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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SPECTROSCOPY
Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
PublikacjaElectron energy-loss spectra were measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV to investigate the valence excited states. Spectra recorded at different scattering conditions enabled the identification of the singlet and triplet states and the determination of their vertical excitation energies. The two lowest energy triplet bands, ππ* 13A' and ππ* 23A' at 4.20 and 5.30 eV, respectively show vibrational progressions....
Determination of Hydroxy Groups in the Modified Epoxy Oligomers Using IR-Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe use of IR-spectroscopy has been proposed to determine the content of hydroxy groups in the modified functional oligomers based on bisphenol A diglycidyl ether. Apart from hydroxy groups the investigated oligomers contain epoxy or peroxy, carboxy or acrylic groups.
Utilizing pulse dynamics for non-invasive Raman spectroscopy of blood analytes
PublikacjaNon-invasive measurement methods offer great benefits in the field of medical diagnostics with molecular-specific techniques such as Raman spectroscopy which is increasingly being used for quantitative measurements of tissue biochemistry in vivo. However, some important challenges still remain for label-free optical spectroscopy to be incorporated into the clinical laboratory for routine testing. In particular, non-analyte-specific...
Remote Monitoring System for Impedance Spectroscopy using Wireless Sensor Network
PublikacjaThe architecture of a miniaturized impedanceanalyser with wireless communication module for remoteImpedance Spectroscopy (IS) of anticorrosion coatings ondifficult-to-reach objects (e.g. on the steel construction ofthe bridge) is described in this paper. Some practical aspectsof implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) arealso discussed. A low scale, middle range, WSN networkcomposed of a Base Station (BS) with a Personal...
Electron impact fragmentation of pyrrole molecules studied by fluorescence emission spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe fluorescence emission spectroscopy using electron impact excitation technique was employed to study fragmentation processes of the gas phase pyrrole molecules. The following excited fragmentation species were observed by detection of their fluorescence decay: the atomic hydrogen H(n), n = 4-7 and the diatomic CH(A2Δ), CN(B2Σ+), NH(A3Π) and C2(d3Πg) fragments. These atomic and molecular products differ from those previously...
Determination of pitting corrosion stage of stainless steel by galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the methodology for differentiation of multistep process of pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel in the environment of iron (III) chloride. Measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Application of this methodology allowed monitoring of natural corrosion process without external current (IDC = 0A) nor potential perturbation of the system. Applied...
The Optical Coherence Tomography and Raman Spectroscopy for Sensing of the Bone Demineralization Process
PublikacjaThe presented research was intended to seek new optical methods to investigate the demineralization process of bones. Optical examination of the bone condition could facilitate clinical trials and improve the safety of patients. The authors used a set of complementary methods: polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) and Raman spectroscopy. Chicken bone samples were used in this research. To stimulate in laboratory...
Low temperature broad band dielectric spectroscopy of multiferroic Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ceramics
PublikacjaIn the present research the tool of broadband dielectric spectroscopy was utilized to characterize dielectric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) Aurivillius-type multiferroic ceramics. Dielectric response of BFTO ceramics was studied in the frequency domain (Δν=0.1Hz – 10MHz) within the temperature range ΔT=-100°C – 200°C. The Kramers-Kronig data validation test was employed to validate the impedance data measurements and it was found...
Piezoresponse force microscopy and dielectric spectroscopy study of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films
PublikacjaResearch on synthesis, characterization and determination of processing – structure – property relationships of commercially important ferroelectric thin films has been performed. The sol-gel-type solution deposition technique was applied to produce good quality thin films of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST60/40) chemical composition on the stainless steel substrates. The thin films were characterized in terms of their microstructure, crystal...
Investigations of the passive layer cracking by means of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
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Electron impact fragmentation of pyrrole molecules studied by fluorescence emission spectroscopy
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Detection of stress corrosion cracking dynamics by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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Strategies for optimizing the phase correction algorithms in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
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Internal electric fields in vacuum-evaporated films as studied by electroabsorption spectroscopy
PublikacjaMierzono sygnały elektroabsorpcji na I-szej harmonicznej częstości przykładanego sinusoidalnego pola elektrycznego w komórkach sandwiczowych Al/warstwa organiczna/Al. Wyznaczono elektryczne pola wewnętrzne (Fi) dla materiałów stosowanych w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych (TPD, TAPC, MTDATA, QAC, Alq3, Ir(ppy)3, PtOEP). Mechanizm powstawania pól Fi powiązano z pułapkowaniem ładunku w obszarach przyelektrodowych.
Determination of percolation threshold in cement composites with expanded graphite by impedance spectroscopy
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Intermolecular Interactions in Selected Polymer-Water Systems as Seen by Raman Spectroscopy
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FT-Raman spectroscopy as a tool in evaluation the response of plants to drought stress
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Investigation of the Membrane Localization and Interaction of Selected Flavonoids by NMR and FTIR Spectroscopy
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Impedance Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool of Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Publikacjaw pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań degradacji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych przeprowadzone metodą spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Ogniwa paliwowe zostały przetestowane w eksperymentalnych warunkach, które pozwalają na uzyskanie szybkiego spadku wydajności ogniw paliwowych. impedancja i parametry uzyskane z dopasowania widm do elektrycznego obwodu zastępczego zostały skorelowane z poziomem degradacji elementów ogniw paliwowych - anody...
The application of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for stress corrosion cracking studies
PublikacjaElektrochemiczna Spektroskopia Impedancyjna (ESI) od wielu lat stanowi jedno z najważniejszych narzędzi wykorzystywanych do badania różnych procesów elektrochemicznych. Możliwość przeprowadzania badań w łącznej dziedzinie czasowo-częstotliwościowej ułatwia analizę pomiarów impedancyjnych w czasie. ESI pozwala również na analizę mechanizmu procesów elektrochemicznych w dziedzinie czasu z uwzględnieniem bardzo szybkich zjawisk, takich...
Investigations of the passive layer cracking by means of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
PublikacjaDynamiczna elektrochemiczna spektroskopia impedancyjna została wykorzystana do badania pękania warstwy pasywnej na austenitycznej stali wysokostopowej.Zbadano efekt narzuconego potencjału oraz naprężeń rozciągających na pękanie korozyjne stali wysokostopowej 304L w środowisku 0.5M NaCl w temperaturze pokojowej. Praca przedstawia chwilowe widma impedancyjne uzyskane dla badanego układu przy różnych wartościach potencjałów. Uzyskane...
Diagnosis of reference electrodes in cathodic protection systems by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych i terenowych przeprowadzonych techniką elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (EIS). Zaprezentowano widma impedancyjne następujących układów: elektroda odniesienia/elektroda pomocnicza; rurociąg/zakopane i przenośne elektrody odniesienia. Pokazano, że omawiana technika umożliwia badanie stanu technicznego elektrod odniesienia, co zwiększa pewność wyników pomiarów potencjału chronionej...
Inspection of protective linings using microwave spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods
PublikacjaOpisano nowa niedestrukcyjna metodę kontroli jakości nowych wykładzin ochronnych na podłożu metalowym oraz oceny ich stanu w trakcie eksploatacji przy zastosowaniu spektroskopii mikrofalowej w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości od 6,5 do 13 GHz. Uzyskane dane pomiarowe dodane zostały obróbce chemometrycznej w celu redukcji ilości danych doświadczalnych i wizualizacji rezultatów. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne metody oraz wyniki...
Surface layers analysis of bronze artifacts by means of laser spectroscopy techniques
Detection of stress corrosion cracking dynamics by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
PublikacjaKlasyczne badania korozji naprężeniowej nie dają precyzyjnych informacji o dynamice takiego procesu korozyjnego. Nowa technika dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedanyjnej, która została opracowana w Katedrze Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej stwarza takie możliwości. Fakt ten związany z zastosowaną metodologią analizy umożliwiającą selektywną analizą czasowo-częstotliwościową danych pomiarowych.Praca...
Estimation of optical parameters of highly scattering materials by time-of-flight spectroscopy.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metody wyznaczania podstawowych parametrów materiałów silnie rozpraszających światło na podstawie pomierzonego rozkładu czasu przelotu krótkich impulsów laserowych. W algorytmie wykorzystano metodę Monte Carlo i metodę dyfuzji do opisu propagacji światła. Oszacowano dokładność oszacowywania tych parametrów.
Impedance spectroscopy by means of a digital storage oscilloscope based measurement system.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono system pomiarowy służący do badań spektroskopowych. Został on zbudowany w oparciu o szerokopasmowy oscyloskop cyfrowy. Przeprowadzono analizę dokładności pomiarów oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań kalibracyjnych i przykładowych pomiarów parametrów materiałów biologicznych.
Quantification of interlayer adhesion in protective coating systems using impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaNowoczesne systemy powłokowe stosowane w praktyce są wielowarstwowe. Potencjalnie słabymi obszarami z punktu widzenia właściwości ochronnych są obszary międzywarstwowe. Osiągnięcie odpowiedniej przyczepności pomiędzy warstwami pozwala na polepszenie zdolności ochronnych całego zestawu. Tradycyjne metody pomiaru adhezji międzywarstwowej są destrukcyjne. Zaproponowano nową metodę oceny przyczepności międzywarstwowej przy użyciu...
Application of the dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to investigation of spontaneous electrochemical oscillations
PublikacjaPrzedstawione zostały wyniki impedancyjne uzyskane podczas oscylacji prądowych miedzi w kwaśnym środowisku zawierającym jony chlorkowe. Kształt chwilowych widm impedancyjnych jest skorelowany z uzyskanym przebiegiem prądowym. Badany proces anodowego roztwarzania miedzi kontrolowany jest na przemian aktywacyjnie i dyfuzyjnie.
FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and HT-XRD in compatibility study between naproxen and excipients
PublikacjaDetection of incompatibility between an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and excipients, including the selection of the most biopharmaceutical advantageous excipients is extremely important in the pre-formulation process of developing a solid dosage form technology. Therefore, having fast and reliable methods for identifying incompatibility is fundamental in pharmaceutical technology. For this purpose, combined Fourier transform...
Electrochemical Evaluation of Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors via Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublikacjaFinding suitable measurement methods for the effective management of electrochemical problems is of paramount importance, particularly for improving efficiency in corrosion protection. The need for accurate measurement techniques specific to nonstationary conditions has long been recognized, and promising approaches have emerged. This chapter introduces dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a novel advancement in electrochemistry...
Investigation of H2:CH4 plasma composition by means of spatially resolved optical spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe system based on spatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy dedicated for in situ diagnostics of plasma assisted CVD processes is presented in this paper. Measurement system coupled with chemical vapour deposition chamber by dedicated fiber-optic paths enables investigation of spatial distribution of species densities (Hx, H+, CH, CH+) during chemical vapour deposition process. Experiments were performed for a various...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Carboxylic Acids as Corrosion Inhibitors of Aluminium Alloys
PublikacjaThe datasets, titled X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of citric acid adsorption on aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of various carboxylic acids adsorption on aluminium alloys in alkaline media, contain XPS studies of the corrosion inhibitory action of selected dicarboxylic acids towards commercially available aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media at pH=11. These datasets...
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of studies on the structure of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films (ta-C) with a thickness in the range from 20 to 280 nm, deposited using pulsed vacuum arc technique with an electromagnetic Venetian blind plasma filter. The results of the phase structure analysis, obtained using visible Raman spectroscopy and UV Raman spectroscopy methods, showed a strong dependence of the results on the presence, on...
Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring with Raman spectroscopy: prospects for device miniaturization
PublikacjaThe number of patients with diabetes has reached over 350 million, and still continues to increase. The need for regular blood glucose monitoring sparks the interest in the development of modern detection technologies. One of those methods, which allows for noninvasive measurements, is Raman spectroscopy. The ability of infrared light to penetrate deep into tissues allows for obtaining measurements through the skin without its...
Detection of Denatonium Benzoate (Bitrex) Remnants in Noncommercial Alcoholic Beverages by Raman Spectroscopy
PublikacjaIllegal alcoholic beverages are often introduced into market using cheap technical alcohol, which is contaminated by denatonium benzoate (Bitrex) of very small concentration. Bitrex is the most bitter chemical compound and has to be removed before alcohol consumption. The home-made methods utilize sodium hypochlorite to disintegrate particles of denatonium benzoate in alcohol and to remove bitter taste before trading. In this experimental...
Ultrastructural analysis of the submandibular sialoliths: Raman spectroscopy and electron back-scatter studies
PublikacjaThe aim of work was the epidemiological analysis of the occurrence of sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland in adults and the evaluation of the ultrastructure of salivary stones. The study sample consisted of 44 sialoliths. Analysis of the structure and chemical composition of sialoliths was performed using a Scanning Electron Microscope and Raman Spectroscopy. Comparing our results with the literature we can say that the epidemiology...
Colored Tattoo Ink Screening Method with Optical Tissue Phantoms and Raman Spectroscopy
PublikacjaDue to the increasing popularity of tattoos among the general population, to ensure their safety and quality, there is a need to develop reliable and rapid methods for the analysis of the composition of tattoo inks, both in the ink itself and in already existing tattoos. This paper presents the possibility of using Raman spectroscopy to examine tattoo inks in biological materials. We have developed optical tissue phantoms mimicking...
Self-healing mechanism of metallopolymers investigated by QM/MM simulations and Raman spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe thermally induced self-healing mechanisms in metallopolymers based on bisterpyridine complexes of iron(II) sulfate and cadmium(II) bromide, respectively, were studied by means of combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) simulations and Raman spectroscopy. Two possible healing schemes, one based on a decomplexation of the cross-linking complexes and a second one relying on the dissociation of ionic clusters,...
Application of Galvanostatic Non-Linear Impedance Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Metallic Material Degradation
PublikacjaThis study presents a novel application of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (NLEIS) in galvanostatic mode for the rapid, non-destructive assessment of metal degradation. By using galvanostatic mode instead of traditional potentiostatic methods, polarization-related challenges are mitigated, enabling more accurate and reliable analysis. The technique allows for the determination of corrosion rates (corrosion current)...
Biosilica from sea water diatoms algae—electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study
PublikacjaHere, we report on an electrochemical impedance study of silica of organic origin as an active electrode material. The electrode material obtained from carbonized marine biomass containing nanoporous diatoms has been characterised by means of XRD, IR, SEM and EIS. Dif- ferent kinds of crystallographic phases of silica as a result of thermal treatment have been found. The electrode is electrochemically stable during subsequent cyclic...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some biologically important hydroxyhaloquinolines and their novel derivatives
PublikacjaA series crystalline compounds of methyl and phosphinyl derivatives of 2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1a) and related 5,7-dichloro-2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1b) were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, IR, UV-vis and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Five of them have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The known compounds, 8-methoxy-2-methylquinoline (2a) and 8-methoxyquinoline (2d), were synthesised...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some novelphosphorylated derivatives of quinoline-5,8-diones
PublikacjaThe neutral phosphorus nucleophiles such as R2P(=Y)M allowed the radical addition to 2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinoline-7-amine and N-(2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinolin-7-yl)acetamide giving exclusively O-phosphorylated products. All products were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Seven of them, have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method....
Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to evaluate cathodically protected coated steel in seawater
PublikacjaTwo types of organic coated carbon steel (S235JR2 grade) electrodes were exposed to artificial seawater environment. One prepared type was defect free while the other one had an intentionally introduced φ0,5 cm coating defect. Both kinds of samples were polarized during the exposure to four potentials corresponding to four different cathodic protection levels. Evolution of their EIS spectra is presented in this paper. Results obtained...
Use of impedance spectroscopy to evaluate the durability of protective coatings after thermal shock
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Stereochemical Assingment of β -lactam Antibiotics and their Analogues by Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
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Interactions of dissolved dsDNA with intercalating drug by anodic voltammetry and spectroscopy. Influence of pH
PublikacjaOddziaływanie związku przeciwnowotworowego C-1305 z DNA było badane przy pomocy impulsowej voltametrii różnicowej oraz spektroskopii UV/Vis. Triazoloakrydon C-1305 oddziałuje z DNA na dwóch drogach: przez interkalacje pomiedzy pary zasad oraz przez wiązanie sie w małym rowku helisy. W fizjologicznym pH (7,4) stałe wiązania wynoszą: K1=3,36E+5 i K2=0,18E+5 [1/M] a wielkość miejsca wiązania: n1=2,5 i n2=4,0, odpowiednio dla pierwszego...
Method using square-pulse excitation for high-impedance spectroscopy of anticorrosion coatings
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje metodę spektroskopii impedancyjnej przeznaczonej do diagnostyki powłok antykorozyjnych na obiektach bezpośrednio w terenie. Aby skrócić czas uzyskania widma impedancji (w zakresie od 1 mHz do 1 MHz) do kilku minut, wykorzystano sygnały harmoniczne do pomiaru widma powyżej 10 Hz a impuls prostokątny w dolnym zakresie częstotliwości. Do wyznaczania widma użyto algorytmów DSP odpowiednich do sygnału pobudzenia....
Depression as is Seen by Molecular Spectroscopy. Phospholipid- Protein Balance in Affective Disorders and Dementia
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FT-Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool to Study the Secondary Structures of Wheat Gliadin Proteins