dr hab. inż. Mariusz Kaczmarek
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
- Zastępca kier. katedry w Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
- Prorektor ds. kształcenia w Politechnika Gdańska
wszystkich: 107
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
3D-Breast System for Determining the Volume of Tissue Needed for Breast Reconstruction
Publikacja3D imaging systems can be used to effectively determine breast volumes for surgical applications. This article presents methods for surface reconstruction and volume determination based on the point cloud created by 3D imaging. Such a system would be used to accurately estimate breast volume in patients classified for breast reconstruction surgery at plastic surgery centers. To develop such a system, various methods of determining...
A learning community model: the Center for Innovative Education supporting academic didactics at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublikacjaThe current digital transformation requires academics to apply their pedagogical and technological skills to their teaching and professional development to address the newly emerging needs of the digital era. This study aims to analyse the operating model of the Center for Innovative Education (CIE) at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, as an incubator for professional development of academic staff at Gdańsk...
A Novel Device and System for Fall Detection Under the Shower
PublikacjaIn this paper, device construction and preliminary results for shower safety assistance are presented. The device allows monitoring of shower-taking persons without violating privacy and intimacy, while it has the ability to detect a persons entering and leaving the shower and detecting fall conditions. It allows better supervision of elders living independently at their locations.
Diagnostics of the Peripheral Artery Disease with use of Glucose Sensor - A Proof of Concept
PublikacjaIt is estimated that 13 % of population over 50 years old suffer from symptomatic or asymptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD). Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is viewed as a useful parameter in diagnostics of peripheral arterial disease, however screening tests with usage of this method are not advised. Hypoxia causes increase in lactate values and...
Diagnostics of the Peripheral Artery Disease with use of Glucose Sensor - A Proof of Concept
PublikacjaIt is estimated that 13% of population over 50 years old suffer from symptomatic or asymptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD). Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is viewed as a useful parameter in diagnostics of peripheral arterial disease, however screening tests with usage of this method are not advised. Hypoxia causes increase in lactate values and decrease in blood glucose. We hypothesize that the deficit in blood supply to the...
Flap Monitoring Techniques: A Review
PublikacjaPostoperative tissue flap vitality monitoring enables early detection of clinical complications, allowing for intervention. Timely re-operation can prevent the need for extensive correction procedures, thus reducing healthcare costs and hospitalisation time. Statistics show that monitoring can increase the success rate of flap survival to 95\% or higher. However, despite the significant progress in monitoring techniques, major...
Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring
PublikacjaThis work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...
Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring
PublikacjaThis work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...
Team research project – evolution from faculty activity to university study standard
PublikacjaThe article will describe the idea of a university-wide team student project as a tool of modern academic teaching in the era of widespread use of artificial intelligence tools. The problem of contemporary teaching is the emerging tools for automatic content generation, including didactic and scientific content. The question arises how to verify students' qualifications and learning outcomes. The solution may be students' group...
Rok 2023
Optimization of the System for Determining the Volume of Tissue Needed for Breast Reconstruction
PublikacjaThis article presents techniques for reconstructing surfaces and volume calculations using a point cloud generated from 3D imaging. The main objective of this article was to optimize the voxel size for the most accurate representation of the surface of the female breast. We experimented with different methods for determining volume using images from the Intel D435i camera. In addition, we designed application and measurement station...
The Idea of a Student Research Project as a Method of Preparing a Student for Professional and Scientific Work
PublikacjaIn the paper we present the idea and implementation of a student research project course within the master’s program at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk Tech. It aims at preparing students for performing research and scientific tasks in future professional work. We outline the evolution from group projects into research project and the current deployment of both at bachelor’s and master’s levels...
Rok 2022
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublikacjaMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Rozwój diagnostyki termicznej metodami detekcji podczerwieni i wdrożenie procedur nieinwazyjnej, ilościowej diagnostyki podczerwieni w monitoringu zabiegów kardiochirurgicznych, leczeniu ran oparzeniowych i pooperacyjnych
PublikacjaCelem naukowym prowadzonych prac był rozwój algorytmów i procedur diagnostyki termicznej drogą bezkontaktowych pomiarów termicznych w podczerwieni, w celu wdrożenia ich do obiektywnej, ilościowej, nieuraźnej i bezstresowej oceny stanu tkanki w wybranych aplikacjach diagnostyki medycznej. Opracowane metody zweryfikowano w następujących aplikacjach medycznych: w ocenie głębokości oparzeń, w ocenie stanu mięśnia sercowego w zabiegach...
The use of machine learning for face regions detection in thermograms
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to analyse the methods of detecting characteristic points of the face in thermographic images. As part of the implementation an extensive analysis of scientific publications covering similar issues both for the analysis of images made in visible light and thermographic images was carried out. On the basis of this analysis, 3 models were selected and then they were implemented and tested on the basis of...
Rok 2021
Smart city and fire detection using thermal imaging
PublikacjaIn this paper, we summarize the results obtained from fire experiments. The aim of the work was to develop new methods of fire detection using IR thermal imaging cameras and dedicated image processing. We conducted 4 experiments in different configurations and with the use of different objects. The conducted experiments have shown the great usefulness of infrared cameras for detecting the seeds of a fire. Even cheap low-resolution...
Rok 2020
Aktywna Termografia Dynamiczna - przetwarzanie serii obrazów w diagnostyce medycznej
PublikacjaAktywna termografia dynamiczna (ATD) jest metodą obrazowania zmian temperatury na powierzchni badanego obiektu w czasie jako odpowiedź na zastosowane pobudzenie zewnętrzne (ogrzewanie lub chłodzenie). Celem badania jest określenie właściwości obiektu w czasie trwania termicznych procesów przejściowych, takich jak grzanie lub chłodzenie. Obiekt badany jest pobudzany sygnałem cieplnym (zewnętrznie) lub farmakologicznie (wewnętrznie)....
Ella4Life virtual assistant - user centered design strategy - evaluation following labolatory tests
PublikacjaIn the paper, we summarize the evaluation of Anne4Care system after laboratory tests. A group of end users, seniors over 55 years of age, rated a virtual assistant by completing a questionnaire. The objectives of the pilot evaluations are mainly to assess the feasibility, usability, acceptance and functionality of the system and the ability of the potential target user to use the system and receive valuable information from it...
Optical sensor of a person sitting on a chair and dressed in multi-layered clothes vital signs monitoring
PublikacjaAn optoelectronic device enhancing a smart chair functionality is presented in the paper. Its essential purpose is a detection of a sitting person presence on the chair by means of detecting the vital signs. Additionally, it could be used for determining of clothes layer parameters useful in adjusting a system of a capacitive electrocardiography.
Respiratory signals derived from capacitive electrocardiogram on the smart chair
PublikacjaCapacitive electrocardiogram (CECG) tends to deliver basic cardiac signals without need to use traditional glued electrodes. In the paper analysis of possibility if the ECG derived respiratory waveforms out of the CECG.
Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
PublikacjaIn this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...
Rok 2019
Estimation of electrode contact in capacitive ECG measurement
PublikacjaIn the paper a method of electrode’s contact estimation in capacitive electrocardiogram (CECG) is presented. Proposed solution allows estimation of contact quality for each individual electrode. This enables construction of multi-electrode CECG systems, where electrode pairs can be selected on the basis of the individual electrode contact quality.
Evaluating Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation from Super Resolved Thermal Imagery
PublikacjaNon-contact estimation of Respiratory Rate (RR) has revolutionized the process of establishing the measurement by surpassing some issues related to attaching sensors to a body, e.g. epidermal stripping, skin disruption and pain. In this study, we perform further experiments with image processing-based RR estimation by using various image enhancement algorithms. Specifically, we employ Super Resolution (SR) Deep Learning (DL) network...
PublikacjaRozdział prezentuje zakres realizacji informatyki medycznej w programach nauczania na krajowych uczelniach. Po wstępie historycznym, skupia się na omówienie informatyki medycznej jako wydzielonego obszaru kształcenia. Następnie prezentuje jako przykład zagadnienia związane z kształceniem studentów w tym obszarze na Politechnice Gdańskiej.
Methodology for assessing end-user requirements in the Ella4Life project: elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to explore elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring and using specially developed sensor technology for measuring health indicators. The qualitative research method is focus-groups with guidelines that were designed for understanding elder’s requirements about monitoring health indicators. We present them two devices: the first sensor is a device for monitoring of cardiac action potential fixed into...
Sensors integration in the smart home environment - a proposal to solve the problem with user identification
PublikacjaIn this preliminary study we, investigate the possibility of user recognition techniques suitable on smart home devices like chairs, beds, aiming for low–power, high accuracy and quick response time. We propose the two well know technique: voice speaker recognition and accelerometer signal from device mounted on the chair, and the third one optical system basing on IR LED transmitter/receiver circuit. The preliminary results proved...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Using Eye-tracking to get information on the skills acquisition by the radiology residents
PublikacjaThis paper describes the possibility of monitoring the progress of knowledge and skills acquisition by the students of radiology. It is achieved by an analysis of a visual attention distribution patterns during image-based tasks solving. The concept is to use the eye-tracking data to recognize the way how the radiographic images are read by recognized experts, radiography residents involved in the training program, and untrained...
PublikacjaProponowane rozwiązania mają na celu wspomaganie osób starszych i chorych, tak by mogły jak najdłużej mieszkać i żyć samodzielnie ze zwiększonym poczuciem bezpieczeństwa, iż są nadzorowane i w razie nagłego zagrożenia życia nie pozostaną bez pomocy. System jednocześnie nie narusza poczucia zachowania prywatności i intymności, gdyż nie są używane do monitoringu kamery wizyjne czy też stały nasłuch audio. Dodatkowo gromadzone informacje...
Rok 2018
A Biofeedback System that Uses the Game to Study Electrical Muscle Activity
PublikacjaThe aim of this project was to design a system that will allow performing repetitive muscle exercises using a biofeedback device. It is supposed to enhance the motivation and attractiveness of the performed tasks thanks to an interactive game developed for mobile devices with the Android operating system. The built-in calibration mechanisms enable the users to play a game that is independent of their abilities which evens out the...
ReFlexeNN - the Wearable EMG Interface with Neural Network Based Gesture Classification
PublikacjaThe electromyographic activity of muscles was measured using a wireless biofeedback device. The aim of the study was to examine the possibility of creating an automatic muscle tension classifier. Several measurement series were conducted and the participant performed simple physical exercises - forcing the muscle to increase its activity accordingly to the selected scale. A small wireless device was attached to the electrodes placed...
Smart heating system for home extending utilization of renewable energy sources
PublikacjaIn the paper a modern approach to smart home heating is presented. Proposed solution utilizes at least two low-polluting energy source technologies. The main idea is to connect well known ecological energy sources in a way that they can support each other and minimize risks of failure when using single system or even both of them but managed in separate way. Considered energy technologies, used separatelly, have disadvan-tages,...
TSR method for burns investigation approach
PublikacjaThe article presents the possibilities of applying the TSR method for the diagnosis of burn wounds. The wound area is stimulated by cold gas and a sequence of thermograms of heating the tissue is recorded. Next, TSR algorithms are used to determine the parameters that allow the wound to be classified into one of the classes: the wound heals within three weeks, the wound will not heal in three weeks. The method was...
Rok 2017
A scale with ECG measurements capability for home cardiac monitoring
PublikacjaPresented device -a scale developed for enabling extra measurements, in addition to body weight and composition, the electrical activity of the heart (electrocardiogram - ECG) and the level of oxygen saturation in the blood SaO2. Electrical activity is recorded in the form of six leads, socalled - limb leads. The device allows measurement of all standard limb leads and without the need for additional procedures. ECG, although the...
Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaThis is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...
Capacitively coupled ECG measurements - a CMRR circuit improvement
PublikacjaA typical galvanic-connected electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement system utilizes two signal’s electrodes and a third one in driven-right-leg (DRL) circuit for improving a common-mode rejection ratio(CMRR) of the acquisition system. In capacitive-coupled ECG similar techniques are used, however it is expected, that the utilized DRL subsystem is formed using a capacitive coupling approach, too. An improvement of the acquisition system...
Rok 2016
A new diagnostic IR-thermal imaging method for evaluation of cardiosurgery procedures
PublikacjaTwo methods for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging are presented below. These methods, called static thermography and active dynamic thermography (ADT), use information about the distribution of temperature on the surface, and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording the time series of thermograms allows...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublikacjaOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Accuracy analysis of the RSSI BLE SensorTag signal for indoor localization purposes
PublikacjaIn this paper we describe possibility of use the RSSI signal (Radio Signal Strength Indication) from Texas Instruments SensorTag CC2650 for indoor positioning purposes. This idea is not a new but in our opinion it is possible to use SensorTags with Bluetooth LE wireless interface for positioning inside buildings in such applications as people findings in hospitals, senior come care, etc. RSSI is mostly selected as the sensor localization...
Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine
PublikacjaIn this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...
Cardiovascular data analysis using electronic wearable eyeglasses-preliminary study
Publikacjahe paper presents an alternative approach to the monitoring of the cardiovascular system. The study depicts configurations of the utilized system and preliminary results of electrical and mechanical parameters of the cardiac system which can be measured using a head-worn device.
Inteligentne otoczenie w aplikacjach prozdrowotnych - przykłady rozwiązań
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję inteligentnego otoczenia jako wyposażenia tzw inteligentnego budynku ukieunkowanego na wspomaganie diagnostyki medycznej osób zagrożonych określonymi chorobami. Przedstawiono bliżej dwa rozwiązania – układ inteligentnej wagi i krzesła kardiologicznego.
Inteligentne otoczenie w aplikacjach prozdrowotnych - przykłady rozwiązań
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję inteligentnego otoczenia jako wyposażenia tzw inteligentnego budynku ukieunkowanego na wspomaganie diagnostyki medycznej osób zagrożonych określonymi chorobami. Przedstawiono bliżej dwa rozwiązania – układ inteligentnej wagi i krzesła kardiologicznego.
Stanowisko do aktywnej termografii dynamicznej do diagnostyki medycznej
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono budowę zestawu diagnostycznego metodą aktywnej termografii dynamicznej w medycznych aplikacjach takich jak: diagnostyka oparzeń, monitoring gojenia się ran pooperacyjnych oraz monitoring w kardiochirurgii. Podstawowy zestaw składa się z układu formowania wymuszenia termicznego w postaci nadmuchu schłodzonej mieszaniny gazów CO2 oraz powietrza lub tylko schłodzonego powietrza, układu akwizycji sekwencji termograficznych,...
Rok 2015
Active and Dynamic Graphical Code for Object Identification in Healthcare
PublikacjaA new approach for item marking using two dimensional discrete graphics markers. Proposed solution allow o change the code rapidly, upon request and in the case of thermal markers make the code invisible for unauthorized observers. Connecting the proposed codes with wearable multmedial platform such as eGlasses can create new possibilities in human-environment interaction.
Algorytmy obróbki danych dla diagnostyki ran pooperacyjnych w kardiochirurgii
PublikacjaDo oceny procesu gojenia ran pooperacyjnych wykorzystana została koncepcja aktywnej termografii dynamicznej (ATD) z pobudzeniem w postaci nawiewu mieszaniny powietrza i rozprężonego CO2. Specyficzne dla aplikacji oceny gojenia ran jest przetwarzanie uzyskanych sekwencji termogramów polegające na analizie rozkładów parametrów modelu dwueksponencjalnego wzdłuż linii cięcia w kolejnych dwóch badaniach - w trzeciej i szóstej dobie...
Thermal Imaging in Wound Healing Diagnostics
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki projektu badawczego poświęconego opracowaniu metody obiektywnej diagnostyki ran pooperacyjnych w kardiochirurgii. Sprawdzono możliwość połączenia oceny obrazów RGB z obrazami termograficznymi oraz nową w medycynie metodą aktywnej termografii dynamicznej ADT. W projekcie zastosowano chłodzenie obszaru zainteresowania wykorzystując kriostat na dwutlenku węgla. W okresie powrotu do stanu równowagi termodynamicznej rejestrowane...
Thermal Imaging in Wound Healing Diagnostics
PublikacjaResults of a project searching for objective, quantitative evaluation of postoperative wound healing in cardiosurgery are presented. We propose simple thermal models of the healing processes after cardiosurgery interventions as objective descriptors allowing classification of patients for extraction and following recovery at home or for prolonged treatment in a hospital. Classification of healing as the normal process or as a process...
Tools for Automatic Wound Healing Evaluation
PublikacjaFinal results of the research project devoted to development of a new objective and quantitative method of post cardiosurgery wound healing diagnostics, already preliminary discussed at the QIRT 2014 Conference, is presented. We assumed that thermal processes should be effective in subtle description of temporal changes of tissue thermal properties after surgical interventions. To prove this assumption more than 400 patients after...
Rok 2014
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
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