total: 83
Search results for: CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND
Asynchronous Method of Simultaneous Object Position and Orientation Estimation with Two Transmitters
PublicationThis paper proposes an object location method for all types of applications, including the Internet of Things. The proposed method enables estimations of the position and orientation of an object on a plane or in space, especially during motion, by means of location signals transmitted simultaneously from two transmitters placed on the object at a known distance from each other. A mathematical analysis of the proposed method and...
On DoA estimation for rotating arrays using stochastic maximum likelihood approach
PublicationThe flexibility needed to construct DoA estimators that can be used with rotating arrays subject to rapid variations of the signal frequency is offered by the stochastic maximum likelihood approach. Using a combination of analytic methods and Monte Carlo simulations, we show that for low and moderate source correlations the stochastic maximum likelihood estimator that assumes noncorrelated sources has accuracy comparable to the...
Position and Orientation Estimation in Radio Network With Groups of Locally Synchronized Nodes
PublicationThis article presents a positioning system with groups of locally synchronized nodes. A mobile object is equipped with a group of several synchronized receivers that are able to measure the difference in the time of arrival of signals from reference transmitters. The reference transmitters are synchronized only in local groups, with no global synchronization between groups. It is assumed that the synchronous operation of transmitters...
Approximate Cramér–Rao bound on Doppler error in correlation-processing relatively narrowband noise radar
PublicationThe paper studies limitations on accuracy of Doppler estimation in continuous-wave noise radar with correlation processing. Second order properties of output of the correlation receiver are evaluated and an approximate Cram´er-Rao bound on errors of Doppler measurement is derived. The accuracy of Doppler measurements is found to be affected by the following factors: power spectral density of noise signal, frequency response of the...
Experimental evaluation of estimator mean square error curve for cognitive tracking radar
PublicationTo make decisions, cognitive radar must rely on predictions of its own performance. In the literature, these predictions are usually based on some form of Cram\'er-Rao lower bound. This approach is scientifically sound, but it also brings a possibility of the cognitive controller overestimating radar performance. It therefore makes sense to back theoretical predictions with careful experiments which will verify their applicability....
Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...
Sensor Position Estimation Method for IoT Using Mobile Reference Node
PublicationThe paper proposes an innovative method of locating objects for the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed method allows the position of a fixed measuring sensor (MS) to be estimated using one mobile base station with a known position moving around the MS. The mathematical analysis of the method, and three algorithms — Newton’s (NA), gradient descent (GD) and genetic (GA) — for solving the system of non-linear positional equations...
Metoda pomiarowa dla dwuczęstotliwościowej tomografii elektroimpedancyjnej.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono technikę pomiaru prądu/napięcia sinusoidalnego zastosowaną w tomografie elektroimpedancyjnym (TEI). Prezentowany TEI, którego konstrukcja bazuje na układzie tzw. elektrody aktywnej, zaliczany jest do grupy systemów równoległo-szeregowych. Układ elektrody aktywnej umieszczony jest bezpośrednio przy elektrodzie. Identyfikacja parametrów mierzonego sygnału przemiennego następuje w układzie elektrody...
From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...
Optimal and suboptimal algorithms for identification of time-varying systems with randomly drifting parameters
PublicationNoncausal estimation algorithms, which involve smoothing, can be used for off-line identification of nonstationary systems. Since smoothingis based on both past and future data, it offers increased accuracy compared to causal (tracking) estimation schemes, incorporating past data only. It is shown that efficient smoothing variants of the popular exponentially weighted least squares and Kalman filter-based parameter trackers can...
On the lower smoothing bound in identification of time-varying systems
PublicationIn certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate in the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Assuming that the infinite observation history is available, the paper...
An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree
PublicationA 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...
A lower bound on the total outer-independent domination number of a tree
PublicationA total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The total outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_t^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_t^{oi}(T) >= (2n-2l+2)/3,...
A lower bound on the double outer-independent domination number of a tree
PublicationA vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The double outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double outer-independent dominating set of G. We...
TDOA versus ATDOA for wide area multilateration system
PublicationThis paper outlines a new method of a location service (LCS) in the asynchronous wireless networks (AWNs) where the nodes (base stations) operate asynchronously in relation to one another. This method, called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables the calculation of the position of the mobile object (MO) through the measurements taken by a set of non-synchronized fixed nodes and is based on the measurement of...
Lower bound on the domination number of a tree.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania w drzewach oraz przedstawiono pełną charakterystykę grafów ekstremalnych.
Lower bound on the paired domination number of a tree
PublicationW pracy przedstawione jest ograniczenie dolne dla liczby dominowania parami oraz scharakteryzowane są wszystkie drzewa ekstremalne.
Lower bound on the weakly connected domination number of a tree
PublicationPraca dotyczy dolnego ograniczenia liczby dominowania słabo spójnego w drzewach (ograniczenie ze względu na ilość wierzchołków i ilość wierzchołków końcowych w drzewie).
Distinguishing views in symmetric networks: A tight lower bound
PublicationThe view of a node in a port-labeled network is an infinite tree encoding all walks in the network originating from this node. We prove that for any integers n ≥ D ≥ 1, there exists a port-labeled network with at most n nodes and diameter at most D which contains a pair of nodes whose (infinite) views are different, but whose views truncated to depth Omega( D log(n/ D )) are identical.
Lower bound on the distance k-domination number of a tree
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę k-dominowania w drzewach oraz scharakteryzowano wszystkie grafy ekstremalne.
AOP173 key event associated pathway predictor – online application for the prediction of benchmark dose lower bound (BMDLs) of a transcriptomic pathway involved in MWCNTs-induced lung fibrosis
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The relative cup-length in local Morse cohomology
PublicationLocal Morse cohomology associates cohomology groups to isolating neighborhoods of gradient flows of Morse functions on (generally non-compact) Riemannian manifolds M. We show that local Morse cohomology is a module over the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood, which allows us to define a cup-length relative to the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood that gives a lower bound on the number of critical points of functions...
Independence in uniform linear triangle-free hypergraphs
PublicationThe independence number a(H) of a hypergraph H is the maximum cardinality of a set of vertices of H that does not contain an edge of H. Generalizing Shearer’s classical lower bound on the independence number of triangle-free graphs Shearer (1991), and considerably improving recent results of Li and Zang (2006) and Chishti et al. (2014), we show a new lower bound for a(H) for an r-uniform linear triangle-free hypergraph H with r>=2.
The Potential of Greed for Independence
PublicationThe well-known lower bound on the independence number of a graph due to Caro and Wei can be established as a performance guarantee of two natural and simple greedy algorithms or of a simple randomized algorithm. We study possible generalizations and improvements of these approaches using vertex weights and discuss conditions on so-called potential functions p(G) : V(G) -> N_0 defined on the vertex set of a graph G for which suitably...
Constructive entanglement test from triangle inequality
PublicationWe derive a simple lower bound on the geometric measure of entanglement for mixed quantum states in the case of a general multipartite system. The main ingredient of the presented derivation is the triangle inequality applied to the root infidelity distance in the space of density matrices. The obtained bound leads to entanglement criteria with a straightforward interpretation. The proposed criteria provide an experimentally accessible,...
The Boltzmann sequence-structure channel
PublicationWe rigorously study a channel that maps binary sequences to self-avoiding walks in the two-dimensional grid, inspired by a model of protein statistics. This channel, which we also call the Boltzmann sequence-structure channel, is characterized by a Boltzmann/Gibbs distribution with a free parameter corresponding to temperature. In our previous work, we verified experimentally that the channel capacity has a phase transition for...
Zero-range potentials for Dirac particles: Bound-state problems
PublicationA model in which a massive Dirac particle in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ is bound by $N\geqslant1$ spatially distributed zero-range potentials is presented. Interactions between the particle and the potentials are modeled by subjecting a particle's bispinor wave function to certain limiting conditions at the potential centers. Each of these conditions is parametrized by a $2\times2$ Hermitian matrix (or, equivalently, a real scalar and a...
PublicationModern monetary policy focuses on credibility and shaping inflation expectations. In keeping with the concept of inflation forecast targeting, the inflation forecasts published by central banks play a crucial role in the instrument rate decision-making process and may be treated as a specific intermediate target. This study proposes an inflation forecast credibility index, the scope of which is narrowed to non-specialists’ approach...
Bound on Bell inequalities by fraction of determinism and reverse triangle inequality
PublicationIt is an established fact that entanglement is a resource. Sharing an entangled state leads to nonlocal correlations and to violations of Bell inequalities. Such nonlocal correlations illustrate the advantage of quantum resources over classical resources. In this paper, we quantitatively study Bell inequalities with 2 × n inputs. As found in Gisin et al. [Int. J. Quantum. Inform. 05, 525 (2007)], quantum mechanical correlations...
A remark on singular sets of vector bundle morphisms
PublicationIf characteristic classes for two vector bundles over the same base space do not coincide, then the bundles are not isomorphic. We give under rather common assumptions a lower bound on the topological dimension of the set of all points in the base over which a morphism between such bundles is not bijective. Moreover, we show that this set is topologically non-trivial.
An Approximation of the Zero Error Capacity by a Greedy Algorithm
PublicationWe present a greedy algorithm that determines a lower bound on the zero error capacity. The algorithm has many new advantages, e.g., it does not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and it uses the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get a better approximation of the zero error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithm.
An Approximation of the Zero Error Capacity by a Greedy Algorithm.
PublicationWe present a greedy algorithm that determines a lower bound on the zero error capacity. The algorithm has many new advantages, e.g., it does not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and it uses the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get a better approximation of the zero error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithm.
The E-Cohomological Conley Index, Cup-Lengths and the Arnold Conjecture on T 2n
PublicationWe show that the E-cohomological Conley index, that was introduced by the first author recently, has a natural module structure. This yields a new cup-length and a lower bound for the number of critical points of functionals on Hilbert spaces. When applied to the setting of the Arnold conjecture, this paves the way to a short proof on tori, where it was first shown by C. Conley and E. Zehnder in 1983.
Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs
PublicationWe study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...
Database of the estimations of the numbers of simplices of triangulation of some classical Lie groups
Open Research DataIt is know that any smooth manifold can be triangulated. The number of simplices of triangulation of a given manifold depends on its topological and combinatorial structure. The data consists of the lower bounds for the numbers of simplices of each dimension of any triangulation of classical Lie groups U(n), SU(n), Sp(n), and SO(n) for n up to 25. Each...
Infinite chromatic games
PublicationIn the paper we introduce a new variant of the graph coloring game and a new graph parameter being the result of the new game. We study their properties and get some lower and upper bounds, exact values for complete multipartite graphs and optimal, often polynomial-time strategies for both players provided that the game is played on a graph with an odd number of vertices. At the end we show that both games, the new and the classic...
Trees having many minimal dominating sets
PublicationWe provide an algorithm for listing all minimal dominating sets of a tree of order n in time O(1.4656^n). This leads to that every tree has at most 1.4656^n minimal dominating sets. We also give an infinite family of trees of odd and even order for which the number of minimal dominating sets exceeds 1.4167^n, thus exceeding 2^{n/2}. This establishes a lower bound on the running time of an algorithm for listing all minimal dominating...
On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment
PublicationWe consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...
On-line P-coloring of graphs
PublicationFor a given induced hereditary property P, a P-coloring of a graph G is an assignment of one color to each vertex such that the subgraphs induced by each of the color classes have property P. We consider the effectiveness of on-line P-coloring algorithms and give the generalizations and extensions of selected results known for on-line proper coloring algorithms. We prove a linear lower bound for the performance guarantee function...
GreedyMAX-type Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem
PublicationA maximum independent set problem for a simple graph G = (V,E) is to find the largest subset of pairwise nonadjacent vertices. The problem is known to be NP-hard and it is also hard to approximate. Within this article we introduce a non-negative integer valued functionp defined on the vertex set V(G) and called a potential function of agraph G, while P(G) = max{vinV(G)| p(v)} is called a potential of G. For any graph P(G) <= D(G),...
How to meet when you forget: log-space rendezvous in arbitrary graphs
PublicationTwo identical (anonymous) mobile agents start from arbitrary nodes in an a priori unknown graph and move synchronously from node to node with the goal of meeting. This rendezvous problem has been thoroughly studied, both for anonymous and for labeled agents, along with another basic task, that of exploring graphs by mobile agents. The rendezvous problem is known to be not easier than graph exploration. A well-known recent result...
Influence of temperature and interactions with ligands on dissociation of dsDNA and ligand-dsDNA complexes of various types of binding : an electrochemical study.
PublicationSeveral medicinally important compounds that bind to dsDNA strands via intercalation (C-1311, C-1305, EtBr), major groove binding (Hoechst 33258) and covalent binding (cis-Pt) were examined. The obtained results suggest that both the transfer of conformation B to C and the denaturation process, for the ligand-dsDNA complexes, except for covalently bound cis-Pt, took place at higher temperatures compared to the unbound helix. Furthermore,...
Some Aspects of Shear Behavior of Soft Soil–Concrete Interfaces and Its Consequences in Pile Shaft Friction Modeling
PublicationThis paper examines the stiffness degradation and interface failure load on soft soil–concrete interface. The friction behavior and its variability is investigated. The direct shear tests under constant normal load were used to establish parameters to hyperbolic interface model which provided a good approximation of the data from instrumented piles. Four instrumented piles were used to obtain reference soil–concrete interface behavior....
Collision-free network exploration
PublicationMobile agents start at different nodes of an n-node network. The agents synchronously move along the network edges in a collision-free way, i.e., in no round two agents may occupy the same node. An agent has no knowledge of the number and initial positions of other agents. We are looking for the shortest time required to reach a configuration in which each agent has visited all nodes and returned to its starting location. In...
On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment
PublicationWe consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. As a way of modeling two-dimensional shapes, we restrict our attention to networks that are embedded into partial grids:...
Implementation of Non-Probabilistic Methods for Stability Analysis of Nonlocal Beam with Structural Uncertainties
PublicationIn this study, a non-probabilistic approach based Navier’s Method (NM) and Galerkin Weighted Residual Method (GWRM) in term of double parametric form has been proposed to investigate the buckling behavior of Euler-Bernoulli nonlocal beam under the framework of the Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory, considering the structural parameters as imprecise or uncertain. The uncertainties in Young’s modulus and diameter of the beam are...
Turán numbers for odd wheels
PublicationThe Turán number ex(n,G) is the maximum number of edges in any n-vertex graph that does not contain a subgraph isomorphic to G. A wheel W_n is a graph on n vertices obtained from a C_{n−1} by adding one vertex w and making w adjacent to all vertices of the C_{n−1}. We obtain two exact values for small wheels: ex(n,W_5)=\lfloor n^2/4+n/2\rfloor, ex(n,W_7)=\lfloor n^2/4+n/2+1 \rfloor. Given that ex(n,W_6) is already known, this...
Experimental certification of more than one bit of quantum randomness in the two inputs and two outputs scenario
PublicationOne of the striking properties of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of the Bell-type non-locality. They are a fundamental feature of the theory that allows two parties that share an entangled quantum system to observe correlations stronger than possible in classical physics. In addition to their theoretical significance, non-local correlations have practical applications, such as device-independent randomness generation, providing...
Multi-agent graph searching and exploration algorithms
PublicationA team of mobile entities, which we refer to as agents or searchers interchangeably, starting from homebases needs to complete a given task in a graph.The goal is to build a strategy, which allows agents to accomplish their task. We analyze strategies for their effectiveness (e.g., the number of used agents, the total number of performed moves by the agents or the completion time).Currently, the fields of on-line (i.e., agents...
Types of Markov Fields and Tilings
PublicationThe method of types is one of the most popular techniques in information theory and combinatorics. However, thus far the method has been mostly applied to one-dimensional Markov processes, and it has not been thoroughly studied for general Markov fields. Markov fields over a finite alphabet of size m ≥ 2 can be viewed as models for multi-dimensional systems with local interactions. The locality of these interactions is represented...