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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: general theory of relativity
Investigating beliefs in anti-vax conspiracy theories among medical students
PublikacjaAbstract: While the doctors’ role in immunization is essential, their lack of knowledge or vaccine hesitancy may affect their ability to communicate effectively and educate patients about vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine conspiracy theories. This, in turn, may hinder health policy aimed at fighting infectious diseases. Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent not only among the general population but also among healthcare...
Simulating propagation of coherent light in random media using the Fredholm type integral equation
PublikacjaStudying propagation of light in random scattering materials is important for both basic and applied research. Such studies often require usage of numerical method for simulating behavior of light beams in random media. However, if such simulations require consideration of coherence properties of light, they may become a complex numerical problems. There are well established methods for simulating multiple scattering of light (e.g....
Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska dr inż.
OsobyAnna Sobieraj-Żłobińska (ur. 1977 w Przasnyszu) ukończyła Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Przasnyszu. Od 1996 kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Geodezji i Gospodarki Przestrzennej na Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej im. Michała Oczapowskiego w Olsztynie. W 2001 zdobyła tytuł magistra inżyniera na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie (temat pracy dyplomowej „Określenie modelu regresji wielokrotnej do...
Marta Łabuda dr hab. inż.
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What is important for you makes you think about the pandemic differently: moral foundations, pandemic-related fears and convictions (Lo que cada uno consideramos importante nos hace reflexionar sobre la pandemia de forma distinta: fundamentos morales, temores y convicciones sobre la pandemia)
PublikacjaBuilding on the Moral Foundations Theory and findings regarding the linkage of values, convictions and beliefs, the aim of the study was to compare people displaying various constellations of moral foundations regarding their tolerance of ambiguity, fear of COVID-19 (FCV), endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracy theories and the extent to which they believed in the effectiveness of five COVID-19 preventive measures. This study was...
Electron mobility variance in semiconductors: the variance approach
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia nowe podejście da analizy zjawisk losowych w półprzewodnikach. Uwzględnia kilka mechanizmów zjawisk fluktuacji ruchliwości w półprzewodnikach, prowadzących do powstawamai składowej szumów typu 1/f, dominujących w zakresie małych czetotliwości. Przedstawia analizę sposobu wyznaczenia stałej Hooge'a określającej intensywność szumów typu 1/f.The statistical non-triviality of current carrier mobility fluctuations...
Validation of result of STM probe fabrication
Dane BadawczeThe scanning tunneling microscope [1] is a powerful research tool that allows, among other things, to obtain images with atomic resolution. A serious limitation of the described microscope is its limited applicability relating to conductive and semiconductor materials and the reproducibility of measurements depending on the preparation of the measuring...
Machine Design 3, 2021/22
Kursy OnlineThe course contains a set of practical excercises in machine design with the goal to integrate and consolidate the earlier competency in general machine design.
Joanna Raczek dr inż.
OsobyWykształcenie 1997 -- 2001 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2001 -- 2003 Studia magisterskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2000 -- 2004 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Elektroniki, Informatyki i Telekomunikacji,...
Computability in Europe: Logic and Theory of Algorithms
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Conference on Graph Theory and Discrete Geometry
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International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
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European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice
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EuroConference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications
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Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices
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International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications
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Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation
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International Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
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Workshop on Computational Graph Theory and Combinatorics
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IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
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Thermo-resonance analysis of an excited graphene sheet using a new approach
PublikacjaForced vibration of graphene nanoplate based on a refined plate theory in conjunction with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory in the thermal environment has been investigated. Regarding the higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory, both stress nonlocality and size-dependent effects are taken into account, so the equilibrium equations which are governing on the graphene sheet have been formulated by the theory....
Scholarly communication activities in the fields of chemistry and economics. A Polish perspective
PublikacjaThis study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories...
Bone healing under different lay‐up configuration of carbon fiber‐reinforced PEEK composite plates
PublikacjaSecondary healing of fractured bones requires an application of an appropriate fixa-tor. In general, steel or titanium devices are used mostly. However, in recent years,composite structures arise as an attractive alternative due to high strength to weightratio and other advantages like, for example, radiolucency. According to Food andDrug Administration (FDA), the only unidirectionally reinforced composite allowed tobe implanted...
Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Ship Trajectories: COLREGS Compliance
PublikacjaThe paper presents a newly designed improvement to the method of solving multi-ship encounter situations. In general, the method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and aims to find optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. The improvement presented here is a new way of modelling some of the COLREGS rules. Due to this change, the method is...
A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublikacjaThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (The 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval)
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Colorings of the Strong Product of Circulant Graphs
PublikacjaGraph coloring is one of the famous problems in graph theory and it has many applications to information theory. In the paper we present colorings of the strong product of several circulant graphs.
Network economy and innovation policy st 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineGlobal Studies / Economics Analytics, II stopień (magisterskie), 3 semestr The aim of the course is to provide framework for exploring innovation theory in the context of the network economy.
Analysing the potential for application of the phase shift method in endoscopic examination of marine engines
PublikacjaThe article presents theoretical principles of image processing in digital endoscopy which makes use of a miniaturised spectral scanner “PhaseProbe” designed by General Inspection Technologies LP, the producer of the measuring videoendoscope Everest XLG3. The technology of optoelectronic 3D mapping of the examined surface, which consists in measuring the phase shift between the emitted and reflected light waves, is briefly described....
PublikacjaThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
Modelling of cutting by means of fracture mechanics
PublikacjaThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
PublikacjaW referacie zaprezentowano znaczenie teorii procesów semi-Markowa w naukach technicznych, zwłaszcza w teorii niezawodności urządzeń technicznych, teorii bezpieczeństwa ich działania oraz statystycznej teorii podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych. W referacie wyeksponowano także przydatność teorii procesów semi-Markowa w teorii i praktyce eksploatacji wspomnianych urządzeń technicznych na przykładzie tak istotnych urządzeń w transporcie...
Jacek Poplatek dr inż. arch.
OsobyJacek Poplatek – adiunkt w Studio Architektury Ochrony Zdrowia należącym do Katedry Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych. W pracy naukowo-badawczej zajmuje się głównie problematyką programowania i projektowania obiektów architektury służby zdrowia, w tym głównie szpitali. Przedmiotem zainteresowania są także badania XIX wiecznej architektury historycznej Sopotu i ochrony jej dziedzictwa. Jest autorem wielu publikacji...
Robert Piotrowski dr hab. inż.
OsobyRobert Piotrowski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki (2001r., kierunek: Automatyka i Robotyka) oraz Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii (2002r., kierunek: Organizacja Systemów Produkcyjnych) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2005 roku jest zatrudniony na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki, aktualnie w Katedrze Inteligentnych Systemów Sterowania i Wspomagania Decyzji. W 2005 roku obronił rozprawę doktorską (Automatyka...
PublikacjaThe article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and...
Analytical Methods for Causality Evaluation of Photonic Materials
PublikacjaWe comprehensively review several general methods and analytical tools used for causality evaluation of photonic materials. Our objective is to call to mind and then formulate, on a mathematically rigorous basis, a set of theorems which can answer the question whether a considered material model is causal or not. For this purpose, a set of various distributional theorems presented in literature is collected as the distributional...
PublikacjaT his study compares the performance of a plain bearing, with a similar structure to a tail shaft stern bearing, lubricated with either mineral oil or an environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL). The main characteristic of the bearing is its length/diameter ratio of <1. Measurements are carried out with the bearing operating under loads from 0.5 to 1 MPa and seven speeds ranging from 1 to 11 rev/s. The bearing lubricated...
Stability analysis of nanobeams in hygrothermal environment based on a nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model under nonlinear thermal field
PublikacjaThis article is dedicated to analyzing the buckling behavior of nanobeam subjected to hygrothermal environments based on the principle of the Timoshenko beam theory. The hygroscopic environment has been considered as a linear stress field model, while the thermal environment is assumed to be a nonlinear stress field based on the Murnaghan model. The size-dependent effect of the nanobeam is captured by the nonlocal strain gradient...
Database of the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of a connected sum of g real projective planes.
Dane BadawczeMorse–Smale diffeomorphisms, structurally stable and having relatively simple dynamics, constitute an important subclass of diffeomorphisms that were carefully studied during past decades. For a given Morse–Smale diffeomorphism one can consider “Minimal set of Lefschetz periods”, which provides the information about the set of periodic points of considered...
The database of odd algebraic periods for quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology group as the connected sum of g tori
Dane BadawczeThe dataset consists of 20 files indexed by numbers g=1,...,20. Each file provides sets of odd algebraic periods for all quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology groups as the connected sum of g tori. Let us remark that each data set covers all algebraical restrictions that come from zeta functions for the sets of minimal Lefschetz...
Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDetails concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
Osobydr hab. inż. Michał Ryms, fizyk, absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską obronił na Wydziale Chemicznym. Od 2011 roku pracuje w Katedrze Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii Politechniki Gdańskiej, obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni. Działalność naukowa obejmuje: zagadnienia związane z poprawą efektywności energetycznej oraz możliwości nowego zastosowania materiałów zmiennofazowych (PCM) głównie w budownictwie energooszczędnym...
Total annual EU country support for tax credits and child benefits in EUR (2017)
Dane BadawczeThe inhabitants of Luxembourg can count on the highest support, the smallest - only a dozen or so euros in Bulgaria. Considerable variation also occurs when we consider the help of general support measured in relation to the average salary. In this case, the highest rate is in France (13.7%), and the lowest, similarly to Bulgaria, (only 0.2%).
Konkurencyjność międzynarodowa z uwzględnieniem mechanizmu autokonkurencji – aspekty teoretyczne i praktyczne
PublikacjaW licznych publikacjach na temat konkurencyjności międzynarodowej nie został, mimo ich mnogości, jednoznacznie określony obszar badawczy, a w wypadku pomiaru jej poziomu - opracowane metodologie są często krytykowane przez ekonomistów. Powszechnie utożsamia się konkurencyjność międzynarodową z produktywnością, co budzi wątpliwości licznych adwersarzy, podważających zasadność prowadzenia jakichkolwiek badań w tym obszarze. W artykule...
Does system of local government subsidisation fulfil revenue equalisation function? Evidence from Poland
PublikacjaThe article will discuss functions that should pursue general grants. One of them is revenue equalization. To achieve it after applying the mechanism of subsidising revenues should be reduced. In addition, to be completed, the size of the support should be inversely proportional to achieved own revenues. Besides the theoretical analysis, which will present the general grants structure and the ability of fulfilling revenue equalisation...
Inorganic Chemistry Lecture
Kursy OnlineAim of the course is to give a general knowledge of the chemistry of the elements and the inorganic compounds, puting the attention on the relationships between structure, properties and reactivity.
Multi Queue Approach for Network Services Implemented for Multi Core CPUs
PublikacjaMultiple core processors have already became the dominant design for general purpose CPUs. Incarnations of this technology are present in solutions dedicated to such areas like computer graphics, signal processing and also computer networking. Since the key functionality of network core components is fast package servicing, multicore technology, due to multi tasking ability, seems useful to support packet processing. Dedicated...
Application of the Fröbenius method to the Schrödinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential: an anharmonic oscillator
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Cloning and characterization of the dnaK heat shock operon of the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi
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Coupling coefficients for the space group of the hexagonal close-packed structure