshold-based detection with adaptive threshold and Support Vector Machine classifcation. Spectral, temporal and mel-frequency descriptors are used as signal features. The...
Quality Evaluation of Novel DTD Algorithm Based on Audio Watermarking
PublicationEcho cancellers typically employ a doubletalk detection (DTD) algorithm in order to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the presence of near-end speech signal or other disruptive sounds in the microphone signal. A novel doubletalk detection algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation...
Improvement of speech intelligibility in the presence of noise interference using the Lombard effect and an automatic noise interference profiling based on deep learning
PublicationThe Lombard effect is a phenomenon that results in speech intelligibility improvement when applied to noise. There are many distinctive features of Lombard speech that were recalled in this dissertation. This work proposes the creation of a system capable of improving speech quality and intelligibility in real-time measured by objective metrics and subjective tests. This system consists of three main components: speech type detection,...
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. On-line tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the stability-preserving Whittle-Wiggins-Robinson algorithm with exponential data weighting. Detection of noise pulses and model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted samples...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Stereo Audio Recordings Using Vector Autoregressive Modeling and Variable-order Kalman Filtering
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. Online tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the exponential ly weighted least squares algo- rithm. Detection of noise pulses an d model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted sampl es is realized using an adaptive, variable-order...
New Algorithms for Adaptive Notch Smoothing
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of signal estimation can be increased if the results obtained from ANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithms can be employed...
A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud
Open Research DataA new automatic and adaptive algorithm for edge extraction from a random point cloud was developed and presented herein. The proposed algorithm was tested using real measurement data. The developed algorithm is able to realistically reduce the amount of redundant data and correctly extract stable edges representing the geometric structures of a studied...
A fast time-frequency multi-window analysis using a tuning directional kernel
PublicationIn this paper, a novel approach for time-frequency analysis and detection, based on the chirplet transform and dedicated to non-stationary as well as multi-component signals, is presented. Its main purpose is the estimation of spectral energy, instantaneous frequency (IF), spectral delay (SD), and chirp rate (CR) with a high time-frequency resolution (separation ability) achieved by adaptive fitting of the transform kernel. We...
A simple way of increasing estimation accuracy of generalized adaptive notch filters
PublicationGeneralized adaptive notch filters are used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. It is shown that frequency biases, which arisein generalized adaptive notch filtering algorithms, can be significantly reduced by incorporating in the adaptive loop an appropriately chosen decision delay. The resulting performance...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothing revisited
PublicationThe problem of identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of parameter estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithm...
Generalized adaptive comb filter with improved accuracy and robustness properties
PublicationGeneralized adaptive comb lters can be used to identify/track parameters of quasi-periodically varying systems.In a special, signal case they reduce down to adaptive comblters, applied to elimination or extraction of nonstationarymulti-harmonic signals buried in noise. We proposea new algorithm which combines, in an adaptive way, resultsyielded by several, simultaneously working generalizedadaptive comb lters. Due to its highly...
Fully Adaptive Savitzky-Golay Type Smoothers
PublicationThe problem of adaptive signal smoothing is consid-ered and solved using the weighted basis function approach. Inthe special case of polynomial basis and uniform weighting theproposed method reduces down to the celebrated Savitzky-Golaysmoother. Data adaptiveness is achieved via parallel estimation.It is shown that for the polynomial and harmonic bases andcosinusoidal weighting sequences, the competing signal estimatescan be computed...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothers for real-valued signals and systems
PublicationSystems with quasi-periodically varying coefficients can be tracked using the algorithms known as generalized adaptive notch filters (GANFs). GANF algorithms can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters (ANFs). We show that estimation accuracy of the existing algorithms, as well as their robustness to the choice of design parameters, can be considerably improved by means of compensating...
System wykrywania i przeciwdziałania spoofingowi GPS
PublicationSpoofing w systemach nawigacji satelitarnej jest atakiem elektronicznym, który polega na nieuprawnionej emisji sygnałów stanowiących imitacje rzeczywistych sygnałów odbieranych z satelitów. Powoduje on wyznaczenie nieprawidłowych informacji o czasie, położeniu i prędkości odbiornika. Z uwagi na trudność jego wykrycia, spoofing stanowi poważniejsze zagrożenie niż proste zagłuszanie sygnałów zakłóceniem o dużej mocy (ang. jamming)....
Generalized adaptive comb filters/smoothers and their application to the identification of quasi-periodically varying systems and signals
PublicationThe problem of both causal and noncausal identification of linear stochastic systems with quasiharmonically varying parameters is considered. The quasi-harmonic description allows one to model nonsinusoidal quasi-periodic parameter changes. The proposed identification algorithms are called generalized adaptive comb filters/smoothers because in the special signal case they reduce down to adaptive comb algorithms used to enhance...
On adaptive covariance and spectrum estimation of locally stationary multivariate processes
PublicationWhen estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one has to make two important decisions. First, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, inversely proportional to the effective width of the local analysis window, in the way that complies with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive...
On adaptive selection of estimation bandwidth for analysis of locally stationary multivariate processes
PublicationWhen estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, related to the effective width of the local analysis window. The choice should comply with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive estimation variance. The paper presents a novel method...
Power System Stabilizer as a Part of a Generator MPC Adaptive Predictive Control System
PublicationIn this paper, a model predictive controller based on a generator model for prediction purposes is proposed to replace a standard generator controller with a stabilizer of a power system. Such a local controller utilizes an input-output model of the system taking into consideration not only a generator voltage Ug but also an additional, auxiliary signal (e.g., α, Pg, or ωg). This additional piece of information allows for taking...
Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublicationIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
PublicationThe transmission properties of underwater acoustic communication channel can change dynamically due to the movement of acoustic system transmitter and receiver or underwater objects reflecting transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response measurement and estimation are necessary to match the physical layer of data transmission to instantaneous channel propagation conditions. Using the correlative measurement method, impulse...
A self-optimization mechanism for generalized adaptive notch smoother
PublicationTracking of nonstationary narrowband signals is often accomplished using algorithms called adaptive notch filters (ANFs). Generalized adaptive notch smoothers (GANSs) extend the concepts of adaptive notch filtering in two directions. Firstly, they are designed to estimate coefficients of nonstationary quasi-periodic systems, rather than signals. Secondly, they employ noncausal processing, which greatly improves their accuracy and...
Feature type and size selection for adaboost face detection algorithm
PublicationThe article presents different sets of Haar-like features defined for adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm for face detection. Apart from a simple set of pixel intensity differences between horizontally or vertically neighboring rectangles, the features based on rotated rectangles are considered. Additional parameter that limits the area on which the features are calculated is also introduced. The experiments carried out on...
From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...