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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL
International Journal of Automation and Control
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Journal of Money Laundering Control
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Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
Czasopisma -
GMS Hygiene and Infection Control
Czasopisma -
Electrical Control and Communication Engineering
Czasopisma -
Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control
Czasopisma -
Modelling, Measurement and Control C
Czasopisma -
International Journal of Dynamics and Control
Czasopisma -
Numerical Algebra Control and Optimization
Czasopisma -
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
Czasopisma -
Czasopisma -
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
Czasopisma -
Modelling, Measurement and Control B
Czasopisma -
International Journal of Control and Automation
Czasopisma -
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)
Czasopisma -
Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control
Czasopisma -
Environmental reliability model of a bilge water purifying installation
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono probabilistyczny model, służący do wyznaczania niezawodności środowiskowej instalacji oczyszczania wód zęzowych z zanieczyszczeń olejowych. Jest to model przyczynowo - skutkowy. Struktura modelu ma formę drzewa zdarzeń i odpowiednich drzew niezdatności. Niezawodność środowiskowa instalacji zdefiniowana została jako prawdopodobieństwo, że w wyniku jej eksploatacji nie nastąpi zagrożenie dla środowiska morskiego....
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for over-actuated dynamic positioning system based on backstepping method in case of thruster faults
PublikacjaThe objective of the research considered in this paper is dynamic positioning of a nonlinear over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of limited information about thruster forces. First, the adaptive backstepping method is used to estimate the input matrix which will compensate partial loss of actuator effectiveness in the presence of actuator dynamics. Then, the adaptive commanded virtual forces and moment are allocated into...
Pile Model Tests Using Strain Gauge Technology
PublikacjaOrdinary pile bearing capacity tests are usually carried out to determine the relationship between load and displacement of pile head. The measurement system required in such tests consists of force transducer and three or four displacement gauges. The whole system is installed at the pile head above the ground level. This approach, however, does not give us complete information about the pile-soil interaction. We can only determine...
An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
Static Model of Steam/Water Cycle for Thermal and Economic Analysis
PublikacjaThe thermodynamic efficiency of typical conventional and nuclear power plants is insufficient. A large amount of the generated heat is removed to the environment and regarded as a waste. A solution which is commonly used to increase the efficiency and profitability of the existing and planned power plants refers to cogeneration of heat and power. To prepare sophisticated thermodynamic and economic analyses, a precise static model...
Zdecentralizowany model rynku regulacyjnych usług systemowych
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano model pozyskania regulacyjnych usług systemowych w sposób zdecentralizowany. Przedstawiono koncepcje funkcjonowania lokalnych rynków usług systemowych. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie zdolności odbiorców, źródeł rozproszonych i operatorów systemów lokalnych do dostawy usług. Omówiono rolę Operatorów Systemów Dystrybucyjnych oraz firm obrotu energią jako pośredników w pozyskaniu usług regulacyjnych od podmiotów...
Technical diagnostics as a tool in decision control of combustion engines operation process
PublikacjaW referacie scharakteryzowano stochastyczną sytuację decyzyjną wynikającą z funkcjonowania silników spalinowych w dowolnym systemie eksploatacyjnym i na tym tle przedstawiono propozycje zastosowania diagnostyki technicznej do sterowania procesem eksploatacji tych silników. Podano także interpretacje modelu diagnostycznego w ujęciu semantycznym z uwzględnieniem metod diagnostycznych: klasycznej i uproszczonej, w których dany model...
Modification of ASM3 for the determination of biomass adsorption/storage capacity in bulking sludge control
PublikacjaSystemy osadu czynnego z selektorami (SAS) umożliwiają ograniczenie nadmiernego wzrostu bakterii nitkowatych, które odpowiadają za zjawisko zwanę ''puchnięciem osadu''. Celem tych badań było opracowanie modelu matematycznego opisującego szybkie usuwanie substratu w systemach SAS. W tym celu zmodyfikowano Model Osadu Czynnego nr 3 (ASM3) poprzez dodanie równań opisujących zjawiska adsorpcji i bezpośredniego wzrostu bakterii na zaadsorbowanym...
Stochastic model of the process of diesel engine operation.
PublikacjaStreszczenie: Najistotniejszym problemem eksploatacji silników o zapłonie samoczynnym jest problem racjonalnego (a zwłaszcza optymalnego) sterowania procesem eksploatacji tych silników. Sterowanie takie może ułatwić zastosowanie iteracyjnego algorytmu wyznaczania optymalnych strategii opracowanego przez R.A. Howarda. Wykorzystanie jednak tego algorytmu do sterowania procesem eksploatacji silników wymaga między innymi opracowania...
Flexible syngas-biogas-hydrogen fueling spark-ignition engine behaviors with optimized fuel compositions and control parameters
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
1D Model Callibration on the Basis on 3D calculations for Tesla Turbine
PublikacjaThe paper presents the system of equations for axisymmetriclaminar flow, after averaging, through the width of interdisk slit ofTesla turbine. Coefficients were introduced, as a result ofaveraging, that improve the efficiency of 1D model. The minimalnumber of such coefficients was determined. The 1D modelmakes it possible to attain analytical solutions to an accuracylimited by these coefficients. Calibration of 1D model depends...
PublikacjaIn the paper possibility of applying neural model to obtaining patterns of proper operation for fluid flow in turbine stage for fluid-flow diagnostics is discussed. Main differences between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers and neural model is given, also limitations and advantages of both are considered. Time of calculations of both methods was given, also possibilities of shortening that time with preserving the accuracy...
Model of the double-rotor induction motor in terms of electromagnetic differential
PublikacjaThe paper presents a concept, a construction, a circuit model and experimental results of the double-rotor induction motor. This type of a motor is to be implemented in the concept of the electromagnetic differential. At the same time it should fulfill the function of differential mechanism and the vehicle drive. One of the motor shafts is coupled to the direction changing mechanical transmission. The windings of the external rotor...
Challenges associated with development of auv-unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the al-based control systems
PublikacjaThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
Challenges associated with development of AUV - unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the AI-based control systems
PublikacjaThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
The role and the place of method validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
PublikacjaOznaczanie analitów na coraz niższych poziomach stężeń w próbkach charakteryzujących się coraz bardziej złożonym składem matrycy to jeden z głównych kierunków rozwojowych analityki chemicznej. Jest to zadanie niezwykle trudne i skomplikowane, w związku z czym stanowi wielkie wyzwanie dla analityków i wymaga zwrócenia uwagi na problem kontroli i zapewnienia jakości uzyskiwanych wyników (ang. Quality Assurance/Quality Control - QA/QC).W...
Significance of technical diagnostics in decision control of combustion engines operation process.
PublikacjaW artykule scharakteryzowano stochastyczną sytuację eksploatacyjną wynikającą z funkcjonowania silników spalinowych w dowolnym systemie eksploatacyjnym i na tym tle przedstawiono propozycję zastosowania diagnostyki technicznej do sterowania procesem eksploatacji tych silników. Podano także interpretację modelu diagnostycznego w ujeciu semantycznym z uwzględnieniem metod diagnostycznych: klasycznej i uproszczonej, w ktorych dany...
Non-Linear Control of Electrical Machines Using Non-Linear Feedback
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zasady nieliniowego sterowania oraz zastosowanie nielinowego sprzężenia zwrotnego do maszyn elektrycznych. Opisano nieliniowe sterowanie obcowzbudnym silnikiem prądu stałego. Zaprezentowano multiskalarne modele maszyn prądu przemiennego. Maszynę indukcyjną zamodelowano z wykorzystaniem strumienia wirnika oraz z wykorzystaniem strumienia stojana. MMultiskalarne modele maszyny indukcyjnej wykorzystano do nieliniowego...
MagMax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continual Learning
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a continual learning approach named MagMax, which utilizes model merging to enable large pre-trained models to continuously learn from new data without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Distinct from traditional continual learning methods that aim to reduce forgetting during task training, MagMax combines sequential fine-tuning with a maximum magnitude weight selection for effective knowledge integration...
St. Adalberd church 3D point model
Dane BadawczeResearch data show the church of St. Adalbert in Gdansk, Poland. Two layers are presented in the .zip file: one represents the laser scanning result, the second represents the point cloud from 36 photogrammetry images from the UAV system. The aligned point clouds formed the basis to create the high-resolution 3D model. Reference data are laser scanning...
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublikacjaThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublikacjaThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
Performance evaluation and model-based optimization of the mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge reactor
PublikacjaThis study aimed to model and optimize mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) pilot plant under natural seasonal temperature variations. The effect of gradually decreasing temperature on the performance was evaluated during a winter season and a transition period to summer conditions, and the correlation of the performance parameters was investigated using principal component analysis (PCA)....
Model inteligentnego systemu edukacyjnego rozpoznającego emocje ucznia
PublikacjaW niniejszym raporcie omówiono model afektywnego systemu edukacyjnego i jego składowe oraz wyzwania, jakie stoją przed konstruktorami tego rodzaju rozwiązań.
A quasi-2D small-signal MOSFET model - main results
PublikacjaMain results stemming from a new quasi 2D non-quasi-static small-signal four-terminal model of the MOSFET are presented in this work. The model is experimentally verified up to 30 GHz.
Graphical presentation of the power of energy losses and power developed in the elements hydrostatic drive and control system. Part II. Rotational hydraulic motor speed parallel throtling control and volumetric control systems
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono interpretację graficzną mocy strat energetycznych występujących w elementach układów napędu i sterowania hydrostatycznego, a także mocy rozwijanych przez te elementy. Dokonano analizy układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem dławieniowym równoległym prędkości silnika hydraulicznego obrotowego, układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem objętościowym, pompą o zmiennej wydajności, prędkości silnika hydrailicznego obrotowego,...
Advanced fatigue and rutting characterisation of Polish asphalt mixtures based on the VECD model and viscoplastic shift model
PublikacjaThe advanced asphalt mixture performance-related specifications (AM-PRS) recently developed in USA can allow an optimisation of the design process of asphalt pavements thanks to the possibility to fully take into account the intrinsic material properties. In this study, four typical Polish mixtures, i.e. a Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) for wearing course, two mixtures for binder course with neat bitumen or Polymer modified Bitumen...
The validation process of truss model with joint eccentricities
PublikacjaNowadays, due to the technological reasons in modern lightweight steel trusses, fabricated from cold-formed sections, positive eccentricities appear in the truss nodes, to induce additional forces truss chords. In order to account for the real load-carrying capacity of truss node area the steel structure research was conducted in scale 1:1. As a result of experimental research, the forms of deformation and strains of the walls...
Refinement of the Hardening Soil model within the small strain range
PublikacjaThe popularity of the elasto-plastic Hardening Soil (HS) model is based on simple parameter identification from standard testing and empirical formulas. The HS model is implemented in many commercial FE codes designed to analyse geotechnical problems. In its basic version, the stress–strain behaviour within the elastic range is subject to the hypoelastic power law, which assures the barotropy of the elastic stiffness. However,...
3D knee model G with reduced thickness of articular cartilage - input text file for computation
Dane BadawczeThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the model G articular cartilage thickness was reduced in specific areas to simulate degenerative changes in the medial knee osteoarthritis. The file was...
Model dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) results obtained with various DC polarization rates
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains results of model dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies carried out on a setup of 10 diodes in series, which were connected in parallel with a condenser. The impedance data were acquired every 1 s (the analytic window length for Fourier Transform was 1 s). The model system was polarized between 0 and +8 V with DEIS...
Jednosekwencyjny statyczny model prądowo-napięciowo-temperaturowy tranzystora MOS.
PublikacjaZaprezentowano i zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie nowy jednosekcyjny statyczny model pradowo-napięciowo-temperaturowy tranzystora MOS. Nowy model jest spójny fizycznie i zawiera dużo mniej parametrów niż powszechnie znane modele.
Trailing-Edge Separation Control of a NACA 0015 Airfoil Using Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuators
PublikacjaThis paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 3.1), where the trailing-edge flow separation of a NACA 0015 airfoil has been controlled using four different dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuator types at three institutions across Europe. The results show that it is possible to enhance the aerodynamic performance of aircraft at speeds up to 40 m/s. Dielectric-barrier-discharge vortex...
Modified linear viscoelastic model of earthquake-induced structural pounding
PublikacjaIn recent times, earthquake-induced structural pounding has been intensively studied through the use of different impact force models. The numerical results obtained from the previous studies indicate that the linear viscoelastic model is relatively simple and accurate in modeling pounding-involved behavior of structures during earthquakes. The only shortcoming of the model is a negative value of the pounding force occurring just...