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Search results for: fresh snow
The Snow Team Problem
PublicationWe study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset~$\cS$ of vertices of a digraph $D$ and a positive integer $k$, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph $H=(\cV_H,\cA_H)$ of $D$ such that (a) $\cS \subseteq \cV_H$, (b)...
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Snow Cover Studies: a Review on the Intensity of Human Pressure
PublicationSnow cover should be treated as a highly dynamic medium. A variety of physical and chemical processes interact to alter its chemical composition and affect the metamorphism of its individual crystals and layers; this, in turn, has a direct influence on their mutual adhesion, and ultimately on the stability of the entire snow cover. The literature data here reported provide basic information on the forms of solid precipitation,...
Patient rights, risk, and responsibilities in the genetic era – a right to know, a right not to know, or a duty to know?
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The influence of polypropylene fibres on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
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Organochlorine pesticides and polichlorinated biphenyls concentrations in fresh snowfall or top layer of snow from Hornsund region, Svalbard, in the spring 2019
Open Research DataThe dataset contains concentration of organochlorine persistent organic pollutants in snow samples collected from top layer of snow, which corresponded to fresh snowfall in most cases (except DS location, where these are 20 cm top layer sampled weekly). All snow samples have been collected within one month during spring 2019, in the vicinity of the...
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
Skill of remote sensing snow products for distributed runoff prediction
Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water
PublicationWater pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidizedprinting ink
PublicationWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego, za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie. Wyznaczono kinetykę procesu i wytypowano najkorzystniejszy skład emulsji.
Snow cover and its variability in the Polish Sudetes Mts. and the Sudetic Foreland
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Changes in the phenolic contents and composition of Persicaria odorata fresh and dried leaves
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Fruit and vegetables – fresh or processed – which are a better source of vitamin C?
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Opportunities for Horticultural Production in Podlaskie Voivodhsip: Pears for Fresh Fruit Market
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Cyanobacterial toxins in fresh and brackish waters of Pomorskie Province (Northern Poland)
PublicationPraca dotyczy oznaczania toksyn należących do grupy hepatotoksycznych peptydów cyklicznych oraz neurotoksycznych alkaloidów. Są one odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenia ryb i ptaków, które powstają w wyniku zakwitu glonów. Badano zakwity w wodach słodkich Pomorza. Oznaczano hepatoksyny, mikrocysty oraz nodularynę. Opracowano w tym celu warunki analityczne przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD. Do identyfikacji anatoksyny-A użyto techniki...
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidized printing ink.
PublicationWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie.
Durability of snow cover and its long-term variability in the Western Sudetes Mountains
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Duration of snow cover and its variability in the Polish part of the Sudetes Mts. and their foreland
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Seasonal and spatial differences in metal and metalloid concentrations in the snow cover of Hansbreen, Svalbard
PublicationMetals and metalloids in snow on glaciers, depending on the season of deposition, may come from various sources: local rock dust (erosion of the geological substratum), marine aerosol, local human activity (e.g. fuel combustion, waste incineration) and long-range atmospheric transport. Hansbreen glacier, located close to the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, is a perfect site to study metals and metalloids: it has complex geological...
PublicationThe article presents studies and numerical simulations on modeling snow influence on TAURON ARENA suspended roof structure in Cracow. The scope of work includes experimental tests, functions solutions taking into account various cases of snow impact according to PN and EC, as well as numerical simulations for the sport and entertainment arena in the Czyzyny district. The FEM roof structure model developed in the SOFISITK software...
The application of polypropylene membranes for production of fresh water from brines by membrane distillation
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Effect of admixtures on fresh grout and two-srtage (pre-placed aggregate) concrete
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań doświadczalnych przeprowadzonych dla betonu uzyskanego metodą dwuetapową. Główną przeszkodą szerokiego zastosowania metody betonowania dwuetapowego Polcrete była niska wydajność urządzenia wytwarzającego mikrozaprawę - ultramiksera (UM). Celem przeprowadzonych badań laboratoryjnych było dobranie odpowiednich dodatków i domieszek, które umożliwią wytworzenie mikrozaprawy o takich samych parametrach...
Examination of fresh water chemistry in maritime Antarctica during austral summer 2017
PublicationDue to the fact that Antarctica is one of the least polluted places on Earth, it is a perfect place to observe the spread of global pollution. Therefore, research conducted on this continent is important due to the possibility of investigating the type of pollution and their way of transport. This work considers presence of organic contaminants in Maritime Antarctica in unexplored until now, Lions Rump headland. Qualitative and...
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublicationA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
Led i Sneg-Ice and Snow
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Reasons for shortening snow cover duration in the Western Sudetes in light of global climate change
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Control design for slow speed positioning
PublicationThe problem under study is a synthesis of position and heading control system for low frequency model of surface vessel described by 3 DOF mathematical model. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The controller has been simulated on computer model of scaled supply vessel. It has been assumed that the actuators produce generalized forces...
Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins and nodularins, in fresh and brackish waters of the Pomeranian Province, northern Poland
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The influence of fresh cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity of protective enzymes in human cell lines
PublicationMechanizmami przeciwrakotwórczego działania związków zawartych w kapuście jest m.in. metaboliczna aktywacja enzymów II fazy detoksykacji, indukcja enzymów naprawczych DNA oraz aktywnośc przeciwutleniająca. Do enzymów II fazy odtruwania należą m.in. S-transferazy glutationowe (GST) oraz oksydoreduktaza chinonowa NQO1 zwana też DT-diaforazą. GST katalizują reakcję sprzęgania glutationu z wieloma różnymi typami ksenobiotyków, ułatwiając...
Elemental and water-insoluble organic carbon in Svalbard snow: a synthesis of observations during 2007–2018
PublicationLight-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols emitted by biomass or fossil fuel combustion can contribute to amplifying Arctic climate warming by lowering the albedo of snow. The Svalbard archipelago, being near to Europe and Russia, is particularly affected by these pollutants, and improved knowledge of their distribution in snow is needed to assess their impact. Here we present and synthesize new data obtained on Svalbard between 2007...
Southeast of Now
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The impact of sediment, fresh and marine water on the concentration of chemical elements in water of the ice-covered lagoon
PublicationThe common use of chemical elements by man has been contributing to their extraction for centuries. As a consequence, they have been directly or indirectly introduced into the biogeochemical cycle. In the framework of many conventions, mining and processing of elements are currently subject to many restrictions. However, their large load that has already been deposited in the soil and bottom sediments can be remobilised and...
Inverse Analysis as a Key Element of Safety Assessment under the Snow Load For The Large Suspension Roofs Structure
PublicationThe paper presents a concept and realization of monitoring system for the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow. The idea of the system lies in fusion of structure monitoring with a calibrated numerical FEM model [1]. The inverse problem is solved. On the base of measured selected displacements, the numerical FEM model of the structure combined with iterative method, develops the current snow load distribution. Knowing the load, we can calculate...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublicationThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Railway Turnout Heating With a Simplified Snow Model Using Classical and Contactless Heating Method
PublicationElectrical heating of railway turnouts is a considerable technical and economic challenge, hence the need to conduct research for optimisation of a railway turnouts heating system. This paper presents results of a numerical analysis and experimental research on heating systems mounted on rail turnouts in line with the classical method and including a heater thermally insulated from the base of a rail. The numerical calculations...
Entrepreneurial potential: what do we know about it?
PublicationW rozdziale zwrócono uwagę na niejednoznaczności w definiowaniu przedsiębiorczości i pojęcia przedsiębiorcy, poświęcając też sporo miejsca problemowi stawania się przedsiębiorcą i próbując odpowiedzieć na pytanie czy przedsiębiorcą można się urodzić, czy też można nauczyć się być przedsiębiorcą. Przy pomocy prostego modelu opisano też rolę, jaką edukacja w zakresie przedsiębiorczości pełni w rozwoju tej ostatniej. W dalszej części...
Getting to know the potential of social media in forest education
PublicationThe development of social network sites not only facilitates the acquisition and deepening of knowledge but also provides the possibility of easily contacting foresters, specialists in natural sciences and nature enthusiasts. In addition, for some years...
Marinating and Salting of Herring, Nitrogen Compounds’ Changes in Flesh and Brine
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The possibilities of utilization of bottom sediments from fresh water fish farms on the base of legal status of biosludge utilization'
PublicationHodowle ryb łososiowatych są źródłem stosunkowo niewielkich ilości odpadów, jakim są osady denne, ale które stanowią istotny problem do rozwiązania dla eksploatatora obiektu. Przepisy prawne generalnie pomijają ten aspekt gospodarki odpadami. właściciele stawów hodowlanych radzą sobie z tymi osadami lepiej lub gorzej, ale przeważnie ich działania ukierunkowane są na tzw. przyrodnicze ich wykorzystanie - najczęściej w granicach...
Moisture Content of Fresh Scots Pine Wood in Areas near Damage Caused by Harvester Head Feed Rollers
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The Effect of Freezing Sheep’s Milk on the Meltability, Texture, Melting and Fat Crystallization Profiles of Fresh Pasta Filata Cheese
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A targeted mass spectrometry immunoassay to quantify osteopontin in fresh-frozen breast tumors and adjacent normal breast tissues
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The antioxidative properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) fresh and submitted to culinary processing
PublicationKapusta biała stanowi jeden z podstawowych składników diety w Europie centralnej. W publikacji autorzy skupili się na określeniu właściwościach przeciwutleniających kapusty świeżej, kiszonej i poddanej obróbce termicznej. Te właściwości zostały oszacowane dla soków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pozakomórkowych, w komórkach HT29 pod kątem ochrony przed utlenieniem DNA oraz poprzez symulację GSTs i naprawę DNA. Wszystkie badane soki...
Assessment of damage to trees in the Herby Forestry District caused by glazed frosts and snow during severe weather in January 2010
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Ryzyko etyczne w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania [online]
PublicationW artykule rozpatrywane są współczesne problemy wytwarzania oprogramowania. Jednym z możliwych sposobów ich rozwiązywania jest uwzględnienie w procesie wytwarzania zagadnień ryzyka etycznego, rozumianego jako zagrożenia, jakie dla sukcesu przedsięwzięcia stwarzają problemy etyki podejmowanych decyzji, odstępstwa od obowiązującego prawa, uwarunkowań polityki prowadzenia projektu, wpływu projektu na ludzi, biorących w nim udział...
The effect of foliar fertilization on darkening of tuber flesh of selected potato cultivars
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Slow growth conservation and molecular characterization of Deutzia scabra Thunb
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Carbon assimilation profiles of mucoralean fungi show their metabolic versatility
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Slow-wave fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell
PublicationA novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC) featuring a strong slow-wave effect has been presented. Its vital usefulness in the process of microstrip line miniaturisation has been proved and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact 3-dB branch-line coupler illustrating the possibilities of the approach. A prototype example structure has been designed to mirror the characteristics of a conventional device,...