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Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea waters from Gulf of Puck in area of municipal sewage discharges from the Gdynia Dębogórze sewage treatment plant. The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) collected in 2012. The number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria, number of Escherichia...
PIT revenues in 2012-2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTaxes are the primary source of income for the state budget and local government units. Tax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons operating on...
Revenue of social security contributions (in PLN billion)
Open Research DataIn the period January-September 2020, the expenditure of the Social Insurance Fund amounted to PLN 197.1 billion, and the revenues from contributions and their derivatives - PLN 144.5 billion. As a result, the proceeds covered 73.3 percent. expenses. At that time, the fund received a subsidy from the budget in the amount of PLN 29.3 million.
Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze in 2009
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological testing of water from Gulf of Puck in surrounding area of Mechelinki town. The aim of the test was to assess the influence of discharging communal sewage into the waters of Gulf of Gdańsk by sewage pipeline located in Mechelinki town area, on the sanitary condition of these waters. The samples were...
Analytical and reliability data from the real-time simulator biogas plant
Open Research DataThe dataset represents the results of biogas plant simulation. The described plant is an agricultural biogas system, which can produce electrical energy with power estimated up to 1070 kW and heat energy that can reach 1200 kW simultaneously.
Effects of CO2 and utilization of spent trickling liquid towards plant growth
Open Research DataDataset presents the results of biomass yield for Phaseolus vulgaris pot cultures watered with diluted trickling liquid from biotrickling filtration experiments with or without additional CO2 in air by means of introducting post-biofilter air to the plant culture.
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation, etching a certain % of the electrochemically-exposed electrode size. The % value is in the name of each file. The goal...
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation operating with different parameters. These were: gas atmosphere (He or air, data in different subfolders), the percentage...
Cities that obtain the highest revenues from PIT in 2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons that operate on the market.
Basic financial categories of non-public universities in 2010 (in PLN thousand)
Open Research DataIn 2010, non-public universities achieved a positive gross and net financial result. In nominal terms, the net financial result decreased compared to 2009 by 43.7%. It was lower than the net financial result of public universities by PLN 348.3 million. and amounted to PLN 148.1 million.
Statement of FUS revenues and costs (in PLN thousand) in the first half of 2020
Open Research DataIn the period from January to June 2020. The fund's expenditure amounted to PLN 130.0 billion, while revenues from premiums and their derivatives amounted to PLN 92.2 billion. As a result, in the first half of this year, the degree of coverage of expenses with revenues from premiums and their derivatives amounted to. the level of 70.9 percent (a decrease...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA surface activation by electrolysis in 1M NaOH
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by electrolysis in 1M NaOH solution under cycling polarization with different anodic or cathodic overpotentials (data in different subfolders). The file names contain the exact...
Raman studies of 3D printed CB-PLA samples after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy analyses of microwave-activated carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes.
Short & double rotation of Miscanthus x giganteus on marginal soil with biochars amendments - elemental composition of plant biomass
Open Research DataThis dataset provides the results of short and double rotations of Miscanthus giganteus on marginal soils. Biochars were added to poor soil to improve its properties. The experimental pots were also fed with alternative fertilizer, which included spent coffee grounds and NPK standard fertilizer. This data set contains the elemental composition results...
Floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) batch experiment: plant microscopy observations
Open Research DataThis data collection includes plant root microscope findings. Species chosen for observation: Iris pseudacorus (IP) and Phragmites australis (PA). The anatomical measurements were taken with an optical microscope (Delta Optical Genetic Pro with 3MP camera; Delta Optical, Poland) that had lens magnifications of 4x and 10x and an ocular magnification...
SEM micrographs of 3D printed CB-PLA samples topography after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the electrochemical studies on microwave-activated carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes.
SEM micrographs of 3D printed CB-PLA samples topography after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the SEM micrographs of carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes, after microwave treatment to activate the electrode surfaces. FEI Quanta 250 FEG SEM was used for these analyses. Samples were treated with CEM reactor or microwave oven.
Cities that will obtain the highest revenues from PIT in 2021 per capita in thous. PLN
Open Research DataAn example of a tax that is proportionally divided between the state (government administration) and local governments is the personal income tax. The following dataset presents the income tax revenues to the central budget, as well as the cities that obtain the highest income from the above tribute. The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the financial...
Revenues from operating activities of non-public universities in Poland in 2010 (PLN thousand)
Open Research DataIn 2010, in non-public universities, 90.2% of revenues from operating activities were revenues from teaching activities. Revenues from research activity accounted for 2.8%, and other types of activity accounted for 6.9% of total operating revenues.Income from teaching activities of universities may be obtained from budget subsidies, funds to local governments...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K (72h digestion period). Different enzyme concentrations were evaluated: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mg/ml. The studies were performed before surface activation, during and...
Long-term measurements from a photovoltaic power plant and meteorological stations at the Laboratory LINTE^2 of Gdańsk University of Technology
Open Research Data1) The Laboratory LINTE^2 is a large research infrastructure operated by the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, to be found in Gdańsk, Poland (54.3690 N, 18.6130 E). 2) The measurements have been collected from a photovoltaic power plant located on the roof of the laboratory, having total capacity...
The cyclic voltammetry studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by electrolysis in 1M NaOH
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed for surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by electrolysis in 1M NaOH solution. The studies were performed after treatment at an anodic overpotential of 1V, found to be optimal for surface activation. The measurements were carried out with cyclic voltammetry (CV) under different...
The XPS studies of the CB-PLA electrodes after different surface treatments (chemical, electrochemical, enzymatic)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy results of the studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by hydrolysis in different solvents (DMF, 1M HCl, 1M NaOH), electrolysis in 1M NaOH, enzymatic treatment in polymerase or simultaneous electrolysis...
Caffeine detection using CB-PLA electrode after Nd:YAG laser ablation in He atmosphere
Open Research DataThe dataset contains electrochemical studies in form of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) of laser-activated 3D printed CB-PLA electrodes. The ablation of the 3D-printed CB-PLA electrodes was carried out using a pulsed LaserBlast 500 Nd:YAG laser (Quantel, France) operating at 1064 nm and a 6 ns pulse duration.
Structure of FUS revenues after the first half of 2020
Open Research DataIn 2020 the fund received a subsidy from the state budget in the amount of PLN 20.1 billion, which constitutes 60.0% of the plan. At the same time, it should be mentioned that from 2019 the subsidy covers funds that in previous years were shown in the item reimbursement of contributions transferred to OFE. In addition, from May this year. The Social...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Zukowo City
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey.Location: Żukowo, Pomorskie, Kartuski County, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro.Flight plan: Single gridTarget Product: OrthophotomapDate: 22.04.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: yes (description and location in file)\GCP: RTK Camera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Zukowo Church
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parafia Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w ŻukowieLocation: Żukowo, Pomorskie, Kartuski County, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro.Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 21.04.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP: No Camera Name: DJI FC220Model...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion with different times and concentrations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K. DIfferent proteinase K concentrations and digestion times were evaluated, as described in subfolder names. The studies were performed before surface activation, during...
Surface activation by cyclic polarization in 1M HCl and its effects on the electrochemical response of CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed for surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by electrolysis in 1M HCl solution. The studies were performed after treatment at different polarization ranges, as labeled in subfolder names. For each electrode the consecutive studies describe different samples, as labeled in subfolders:...
Acoustic emission signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending (plain concrete, steel fibre reinforced concrete, steel bar reinforced concrete)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3under the 3-point bending. Two concrete mixes, both based on the same design, were produced in the test programme. Mixture #1 was the plain concrete (PC), consisting of cement CEM I 42.5R (380 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (648...
Income obtained according to particular rates only by taxpayers conducting non-agricultural business activity in 2016
Open Research DataA special form of income taxation addressed to the SME sector is the Lump sum on registered income, which is a simplified form of income tax payment for natural persons conducting business activity.The choice of this form of taxation is optional. In 2016, the tax in this form could be paid by taxpayers who in 2015 obtained income from non-agricultural...
Terrestrial Survey Images - 3D Interior Model - Gdansk Church Pw. Św. Wojciecha - NICON D5300
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki Pw. Św. WojciechaLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: N/A (terrestrial images)Flight plan: Free plan (walk inside the object)Target Product: 3D Interior ModelDate: 02.04.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: no/GPSGCP: NOGCP Quality: N/ACamera...
Horizon Europe proposals - Administrative Part
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data collected during the HE National Contact Point training on Oct. 12, 2022, reg. the administrative part of Horizon Europe grant proposals. The data set includes presentations concerning administrative forms of 2022 proposals and their content, including participant data; information about abstract writing, keyword choice and...
Confocal microscopy analysis of DNA DSB in telomerase negative cells after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data sets contain confocal microscopic images showing the γ-H2AX with TRF2 after treatment of NHBE and U2OS cell lines with TXT2 and TXT4 in equitoxic concentrations. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat...
Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE)
Open Research DataHerbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Wielkopolska Crossroad
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Wielkopolska CrossroadLocation: Gdynia Orlowo, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Double GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 25.11.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage dimensions:...
Outdoor photographic documentation of the Castle in Oświęcim (Małopolskie Voivodeship)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains outdoor images of the Castle in Oświęcim (Małopolskie Voivodeship). Retrieved documentation dates from the 19th to 21st centuries. The castle consists of an early Gothic bergfried tower, built at the end of the 13th century, a two-story basement building built on a rectangular plan, and an annexe. The latest image in the dataset...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - GUT Water Tower MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Water Tower at Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 13.05.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - GUT Water Tower MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Water Tower at Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 08.11.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: Hasselblad L1D-20cModel...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Trakt Sw Wojciecha Street - Orunia
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Street Trakt Sw Wojciecha - OruniaLocation: Gdansk Orunia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Double GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 17.11.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Jastrzebia Gora Cliff 11.2017- MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Cliff in Jastrzebioa GoraLocation: Jastrzebia Gora, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single Grid/Free FlightTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 05.11.2017Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NOGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Jastrzebia Gora Cliff 07.2017- MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Cliff in Jastrzebioa GoraLocation: Jastrzebia Gora, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single Grid/Free FlightTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 06.07.2017Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NOGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - DTM - Sopot Tombolo (Salient) Measurement - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: littoral zone in SopotLocation: Sopot, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: Digital Terrain ModelDate: 23.11.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name: Hasselblad L1D-20cModel type: PerspectiveImage...
The amount of monthly salary of Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ – years 2017-2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from years 2017-2018 on their amount of monthly salary. The survey was conducted in the period from 2019 to 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2909 respondents. To summarize, the Gdańsk University of Technology...
The amount of monthly salary of Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ – years 2010-2014
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from years 2010-2014 on their amount of monthly salary. The survey was conducted in the period from 2012 to 2016, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 5367 respondents. To summarize, the Gdańsk University of Technology...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Allegory of science figure - on the tower of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Golden figure at the top of the main bulding of Gdansk University Of TechnologyLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 08.11.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Allegory of science figure - on the tower of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology - MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Golden figure at the top of the main bulding of Gdansk University Of TechnologyLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 13.10.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Gdansk Church Pw. Św. Wojciecha - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki Pw. Św. WojciechaLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Circle (Point Of Interest) + Free flightTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 02.04.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap- Gdansk University of Technology campus photogrametry test field- MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: The photogrametry test field within Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 17.05.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - DTM- Gdansk Church Pw. Św. Wojciecha - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki Pw. Św. WojciechaLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Double GridTarget Product: Digital Terrain ModelDate: 02.04.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name: Hasselblad L1D-20cModel...