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Search results for: highly ionized atom
A new approach to β-decays studies impacting nuclear physics and astrophysics: The PANDORA setup
PublicationTheory predicts that lifetimes of β-radionuclides can change dramatically as a function of their ionization state. Experiments performed in Storage Rings on highly ionized atom have proven nuclei can change their beta decay lifetime up to several orders of magnitude. The PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decay Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry) experiment is now conceived to measure, for the first time, nuclear...
Proton transfer reactions for ionized water clusters
PublicationCalculations of formation energies of the ionized water clusters and energies of reactions between small (including less than eight water molecules) neutral and positively ionized water clusters are presented. Moreover, we discuss some reaction paths between neutral and positively charged dimers, trimers and tetramers and proton transfer reactions (PTR) between cyclic clusters and H3O+ ions which can appear in beam experiments...
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....
ThreSpect – A Program for the Determination of the Appearance Energies of Neutral and Ionized Species
PublicationCollisions of photons and charged particles with molecules lead to their excitation, ionization, and dissociation into neutral and ionized fragments. Accurately determining thresholds of the formation of particular products plays a vital role in analyzing processes occurring during these interactions. Therefore, we present a computer program, “ThreSpect,” that allows calculating threshold energies of various species generated in...
Electro-optical transducer based on indium-tin-oxide-coated optical fiber for analysis of ionized media
PublicationThe paper introduces a concept of an optical fiber based electro-optical transducer for monitoring of ionized media, such as low-temperature plasma. It utilizes optical fiber with a section of a core coated with tailored indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film and thus combines the optical phenomena of lossy-mode resonance (LMR) with the electrostatic probe. ITO is an optically transparent and electrically conductive material and if its...
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Theoretical studies of fragmentation processes of neutral and ionized furan molecule
PublicationThis PhD thesis focuses on the fragmentation mechanism of the furan molecule in the gas phase. The approach taken in this work comprised of three theoretical methodologies considering the dynamical, energetical and entropic aspects of the studied process. First, molecular dynamics simulations were performed. Next, the potential energy surfaces were explored at the DFT/B3LYP level of theory. Finally, a new statistical Microcanonical...
Potential energy curves and spectroscopic parameters of the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer
Open Research DataThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Optical properties of polyazomethine with oxygen atom in the backbon
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show results of optical measurement performed on poly –(1-(4-methylenephenoxy-1)phenylene-4-methylene-1.4-phenylnenitrylomethylene) (PPI2) polyazomethine thinfilms and to compare with poly - (1.4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo-1.4 phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI).Design/methodology/approach: Influence of oxygen atom in the polymer chain on optical properties ofpolyazomethine was investigated....
Studying of polyoxadiazole with Si atom in the backbone
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show properties of spin-coated thin films of new polymer having siliconatom in the backbone. This amorphous polymer has appeared to be applied as active films in organic devices (asOLED).Design/methodology/approach: Thin films of 4-(diphenyl(4-(4-(5-(p-tolyoxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyloamino)methyl)-phenyl)silyl)-1-methylbenzamide (Oxad–Si-B) were obtained by spin-coating method.The...
Significant Production of Thermal Energy in Partially Ionized Hyperbolic Tangent Material Based on Ternary Hybrid Nanomaterials
PublicationNanoparticles are frequently used to enhance the thermal performance of numerous materials. This study has many practical applications for activities that have to minimize losses of energy due to several impacts. This study investigates the inclusion of ternary hybrid nanoparticles in a partially ionized hyperbolic tangent liquid passed over a stretched melting surface. The fluid motion equation is presented by considering the...
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu elektrycznym
PublicationW pracy przeanalizowano wpływ słabego, stałego, jednorodnego, zewnętrznego pola elektrycznego na relatywistyczny atom jednoelektronowy, znajdujący się w stanie podstawowym. Wykorzystując rozwinięcie uogólnionej funkcji Greena w bazie funkcji Sturma-Diraca-Coulomba, wyznaczono trzy rodzaje elektromagnetycznych momentów dipolowych (elektryczny, magnetyczny oraz magnetyczny toroidalny), indukowanych w atomie przez zewnętrzne pole...
Hyperfine structure and isotope shift study in singly ionized lead
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Relativistic two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field
PublicationA two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom with a relativistic Dirac electron, placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane, is considered. Closed forms of the first- and second-order Zeeman corrections to energy levels are calculated analytically, within the framework of the Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory, for an arbitrary electronic bound state. The second-order calculations are...
Two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field
PublicationWe consider a non-relativistic two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane. Within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schr¨odinger perturbation theory, using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized radial Coulomb Green function, we derive explicit analytical expressions for corrections to an arbitrary planar hydrogenic bound-state energy level, up to the fourth...
Atom-economic thiophosphoroselenenylations of C–H acid esters and amides
PublicationThree improved thiophosphoroselenenylation procedures of CHacids, including derivatives of malonic and acetyl-, phosphono-, 4-nitrophenyl- and 3-pyridylacetic acids, have been described and compared to previously reported thiophosphoroselenylation of diethyl malonate using bis(disopropoxyphosphinothioyl)diselenide alone or with the aid of methyl iodide. The use of iodine makes it possible to utilize both equivalents of the selenenylating...
Neutral Dissociation of Pyridine Evoked by Irradiation of Ionized Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams
PublicationThe interactions of ions with molecules and the determination of their dissociation patterns are challenging endeavors of fundamental importance for theoretical and experimental science. In particular, the investigations on bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes triggered by the ionic impact may shed light on the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, ionic beam irradiations of the living cells, ion-track nanotechnology,...
Second-order Stark effect and polarizability of a relativistic two-dimensional hydrogenlike atom in the ground state
PublicationThe second-order Stark effect for a planar Dirac one-electron atom in the ground state is analyzed within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian series expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green's function. A closed-form analytical expression for the static dipole polarizability of that system is found. The formula involves the generalized hypergeometric function ${}_{3}F_{2}$...
Superconducting SrSnP with Strong Sn–P Antibonding Interaction: Is the Sn Atom Single or Mixed Valent?
PublicationThe large single crystals of SrSnP were prepared using Sn self-flux method. The superconductivity in the tetragonal SrSnP is observed with the critical temperature of ∼2.3 K. The results of a crystallographic analysis, superconducting characterization, and theoretical assessment of tetragonal SrSnP are presented. The SrSnP crystallizes in the CaGaN structure type with space group P4/nmm (S.G. 129, Pearson symbol tP6) according...
Central-force decomposition of spline-based modified embedded atom method potential
PublicationCentral-force decompositions are fundamental to the calculation of stress fields in atomic systems by means of Hardy stress. We derive expressions for a central-force decomposition of the spline-based modified embedded atom method (s-MEAM) potential. The expressions are subsequently simplified to a form that can be readily used in molecular-dynamics simulations, enabling the calculation of the spatial distribution of stress in...
Dynamic polarizability of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe utilize the Sturmian expansion of the Dirac-Coulomb Green function [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B 30, 825 (1997)] to obtain components of the dynamic dipole polarizability tensor of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state. It is found that the tensor may be expressed in terms of two independent quantities: a scalar polarizability and a vector polarizability, the latter being of the relativistic origin. In the static...
The scanning tunnelling micrographs of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results imaging of a sample of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite obtained using scanning tunneling microscopy. The above variant of scanning probe microscopy is one of the most convenient research techniques at atomic scales. The file contains images corresponding to increasing magnifications from the 1 um scale to a few nanometers....
Scale transformations in model exchange potentials in low energy electron-atom scattering
PublicationModel exchange potentials are particularly interesting to account for the indistinguishability between the projectile and target electrons in electron-atom scattering in vacuo and plasma environments. It is well known that their performance is pretty satisfactory in the high energies but also that discrepancies from the results obtained with exact exchange are found toward the zero energy limit. In this article, we examine how...
Poly(ferrocenylsilane-block-methacrylates) via sequential anionic and atom transfer radical polymerization.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia sposób otrzymywania kopolimerów blokowych poli(ferrocenylosilanów) (PFS) i poli(metakrylanu metylu) (PMMA). W pierwszej kolejności syntezowany jest anionowo blok PFS, który po odpowiedniej terminacji służy jako makroinicjator dla syntezy bloku PMMA. Synteza ta jest realizowana przy użyciu polimeryzacji rodnikowej z przeniesieniem atomu (ATRP), katalizowanej przez kompleksy rutenu. Otrzymane w ten sposób kopolimery...
Entanglement in helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity
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Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule
PublicationSemi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublicationA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
Highly porous nanoberyllium for X-ray beam speckle suppression
PublicationThe speckle suppressor device containing highly porous nanoberyllium is proposed for manipulating with the spatial coherence length and removing undesirable speckle structure during the imaging experiments. We report a special device called the speckle suppressor, which contains the highly porous nanoberyllium plate, compacted from both sides by two beryllium windows. By insertion the speckle suppressor in the X-ray beam it allows...
Silica In Silico: A Molecular Dynamics Characterization of the Early Stages of Protein Embedding for Atom Probe Tomography
PublicationA novel procedure for the application of atom probe tomography (APT) to the structural analysis of biological systems, has been recently proposed, whereby the specimen is embedded by a silica matrix and ablated by a pulsed laser source. Such a technique, requires that the silica primer be properly inert and bio-compatible, keeping the native structural features of the system at hand, while condensing into an amorphous, glass-like...
Magnetizability of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationThe Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac--Coulomb Green function [R.\/~Szmytkowski, J.\ Phys.\ B 30 (1997) 825; erratum 30 (1997) 2747] is exploited to derive a closed-form expression for the magnetizability of an arbitrary discrete state of the relativistic one-electron atom with a point-like, spinless and motionless nucleus of charge $Ze$. The result has the form of a double finite sum involving the generalized hypergeometric...
Effective highly accurate time integrators for linear Klein-Gordon equations across the scales
PublicationWe propose an efficient approach for time integration of Klein-Gordon equations with highly oscillatory in time input terms. The new methods are highly accurate in the entire range, from slowly varying up to highly oscillatory regimes. Our approach is based on splitting methods tailored to the structure of the input term which allows us to resolve the oscillations in the system uniformly in all frequencies, while the error constant...
Effective highly accurate time integrators for linear Klein-Gordon equations across the scales
PublicationWe propose an efficient approach for time integration of Klein-Gordon equations with highly oscillatory in time input terms. The new methods are highly accurate in the entire range, from slowly varying up to highly oscillatory regimes. Our approach is based on splitting methods tailored to the structure of the input term which allows us to resolve the oscillations in the system uniformly in all frequencies, while the error constant...
N-doped carbon materials as electrodes for highly stable supercapacitors
PublicationThis article reports a strategy to use nitrogen-doped carbon materials as electrodes for supercapacitors. Depending on the carbon precursor, the porous structure is changed with specific surface area reached up to 2270 m2 g−1. The capacitance of carbon materials used as electrodes is related strictly to pore size. The microstructure and nitrogen functionalities enable a high capacitance (327 F g−1) and cycle durability. The nanoporous...
Application of vertical flow cw for highly contaminated wastewater treatment
PublicationBasing on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reject waters generated during digested sewage sludge dewatering on centrifuges in conventional WWTP (RWC) and municipal landfill leachate (LL), the pilot constructed wetlands for treatment of both types of highly contaminated wastewater were designed. In the paper the characteristics of the pilot plants and assumed treatment efficiencies are presented. According to the...
Wideband Highly-Selective Bandpass Filtering Branch-Line Coupler
PublicationThis paper presents a novel design of a wideband highly-selective bandpass filtering branch-line coupler (FBLC). By integrating a coupled microstrip line, and an open-ended stub at each port of a single-section BLC, bandpass filtering characteristics with excellent selectivity and broad operating bandwidth have been achieved. The proposed circuit has been verified through EM simulations and physical measurements of the fabricated...
Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex Entropies
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Is hydrogen capable of playing a central atom role in superhalogen anions?
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Theoretical interpretation of photoelectron spectra of the iridium neutral atom and anion
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On Anti-Plane Surface Waves Considering Highly Anisotropic Surface Elasticity Constitutive Relations
PublicationWithin the framework of highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we discuss the propagation of new type of surface waves that are anti-plane surface waves. By the highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we mean the model with a surface strain energy density which depends on incomplete set of second derivatives of displacements. From the physical point of view this model corresponds to a coating made of a family of parallel...
A highly-efficient technique for evaluating bond-orientational order parameters
PublicationWe propose a novel, highly-efficient approach for the evaluation of bond-orientational order parameters (BOPs). Our approach exploits the properties of spherical harmonics and Wigner 3jj-symbols to reduce the number of terms in the expressions for BOPs, and employs simultaneous interpolation of normalised associated Legendre polynomials and trigonometric functions to dramatically reduce the total number of arithmetic operations....
The Use of Unmanned Surface Vessels in Bathymetric Measurements of Waterbodies with Highly Dynamic Seafloor Relief
PublicationThe early 21st century is a time when unmanned surface vessels (USV) are used in various measurement applications. Modern autonomous and unmanned vessels are increasingly often used in bathymetric measurements whose aim is to measure the seafloor with the sufficient positioning accuracy. Therefore, the use of USVs in hydrography can be seen as the beginning of a new era in this regard. This paper presents bathymetric measurements...
Cost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublicationMulti-objective optimization of antenna structures in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is investigated. For expedited design, variable-fidelity EM simulations and domain patching algorithm are utilized. The results obtained for a monopole antenna with 13 geometry parameters are compared with surrogate-assisted optimization involving response surface approximation modeling.
Static magnetic multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe study far- and near-field magnetic and electric multipole moments induced in the ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak 2L-pole magnetostatic field. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the first-order Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B 30, 825 (1997);J. Phys. B 30, 2747(E)...
Closed-form expression for the magnetic shielding constant of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac–Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe present analytical derivation of the closed-form expression for the dipole magnetic shielding constant of a Dirac one-electron atom being in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. The external magnetic field, by which the atomic state is perturbed, is assumed to be weak, uniform, and time independent. With respect to the atomic nucleus we assume that it is pointlike, spinless, motionless, and of charge Ze. Calculations are...
Highly antifouling polymer-nanoparticle-nanoparticle/polymer hybrid membranes
PublicationWe introduce highly antifouling Polymer-Nanoparticle-Nanoparticle/Polymer (PNNP) hybrid membranes as multi-functional materials for versatile purification of wastewater. Nitrogen-rich polyethylenimine (PEI)-functionalized halloysite nanotube (HNT-SiO2-PEI) nanoparticles were developed and embedded in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membranes for protein and dye filtration. Bulk and surface characteristics of the resulting HNT-SiO2-PEI...
Ground-State Entanglement Properties of Helium Atom in a Finite Spherical Cavity
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<title>Atom guiding in single mode optical fiber capillary</title>
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Theoretical interpretations of photoelectron spectra of platinum atom, its cation and anion
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EXAFS analysis of bismuth atom neighbourhood in reduced bismuth silicate glass
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki strukturalnej analizy EXAFS niemodyfikowanego szkła bizmutowo-krzemianowego o składzie 0.4Bi2O3 0.6SiO2 oraz jego modyfikowanych w atmosferze gorącego wodoru form. Przedstawiono wpływ czasu redukcji na strukturę rozważanego szkła. Wyniki wskazują na silną tendencję do aglomeracji neutralnych atomów bizmutu w metaliczne nanostruktury.
Highly effective asphaltene-derived adsorbents for gas phase removal of volatile organic compounds
PublicationA novel nitrated asphaltene-derived adsorbent (Asf-Nitro) was prepared using facile isolation and modification procedures. The successful modification was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The nitrated adsorbent was evaluated in terms of dispersive and specific interactions, Lewis acid-base properties and adsorption isotherms by means of inverse gas chromatography (IGC). Nitration was found to be extremely...