Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EXPEDITED FORWARDING pHB
Expedited Re-Design of Multi-Band Passive Microwave Circuits Using Orthogonal Scaling Directions and Gradient-Based Tuning
PublikacjaGeometry scaling of microwave circuits is an essential but challenging task. In particular, the employment of a given passive structure in a different application area often requires re-adjustment of the operating frequencies/bands while maintaining top performance. Achieving this necessitates utilization of numerical optimization methods. Nonetheless, if the intended frequencies are distant from the ones at the starting point,...
Knowledge-Based Expedited Parameter Tuning of Microwave Passives by Means of Design Requirement Management and Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublikacjaThe importance of numerical optimization techniques has been continually growing in the design of microwave components over the recent years. Although reasonable initial designs can be obtained using circuit theory tools, precise parameter tuning is still necessary to account for effects such as electromagnetic (EM) cross coupling or radiation losses. EM-driven design closure is most often realized using gradient-based procedures,...
Expedited Machine-Learning-Based Global Design Optimization of Antenna Systems Using Response Features and Multi-Fidelity EM Analysis
PublikacjaThe design of antenna systems poses a significant challenge due to stringent per-formance requirements dictated by contemporary applications and the high com-putational costs associated with models, particularly full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. Presently, EM simulation plays a crucial role in all design phases, encompassing topology development, parametric studies, and the final adjustment of antenna dimensions. The latter...
A Novel Versatile Decoupling Structure and Expedited Inverse-Model-Based Re-Design Procedure for Compact Single-and Dual-Band MIMO Antennas
PublikacjaMultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas are considered to be the key components of fifth generation (5G) mobile communications. One of the challenges pertinent to the design of highly integrated MIMO structures is to minimize the mutual coupling among the antenna elements. The latter arises from two sources, the coupling in the free space and the coupling currents propagating on a ground plane. In this paper, an array of...
Structure-property relationships in peroxide-assisted blends of poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
PublikacjaPoly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends in two weight ratios (75/25 and 50/50) were reactively compatibilized in the presence of di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene and dicumyl peroxide as free radical initiators. Rheological, mechanical, thermal properties and morphological features, as well as the chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends were investigated. It was found that regardless of PCL/PHB blend...
The influence of synthetic polyhydroxybutyrate on selected properties of novel polyurethanes for medical applications. Part I. Polyurethanes with aromatic diisocyanates in hard segments
PublikacjaZsyntetyzowano poliuretany (PUR) z udziałem 37% segmentu sztywnego uzyskanego na etapie przedłużania łańcucha prepolimeru w reakcji 4,4â-diizocyjanianu difenylometanu (MDI) z 1,4-butanodiolem (1,4-BD). Segmenty giętkie wytworzonych PUR były zbudowane z poli([R,S]-3--hydroksymaoelanu) (a-PHB) i polikaprolaktonodiolu (PCL) lub z a-PHB i polioksytetrametylenodiolu(PTMG). Zbadano wpływ obecności w łańcuchu PUR syntetycznego a-PHB...
PublikacjaSDN is the approach in telecommunication networks that separates control plane from data forwarding plane by specifying a single network entity as a controller that defines rules (called flows) of traffic forwarding for the switches connected to it. The time that is required for installation of these rules might be a hindrance for the overall performance of SDN network. In the paper, a model for testing and evaluating the influence...
Wpływ syntetycznego polihydroksymaślanu na wybrane właściwosci nowych, otrzymanych z jego udziałem poliuretanów do zastosowań medycznych. cz II. Poliuretany z cykloalifatycznym diizocyjanianem w segmencie sztywnym. Polimery 56(1) 27-34, 2011
Publikacjazsyntezowano poliuretany, w ltórych segmenty gietkie SG były zbudowane z telehelicznego, zakończonego obustronnie grupami -OH, ataktycznego polihydroksymaślanu (PHB). Wyniki DSC wskazują, że wprowadzenie PHB zaburza uporządkowanie w obrębie SG i sztywnych, zminejsza sie stopień krystaliczności, zwieksza sie nieco sorpcja wody. Test mikrobiologiczne wytworzonych PUR dowodzą skuteczności sterylizacji plazmą.
Właściwości poliuretanów z syntetycznym poli(R,S-3-hydroksymaślanem) w segmencie giętkim
PublikacjaOtrzymano poliuretany (PUR), zwierające polikaprolakton lub politetremetylenoglikol oraz ataktyczny,teleheliczny poli(R,S-3-hydroksymaślan - a-PHB)w segmencie giętkim o potencjalnym zastosowaniu do celów medycznych. Zbadano właściwości termiczne, mechaniczne oraz gęstość próbek. Po wprowadzeniu a-PHB wytrzymałość PUR zmalała, natomiast gęstość i temperatura zeszklenia została podwyższona. Zaobserwowano także spadek krystaliczności...
Susceptibility to Degradation in Soil of Branched Polyesterurethane Blends with Polylactide and Starch
PublikacjaA very important method of reducing the amount of polymer waste in the environment is the introduction to the market of polymers susceptible to degradation under the influence of environmental factors. This paper presents the results of testing the susceptibility to degradation in soil of branched polyesterurethane (PUR) based on poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (R,S-PHB), modified with poly([D,L]-lactide) (PLA) and starch (St). Weight...
A Centralized Reputation System for MANETs Based on Observed Path Performance
PublikacjaA reputation system for MANETs is described that attempts to deduce nodal trustworthiness (forwarding behaviour) from observed end-to-end path performance. The trustworthiness deduction algorithm produces interval estimates and works well if node misbehaviour is not selec-tive with respect to traversing paths. Nodal reputation levels are next calculated in the spirit of generous tit-for-tat so as to best reflect momentary nodal...
The largest companies in the TSL industry in Poland in 2011
Dane BadawczeThe data contained in the dataset shows that the most successful transport, forwarding and logistics company in Poland in 2011 was PKP CARGO S.A. The company is the largest carrier in the country, while in the European Union it ranks second in terms of freight transport.
Synteza, właściwości i zastosowanie nowych (bio)degradowalnych poliestrouretanów.
PublikacjaArtykuł stanowi przegląd literaturowy dotyczący badań nad syntezą i wybranymi właściwościami dwóch grup nowych (bio)degradowalnych poliestrouretanów. W skłąd jednego z nich wchodzi polilaktyd (PLA) a drugiego alifatyczno-aromatyczny kopolimer poli[(tereftalanu-1,4-butylenu-co-(adypinianu 1,4-butylenu)] (BTA) i/lub ataktyczny poli(RS]-3-hydroksymaślan (a-PHB).
A framework for detection of selfishness in multihop mobile ad hoc networks
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the need for a fully-distributed selfishness detection mechanism dedicated for multihop wireless ad hoc networks which nodes may exhibit selfish forwarding behaviour. The main contribution of this paper is an introduction to a novel approach for detecting and coping with the selfish nodes. Paper describes a new framework based on Dempster-Shafer Theory called Dempster-Shafer Theory-based Selfishness Detection...
Cost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublikacjaMulti-objective optimization of antenna structures in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is investigated. For expedited design, variable-fidelity EM simulations and domain patching algorithm are utilized. The results obtained for a monopole antenna with 13 geometry parameters are compared with surrogate-assisted optimization involving response surface approximation modeling.
Sieć wielodomenowa wykorzystująca MPLS i SDN
PublikacjaTechnologia Wieloprotokołowej Komutacji Etykietowej (MPLS – MultiProtocol Label Switching) dostarcza odpowiednie mechanizmy wspierające proces zachowania jakości usług, jednak wymaga nadrzędnego elementu sterującego. Takim elementem może być kontroler zrealizowany w koncepcji Sieci Definiowanych Programowo (SDN – Software Defined Networking), wprowadzający abstrakcję, rozdzielającą płaszczyznę przekazywania od płaszczyzny sterowania....
Maximizing SDN resilience to node‐targeted attacks through joint optimization of the primary and backup controllers placements
PublikacjaIn Software Defined Networks (SDN) packet data switches are configured by a limited number of SDN controllers, which respond to queries for packet forwarding decisions from the switches. To enable optimal control of switches in real time the placement of controllers at network nodes must guarantee that the controller-to-controller and switch-to-controller communications delays are bounded. Apart from the primary controllers that...
Modyfikacja biodegradowalnych poliestrów ialifatycznych i ich mieszanin w obecności inicjatorów nadtlenkowych.
PublikacjaStreszczenie Czynniki ekologiczne, ekonomiczne oraz większa świadomość społeczeństwa wpływają korzystnie na dynamiczny rozwój biodegradowalnych materiałów, które sukcesywnie zastępują polimery „konwencjonalne”. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują komercyjnie dostępne poliestry alifatyczne takie jak: poli(kwas mlekowy) (PLA), poli(3-hydroksymaślan) (PHB), oraz poli(ε-kaprolakton) (PCL). Jednakże ich wysoka cena oraz problemy technologiczne...
On deterministic procedures for low-cost multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized impedance matching transformers
PublikacjaPurpose This paper aims to investigate deterministic strategies for low-cost multi-objective design optimization of compact microwave structures, specifically, impedance matching transformers. The considered methods involve surrogate modeling techniques and variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In contrary to majority of conventional approaches, they do not rely on population-based metaheuristics, which permit lowering...
A structure and simulation-driven design of compact CPW-fed UWB antenna
PublikacjaIn this letter, a structure of a miniaturized ultra-wideband CPW-fed antenna and its design proce-dure are presented. The antenna is a modified version of the design previously proposed in the literature, with additional degrees of freedom introduced in order to improve the structure flexibility. The small size is achieved by executing a rigorous optimization procedure that consists of two stages: (i) smart random search carried...
Fast surrogate-assisted simulation-driven design of compact microwave hybrid couplers
PublikacjaThis work presents a robust methodology for expedited simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave hybrid couplers. The technique relies on problem decomposition, and a bot-tom–up design strategy, starting from the level of basic building blocks of the coupler, and finishing with a tuning procedure that exploits a fast surrogate model of the entire structure. The latter is constructed by cascading local response surface...
Single and Dual-GPU Generalized Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers for Finding a Few Low-Order Resonances of a Microwave Cavity Using the Finite-Element Method
PublikacjaThis paper presents two fast generalized eigenvalue solvers for sparse symmetric matrices that arise when electromagnetic cavity resonances are investigated using the higher-order finite element method (FEM). To find a few loworder resonances, the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG) algorithm with null-space deflation is applied. The computations are expedited by using one or two graphical processing...
Parametrized Local Reduced-Order Models With Compressed Projection Basis for Fast Parameter-Dependent Finite-Element Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper proposes an automated parametric local model-order reduction scheme for the expedited design of microwave devices using the full-wave finite-element method (FEM). The approach proposed here results in parameterized reduced-order models (ROMs) that account for the geometry and material variation in the selected subregion of the structure. In each subregion, a parameter-dependent projection basis is generated by concatenating...
Podatność na degradację poliuretanów z syntetycznym polihydroksymaślanem w środowisku utleniającym i hydrolitycznym
PublikacjaPoliuretany (PURs), zawierające w segmencie giętkim ataktyczny, telecheliczny poli([R,S]-3-hydroksymaślan) (a-PHB) oraz polikaprolaktonodiol (PCL) lub polioksytetrametylenodiol (PTMG), poddano degradacji hydrolitycznej i oksydacyjnej. Poliuretany poddano degradacji hydrolitycznej w buforze fosforanowym z dodatkiem NaN3 w czasie 36 tygodni oraz oksydacyjnej w roztworze CoCl2/H2O2 w czasie 16 tygodni inkubacji. Próbki inkubowano...
Recent advances in rapid multiobjective optimization of expensive simulation models in microwave and antenna engineering by Pareto front exploration
PublikacjaPractical engineering design problems are inherently multiobjective, that is, require simultaneous control of several (and often conflicting) criteria. In many situations, genuine multiobjective optimization is required to acquire comprehensive information about the system of interest. The most popular solution techniques are populationbased metaheuristics, however, they are not practical for handling expensive electromagnetic...
Inverse surrogate modeling for low-cost geometry scaling of microwave and antenna structures
PublikacjaPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies for expedited dimension scaling ofelectromagnetic (EM)-simulated microwave and antenna structures, exploiting the concept of variable-fidelity inverse surrogate modeling.Design/methodology/approach–A fast inverse surrogate modeling technique is described fordimension scaling of microwave and antenna structures. The model is established using referencedesigns obtained...
Wideband High-Gain Low-Profile Series-Fed Antenna Integrated with Optimized Metamaterials for 5G millimeter Wave Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a series-fed four-dipole antenna with a broad bandwidth, high gain, and compact size for 5G millimeter wave (mm-wave) applications. The single dipole antenna provides a maximum gain of 6.2 dBi within its operational bandwidth, which ranges from 25.2 to 32.8 GHz. The proposed approach to enhance both gain and bandwidth involves a series-fed antenna design. It comprises four dipoles with varying lengths, and a...
Curing epoxy with electrochemically synthesized Zn Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles
PublikacjaCathodic electrodeposition (CED) was applied in synthesis of undoped and zinc (Zn) doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Changes in the lattice structure of nanoparticles were monitored using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) supported by dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Detailed analyses explored the formation of ZnxFe3–xO4 nanoparticles with x ≈ 0.1,...
Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures
PublikacjaPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...
Rapid optimization of compact microwave passives using kriging surrogates and iterative correction
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary microwave components is—in a large part—based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. The primary reasons for this include reliability and versatility of EM analysis. In fact, for many microwave structures, notably compact components, EM-driven parameter tuning is virtually imperative because traditional models (analytical or network equivalents) are unable to account for the cross-coupling effects,...
Interworking and Cross-layer Service Discovery Extensions for IEEEE802.11s Wireless Mesh Standard
PublikacjaWith the rapid popularization of mobile end-user electronic devices wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies. While classic point-to-multipoint wireless access systems, based on fixed infrastructure of base stations providing access to clients, remain the main most popular solution, an increasing attention is devoted to wireless mesh systems, where each connecting client can extend...
Service and Path Discovery Extensions for Self-forming IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Systems
PublikacjaWith the rapid growth of the quantity and capabilities of end-user electronic devices, both stationary and mobile, they are employed in increasing number of applications. In this situation, wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies, as cable-based solutions tend to be of limited utility in case of easily portable or mobile devices. Resulting development of wireless technologies reached...
Low-cost multi-objective optimization and experimental validation of UWB MIMO antenna
PublikacjaPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to validate methodologies for expedited multi-objective designoptimization of complex antenna structures both numerically and experimentally.Design/methodology/approach–The task of identifying the best possible trade-offs between theantenna size and its electrical performance is formulated as multi-objective optimization problem.Algorithmic frameworks are described for finding Pareto-optimal...
Dual-band Millimetre Wave MIMO Antenna with Reduced Mutual Coupling Based on Optimized Parasitic Structure and Ground Modification
PublikacjaIn this study, a high-isolation dual-band (28/38 GHz) multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave applications is presented. The antenna consists of two interconnected patches. The primary patch is connected to the inset feed, while the secondary patch is arc-shaped and positioned over the main patch, opposite to the feed. Both patches function in the lower 28 GHz band, while the primary patch is accountable...
Optimization of Microwave Components Using Machine Learning and Rapid Sensitivity Analysis
PublikacjaRecent years have witnessed a tremendous popularity growth of optimization methods in high-frequency electronics, including microwave design. With the increasing complexity of passive microwave components, meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters has become imperative to fulfill demands imposed by the diverse application areas. More and more often, achieving the best possible performance requires global optimization. Unfortunately,...
Rapid Antenna Optimization with Restricted Sensitivity Updates by Automated Dominant Direction Identification
PublikacjaMeticulous tuning of geometry parameters turns pivotal in improving performance of antenna systems. It is more and more often realized using formal optimization methods, which is demonstrably the most efficient way of handling multiple design variables, objectives, and constraints. Although in some cases a need for launching global search arises, a typical design scenario only requires local optimization, especially when a decent...
Accelerated Parameter Tuning of Antenna Structures by Means of Response Features and Principal Directions
PublikacjaPopularity of numerical optimization has been steadily on the rise in the design of modern antenna systems. Resorting to mathematically rigorous parameter tuning methods is a matter of practical necessity as interactive techniques (e.g., parameter sweeping) are no longer adequate when handling several performance figures over multi-dimensional parameter spaces. The most common design scenarios involve local tuning since decent...
On Computationally-Efficient Reference Design Acquisition for Reduced-Cost Constrained Modeling and Re-Design of Compact Microwave Passives
PublikacjaFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis has been playing a major role in the design of microwave components for the last few decades. In particular, EM tools allow for accurate evaluation of electrical performance of miniaturized structures where strong cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately quantified using equivalent network models. However, EM-based design procedures (parametric optimization, statistical analysis) generate...
Multi-objective optimization of expensive electromagnetic simulation models
PublikacjaVast majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. For the sake of simplicity and through a priori preference articulation one can turn many design tasks into single-objective problems that can be handled using conventional numerical optimization routines. However, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about the system at hand, in particular, about possible...
Fast and reliable knowledge-based design closure of antennas by means of iterative prediction-correction scheme
PublikacjaA novel framework for expedited antenna optimization with an iterative prediction-correction scheme is proposed. The methodology is comprehensively validated using three real-world antenna structures: narrow-band, dual-band and wideband, optimized under various design scenarios. The keystone of the proposed approach is to reuse designs pre-optimized for various sets of performance specifications and to encode them into metamodels...
Low-Cost Design Optimization of Microwave Passives Using Multi-Fidelity EM Simulations and Selective Broyden Updates
PublikacjaGeometry parameters of contemporary microwave passives have to be carefully tuned in the final stages of their design process to ensure the best possible performance. For reliability reasons, the tuning has to be to be carried out at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. This is because traditional modeling methods are incapable of quantifying certain phenomena that may affect operation and performance of these...
Rapid design optimization of antennas using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublikacjaPurpose – Development of techniques for expedited design optimization of complex and numerically expensive electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of antenna structures validated both numerically and experimentally. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – The optimization task is performed using a technique that combines gradient search with adjoint sensitivities, trust region framework, as well as...
Fast multi-objective design optimization of microwave and antenna structures using data-driven surrogates and domain segmentation
PublikacjaPurpose Strategies and algorithms for expedited design optimization of microwave and antenna structures in multi-objective setup are investigated. Design/methodology/approach Formulation of the multi-objective design problem oriented towards execution of the population-based metaheuristic algorithm within the segmented search space is investigated. Described algorithmic framework exploit variable fidelity modeling, physics- and...
Topological behavior mimicking ethylene–hexene copolymers using branched lactones and macrolactones
PublikacjaPolyolefins are of paramount importance in the world of polymers due to their technological and economic potential.1 However, their nonpolar character significantly restricts the compatibility and adhesion properties, which consequently limits their versatility. Moreover, an intensified demand for materials from renewable resources can also become a problematic venture for the current polyolefin industry.2 Although Braskem and...
WydarzeniaBiuro Karier, Wydział OiO, studenci kierunku Transport oraz WRS OiO serdecznie zapraszają na Targi Pracy TRANSPORTER.Głównym celem targów jest możliwość bezpośredniego kontaktu studentów z pracodawcami.
Investigating Layered Topological Magnetic Materials as Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction under High Current Densities
PublikacjaDespite considerable progress, high-performing durable catalysts operating under large current densities (i.e., >1000 mA/cm2) are still lacking. To discover platinum group metal-free (PGMfree) electrocatalysts for sustainable energy, our research involves investigating layered topological magnetic materials (semiconducting ferromagnets) as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction under high current...