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  • Reduced model of gyroscopic system


    - Year 2008

    The paper presents the method of model reduction for the system with gyroscopic interactions. Two methods were used to obtain the approximate discrete models of the continuous structure: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The first approach is used for this part of a system for which it is easy to formulate orthogonality conditions, meanwhile the second one is used for other part. The method enables...

  • Optimum Control of Gyroscopic Systems


    The problem of optimum control of transverse rotor vibrations with gyroscopic interactions has been described and solved in the paper. An integral performance index has been defined for such system in order to minimize vibration level of a chosen rotor point. For this reason, an efficient way of finding the weight coefficients of integral performance index for multi-degrees-of-freedom system with gyroscopic interactions has been...

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  • Modal Reduction and Analysis of Gyroscopic Systems


    The paper introduces the method of the modal reduction of systems that experience the Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect component. In such cases corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve the problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model...

  • To Survive in a CBRN Hostile Environment: Application of CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments in First Responder Training

    • P. Maciejewski
    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • J. Lebiedź
    • W. Ostant
    • D. Aydın

    - Year 2020

    This paper is of a conceptual nature and focuses on the use of a specific virtual reality environment in civil-military training. We analyzed the didactic potential of so-called CAVE automatic virtual environments for First Responder training, a type of training that fills the gap between First Aid training and the training received by emergency medical technicians. Since real training involves live drills based on unexpected situations,...

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  • The Environmental Benefits of Photovoltaic Systems: The Impact on the Environment in the Production of Photovoltaic Systems: With a Focus on Metal Recovery


    Greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, trap heat and energy, thus preventing solar radiation from escaping back into space. As the quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases so does the trapped heat and corresponding global temperature. As a result, storms become more violent, droughts more prevalent, glaciers melt, and sea levels rise, to name but a few effects of a rapidly changing...

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  • Real and virtual enviromnents in environmental engineering: approaches, models, technologies, and critical issues.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy scharakteryzowano zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem systemów uwzględniającym ochronę środowiska.

  • Fuzzy soft modeling of environmental data. A study of the impact of a Phosphatic Fertilizer Plant on the adjacent environment in Gdańsk


    - Year 2005

    Analiza podobieństwa obejmuje nie tylko zastosowanie logiki rozmytej, ale również wiele innych podejść matematycznych. Opracowano wiele algorytmów, których celem jest wyodrębnienie wyraźnych skupień (hard clusters) z danego zbioru danych. Prawdopodobnie najczęściej stosowanymi algorytmami są tzw. algorytmy c-średnie (c-means algorithms). Twarde c-średnie (hard c-means) służy do ostrej klasyfikacji, podczas której obiekt jest przypisany...

  • Who cares for the environment? Pro-environmental and political opinions in relation to basic psychological needs. A person-centered approach

    • E. Duda
    • M. Szulawski
    • I. Nowakowska

    - CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY - Year 2024

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  • Surfactant in the environment

    Omówiono rozprzestrzenianie się związków powierzchniowoczynnych na środowisko. Przedstawiono wyniki monitoringu surfaktantów w wodach powierzchniowych na świecie i w Polsce. Zbadano możliwość zastosowania surfaktantów w procesie remediacji gleb. Opisano metodę usuwania surfaktantów ze ścieków z wykorzystaniem procesu wypieniania.

  • Oils in the environment


    - Year 2005

    Ludzkość od tysięcy lat szeroko stosuje oleje w życiu codziennym, jak i w przemyśle. Stanowią one składniki potraw, leków, kosmetyków, używane są jako paliwa samochodowe i źródło ciepła i energii elektrycznej. Duże ilości przeznaczone są do produkcji farb i lakierów a także stosowane są jako przenośniki ciepła. Przetwarzanie i transport milionów ton substancji oleistych stwarza ogromne zagrożenie dla środowiska. Jak to zagrożenie...

  • Pesticides in the Environment


    - Year 2013

    Applied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment becauseof their mobility and ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverseeffects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. For these reasons, it is essential tomonitor and analyze pesticide residues in the environment. This entry discusses the classification of pesticidesas...

  • Composition and antimicrobial activity of fatty acids detected in the hygroscopic secretion collected from the secretory setae of larvae of the biting midge Forcipomyia nigra (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)



    The hygroscopic secretion produced by the secretory setae of terrestrial larvae of the biting midge Forcipomyia nigra (Winnertz) was analysed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The viscous secretion is stored at the top of each seta and absorbs water from moist air. GC-MS analyses (four independent tests) showed that the secretion contained 12 free fatty acids, the most abundant of which were oleic...

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  • Nitrogen pathways in the environment.


    - Year 2004

    Praca stanowi wprowadzenie do zbioru artykułów poświęconych wielorakim aspektom badań nad ścieżkami przenoszenia związków azotu, zagrożeniami z tego wynikającymi oraz metodami przeciwdziałania tym zagrożeniom. Przedstawiono w niej bardzo problematykę obiegu kołowego azotu w przyrodzie, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zakłócenia w tym obiegu, będące rezultatem różnorodnej działalności człowieka. Na tle aktualnego stanu wiedzy, krótko...

  • Organohalogen compounds in the environment.


    - Year 2004

    Przedyskutowano problem związków chloroorganicznych w środowisku, takich jak: pestycydy chloroorganiczne, polichlorowane bifenyle, polichlorowane dibenzodioksyny i furany. Omówiono podstawowe właściwości fizykochemiczne, toksykologiczne oraz ścieżki przemian w środowisku.

  • S09 Insights into the development of the physical activity environment policy index, a tool for benchmarking implementation of public policies to create healthy physical activity policy environments

    • C. Woods
    • J. Zukowska
    • S. Forberger
    • E. Garcia
    • P. Gelius
    • A. Gobis
    • L. Kelly
    • P. Krajewski
    • J. Lakerveld
    • S. Messing... and 2 others


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  • Hilton Environmental Reporting as a tool of Corporate Social Responsibility.


    - Year 2006

    Artykuł ten przedstawia historię, kryteria oraz procedury wprowadzone w komputerowym systemie środowiskowym Hilton Environmental Reporting.

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  • Self-organization in artificial environment.


    Przedstawiono rezultaty eksperymentów symulacyjnych procesów samoorganizacji zachodzących w środowisku programowym modelowania indywiduowego systemów fizycznych. Środowisko to ukierunkowane jest na modelowanie systemów składających się z wielkiej liczby poruszajacych się i oddziałujących na siebie jednostek.

  • Speciation of Iron in the Aquatic Environment



    Iron is one of the basic metals occurring in the aquatic environment and it is considered a macroelement with regard to live organisms. This metal has a broad range of applications that, together with factors conditioning its chemical transitions, results in the occurrence of many iron species in water. Depending on water and land development type, as well as the use of water for household and industrial purposes, iron may be found...

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  • KASKADA Platform in Cloud Environment


    KASKADA is a computing platform for developing and running services and applications oriented to multimedia processing and data streaming. A solution for serving the platform in the PaaS model is presented. The paper briefly describes the software for creating the private cloud environment based on the OpenStack software. The coud has been deployed to a supercomputer working in C2 NIWA at the Gdansk University of technology. This...

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  • Vehicular Communication Environments

    • E. G. Ström
    • L. Ekiz
    • T. Abbas
    • R. He
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • V. Shivaldova
    • J. Nuckelt

    - Year 2016

    Communication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...

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  • Virtual immersive environments


    - Year 2022

    Yet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...

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  • On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment


    We consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. As a way of modeling two-dimensional shapes, we restrict our attention to networks that are embedded into partial grids:...

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  • Gaze tracking in multi-display environment


    - Year 2013

    This paper presents the basic ideas of eye and gaze tracking in multiple-display environment. The algorithm for display detection and identification is described as well as the rules for gaze interaction in multi display environment. The core of the method is to use special LED markers and eye and scene tracking glasses. Scene tracking camera registers markers position which is then represented as a cloud of points. Analyzing the...

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  • Artificjal environment for simulation of emergent behaviour


    Przedstawiono opracowane środowisko dla modelowania zjawisk, w których współdziałanie wielu prostych jednostek prowadzi do powstawania złozonych struktur. Sposób oddziaływania jednostki zawarty jest w jej strukturze, która interpretowana jest poprzez specjalnie zdefiniowany język podobny do Prologu.

  • Bacterial aerosols in a municipal landfill environment

    • M. Cyprowski
    • A. Ławniczek-Wałczyk
    • M. Gołofit-Szymczak
    • K. Frączek
    • J. Kozdrój
    • R. Górny

    - Science of The Total Environment - Year 2019

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  • How to decrease pharmaceuticals in the environment? A review


    - Environmental Chemistry Letters - Year 2021

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  • Experiments with the Universal Constructor in the DigiHive Environment


    - Year 2009

    The paper discusses the performance and limitations of the universal constructor embedded in the DigiHive environment and presents the result of two simulation experiments showing the possibility of workaround the limitations.

  • Legal environment of the private entrepreneurship in Poland.


    W pracy dokonano prezentacji i analizy podstawowych składowych otoczenia prawnego określającego warunki kształtowania i rozwoju prywatnej przedsiębiorczości w Polsce w okresie transformacji rynkowej.

  • Environment friendly ships for Baltic area


    - Year 2005

    Przedstawiono końcowy efekt projektu europejskiego grupy Eureka E!2772. Scharakteryzowano zagrożenia stwarzane przez żeglugę oraz ekologiczne wymagania stawiane statkom. Przedstawiono plany generalne jednostek.

  • The parallel environment for endoscopic image analysis


    - Year 2002

    The jPVM-oriented environment to support high performance computing required for the Endoscopy Recommender System (ERS) is defined. SPMD model of image matching is considered and its two implementations are proposed: Lexicographical Searching Algorithm (LSA) and Gradient Serching Algorithm (GSA). Three classes of experiments are considered and the relative degree of similarity and execution time of each algorithm are analysed....

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  • Conceptual system development in a concurrent environment


    W artykule omówiono możliwości wspomagania jednego z najważniejszych obszarów projektowania, a mianowicie projektowania koncepcyjnego. Rozważania te odniesiono do otoczenia inżynierii wspozadaniowej, co dodatkowo skomplikowano problemy decyzyjne podejmowane na tym etapie projektowania. Zaproponowano szereg elementów wspomagania projektowania koncepcyjnego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości praktycznej implementacji takiego...

  • Music signal equalization in a changing environment


    - Year 2019

    The paper presents the concept of an automatic system for music signal correction, considering room frequency response and music genre being played. The proposed algorithm, based on the room frequency response, compensates acoustic conditions surrounding the sound source. Additionally, the compensation process considers the signal content by recognizing music genre. As part of the described research, a series of subjective tests...

  • On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment

    We consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...

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  • Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment

    Due to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely...

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  • Honey as an indicator of heavy metals in the environment


    - Year 2012

    Honey bees collect nectar, pollen and honeydew to produce bee products. One of them is honey, which due to chemical composition and properties is considered by human as a valuable food product. When honey bees collect substrates to produce honey they can bring contaminants to the hive. The presence of xenobiotics in bee products may lower their quality and devalue their properties, and also endanger human health. Many scientists...

  • Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment

    The authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...

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  • Responsibility towards the environment in infrastructure projects


    - Year 2013


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  • Analytics of Surfactants in the Environment: Problems and Challenges

    Surfactants (surface active agents = SAAs) are a group of compoundswith specific physicochemical properties (amphiphilicity,solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles,adsorption at phase boundaries).1,2 Because of their properties,surface-active compounds are widely applied in industry and thehousehold (e.g., in detergents, personal-care products, paints,pesticides, petroleum products). As their applications...

  • Executing Multiple Simulations in the MERPSYS Environment


    - Year 2016

    The chapter investigates the steps necessary to perform a simulation instance in the MERPSYS environment and discusses potential limitations in case when vast numbers of simulations are required. An extended architecture is proposed which includes a JMS-based simulation queue and multiple distributed simulators, overcoming the potential bottlenecks. The chapter introduces also methods for preparing suites of multiple simulations...

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  • Modeling Parallel Applications in the MERPSYS Environment


    - Year 2016

    The chapter presents how to model parallel computational applications for which simulation of execution in a large-scale parallel or distributed environment is performed within the MERPSYS environment. Specifically, it is shown what approaches can be adopted to model key paradigms often used for parallel applications: master-slave, geometric parallelism (single program multiple data), pipelined and divide-and-conquer applications....

  • Solid road environment and its hazards


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Year 2017

    Accidents that involve vehicles departing the road tend to have very high severity, as they often result in the vehicle hitting a permanent obstacle (which can be a ree, a pole, facility pillar, front wall of a culvert or a barrier). In recent years, this type of accident caused approx. 19% of all road deaths in Poland. A particularly high risk can be observed on roads located in northern and western...

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  • A sense of security and freedom in a residential environment

    The article is based on the results of a survey carried out among students of architecture faculties in several countries, which examined the students’ knowledge of shaping the housing environment in such a way as to enable them to fulfil two basic and, at the same time, seemingly mutually exclusive psychological needs of a person: a sense of security and a sense of freedom. In examining these issues, particular emphasis was placed...

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  • Cyanides in the environment—analysis—problems and challenges

    Cyanide toxicity and their environmental impact are well known. Nevertheless, they are still used in the mining, galvanic and chemical industries. As a result of industrial activities, cyanides are released in various forms to all elements of the environment. In a natural environment, cyanide exists as cyanogenic glycosides in plants seeds. Too much consumption can cause unpleasant side effects. However, environmental tobacco smoke...

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  • Stability analysis of nanobeams in hygrothermal environment based on a nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model under nonlinear thermal field


    - Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability - Year 2020

    This article is dedicated to analyzing the buckling behavior of nanobeam subjected to hygrothermal environments based on the principle of the Timoshenko beam theory. The hygroscopic environment has been considered as a linear stress field model, while the thermal environment is assumed to be a nonlinear stress field based on the Murnaghan model. The size-dependent effect of the nanobeam is captured by the nonlocal strain gradient...

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  • Trace Elements in Aquatic Environments


    A trace element is defined as a chemical element whose the average concentration is less than 100 ppm (mg/kg, mg/L – in the case of a water matrix). In aquatic environments the concentrations of trace elements are usually at the level of picomoles per liter and lower. This causes extreme analytical problems, especially in situations where low content is in the range of background levels. Taking into account the role of trace elements...

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  • Special Fibres For Application Environments


    - Year 1990

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  • Organic compounds in indoor environments

    Praca jest przeglądem literaturowym dotyczącym obecności lotnych związków organicznych w powietrzu wewnętrznym. Zaprezentowano główne źródła zanieczyszczeń powietrza wewnętrznego, poruszono tematykę sumarycznej zawartości LZO oraz wpływu zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego na jakość powietrza wewnętrznego.

  • MaliciousIDE – software development environment that evokes emotions

    Emotions affect every aspect of human live, including work. Numerous studies in software engineering have shown that negative emotions can lower the productivity of programmers. Unlike traditional approaches to managing software development, modern methods, such as Agile and Lean, take into account human aspects of programming. To thoroughly investigate the impact of negative emotions on the work of programmers, a malicious integrated...

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  • Koncepcja Smart Cities - obszar Smart Environment


    - Year 2018

    The Smart Cities Concept– Smart Environment. The paper concentrates on the possibilities of checking the extent to which cities meet the smart city concept. The presented concept concentrates on one of the main smart cities characteristic: Smart Environment. This paper is a result of joint work of specialist from two diff erent areas: management and environmental protection. The interdisciplinary character of the paper is characteristic...

  • Modelling and simulation of GPU processing in the MERPSYS environment

    In this work, we evaluate an analytical GPU performance model based on Little's law, that expresses the kernel execution time in terms of latency bound, throughput bound, and achieved occupancy. We then combine it with the results of several research papers, introduce equations for data transfer time estimation, and finally incorporate it into the MERPSYS framework, which is a general-purpose simulator for parallel and distributed...

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