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Search results for: PMH
Time-dependent relaxation dynamics of remanent strain in textured PMN–PZ–PT and PMN–PIN–PT piezoceramics
PublicationCrystallographically textured lead-based piezoceramics, particularly P (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3–Pb ZrO3–PbTi O3 (PMN–PZ PT) and Pb(M1/3Nb2/3)O3–Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3–PbTiO3 (PMN–PIN–PT), play a pivotal role in electromechanical applications due to their enhanced field-induced strain responses. However, challenges in precision positioning arise from heightened remanent strain (Sr) caused by embedded templates in the textured grains impacting...
PAH diagnostic ratios for the identification of pollution emission sources
PublicationPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) diagnostic ratios have recently come into common use as a toolfor identifying and assessing pollution emission sources. Some diagnostic ratios are based on parentPAHs, others on the proportions of alkyl-substituted to non-substituted molecules. The ratios areapplicable to PAHs determined in different environmental media: air (gas þ particle phase), water,sediment, soil, as well as biomonitor...
Revisions of the SMS maintenance procedures based on computerized PMS data
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Development of an Autochthonous Microbial Consortium for Enhanced Bioremediation of PAH-Contaminated Soil
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Sources of errors associated with the determination of PAH and PCB analytes in water samples
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy związane z oznaczaniem analitów z grupy WWA i PCB w próbkach wody. Zidentyfikowano źródła błędów. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na:- proces adsorpcji analitów na ściankach szklanych naczyń używanych w trakcie obróbki i przechowywania próbek,- wpływ etapu odparowywania nadmiaru rozpuszczalnika z ekstraktów na odzysk analitów,- wpływ materiału, z którego jest wykonana kolumienka ekstrakcyjna (szkła, polietylenu)...
Analytical procedures for PAH and PCB determination in water samples - error sources
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono poszczególne etapy procedury analitycznej wykorzystywanej do oznaczania analitów z grupy WWA i PCB w próbkach wody. Pokazano jakie problemy występują podczas oznaczania wyżej wymienionych analitów i jaki mogą mieć wpływ na końcowy wynik analizy.
B-podand complexes with sodium ions: the reaction heats and PM5 semiempirical calculation
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Problems of PAH quantification by GC–MS method using isotope-labelled standards
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Problems of PAH quantification by GC-MS method using isotope-labelled standards.
PublicationChromatografia gazowa w połączeniu ze spektromerią mas (GC-MS) jest obecnie rutynowo stosowaną metodą w analityce środowiskowej do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Stosowanie detektora mas sprawia, że wygodnym wzorcem wewnętrznym są stabilne izotopowo analogi oznaczanych związków. Związki te są wykorzystywane do śledzenia i kompensacji strat analitów podczas wykonywania określonych operacji związanych z...
Fibre-Optic pH Sensor
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pH Gradient Reversed-Phase HPLC
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Surfaces formability of PM parts by lapping.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań docierania elementów spiekanych. Określono wpływ podstawowych warunków obróbki na jakość powierzchni płaskich oraz omówiono sposób wymuszonej aktywizacji powierzchni docieraka metalowego ścierniwem.
The crystal structures of (<i>O</i>-silyl)thiobenzoates (<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuO)<sub>3</sub>SiOC(S)Ph, Ph<sub>3</sub>SiOC(S)Ph, (2,6-XyO)<sub>3</sub>SiOC(S)Ph, and PhC(O)SSSC(O)Ph
PublicationChlorek benzylu reaguje z silanotiolanami sodu R3SiSNa dając wyłącznie pochodne sililowe kwasu monotiobenzoesowego R3SiOC(S)Ph, R=t-Bu, Ph lub 2,6-XyO w postaci pomarańczowych kryształów. Wymienione produkty zostały poddane rentgenowskiej analizie strukturalnej. Badania NMR roztworów tych substancji wskazują, że te same izomery są obecne w roztworze i w ciele stałym.
The reaction heats and PM5 semiempirical studies of complexes formed between silicon podand and monovalent cations
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The reaction heats and PM5 semiempirical studies of complexes formed between silicon podand and Li+ cations
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pH Responsiveness of hydrogels formed by telechelic polyampholytes
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Preliminary study on suitability of ionic liquids as potential passive-sampling media of polyaromatic-hydrocarbon (PAH) analyses in water
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Contamination of Arctic Lakes with Persistent Toxic PAH Substances in the NW Part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land (Bellsund, Svalbard)
PublicationThe expansion of glacier‐free areas in polar regions favours the appearance of lakes in the non‐glaciated parts of glacier basins. This paper presents the differentiation of organic compound concentrations in fifty‐four Arctic lakes collected in four locations (Logne Valley, in the vicinity of the Scott, Renard and Antonia glaciers). We cover meteorological measurements, chemical analysis of sixteen dioxin‐like compounds (Polycyclic...
Theoretical opportunities and actual limitations of pH gradient HPLC
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Determination of pKa by pH Gradient Reversed-Phase HPLC
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pH-tunable equilibria in azocrown ethers with histidine moieties
PublicationEtery koronowe posiadające elektro- i fotoaktywne reszty azowe oraz ugrupowania z ruchliwymi protonami jak w grupie COOH histydyny charakteryzują się unikalnym, zależnym od pH, efektem stymulowania pozornej obecności/nieobecności ugrupowania azowego. Obserwowane różnice właściwości elektrochemicznych eterów azokoronowych z resztą N-acetylohistydyny lub resztami imidazolu uwidaczniają się przebiegiem chemicznej redukcji w silnie...
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Mercury bonds with carbon (OC and EC) in small aerosols (PM1) in the urbanized coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic)
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Sequential treatment of landfill leachate by electrocoagulation/aeration, PMS/ZVI/UV and electro-Fenton: Performance, biodegradability and toxicity studies
PublicationThis study presents a systematic study on sequential treatment of highly resistant landfill leachate by electrocoagulation (EC)/aeration, sulfate radical advanced oxidation process (SR-AOP) and electro-Fenton (EF). In case of SR-AOP, peroxymonosulfate (PMS) catalyzed by zero valent iron (ZVI) and ultraviolet irradiation (UV) system was developed. Treatment process was optimized in respect to COD removal. Analysis of results revealed...
Investigation of the Effect of The Temperature and Magnetization Pattern on Flux Density, Instantaneous Torque, Unbalanced Magnetic Forces of a Surface Inset PMM
PublicationElectrical machines utilized in domestic applications such as ceiling fans should have low losses and cost. Permanent magnets are used instead of rotor excitation to reduce losses. Therefore, not only the losses of the rotor winding are eliminated, but also the efficiency of the machine is increased. A surface inset consequent pole (SICP) machine has also been used to reduce costs. Because less magnets are utilized in this structure....
The Role of Specific Side Groups and pH in Magnetization Transfer in Polymers
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Computer aided materials design of PM duplex stainless steels
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pH -Tunable equilibria in azocrown ethers with histidine moieties, Bioelectrochemistry
PublicationThe crown ethers with electro- and photoactive azo moieties containing substituents with mobile protons such as in the –COOH groups of histidine, show unique effect of pH switched on/off presence of the azo form. The differences observed for the electrochemical behavior of azocrown ethers with N-acetylhistidine and imidazole moieties reveal the interference of a chemical reduction pathway in strongly acidified solutions. This...
pH gradient high-performance liquid chromatography: theory and applications
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pH/Organic Solvent Double-Gradient Reversed-Phase HPLC
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Effect of pH on the Redox and Sorption Properties of Native and Phosphorylated Starches
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The Role of pH in the Mechanism of .OH Radical Induced Oxidation of Nicotine
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Zinc(II) complexation by some biologically relevant pH buffers
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PM Motor Controller for an Electric Vehicle with Separate Wheel Drives
PublicationDla pojazdu z elektrycznym niezależnym napędem kół, przedstawiono propozycję hierarchicznej struktury sprzętowej, z jednostką centralną koordynującą sterowanie poszczególnymi silnikami przez sterowniki podporządkowane, realizujące regulację momentu silnika w trybie rozruchu i hamowania. Zaproponowano algorytmy sterowania silnikiem synchronicznym z magnesami trwałymi, a także protokół komunikacji między sterownikami. Przedstawiono...
Wpływ pH na ługowanie zwiercin łupkowych roztworami wodnymi
PublicationZwierciny wytworzone podczas poszukiwania węglowodorów w formacjach łupkowych mogą zawierać metale ciężkie i radionuklidy. Mając na uwadze zagospodarowanie zwiercin, wykonano badanie ich ługowania metodą statyczną, stosując roztwory wodne o różnych pH regulowanych HNO3 i KOH. Charakterystykę chemiczną zwiercin z otworu z Basenu Bałtyckiego przeprowadzono metodą rentgenowskiej analizy fluorescencyjnej, natomiast...
An Application Supporting Gastroesophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance-pH Analysis
PublicationDue to a significant rise in the number of patients diagnosed with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and the high cost of treatment, there is a need to further research on one of the most popular diagnostic tests used in this case – esophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance and pH measurement. This may lead to finding new diagnostically relevant information, used to quicken and improve the diagnostic procedure....
A concept for reducing PM 10 emissions for car brakes by 50%
PublicationWith regard to airborne particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10), in countries in the European Union, the mass of brake emissions equals approximately 8–27% of the total traffic-related emissions. Using a research methodology combining tests at different scale levels with contact mechanics simulations and PM10 chemical characterization, the REBRAKE EU-financed project had the following aims: i) to demonstrate...
The reduction of (ImH)[trans-RuIIICl4(dmso)(Im)] under physiological conditions: preferential reaction of the reduced complex with human serum albumin
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Effect of salinity and pH on the calibration of the extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by PASSIL
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Combined pH/organic solvent gradient HPLC in analysis of forensic material
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Influence of pH on Retention in Linear Organic Modifier Gradient RP HPLC
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Energy conversion in small water plants with variable speed PM generator
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On stability of iodine doped TiO2 electrodes in pH varied aqueous electrolytes
PublicationW pracy przedstaiono charakterystykę elektrochemiczną warstwy domieszkowanego jodem TiO2 na podłożu platynowym. Wyniki badań prowadzone w elektrolitach o różnym pH pozowoliły na określenie właściwości na granicy faz elektroda - elektrolit. Wyznaczono zależność potencjału pasma płaskiego od pH elektrolitu, a charakter otrzymanej funkcji potwirdził stabilność proszku I-TiO2 w kontakcie s roztworem.
Modeling the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two kinetic parameters, including...
PublicationIn the present study, the creeks and lakes located at the western shore of Admiralty Bay were analysed. The impact of various sources of water supply was considered, based on the parameters of temperature, pH and specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25). All measurements were conducted during a field campaign in January-February 2017. A multivariate dataset was also created and a biplot of SEC25 and pH of the investigated waters...
Effect of pH on optical sensing with poly-L-lysine-modified nanodiamonds
PublicationNitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are crystallographic defects which provide diamonds with unique physical properties. The centers are known for their intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli. Nanodiamonds containing the NV centers are promising tools in biolabeling, biosensing, and drug delivery due to the aforementioned properties of...
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched 10 granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the 11 granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature 12 T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two 13 kinetic parameters,...
pH-dependent composite coatings for controlled drug delivery system - Review
PublicationNowadays in case of long-term implants, the most common postoperative complications are bacterial infections, which in consequence may provoke loos- ening of the implants in the primary phase of stabilization. Bacterial infections are currently the most frequent cause of revision surgery of the implants such as hip joint endoprosthesis, knee joint endoprosthesis and dental implants. In order to provide the local and long-term antibacterial...
Salinity and pH as factors affecting the passive sampling and extraction of pharmaceuticals from water
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Effect of Actisil (Hydroplus™), organic supplements, and pH of the medium on the micropropagation of Vaccinium corymbosum