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Search results for: METHACRYLIC ACID
Peroxidative metabolism of arachidonic acid in the course of Lyme arthritis
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Dissociation of 2-oxopropanoic acid by low energy electrons
PublicationElectron attachment to molecular target can lead to a variety of negative fragment ions. We experimentally probe the main dissociative electron attachment (DEA) channels in 2-oxopropanoic acid (CH3 - CO - COOH) - an important trace component in the Earth's atmosphere. In our studies we utilise nearly mono-energetic electrons at electron energies from 0 eV up to 15 eV.
Simulation of Force Spectroscopy Experiments on Galacturonic Acid Oligomers
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Chlorogenic Acid Stability in Pressurized Liquid Extraction Conditions
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Developing nucleic acid-based electrical detection systems
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The Acid Strength of the Lewis‐Brønsted Superacids – A QSPR Study
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Serum fatty acid profile in psoriasis and its comorbidity
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Synthesis of 2,6-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) and its analogues
PublicationKwas 2,6-diaminopimelinowy jest ważnym aminokwasem biosyntetyzowanym przez bakterie i wyższe rośliny. Liczne fragmenty peptydoglikanu zawierające reszty kwasu diaminopimelinowego wykazują aktywność przeciwnowotworową i/lub immunostymulacyjną. W artykule opisano sposoby syntezy kwasu 2,6-diaminopimelinowego i jego analogi.
Methods for quantifying lysophosphatidic acid in body fluids: A review
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Therapy with acetylsalicylic acid does not interfere with oral surgery
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Magnetization enhancement in magnetite nanoparticles capped with alginic acid
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Sweet surfactants I: Fatty acid esters of sucralose
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The Characterization of Scaffolds Based on Dialdehyde Chitosan/Hyaluronic Acid
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3D printing of polylactic acid: recent advances and opportunities
PublicationBio-based polymers are a class of polymers made by living organisms, a few of them known and commercialized yet. Due to poor mechanical strength and economic constraints, they have not yet seen the extensive application. Instead, they have been an appropriate candidate for biological applications. Growing consumer knowledge of the environmental effect of polymers generated from petrochemical sources and a worldwide transition away...
Structured triacylglicerols containing behenic acid: preparation and properties
PublicationNiskokaloryczne lipidy strukturyzowane otrzymano na drodze przeestryfikowania właściwego oleju oliwkowego całkowicie uwodornionym wysokoerukowym olejem rzepakowym (TAG/SLHE) oraz na drodze acydolizy oleju oliwkowego kwasem behenowym (TAG/SLB). Reakcje były katalizowane Lipozyme RM IM. Tłuszcz (TAG/SLHE) charakteryzował się wysoką temperaturą topnienia - 45,5 st. C, natomiast tłuszcz (TAG/SLB) miał temperaturę topnienia 37,5 st.C...
Rhodotorulic Acid and its Derivatives: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
PublicationSiderophores are low molecular weight compounds produced by microorganisms to scavenge iron in iron-deficient environments. Rhodotorulic acid (RA), a natural hydroxamate siderophore, plays a vital role in iron acquisition for fungi and bacteria. As the simplest natural hydroxamate siderophore, RA exhibits a high affinity for ferric ions, enabling it to form stable complexes that facilitate iron uptake and transport within microorganisms....
PublicationThis paper presents a voltammetry as a useful method to analyse DNA from different species. This electrochemical method is well know and used in different analyses. The influence of an area of working electrode and the capacity component, is shown at equals and the measurement. In voltammetry DNA measurement the capacity component is very important and must be taken into consideration. All mathematical analyses were verify at laboratory.
Amino Acid Based Antimicrobial Agents – Synthesis and Properties
PublicationStructures of several dozen of known antibacterial, antifungal or antiprotozoal agents are based on the amino acid scaffold. In most of them, the amino acid skeleton is of a crucial importance for their antimicrobial activity, since very often they are structural analogs of amino acid intermediates of different microbial biosynthetic pathways. Particularly, some aminophosphonate or aminoboronate analogs of protein amino acids are...
The acid strength of the HClO4/n(AlF3) and HClO4/n(SbF5) (n = 1–3) Lewis–Brønsted superacids containing the excess of the Lewis acid component
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Analysis of carboxylic acid metabolites from the tricarboxylic acid cycle in Bacillus subtilis cell extract by capillary electrophoresis using an indirect photometric detection method
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Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with L-ascorbic acid
PublicationIn this study we report the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with ascorbic acid (AA). Ascorbic acid was used as a modifier at concentration of 1 or 2 mass%. The antioxidative properties of AA may improve the biocompatibility of the obtained materials, which were designed for biomedical applications. In this paper we describe characterization of obtained unmodified and ascorbic acid modified polyurethanes...
Characterization of fatty acid composition in Eurasian badger (Meles meles)
PublicationPolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs, LA and ALA) are not synthesized in mammals in the absence of their essential fatty acid precursors. However, hibernating animals and animals sleeping through the winter need sufficiently high amounts of these acids. The Eurasian badger does not hibernate, but sleeps over winter. In the autumn the body weight of adult badgers increases even twofold, since they put on fat before the winter. Fat...
Dissociative electron attachment and anion-induced dimerization in pyruvic acid
PublicationWe report partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment to pyruvic acid. A rich fragmentation dynamics is observed. Electronic structure calculations facilitate the identification of complex rearrangement reactions that occur during the dissociation. Furthermore, a number of fragment anions produced at electron energies close to 0 eV are observed, that cannot originate from single electron-molecule collisions....
Photoresponsive, amide-based derivative of embonic acid for anion recognition
PublicationThe synthesis and ion-binding properties of amide-based derivative of embonic acid andp-aminoazobenzenewere described. The new compound was characterized by X-ray structural analysis and spectroscopic methods.Ligand interacts in acetonitrile with Y-shaped anions (benzoates and acetates) and dihydrogen phosphatesforming complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. In more polar DMSO the complexes stoichiometry changes to 2:1(L:anion). Light-inducedtranstocisisomerization...
Thermal energy storage using stearic acid as PCM material
PublicationThis work presents an experimental study of thermal energy storage by use of PCM. The aim of the study was to establish the influence of different inlet temperature of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and different Reynolds number of HTF on intensity of charging process. The PCM used in this study was stearic acid and water was used as HTF. A copper helical coil mounted in cylindrical container served as a heat transfer surface.
The Relationship between the Structure and Properties of Amino Acid Ionic Liquids
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Application of Peracetic Acid for Biological Foam Elimination in the SBR Bioreactor
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad zastosowaniem kwasu nadoctowego (PAA) do likwidacji piany biologicznej, spowodowanej przez bakterię nitkowatą Microthrix parvicella. Wykazano, że okresowe zraszanie powierzchni piany małymi dawkami kwasu nadoctowego (rzędu kilkudziesięciu ml 1% roztworu PAA/na 1 m2 piany o grubości 1 cm) powoduje niemal natychmiastwy zanik piany, wytworzonej na powierzchni osadu czynnego w bioreaktorze...
1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane incorporating salicyli acid moieties. Synthesis and properties
PublicationPochodne 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyklododekanu są związkami które znalazły szerokie zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach: medycynie, chemii, farmacji, ochronie środowiska itd. Właściwości fizykochemiczne poszczególnych związków determinowane są przez pierścień makrocykliczny i podstawniki. Kwas salicylowy i salicylamid tworzą kompleksy chelatowe z kationami II grupy jak również z metalami przejściowymi. W reakcji acylowania cyklenu pochodnymi...
The Reactivity of Arylphosphorus Acid Amides Under Birch Reduction Conditions
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An Improved Synthesis of Trisodium (R)-Homocitrate from Citric Acid
PublicationA method of synthesis of trisodium (R)-homocitrate starting from citric acid is reported. The procedure affords the final product of high optical purity with satisfactory yield.
Updates on Metabolism in Lactic Acid Bacteria in Light of “Omic” Technologies
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Phosphatidylcholine with conjugated linoleic acid in fabrication of novel lipid nanocarriers
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Physicochemical and catalytic properties of ployaniline protonated with 12-molybdophosphoric acid
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Photophysics of 7-Hydroxytetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives
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Thermal properties of lanthanide(III) complexes with 2-aminoterephthalic ACID
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ACID whey concentrated by ultrafiltration a tool for modeling bread properties
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Ab initio study of formic acid monomer, dimer and trimer
PublicationConfigurations of the formic acid monomer, dimer and trimer are presented. The total energies for these structures have been calculated while the negatively charged clusters were considered and the possible pathways of interaction of low energy electrons with monomers and clusters were discussed. Calculations have been executed using 6-311 G** and 6-311 ++G** basis sets. The electron affinities of monomer and clusters are presented....
Tumor-Derived Lactic Acid Contributes to the Paucity of Intratumoral ILC2s
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Chitosan blends containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Compatibility behaviour
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Raman spectroscopy study on concentrated acid treated carbon nanotubes
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The electrochemical deposition of nickel from electrolytes containing malonic acid
PublicationZbadano proces elektrolitycznego osadzania niklu z roztworów siarczanowych zawierających kwas malonowy lub winowy jako bufor zamiast kwasu borowego. Badano wpływ gęstości prądu katodowego, pH roztworu i temperaturę. Określono pojemność buforową i wgłębność kąpieli. Wyznaczono wydajności prądowe, twardość oraz połysk powłok niklowych otrzymanych z badanych kąpieli. Określono optymalne warunki pracy kąpieli i wykazano jej zalety...
Experimental and Theoretical Study on Electron Interactions with Acetic Acid Molecules
PublicationThe absolute total cross section for electron collisions with acetic acid has been measured using an electrostatic electron spectrometerand linear transmission method for collision energies ranging from 0.4 to 300eV. Elastic electron scattering from acetic acid within a low-energy range has also been studied theoretically using the Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization...
Synthesis of polyglycerol esters of fatty acid with defined hydrophilic properties
PublicationOtrzymane w odrębnej reakcji mieszaniny poligliceroli poddano estryfikacji kwasami tłuszczowymi oktadekanowym i izooktadekanowym, w obecności odpowiednich mydeł sodu powstających in situ. Zaobserwowano wpływ stężenia karboksylanów sodu oraz budowy kwasu tłuszczowego na przebieg estryfikacji mieszaniny polioli. Stwierdzono, że zastosowany sposób prowadzenia reakcji pozwala zsyntetyzować efektywne emulgatory emulsji O/W, o wartościach...
Polyglycerol esters of lauric acid with defined hydrophile-lipophile properties.
PublicationZsyntetyzowano estrowe pochodne poligliceroli i kwasu laurynowego w obecności laurynianu sodu powstającego in situ. Przeanalizowano wpływ temperatury, stężenia katalizatora oraz czasu reakcji na postęp reakcji polimeryzacji glicerolu, a także wpływ stężenia karboksylanu i czasu reakcji na reakcję estryfikacji uzyskanej mieszaniny polioli kwasem laurynowym. Zauważono, że zastosowana metoda syntezy estrów poligliceroli prowadzi do...
Maternal smoking Modulates Fatty Acid Profile of Breast Milk
PublicationAIM: We hypothesized that the fatty acid composition of breast milk can be affected by a smoking habit in the mother. Consequently, this study verified whether maternal smoking modulates, and if so to what extent, the breast milk fatty acid profile. METHODS: The study included 20 postpartum women who declared smoking more than five cigarettes daily throughout a period of pregnancy and lactation, and 136 non-smoking postpartum women....
Beeswax And Palmitic Acid Utilization With Heat Pipes For Electronics Cooling
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study of heat pipes supported by phase change materials (PCMs) coated at their adiabatic sections in application for electronics cooling. The PCMs investigated in this research were palmitic acid and beeswax, the latter being considered as a more cost-effective alternative. The study focused on three powers: 20W, 25W, and 30W. The experimental results revealed that the incorporation of palmitic...
Bioactivation of Konjac Glucomannan Films by Tannic Acid and Gluconolactone Addition
PublicationWound healing is a dynamic process that requires an optimal extracellular environment, as well as an accurate synchronization between various cell types. Over the past few years, great efforts have been devoted to developing novel approaches for treating and managing burn injuries, sepsis, and chronic or accidental skin injuries. Multifunctional smart-polymer-based dressings represent a promising approach to support natural healing...
The influence of salt in solutions on hydrochloric acid recovery by membrane distillation