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Search results for: GREEN URBANISM

  • Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning

    The teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...

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  • Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism

    The article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...

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  • Przepis na urbanistę?


    - Year 2007

    W dobie reformy wprowadzającej na polskie uczelnie wyższe postanowień procesu bolońskiego istotne staje się postawienie problemu kształcenia współczesnych urbanistów. Temat poruszony zostaje w kontekście wyzwań aktualnej praktyki projektowej oraz integracji europejskiej rynku pracy i studiów wyższych.

  • City and Urbanity in the Social Discourse

    The aim of our article is an attempt to present the concept of urbanity that has been shaped throughout centuries along with the development of European civilisation and now entered a new phase of social production of space based on cultural dimensions. The future of the majority of World’s population is connected currently with the urban life with the assumption that qualitative characteristics of life in the 21st century define...

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  • Green chromatography

    Analysis of organic compounds in samples characterized by different composition of the matrix is very important in many areas. A vast majority of organic compound determinations are performed using gas or liquid chromatographic methods. It is thus very important that these methods have negligible environmental impact. Chromatographic techniques have the potential to be greener at all steps of the analysis, from sample collection...

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  • Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism



    Water is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...

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  • Green Chemistry Metrics with Special Reference to Green Analytical Chemistry


    - MOLECULES - Year 2015

    The concept of green chemistry is widely recognized in chemical laboratories. To properly measure an environmental impact of chemical processes, dedicated assessment tools are required. This paper summarizes the current state of knowledge in the field of development of green chemistry and green analytical chemistry metrics. The diverse methods used for evaluation of the greenness of organic synthesis, such as eco-footprint, E-Factor,...

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  • Nowy Urbanizm jako strategia strukturalizacji amorficznych przestrzeni podmiejskich


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł dotyczy zagadnioenia Nowego Urbanizmu jako jednej z możliwych strategii projektowych służących przezwyciężaniu amorficznego modelu rozwoju struktur podmiejskich. Jednocześnie wskazano w nim na zagrożenia dla tożsamości i autentyzmu miasta jakie wiążą się z kwestią stosowania tej metody projektowej.

  • Dlaczego oświetlamy miasta? - perspektywa urbanisty


    - Year 2005

    W artykule opisana została rola światła sztucznego w mieście na tle historycznym. Narzędzie jakim jest oświetlenie zostało ukazane jako istotny element nocnego krajobrazu współczesnego miasta.

  • The biological reactions on the implant-organism border

    Materiał przeznaczony do implantacji w tkanki żywego organizmu powinien być biozgodny i biofunkcjonalny. Jeśli tak nie jest, ciało reaguje stanem zapalnym. Reakcje zapalne mogą się objawiać np. odrywaniem się cząstek materiału z powierzchni implantu na skutek tarcia lub nacisku, lub wytworzeniem biofilmu na jego powierzchni.

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  • Green Sample Collection


    The term of “green sample collection” is directly associated with both passive and dynamic analytical tools which allow for simultaneous management of the stage of collection and isolation and/or enrichment of a broad spectrum of chemical compounds from environmental samples. The use of passive sampling techniques at the stage of sample collection makes it possible to obtain in a simple yet inexpensive manner an analytical information...

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  • Developments in Green Chromatography


    Green analytical chemistry is a widely recognized concept that has led to the development of new analytical methods with reduced environmental impact and minimized analyst occupational exposure. Achievements include the development of microextraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) techniques. Research towards greener separation processes focuses on the elimination of toxic solvents...

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  • Green Lean in Services

    The study presents the basic aspects of the improvement of the company useing Green Lean concept. The authors refer to the basics of the concept, present its theoretical aspects together with a revew of possible actions to eliminate the green waste. All these considerations refer to the service activities of any kind in order to maintain holistic approach of the research.

  • From grey to green

    • K. Rembarz
    • H. Shin
    • M. Koshy
    • E. Knyzelite
    • O. O’connor

    - Year 2016

    The article presents conceptual project made by students during Urban European Summer School “City on water” in Bremen 2015. The area of study was Hemelingen, Aller-Harbour, Bremen, Germany. The aim was to make a design of regeneration of the area. Students were free in choosing methods and ideas for their project.

  • The 12 principles of green analytical chemistry and the SIGNIFICANCE mnemonic of green analytical practices



    The current rapid development of green analytical chemistry (GAC) requires clear, concise guidelines in the form of GAC principles that will be helpful in greening laboratory practices. The existing principles of green chemistry and green engineering need revision for their use in GAC because they do not fully meet the needs of analytical chemistry. In this article we propose a set of 12 principles consisting of known concepts...

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  • The Urbanity Phenomenon – Tradition and New Cultural Iterations


    - Year 2017

    Cities that have managed to survive and rebuild lost urbanity do not close themselves towards new forms that are largely generated by culture. People are increasingly organized around common, local goals. They want to live in cities that open themselves up to differences, with culture as a tool for the revitalization of urbanity. Flexible management methods, tailored to the context and new needs, are therefore emphasized. Nowadays,...

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  • Analysis of Green Algae Extracts

    • G. Schroeder
    • B. Łęska
    • J. Fabrowska
    • B. Messyasz
    • M. Pikosz
    • B. Leska

    - Year 2015

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  • Green and equitable analytical chemistry

    Green analytical chemistry introduces the ideas of reduction ofanalytical activities impact on the environment. However, to bemore sustainable, analytical chemistry should include socialaspects in greater manner. In this light‘equitable’analyticalprocedures, which are easily available in terms of price andapplicability by everyday user, are developed. These positivetrends are observed as many procedures, based on commonlyused for...

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  • Green, blue and energy in cities


    The article refers to the implementation of blue-green infrastructure in cities, with particular emphasis on the aspect of rainwater and energy management. The article presents the advantages of water and greenery in the city and gives examples of engineering solutions used, both the more popular (including green and biosolar roofs), as well as experimental solutions, which are an interesting and necessary alternative in the era...

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  • Green Geotechnics in practice and theory


    - Year 2012

    W artykule przedstawiono analizę wykorzystania materiałów antropogenicznych (głównie ubocznych produktów spalania) w drogownictwie na przykładzie Polski. Główny nacisk położono na analizę technologii w aspekcie emisyjności CO2. Zdaniem autorów technologie niskoemisyjne powinny mieć priorytet ''stosowalności'' - zwłaszcza w świetle ustaleń tzw. Protokołu z Kioto 2005. Geotechnika przyjazna środowisku, czyli tzw. Zielona Geotechnika,...

  • Metrics for green analytical chemistry


    Green analytical chemistry, although not being a new concept, does not have a greenness metrics system. Green chemistry metrics are not suitable for analytical procedure assessment because they often refer to the mass of the product. Some efforts have been made to develop suitable metrics for analytical chemistry. Some are simple to use but do not cover all aspects of analytical methods’ environmental impact. Others are more comprehensive...

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  • Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review

    • N. Rabiee
    • R. Sharma
    • S. Foorginezhad
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • M. Asadnia
    • M. Rabiee
    • O. Akhavan
    • E. C. Lima
    • K. Formela
    • M. Ashrafizadeh... and 4 others


    Membranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...

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  • Green sample preparation 2023


    - Advances in Sample Preparation - Year 2023


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  • Od City Beautiful Movement do Nowego Urbanizmu


    Praca obejmuje omówienie zjawiska znanego pod nazwą "urbanistyki klasycyzującej" oraz jej historycznych źródęł XIX-wiecznych. Omówiono City Beautifull Movement oraz jego konsekwencje dla kształtowania współczesnej szkoły "nowego urbanizmu"

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  • Green Therapy w projektowaniu ośrodków medycznych Green Therapy in complex design of health centres


    Koncepcja przestrzenna ogrodu terapeutycznego podporządkowana jest generalnej idei otwierania się projektantów na poszukiwanie nowych możliwości poprawy samopoczucia odbiorcy - poprzez zapewnienie użytkownikom poczucia bezpieczeństwa, komfortu i odprężenia, harmonii. Dotyczy to nie tylko grupy osób chorych, które dręczone są przez niepokoje i napięcia wywołane przez niepełnosprawność czy chorobę, ale także pacjentów w różnym wieku...

  • The intertexteme as an instrument in the past — pre­sent — future dialogical space of urbanism practices: an intersemiotic ana­ly­sis of graffiti and inscriptions in Gdansk and Kaliningrad

    • Ż. Sładkiewicz
    • K. Wieladek

    - Baltic accent - Year 2020

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  • Green energy in municipal planning documents

    • A. Bazan-Krzywoszańska
    • M. Skiba
    • M. Mrówczyńska
    • M. Sztubecka
    • D. Bazuń
    • M. Kwiatkowski

    - E3S Web of Conferences - Year 2018

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  • Perception of 'Green Shipping' in the contemporary conditions


    - Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues - Year 2020

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  • History and Milestones of Green Analytical Chemistry

    Due to the increased environmental consciousness, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is an important concept steadily gaining popularity, as its implementation facilitates the decrease the detrimental effect analytical chemistry methodologies may have on the environment. In this chapter, a brief overview of the history of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) and its milestones was given. Emphasis has been put on the beginnings of green...

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  • Green analytical chemistry metrics: A review

    Green analytical chemistry encourages reducing the use of toxic chemicals/reagents, using energy-efficient equipment, and generating minimal waste. The recent trends in analytical method development focus on the miniaturization of the sample preparation devices, the development of solventless or solvent-minimized extraction techniques, and the utilization of less toxic solvents. The twelve principles of GAC serve as a basic guideline...

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  • Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice

    This tutorial review summarises the current state of green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques. Green analytical chemistry is a part of the sustainable development concept; its history and origins are described. Miniaturisation of analytical devices and shortening the time elapsing between performing analysis and obtaining reliable analytical results are important...

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  • Introduction to Green Chemistry, by Albert Matlack

    Temat tzw. ''zielonej chemii'' zyskuje coraz większą uwagę dlatego też wiekszośc uczelni skupia się na jego znaczeniu. Media coraz częściej podejmują ten temat i dzięki temu następuje powolny ale stopniowy wzrost świadomości społeczeństwa dlatego też skomentowana ksiązka wypełnia pustkę w klasycznej literaturze chemicznej.

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  • Green Chemistry - current and future issues


    W pracy przedstawiono 12 zasad Zielonej Chemii oraz wybrane przykłady stosowania zasad w życiu codziennym, przemyśle, laboratoriach i edukacji. Pokrótce opisano historię Zielonej Chemii oraz przyszłe wyzwania. ZCH dotyczy nowego podejścia do zagadnienia syntezy, przeróbki i wykorzystania związków chemicznych, związanego ze zmniejszeniem zagrożenia dla zdrowia i środowiska. Istnieje wiele publikacji opisujących metodyki analityczne...

  • Green adsorbents and solvents in food analysis

    • H. Haq
    • M. S. Khan
    • M. J. Khan
    • M. B. Arain

    - Year 2024

    Green analytical chemistry aims to minimize the negative impact of analytical procedures on the environment and human health. This can be achieved through the use of non-toxic and environmentally friendly reagents. Classical green solvents include water, ethanol, acetone, and supercritical fluids. Water has been used for the extraction of water-soluble compounds (sugars, amino acids). Ethanol and acetone have been used for the...

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  • The implementation of green transformation through clusters



    The paper addresses a poorly documented issue in the literature, namely the role of clusters in green transformation, including processes related to green, low-carbon, and circular economies. The purpose was to identify and understand the practices of clusters in this area. The adopted mixed research strategy consisted of both qualitative and quantitative research. Both research phases were conducted in a group of Polish Key National...

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  • Adsorption Properties of Sepiolite in Relation to Uranium and Lanthanide Ions

    • . Gładysz-Płaska

    - Minerals - Year 2019

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  • Acceleration of the discrete Green's function computations


    - Year 2012

    Results of the acceleration of the 3-D discrete Green's function (DGF) computations on the multicore processor are presented. The code was developed in the multiple precision arithmetic with use of the OpenMP parallel programming interface. As a result, the speedup factor of three orders of magnitude compared to the previous implementation was obtained thus applicability of the DGF in FDTD simulations was significantly improved.

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  • Noise as a Factor of Green Areas Soundscape Creation

    • M. Sztubecka
    • M. Skiba
    • M. Mrówczyńska
    • M. Mathias

    - Sustainability - Year 2020

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  • Green analytical chemistry: Social dimension and teaching

    • A. Kurowska-Susdorf
    • M. Zwierżdżyński
    • A. Bevanda
    • S. Talić
    • A. Ivanković
    • J. Płotka-Wasylka


    Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is the idea which every analytical chemist should be familiar of. Due to continuous improvement in the subject both from the aspects of theory and experimentation, the dynamic way analytical chemistry studies are evolving in the frame of chemistry degrees should not be surprising. Recently, many efforts have been made in order to include Green Chemistry principles to Education, also in the field...

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  • Metal–Organic Frameworks in Green Analytical Chemistry

    • J. Potka-Wasylka
    • M. Rutkowska
    • N. Jatkowska
    • M. Zeraati
    • G. Sargaze
    • M. Kaykhaii

    - Year 2023

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  • Don't forget the dark side of green transformation


    - Year 2022

    Design/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update on the literature on knowledge risks and green transformation and describes knowledge risks that can be faced in this process. Originality/value – The paper offers new insights for researchers dealing with the topic of knowledge risks in...

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  • Green Polymer Nanocomposites for Skin Tissue Engineering


    - ACS Applied Bio Materials - Year 2022

    Fabrication of an appropriate skin scaffold needs to meet several standards related to the mechanical and biological properties. Fully natural/green scaffolds with acceptable biodegradability, biocompatibility, and physiological properties quite often suffer from poor mechanical properties. Therefore, for appropriate skin tissue engineering and to mimic the real functions, we need to use synthetic polymers and/or additives as complements...

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  • Green Aspects of Miniaturized Sample Preparation Techniques


    Correct monitoring and control of the state of the environment and scientific research on the subject of environmental protection often require that determinations of compounds present at very low concentrations be made in samples characterized by a matrix of complex composition (e.g., biological samples, water and soil samples). Moreover, due to the limited number of analytical techniques which are sufficiently sensitive to conduct...

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  • Green function diagonal for a class of heat equations

    A construction of the heat kernel diagonal is considered as element of generalized zeta function theory, which gradient at the origin defines determinant of a differential operator in a technique for regularizing quadratic path integral. Some classes of explicit expressions of the Green function in the case of finite-gap potential coefficient of the heat equation are constructed. An algorithm and program for Mathematica are presented...

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  • Green Analytical Chemistry Approaches in Sample Preparation


    This chapter presents environmentally friendly solutions for sample preparation. Attention is focused on extraction techniques and the minimization of organic solvent consumption, as the large quantitiesused in analytical laboratories are a pressing environmental problem. Solventless sample preparation techniques, alternative solvents, mediated extractions are discussed. The principle of each technique isbriefly described, together...

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  • Construction work on the vaults of the Green Gate in Gdańsk





    The main purpose of the paper is to identify the factors that determine the course of green transformation and to assess the current stage and possible directions of change in subsequent years in EU countries. The literature lacks comprehensive studies that show the impact of diverse types of factors on the course of green transformation. For this purpose, two perspectives of the research – economic and environmental – are usually...

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  • Metal-Organic Frameworks in Green Analytical Chemistry


    - Year 2023

    Taking into consideration the rapid expansion of MOFs applications in the analytical chemistry area, it is important to evaluate the existing and future analytical MOF-based methods according to GAC principles. From this point of view, eco-friendly MOFs-based methods should include features such as: green design and synthesis of MOF, evaluation of toxicity issues of MOFs, and incorporation of MOFs in GAC methods. This Chapter will...

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  • Physical properties of the uranium ternary compoundsU3Bi4M3(M=Ni,Rh)

    • T. Klimczuk
    • H. Lee
    • F. Ronning
    • T. Durakiewicz
    • N. Kurita
    • H. Volz
    • E. Bauer
    • T. McQueen
    • R. Movshovich
    • R. Cava... and 2 others

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Year 2008

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  • Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition


    - Year 2014

    The text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...