total: 984
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Search results for: video restoration
Zastosowanie rozpoznawania notacji muzycznej do pozyskiwania danych w bibliotekach cyfrowych
PublicationBiblioteki cyfrowe dokumentów muzycznych umożliwiają przechowywanie różnorodnej, multimedialnej informacji muzycznej. Oprócz opisu bibliograficznego obejmować ona może również dane w postaci nagrań dźwiękowych i wideo, obrazów partytur oraz partytur w postaci cyfrowej. W związku z potrzebą efektywnego pozyskiwania zawartości multimedialnej biblioteki cyfrowej oraz automatycznego indeksowania przechowywanych multimediów, należy...
Metody udostępniania materiałów multimedialnych w sieciach LAN I WAN.
PublicationWraz z rozpowszechnianiem usług szerokopasmowych zmniejsza się ograniczenie co do objętości oferowanych materiałów edukacyjnych udostępnianych w sieciach LAN i WAN. W referacie przedstawiono możliwości wzbogacenia treści edukacyjnych dzięki wykorzystaniu technik multimedialnych. Uzupełnienie materiału edukacyjnego w postaci plików audio i wideo daje zupełnie nową jakość. Opisano jak stworzyć taki materiał, jaki sprzęt jest potrzebny...
Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow, PG_00057408
e-Learning CoursesReiteration of information on thermodynamic cycles and extension of information on their modelling using commercial software tools. Presentation of balances, constitutive equations, how to set up conditions in CFD type codes. Equipment regulation and control in the context of heat exchangers.Presentation of the computational capabilities of the CFD calculation code ANSYS Fluent. Mass, momentum and energy balances in 0D and 3D terms.Analysis...
Objectivization of Audio-Visual Correlation analysis
PublicationSimultaneous perception of audio and visual stimuli often causes the concealment or misrepresentation of information actually contained in these stimuli. Such effects are called the ''image proximity effect'' or the ''ventriloquism effect'' in literature. Until recently, most research carried out to understand their nature was based on subjective assessments. The Authors of this paper propose a methodology based on both subjective...
Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers
PublicationMobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...
STRADAR – rozproszony system dyspozytorski i teleinformatyczny dla Straży Granicznej
PublicationEfektywne działanie służb granicznych wymaga odpowiedniego wsparcia w dziedzinie infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej i informacyjnej. W artykule opisano system, który spełnia oczekiwania tych służ, dotyczące gromadzenia, przetwarzania i dynamicznego udostępniania danych multimedialnych, pozyskiwanych przez jednostki mobilne, punkty obserwacyjne i centrum. Tymi danymi są sygnały wideo, komunikaty SMS/SDS, obrazy, pliki, notatki. Przedstawiono...
Stradar - Multimedia Dispatcher and Teleinformation System for the Border Guard
PublicationSecurity of national borders requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project. The system, apart from providing communication means, gathers data, such as map data from AIS, GPS and radar receivers, videos and photos from camera or audio from...
Platforma edX - nowe podejście do kursów online
PublicationWspółczesne metody nauczania na odległość zmieniają się dynamicznie. Powstają światowe konsorcja podejmujące starania zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji na najwyższym poziomie z wykorzystaniem Internetu. Jedną z takich prób jest platforma edX. Jej rozwój zapoczątkowały niemal 2 lata temu MIT i Harvard. Obecnie zespół liczy już 30 uczelni z całego świata. Renoma ośrodków naukowych biorących udział w projekcie przyciągnęła już ponad...
The health impact of urban parks along waterways
PublicationWell designed parks along waterways could promote health and well-being of local inhabitants. The way the human settlements meet water bodies can influence the habits of local population. How people spend their time have significant impact on their health. For example, a team of Japanese scientists has proven that a well designed walk-able green spaces are crucial for the longevity of elderly citizens (Takano T. et al, 2002). Nature...
Regulation of LPS assembly via controlled proteolysis and sensing of LPS stress in Escherichia coli
PublicationLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a complex glycolipid, essential for the bacterial viability and along with phospholipids, it constitutes the major amphiphilic component of outer membrane (OM) in most of the Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. LPS molecules confer an effective permeability barrier to the OM and play a crucial role in bacteria-environment and -host interactions. The synthesis and accumulation of this...
Converting beach wrack into a resource as a challenge for the Baltic Sea (an overview)
PublicationThe paper distinguishes beach wrack, the marine generated organic part of beach cast, as a separate management object and discusses research questions related to its management and economically viable use. Based on experiences from the Baltic Sea and existing practices from countries with different management systems clear distinction between the management of natural and anthropogenic components of cast material is seen as an...
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal automatic speech recognition
Publicationreview of available audio-visual speech corpora and a description of a new multimodal corpus of English speech recordings is provided. The new corpus containing 31 hours of recordings was created specifically to assist audio-visual speech recognition systems (AVSR) development. The database related to the corpus includes high-resolution, high-framerate stereoscopic video streams from RGB cameras, depth imaging stream utilizing Time-of-Flight...
Application of autoencoder to traffic noise analysis
PublicationThe aim of an autoencoder neural network is to transform the input data into a lower-dimensional code and then to reconstruct the output from this code representation. Applications of autoencoders to classifying sound events in the road traffic have not been found in the literature. The presented research aims to determine whether such an unsupervised learning method may be used for deploying classification algorithms applied to...
Economical methods for measuring road surface roughness
PublicationTwo low-cost methods of estimating the road surface condition are presented in the paper, the first one based on the use of accelerometers and the other on the analysis of images acquired from cameras installed in a vehicle. In the first method, miniature positioning and accelerometer sensors are used for evaluation of the road surface roughness. The device designed for installation in vehicles is composed of a GPS receiver and...
Żółte barwniki organiczne w XIX-wiecznych farbach Jana Matejki - identyfikacja substancji barwiących, nośników, oraz wypełniaczy
PublicationNaturalne barwniki organiczne można znaleźć w wielu obiektach dziedzictwa kulturowego. Identyfikacja substancji barwiących obecnych w farbach historycznych dostarcza istotnych informacji dla wielu specjalistów zaangażowanych w naukę o sztuce. Identyfikacja składu farb pozwala na zastosowanie odpowiednich procedur dotyczących renowacji i konserwacji historycznych dzieł sztuki. Informacje te pozwalają na ich renowację zgodnie z decyzjami...
NAWA ZUT-KhAI Methods of intelligent image and video processing based on visual quality metrics for emerging applications
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical Engineering according to PPN/BUA/2019/1/00074/U/00001 agreement from 2020-02-12
Genetic programming extension to APF-based monocular human body pose estimation
PublicationNew method of the human body pose estimation based on a single camera 2D observation is presented, aimed at smart surveillance related video analysis and action recognition. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, new motion cost metric is employed, considering current...
Acoustic radar employing particle velocity sensors
PublicationA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consist of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surroundings sounds it provide information about the...
Gesture Recognition With the Linear Optical Sensor and Recurrent Neural Networks
PublicationIn this paper, the optical linear sensor, a representative of low-resolution sensors, was investigated in the multiclass recognition of near-field hand gestures. The recurrent neural network (RNN) with a gated recurrent unit (GRU) memory cell was utilized as a gestures classifier. A set of 27 gestures was collected from a group of volunteers. The 27 000 sequences obtained were divided into training, validation, and test subsets....
Graph Representation Integrating Signals for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublicationData reusability is an important feature of current research, just in every field of science. Modern research in Affective Computing, often rely on datasets containing experiments-originated data such as biosignals, video clips, or images. Moreover, conducting experiments with a vast number of participants to build datasets for Affective Computing research is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, it is extremely important to...
Tensile modulus of human orbital wall bones cut in sagittal and coronal planes
PublicationIn the current research, 68 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls taken from 33 human cadavers (12 females, 21 males) were subjected to uniaxial tension untill fracture. The samples were cut in the coronal (38 specimens) and sagittal (30 specimens) planes of the orbital wall. Apparent density (ρapp), tensile Young’s modulus (E-modulus) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) were identified. Innovative test protocols were...
Soft Real-Time Communication with WebSocket and WebRTC Protocols Performance Analysis for Web-based Control Loops
PublicationThe web browser has become an access window for content and services. The browser is available on almost any device connected to the network, regardless of its intended use: desktop, mobile device, computing server, e-book reader etc. Browsers are used by people to read news, contact the world, to check a bank account, register a visit at the doctor, watching video content, electronic purchases, using web versions of the office...
PublicationAutomatic classification methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and selforganizing maps (SOMs), are applied to allophone analysis based on recorded speech. A list of 650 words was created for that purpose, containing positionally and/or contextually conditioned allophones. For each word, a group of 16 native and non-native speakers were audio-video recorded, from which seven native speakers’...
Image Representation for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA: A Case Study for PPE Compliance
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant interest from academia and industry during the past few decade, and one of the main reasons behind this is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life as they intend to work under complex visual scenes, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities...
Is This Distance Teaching Planning That Bad?
PublicationIn spring 2020, university courses were moved into the virtual space due to the Covid-19 lockdown. In this paper, we use experience from courses at Gdańsk University of Technology and ETH Zurich to identify core problems in distance teaching planning and to discuss what to do and what not to do in teaching planning after the pandemic. We conclude that we will not return to the state of (teaching) affairs that we had previously....
Molywood: streamlining the design and rendering of molecular movies
PublicationMotivation High-quality dynamic visuals are needed at all levels of science communication, from the conference hall to the classroom. As scientific journals embrace new article formats, many key concepts – particularly in structural biology – are also more easily conveyed as videos than still frames. Notwithstanding, the design and rendering of a complex molecular movie remain an arduous task. Here, we introduce Molywood, a robust...
Visual Content Learning in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationThis work is part of an effort for the development of a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) for applications in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the nonuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). Given the results of previous analysis of supervised techniques for the problem of classification of a few PPE (boots, hard hats, and gloves...
Knowledge Transfer Platform FindFISH – Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries
PublicationFast access to expert knowledge is very valuable, especially in the context of decision-making. Fishermen can use this knowledge to diagnose hydrological and hydrochemical conditions in which fish stocks should be the most abundant. In response to this need, a digital service has been developed. It is a service created within the FindFISH project, which pro- vides the results of all developed models: hydrodynamic, biochemical,...
Epigenetic regulation and regeneration: the search for differentially methylated genes in the MRL mouse
PublicationThe MRL mouse is an inbred laboratory strain, which was developed in the 60’s of the 20th century and has been extensively used as a model of lupus erythematosus. The regenerative abilities of the strain were discovered in the 90' when the MRL mouse was shown to close 2 mm hole punches made in the ear pinnae four weeks after injury without scarring. The phenomenon has not been observed in other mouse strains, where the holes...
ELECTIVE PROJECT II Waterfront Pavilion – Story for the Shipyard
e-Learning CoursesThe topic of the course – Waterfront Pavilion – Story for the Shipyard, is describing the task for architectural space located in the post-industrial area of the Shipyard in Gdansk.. The goal of the task is to design the space oriented on the goals of the Sustainable Development and the problems related to the Climate Changes. The idea is to use green and blue solutions, to think about energy and recycled materials, to be close...
Teleinformatyczna akwizycja i przetwarzanie danych dla potrzeb diagnostyki środowiska aglomeracji miejskich
PublicationRozdział przedstawia koncepcję aktualnie opracowywanego systemu służącego do monitorowania hałasu i ruchu drogowego w aglomeracjach miejskich, stanowiącego funkcjonalną część szerszego rozwiązania dotyczącego monitorowania środowiska w miastach. System taki składa się z rozmieszczonych w mieście autonomicznych i uniwersalnych stacji monitorujących oraz serwera gromadzącego, przetwarzającego i prezentującego wyniki z wykorzystaniem...
Liveness measurements using optical flow for biometric person authentication
PublicationAutomatyczne rozpoznawanie twarzy jest jedną z najpopularniejszych technik biometrycznych, jednak nawet najdokładniejsze algorytmy identyfikacji okażą się bezużyteczne, jeśli będzie można je oszukać, np. używając zdjęcia zamiast rzeczywistej osoby. Dlatego też odpowiedni pomiar żywotności jest niezwykle istotny. W pracy zaprezentowano metodę, która jest w stanie rozróżnić pomiędzy sekwencjami wideo pokazującymi żywe osoby oraz...
Ambisoniczna mapa wybranych miejsc w Trójmieście
PublicationProjekt miał na celu stworzenie ambisonicznej mapy Trójmiasta w formie aplikacji internetowej. Materiały wideo w technologii 360 z dźwiękiem w postaci sygnału ambisonicznego zostały zarejestrowane w lokalizacjach Trójmiasta, które uznano za charakterystyczne dla tej aglomeracji. Celem badawczym projektu było porównanie dostępnych algorytmów miksowania sygnałów ambisonicznych poprzez przeprowadzenie testów odsłuchowych. Przeprowadzono...
Visual Features for Improving Endoscopic Bleeding Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationThe presented paper investigates the problem of endoscopic bleeding detection in endoscopic videos in the form of a binary image classification task. A set of definitions of high-level visual features of endoscopic bleeding is introduced, which incorporates domain knowledge from the field. The high-level features are coupled with respective feature descriptors, enabling automatic capture of the features using image processing methods....
EEG data recorded in three mental states
Open Research DataElectroencephalographic (EEG) signals were acquired from 17 (14 males, 3 females) participants aged between 20 and 30 years.
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Gender on Mobile Applications Usability
PublicationIn the area of broadband wireless Internet, mobile applications have already replaced their desktop equivalents and are recognized as valuable tools for any size of businesses and for private use. With the emergence of millions of apps, the quality of their interaction with the user remains an open question for software vendors. While female and male requirements and preferences are not always similar, to the best of our knowledge,...
Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities
PublicationNew information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterised by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible...
Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder
PublicationAcoustic seafloor measurements with multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are currently often used for submarine habitat mapping, but the MBESs are usually not acoustically calibrated for backscattering strength (BBS) and cannot be used to infer absolute seafloor angular dependence. We present a study outlining the calibration and showing absolute backscattering strength values measured at a frequency of 150 kHz at around 10–20 m water...
The effect of groyne field on trapping macroplastic. Preliminary results from laboratory experiments
PublicationMacroplastic, a precursor of microplastic pollution, has become a new scope of research interest. However, the physical processes of macroplastic transport and deposition in rivers are poorly understood, which makes the decisions of where to locate macroplastic trapping infrastructure difficult. In this research, we conducted a series of experiments in a laboratory channel, exploring the impact of groynes and flexible artificial...
Marek Galewski dr hab. inż.
PeopleMgr inż. - 2002r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki; Automatyka i RobotykaDr inż. - 2007r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Mechaniczny; Budowa i eksploatacja maszynDr hab. inż. - 2016r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Mechaniczny; Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn Dotychczasowe i planowane obszary badań: Redukcja drgań podczas obróbki frezowaniem i toczeniem Zastosowanie zmiennej prędkości...
Ambisoniczna mapa wybranych miejsc w Trójmieście z obrazem 360°
PublicationW projekcie, który zostanie opisany w niniejszym rozdziale, założonym celem było stworzenie ambisonicznej mapy Trójmiasta w formie aplikacji internetowej. Materiały wideo w technologii 360° z dźwiękiem w postaci sygnału ambisonicznego zostały zarejestrowane w wybranych lokalizacjach uznanych za charakterystyczne dla tej aglomeracji. Celem badawczym projektu było porównanie dostępnych algorytmów miksowania sygnałów ambisonicznych...
Studenci dla Ukrainy! Koncert charytatywny w AK Kwadratowa
EventsSamorząd Studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej zaprasza na wyjątkowy koncert charytatywny “Studenci dla Ukrainy” w wykonaniu 12 trójmiejskich artystów.
Tensile test results of fused filamend fabricated polylactyde and polylactyde with carbon fiber filler
Open Research DataThe Dataset contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of dog-bone shaped specimens. The specimens were additively manufactured with the fused filament fabrication (FFF) method. They used two different materials polylactide (PURE PLA) and polylactide with carbon fibre filler (PLA+CF). The specimens were segregated into three groups - unsterilized,...
XVII Przegląd Sztuki Survival, wystawa zbiorowa sztuki współczesnej, Wrocław
PublicationPo raz 17. odbędzie się we Wrocławiu Przegląd Sztuki SURVIVAL – jeden z największych przeglądów sztuki w przestrzeni publicznej w Polsce. 17. Edycja Przeglądu Sztuki SURVIVAL zlokalizowana będzie przy ul. Wiśniowej 36 we Wrocławiu, więc w budynkach dawnego Szpitala Kolejowego (przedtem Szpitala Żydowskiego), i skupi się na wątkach związanych z uzdrawianiem tkanki urbanistycznej i architektonicznej. W ramach Przeglądu w przestrzeni...
Architectural project I 2021/22 - Grupa1
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of our course is to teach you how to design architecture. The process of creation architecture is not just about function and construction. It is more, it is about creation of original, form with individual features and beauty that will become a meaningful part of our environment. Therefore we base our course of architectural design on the connection with art. We continue a tradition of the famous Bauhaus school were...
Improving automatic surveillance by sound analysis
PublicationAn automatic surveillance system, based on event detection in the video image can be improved by implementing algorithms for audio analysis. Dangerous or illegal actions are often connected with distinctive sound events like screams or sudden bursts of energy. A method for detection and classification of alarming sound events is presented. Detection is based on the observation of sudden changes in sound level in distinctive sub-bands...
Kwaternionowy system kryptograficzny dla zabezpieczania danych multimedialnych
PublicationProblemem badawczym, którego dotyczy rozprawa jest kryptograficzne zabezpieczanie danych multimedialnych, głównie obrazów i sygnałów video, przed działaniami niepowołanych osób i organizacji, chcących uzyskać do nich dostęp i mieć możliwość ich nielegalnego wykorzystania oraz modyfikacji. W rozprawie wykazano, że wykorzystanie właściwości rachunku kwaternionowego umożliwia zbudowanie kwaternionowego systemu kryptograficznego dla...
Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...
Increased inspiratory resistance affects the dynamic relationship between blood pressure changes and subarachnoid space width oscillations
PublicationBackground and objective Respiration is known to affect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movement. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the dynamic relationship between blood pressure (BP) changes and subarachnoid space width (SAS) oscillations. Methods Experiments were performed in a group of 20 healthy volunteers undergoing controlled intermittent Mueller Manoeuvres (the key characteristic of the procedure...
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram... jako arbitrzy prawdy. Deepfake – na szlaku dystopii i łasce korporacji
PublicationZidentyfikowano ich w 2019 roku w sieci blisko 15 tysięcy . Zwykle nie dotyczą polityki, choć to przede wszystkim w środowisku politycznym budzą strach i zwątpienie. Strach przed dewastacja resztek społecznego zaufania, jakimi politycy się cieszą, zwątpienie – bo zwalczanie ich przekracza polityczne możliwości władz ujmowanych w kartezjańskim podziale władzy. Deepfake – bo o nich mowa – są przełomową innowacją wyznaczającą...