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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Awash River Basin
Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublikacjaThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
International Journal of River Basin Management
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Estimation of the River Flow Synchronicity in the Upper Indus River Basin Using Copula Functions
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Preliminary study on toxicity of aquatic ecosystems in Bug river basin
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano badania toksyczności wody, osadów i ścieków wykonane w dorzeczu rzeki Bug w 2001 r. Stosując standardowe mikrobiotesty, określono toksyczność wobec roślin, bakterii i skorupiaków. Wody powierzchniowe w dorzeczu rzeki Bug zakwalifikowano jako nietoksyczne, z wyjątkiem górnego dorzecza i punktu w Terespolu. Większość próbek ścieków wykazywała toksyczność wobec organizmów wskaźnikowych, przy czym różnice w odpowiedzi...
Monitoring Trends of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Rajang River Basin
PublikacjaIn this study, the spatiotemporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) were evaluated from 1992 to 2015 for the Rajang River Basin (RRB) located in the Sarawak State of Malaysia. The changes in water bodies cropped lands, and forests were assessed based on the available remotely sensed satellite data. Supervised classification with the Maximum-Likelihood-Algorithm technique was adopted for monitoring the LULC changes using...
Flood Modelling and Risk Analysis of Cinan Feizuo Flood Protection Area, Huaihe River Basin
PublikacjaThis study evaluated multiple aspects of flood risks and effects on the Cinan Feizuo flood protection area in the Huaihe River basin. Flooding remains a leading problem for infrastructure, especially in urban, residential areas of the region. Effective flood modeling for urbanized floodplains is challenging, but MIKE (ID-2D) is paramount for analyzing and quantifying the risk in the vulnerable region. The Saint-Venant equation...
Effect of GIS parameters on modelling runoff from river basin. The case study of catchment in the Puck District
PublikacjaThe study was preceded to check the impact of the adopted digital elevation model resolution on the determination of catchment parameters and the further influence of the received information on calculations related to the hydrograph at the closing point of the basin after a synthetic 100-year precipitation episode. The study area are river basins located in the Puck commune convoying water directly to the Puck Bay. These studies...
Fluvial ecology disasters: the impact of the Gliwice Canal on the ecological crisis in the Oder River basin, Poland (2022)
PublikacjaIn August 2022, the Oder River experienced an ecological disaster, resulting in the extinction of hundreds of aquatic organ- isms. Mass fsh deaths also occurred during that time in the Gliwice Canal, located in southern Poland, which connects to the upper section of the Oder River. The aim of the article was to assess the impact of the waters from the Gliwice Canal on the water quality changes in the Oder River, as expressed by...
Phenolics occurrence in surface water of the Dniester river basin (West Ukraine): natural background and industrial pollution
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomu fenoli w wodach rzecznych pochodzących ze zlewni Dniestru. Określono zarówno poziom tła naturalnego tych związków w wodzie rzecznej (na poziomie 0,012 mg/l) jak i poziom stężeń tych związków w części zlewni podlegającej antropopresji. Główne źródła emisji antropogenicznej są związane z przemysłem petrochemicznym. Poziom stężenia sumy fenoli w wodzie rzecznej na obszarach objętych wpływem...
River flow simulation based on the HEC-RAS system
PublikacjaThis work considers the problem of river floods, and presents a computer solution that can be used to predict such a threat. The basic tool, called Hydrologic Engineering Centers for River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), and created by the US Army Corps of Engineering, is well developed; and the models created in the system HEC-RAS are quite realistic. For the purpose of solving practical national flood problems, simplified static and...
River Flow Simulation Based on the HEC-RAS System
PublikacjaThis work considers the problem of river floods, and presents a computer solution that can be used to predict such a threat. The basic tool, called Hydrologic Engineering Centers for River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), and created by the US Army Corps of Engineering, is well developed; and the models created in the system HEC-RAS are quite realistic. For the purpose of solving practical national flood problems, simplified static and...
Impact of Climate Change on a Runoff Formation in Seaside Catchment Area on the Example of the Babica River Catchment
PublikacjaThe paper presents the impact of taking into account climate change in the perspective of 2050 on the results of hydrological calculations of characteristic flows in the hydrographically diverse seaside catchment area on the example of the Babica river catchment. A mathematical model of the Babica river catchment was made in the HEC-HMS program. The SCS method was used. The outflow from the basin was analysed for waters with...
Application of multisensoral remote sensing data in the mapping of alkaline fens Natura 2000 habitat
PublikacjaThe Biebrza River valley (NE Poland) is distinguished by largely intact, highly natural vegetation patterns and very good conservation status of wetland ecosystems. In 20132014, studies were conducted in the upper Biebrza River basin to develop a remote sensing method for alkaline fen classification a protected Natura 2000 habitat (code 7230) using remote sensing technologies. High resolution airborne true colour (RGB) and...
Stormwater runoff in the urbanized coastal basin of Gdańsk Urbanized basin of Gdańsk
PublikacjaAnthropopressure strongly affects the primal water cycle. Alternation of the natural basins imposes changes of drainage patterns, reduction of bioretention, infiltration and base flow. As a result the overland flow predominates and greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems and reservoirs. Moreover changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of rapid extreme weather events. Infrastructures of urban areas...
Reemission of inorganic pollution from permafrost? A freshwater hydrochemistry study in the lower Kolyma basin (North-East Siberia)
PublikacjaPermafrost regions are under particular pressure from climate change resulting in widespread landscape changes, which impact also freshwater chemistry. We investi- gated a snapshot of hydrochemistry in various freshwater environments in the lower Kolyma river basin (North-East Siberia, continuous permafrost zone) to explore the mobility of metals, metalloids and non-metals resulting from permafrost thaw. Partic- ular attention...
PublikacjaOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
Flood risk assessment for office and services building Alchemia II at Al. Grunwaldzka 409 in Gdansk.
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to assess the risk of flood from natural meteorological and hy-drological phenomena, for office and services building Alchemia II in Gdansk at Al. Grun-waldzka 409. The project includes the analysis of potential sources of floods in Gdansk re-garding the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Gdansk, the Vistula River basin and excessive rainfall and snowmelt waters being a significant element of hydrological processes...
Stormwater and snowmelt runoff storage control and flash flood hazard forecasting in the urbanized coastal basin.
PublikacjaCity of Gdańsk is located in a coastal region where changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of extreme weather events. Developing urbanization affects the hydrology of natural basins by simplification of the drainage system and reduction of infiltration and base flow. Consequently greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems, reservoirs and surrounding water bodies. Not only infrastructures of urban...
Analizy ilości i jakości odpływu wód deszczowych i roztopowych z kontrolowanej zlewni zurbanizowanej
PublikacjaIstotnym problemem Gdańska staje się bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne związane ze spływami miejskimi odprowadzanymi bezpośrednio do wód powierzchniowych, często akwenów użyteczności publicznej. W latach 2011÷2013, Katedra Hydrotechniki Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, we współpracy z Wojewódzkim Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku oraz Gdańskimi Melioracjami, podjęła się wdrożenia...
Analiza wezbrania rzeki Kaczej w Gdyni po opadzie z 14 lipca 2016 roku
PublikacjaW połowie lipca 2016 r. w Trójmieście, zanotowano opad atmosferyczny o sumie przekraczającej 150 mm. Opadom deszczu od godzin popołudniowych dnia 14 lipca do godzin rannych 15 lipca towarzyszył okresami bardzo silny i gwałtowny wiatr początkowo z kierunku północno-wschodniego następnie z kierunku północno-zachodniego. Opisana sytuacja hydro-meteorologiczna spowodowała znaczne wezbrania w rzekach i potokach rejonu Zatoki Gdańskiej,...
Urban flash flood hazard identification and assessment applying geospatial techniques and hydrodynamic modeling; Erbil city case study, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublikacjaThis dissertation aims to investigate the factors behind flash flooding in Erbil's central district, located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and develop a methodology for assessing flood hazards in the city, despite limited data accessibility. In this thesis, each factor was investigated, including analyzing extreme precipitation events in the last two decades, including their spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, intensity,...
Aluminium in glacial meltwater demonstrates an association with nutrient export (Werenskiöldbreen, Svalbard)
PublikacjaThe aluminium (Al) cycle in glacierised basins has not received a great deal of attention in studies of biogeochemical cycles. As Almay be toxic for biota, it is important to investigate the processes leading to its release into the environment. It has not yet been ascertained whether filterable Al (passing through a pore size of 0.45 m) is incorporated into biogeochemical cycles in glacierised basins. Our study aims to determine...
Time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation and the water availability: A case study of Bakun-Murum Catchment Region in Malaysia
PublikacjaThe Bakun-Murum (BM) catchment region of the Rajang River Basin (RRB), Sarawak, Malaysia, has been under severe threat for the last few years due to urbanization, global warming, and climate change. The present study aimed to evaluate the time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation/agricultural lands and the water availability within the BM region. For this purpose, the Landsat data for...
Ice Phenomena in River Mouths
PublikacjaRiver outlets located in tideless areas are analyzed in this paper. First, ice processes in the St Clair River mouth are presented. The river mouth, called St. Clair Flats is a typical river delta located on the shore of Lake St. Clair. Based on this example ice jam formation in river delta has been analyzed followed by a presentation of the main mechanism of ice jam formation. The Vistula River mouth is a man-made, artificial...
Modeling of Ice Phenomena in the Mouth of the Vistula River
PublikacjaThe mouth of the Vistula River, which is a river outlet located in tideless area, is analyzed. The Vistula River mouth is a man-made, artificial channel which was built in the 19th century in order to prevent the formation of ice jams in the natural river delta. Since the artificial river outlet was constructed, no severe ice-related flood risk situations have ever occurred. However, periodic ice-related phenomena still have an impact...
Sensors in River Information Services of the Odra River in Poland: Current State and Planned Extension
PublikacjaAccording to adopted in 2016 by the polish Council of Ministers assumptions for the plans for the progress of inland waterways in Poland for the years 2016-2020, with the perspective of 2030, assume that by 2030 Odra along its entire length and the Vistula from Warsaw to Gdansk, they will have become international shipping routes, which will be implemented system of River Information Services (RIS). Aspects of RIS sensor application...
Assessment of River Water Quality and Pollution Status Using Physicochemical and Biometrics, Awetu River, Ethiopia
PublikacjaThe surface water is contaminated by a variety of synthetic organic and inorganic compounds, chemicals, and nutrients; due to this reason, the quality of the water resources of Ethiopia is declining at an alarming rate, resulting in severe environmental degradation. The main objective of the study was to recognize the pollution status river for the study area by physicochemical parameters and the extent of microbial environmental...
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Organic Pollution in Surface Waters from the Fuglebekken Basin in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
PublikacjaThe Fuglebekken basin is situated in the southern part of the island of Spitsbergen (Norwegian Arctic), on the Hornsund fjord (Wedel Jarlsberg Land). Surface water was collected from 24 tributaries (B1-B24) and from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin (25) between 10 July 2009 and 30 July 2009. The present investigation reveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their PAH and PCB content. Twelve of 16 PAHs...
Freeze-Up Ice Jam Formation in the River Bend, a Case Study on the Inner Mongolia Reach of Yellow River
PublikacjaConcern has been expressed regarding the impacts of climate change on river ice and ice jam formation in cold regions. Ice jams are easily initiated in bends and narrow channels and cause disasters. In this study, observations and remote sensing monitoring are used to study the freeze-up ice jam formation of bends. Sediment transport and freezing process of the river interact, influencing bed changes profile and sedimentary budget....
Impact of Climate Change on Water Sources and River‐Floodplain Mixing in the Natural Wetland Floodplain of Biebrza River
PublikacjaThe origins of river and floodplain waters (groundwater, rainfall, and snowmelt) and their extent during overbank flow events strongly impact ecological processes such as denitrification and vegetation development. However, the long-term sensitivity of floodplain water signatures to climate change remains elusive. We examined how the integrated hydrological model HydroGeoSphere and the Hydraulic Mixing-Cell method could help us...
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The bridge over Regalia River in Szczecin - design and construction.
PublikacjaNowoclowa Route is the largest projekt in Szczecin, that consists of 11 km of roads 3,3 km bridges and viaducts, including three parallel bridges across Regalica River (the east arm of Odra River), 535 m long, with the spans: 59+90+90+116+116+64m. The bridge structure consist of two steel plate girders composite with reinforced concrete deck slab. The design and the construction of the bridge are described in the paper.
Preliminary study on icebreaking operation on the Middle and Lower Odra River
PublikacjaThe Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project (OVFMP) is implemented with the assistance of international financial institutions, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Council of Europe Development Bank, as well as with the support of funding from the Cohesion Fund and the state budget. Aside from others, the objective of the OVFMP is to increase flood protection for people living in selected areas...
Impact of Urbanization on Stormwater Runoff from a Small Urban Catchment: Gdańsk Małomiejska Basin Case Study
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the impact of different forms of urbanization on the basin outflow. The influence of changes in land cover/use, drainage system development, reservoirs, and alternative ways of stormwater management (green roofs, permeable pavements) on basin runoff was presented in the case of a small urban basin in Gdańsk (Poland. Seven variants of area development (in the period of 2000-2012) – three historical and four...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics as a Decision Support Tool in River Engineering
PublikacjaThe prediction of winter flooding is a complicated task since it is affected by many meteorological and hydraulic factors. Typically, information on river ice conditions is based on historical observations, which are usually incomplete. Recently, data have been supplemented by information extracted from satellite images. All the above mentioned factors provide a good background of the characteristics of ice processes, but are not...
The roadway bridge over Vistula River in Plock - design and construction.
PublikacjaThe paper presents the design and construction works of the Roadway Bridge over Vistula River in Plock (Poland), designed by first two paper authors as being the winners of international competition for design oraganized by Polish association of the bridge engineers. Total length of the bridge is 1,200 m; 615 m is the length of main bridge part over the Vistula riverbed, and 585 m is the length of access bridge part over river...
Experiencing historic waterways and water landscapes of the Vistula River Delta
PublikacjaThe paper gives insights into the characteristics of Vistula River Delta water landscapes, referring to the process of creating land out of water by Polish, Dutch and German settlers. Based on this, the paper presents an integrated strategy formed upon studies in cultural geography and aesthetics, and focused on enhancing the unique characteristics of the region and its rediscovery by tourism. The long process of constructing Vistula...
The effect of fishing basin construction on the behaviour of a footbrdge over the port channel
PublikacjaThe paper analyses possible causes of failure of the rotating footbridge over the Ustka port channel. In July, 2015, strange behaviour of this object was observed in the form of excessive vibrations of bridge platform suspension rods, with the accompanying acoustic effects. A preliminary geotechnical analysis has revealed that this destructive effect was caused by the nearby construction works, namely construction of a fishing...
Annual changes of basic parameters of bottom sediments from the Klodnica River Catchment
PublikacjaThe Klodnica River Catchment is heavily contaminated ecosystem located in area of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region. In this area various forms of human activity can be observed (e.g. mining coal underground, metallurgy, power/heat plants, wastewater discharged directly into the river). The impact of industrial and municipal wastes on this aquatic system causes to changes in the hydrographic network of river and the waters quality. In...
PublikacjaIn recent years Gdańsk had sustained economic and social losses due to severe flash floods coming down from moraine hills. The first flood occurred in July 2001 and the second in July 2016. Both events were caused by intense and long rainfall characterized by different from each other rain intensity in time. Among other Gdansk’s streams the Oliwski Stream has the most extended flood protection system consist of 15 small retention...
Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977
Dane BadawczeSome results of the complex measurements in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of the Vistula river mouth are included in this archival data set. The measurements were carried out by Institute of the Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk (IO UG) in July of 1977. The list of parameters includes wind direction and speed, Secchi...
Modeling of Ice Passage Through Reservoirs System on the Vistula River
PublikacjaNumerical model was used to assess ice passage through proposed reservoir on the lower Vistula River. Model results were compared with observation on the Vistula River, but because the dam is not constructed yet, the direct comparison was not possible. The study focused on ice movement and accumulation in the reservoir for variety of low flow condition with and without wind effect. Bridge’s piers in the upper part of the reservoir...
Possible effects of the 1984 St. Clair River ice jam on bed changes
PublikacjaThis study examines the possible effect of the record ice jam of 1984 in the St. Clair River on river bed changes and conveyance. Numerical simulations were made to examine the flow and bed shear stresses during the jam formation and release periods. Simulation results indicate that the ice jam in the river did not cause a significant increase in bed shear stress compared to pre- and post-jam open water conditions. The insignificant...
Using River Formation Dynamics Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation
PublikacjaRiver Formation Dynamics is a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the manner, in which drops of water form the river bed. The idea is to imitate the movement of drops on the edges between given nodes thus performing a search based on their height, which is modified through the mechanism of soil erosion and sediment deposition. In this way decreasing gradients are constructed, and these are followed by subsequent drops to...
Radioactivity of drilling cuttings from shale resources of the Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin, Poland
PublikacjaFractionated drilling wastes originating from shale gas exploration in the Baltic Basin in Pomerania were subjected to the measurements of mean activity concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs).To better understand rock structure and texture, the X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observation were used. To compare activity concentration of radionuclides in bulk wastes...
Monitoring Salt Water Intrusion During Construction of a Road Tunnel under the Martwa Wisła River in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of groundwater monitoring carried out during the construction of a road tunnel under the Martwa Wisła river in Gdańsk, Poland. Martwa Wisła is one of the branches of Wisła (Vistula) river, heavily influenced by storm surges and saline water inflow from the Bay of Gdańsk. Increased values of chloride concentration were observed on both sides of the river, in particular on the western side, which was caused...
Predicting Ice Phenomena in a River Using the Artificial Neural Network and Extreme Gradient Boosting
PublikacjaForecasting ice phenomena in river systems is of great importance because these phenomena are a fundamental part of the hydrological regime. Due to the stochasticity of ice phenomena, their prediction is a difficult process, especially when data sets are sparse or incomplete. In this study, two machine learning models—Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)—were developed to predict...
Total mercury in surface sediments of the Gdansk Basin
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Comparative testing of numerical models of river ice jams
PublikacjaIce processes in general, and ice jams in particular, play a dominant role in the hydrologic regime of Canadian rivers, often causing extreme floods and affecting the life cycle of many aquatic, terrestrial, and avian species. Various numerical models have been developed to help simulate the formation and consequences of these very dynamic and often destructive jam events. To test and compare the performance of existing models,...