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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOLID-PHASE MICROEXTRACTION
Applications of nanosorbents in dispersive solid phase extraction/microextraction approaches for monitoring of synthetic dyes in various types of samples: A review
PublikacjaNanosorbents are frequently used in analytical chemistry for their various applications, including extraction and microextraction of synthetic dyes. Synthetic dyes pose a threat to living organisms, particularly humans, due to their worldwide use in a variety of industries. The removal and quantification of synthetic dyes from various matrices is becoming increasingly important. The use of nanosorbents in dispersive solid phase...
Application of Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction with Poly(1-vinyl-3- Hexylimidazolium Chloride) Polymeric Ionic Liquid Coating using GC - MS to Determine Volatile Fatty Acids in Dairy Wastewater
PublikacjaVolatile fatty acids were determined in this study using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with a poly(1-vinyl-3-hexylimidazolium chloride) polymeric ionic liquid coated fiber followed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Experimental parameters such as extraction time and temperature, sample volume as well as desorption time and temperature were optimized. Detection limits of the method were in the range of...
Miniaturized solid phase microextratcion
PublikacjaWithout any doubt analytical laboratories have an essential role in environmental protection due to the fact that they takes an active part in the monitoring pollutants present in air, water or soil. From the other side, the analytical activity is involved in the generation of toxic waste what is associated with the use of not eco-friendly reagents and solvents. For these reasons, green analytical chemistry (GAC) was introduced...
Miniaturized solid phase extraction
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Studies on solid phase microextraction-gas chromatographic determination of volatile chloroorganic pollutants in soil. badanie lotnych związków chloroorganicznych w glebie przy użyciu techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej i chromatografii gazowej.
PublikacjaLotne związki chloroorganiczne (VOXs) mogą być obecne w powietrzu, wodzie i glebie. Związki te mają właściwości kancerogenne, dlatego też ich ilość w środowisku powinna być monitorowana. W pracy przedstawiono badania nad możliwością zastosowania techniki izolacji i wzbogacania jaką jest mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej, jej przydatność w analizie lotnych węglowodorów chloroorganicznych w różnych typach gleb z wykorzystaniem...
Miniaturized solid-phase extraction techniques
PublikacjaMore than 80% of analysis time is spent on sample collection and sample preparation, so sample preparation is a critical part of the analytical process. Traditionally, liquid-liquid extraction was developed and employed to screen for general unknowns. However, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is becoming highly popular as an alternative, due to its simplicity and economy in terms of time and solvent. This review summarizes the current...
Green aspects, developments and perspectives of liquid phase microextraction techniques
PublikacjaDetermination of analytes at trace levels in complex samples (e.g. biological or contaminated water or soils) are often required for the environmental assessment and monitoring as well as for scientific research in the field of environmental pollution. A limited number of analytical techniques are sensitive enough for the direct determination of trace components in samples and, because of that, a preliminary step of the analyte...
Polymeric porous membranes as solid support and protective material in microextraction processes: A review
PublikacjaPolymeric porous membranes have proven to be a versatile and efficient material for microextraction processes. In analytical practice, they are used both as a solid support and as a protective medium for improved sample preparation in various analytical applications. Polymeric porous membranes offer unique advantages in microextraction due to their large surface area and controllable pore size, eliminating interfering effects from...
New Polymeric Materials for Solid Phase Extraction
PublikacjaSolid phase extraction (SPE) is a popular sample preparation technique, which can be applied directly in gas–solid phase and liquid–solid phase, or indirectly to solid samples by using, e.g., thermodesorption with subsequent chromatographic analysis. Although SPE can be described as a physical extraction process involving a liquid phase and a solid phase, the increased use of packed sorbent formats seems to have led to a bias toward...
Sample Preparation in Foodomics: Miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction
PublikacjaAnalytical chemists face a challenge to bring comprehensive information on a given food and biological sample by using the best available analytical techniques and meet the requirements of sustainable development and green chemistry at the same time. A key objective of this chapter is to review selected literature data on the utilization of solid-phase extraction techniques with special attention to their miniaturized modes in...
Solid Phase Synthesis and Biological Activity of Tuftsin Conjugates
PublikacjaNew tuftsin/retro-tuftsin conjugates were designed and synthesized using a classical fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) solid phase procedure. All the peptide conjugates were divided into three series: 1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone (type A), 1-nitroacridine (type B), and 4-carboxyacridone (type C) derivatives. In type A conjugates, the N-terminal group of the peptide chain is directly connected to the anthraquinone ring at C1 (Scheme...
Solid phase extraction technique - trends, opportunities and applications
PublikacjaW pracy opisano wykorzystanie ekstrakcji do fazy stałej w chemii analitycznej. Ekstrakcja do fazy stałej może być przydatna nie tylko do izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z fazy wodnej, ale również do wymiany matrycy oraz oczyszczania ekstraktu. Stosowane sorbenty są analogiczne do stosowanych w chromatografii cieczowej. Omówione zostały: mechanizmy ekstrakcji, sposoby przeprowadzania ekstrakcji (kolumienki, krążki, pipety), rodzaje...
Interaction of imidazolium type ionic liquids with the solid phase
PublikacjaNiektóre ciecze jonowe, w szczególności te posiadające kation organiczny podstawiony długim łańcuchem alkilowym, wykazują strukturalne podobieństwo do surfaktantów. Samoczynne formowanie się agregatów cieczy jonowych może wpływać na procesy przenoszenia masy w wielu operacjach jednostkowych jak: ekstrakcja, nanofiltracja lub kataliza oraz transport i rozmieszczenie tych związków w środowisku naturalnym. W niniejszej publikacji...
Solid phase synthesis of two muramyl pentapeptide derivatives
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Determination of carbonyl compounds in distilled alcoholic beverages using gas chromatography and head-space solid phase microextraction. Oznaczanie związków karbonylowych w napojach alkoholowych z użyciem chromatografii gazowej i mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania nad opracowaniem procedury oznaczania związków karbonylowych z użyciem mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej w wersji analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS-SPME), chromatografii gazowej z detekcją wychwytu elektronów(GC-ECD) oraz derywatyzacji pentafluorobenzylohydroksyloaminą (PFBHA). Opisano wpływ parametrów: temperatury, mieszania, czasu ekspozycji włókna, dodatku soli, stężenia alkoholu. Opracowaną...
Headspace liquid phase microextraction for quantitation of hexanal in potato crisps by gas chromatography
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Zastosowanie połączenia mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej i chromatografii gazowej do oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w próbkach środowiskowych i pokrewnych=Application of combination of solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography for determination of volatile fatty acids in environmental and related samples
PublikacjaOznaczanie lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych (LKT) w próbkach środowiskowych wymaga najczęściej izolacji i wzbogacania analitów na etapie przygotowania próbek oraz zastosowania techniki o dużym potencjale separacyjnym i identyfikacyjnym na etapie oznaczeń końcowych. W pracy dokonano krytycznego przeglądu zastosowań wygodnej i często stosowanej techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej (SPME) w połączeniu z wysokosprawną techniką...
Modern trends in solid phase extraction: New sorbent media
PublikacjaBased on the recently published literature, this review provides an update of the most important features and application of formats and devices employed in solid phase extraction (SPE). Special attention was paid on new trapping media proposed in SPE prior the chromatography analysis, based on the use of nanostructured materials, including carbon nanomaterials, electrospun nanofibers, dendrimes and magnetic nanoparticles, molecular...
Evaluation of sorption capabilities of biopolymeric microspheres by the solid-phase extraction
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Headspace Liquid-Phase Microextraction of Chlorobenzenes in Soil with Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection
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Deep eutectic solvents with solid supports used in microextraction processes applied for endocrine-disrupting chemicals
PublikacjaThe determination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has become one of the biggest challenges in Analytical Chemistry. Due to the low concentration of these compounds in different kinds of samples, it becomes necessary to employ efficient sample preparation methods and sensitive measurement techniques to achieve low limits of detection. This issue becomes even more struggling when the principles of the Green Analytical Chemistry...
Determination of butyltin stabilizers in PVC using Liquid-Phase microextraction with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
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Solventless sample preparation techniques based on solid- and vapour-phase extraction
PublikacjaThe main objective of this review is to critically evaluate recent developments in solventless sample preparation techniques. The potential of a variety of sample preparation techniques based on solid- and vapour-phase extraction techniques is evaluated. Direct thermal extraction and derivatization processes to facilitate the extraction of analytes in different areas are included. The applicability, disadvantages and advantages...
Solid phase extraction of explosives on Ni-doped carbosils prepared by mechanochemistry
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Novel sorptive extraction techniques in bioanalysis evaluated by Blue Applicability Grade Index: The paradigm of fabric phase sorptive extraction and capsule phase microextraction
PublikacjaFabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE) and capsule phase microextraction (CPME) are two sol-gel derived microextraction techniques that emerged in the last decade towards the minimization of the environmental impact of conventional sample preparation approaches. Complementary to the well-established green metric tools, Blue Applicability Grade Index (BAGI) was recently proposed for the evaluation of method’s practicability. In...
Direct Screening ofWater Samples for Benzene Hydrocarbon Compounds by Headspace Liquid-Phase Microextraction--Gas Chromatography
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Direct screening of ground water samples for fuel oxygenates by headspace liquid phase microextraction–gas chromatography
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Balance of pesticides mass in gas, liquid and solid phase after their chemical degradation.
PublikacjaOpisano metodę usuwania pestycydów z wody przy zastosowaniu fotodegradacji (UV) i katalizatora (TiO2). Efektywność procesu usuwania pestycydów była kontrolowana przy zastosowaniu chromatografu gazowego z detektorem wychwytu elektronów. Oznaczano zawartość pestycydów w wodzie, a także zaadsorbowanych na powierzchni stałej, oraz w fazie gazowej. Największa zawartość pestycydów znajdowała się na fazie stałej, następnie w cieczy i...
The triple-sorbents solid-phase extraction for pharmaceuticals and estrogens determination in wastewater samples
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Solid phase synthesis and biological activity of linear tuftsin and retro-tuftsin derivatives
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono syntezę na fazie stałej nowych pochodnych tuftsyny i retro-tuftsyny i ich mikrobiologiczne właściwości. Otrzymane pochodne zawierały wiązanie izopeptydowe między epsilon-aminową grupą lizyny a takimi aminokwasami jak: Ala, beta-Ala, Val, Ile, Gly.
Solid phase synthesis of conjugates of tuftsin analogues with 1-nitro-acridine derivatives
PublikacjaZsyntetyzowano na fazie stałej koniugaty 1-nitro-akrydyny z pochodnymi tuftsyny modyfikowanymi na grupie epsilon-aminowej lizyny prostymi aminokwasami, np. alaniną, valiną, beta-alaniną. Końcowe produkty były charakteryzowane za pomocą MS, NMR, analizy elementarnej i przekazane do badań ich aktywności przeciwnowotworowej.
Porous Polymer Sorbents in Micro Solid Phase Extraction: Applications, Advantages, and Challenges
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Silicon polypodands: a new class of efficient solid–liquid phase-transfer catalysts
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Application of a new class B-podands in solid–liquid phase transfer catalysis
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A new type of B-podand catalysts for solid–liquid phase transfer reactions
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Matrix solid-phase dispersion with sand in chromatographic analysis of essential oils in herbs
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Solid-phase synthesis and characterization of N-acetylated Gly-His-Lys analogues
PublikacjaZaprezentowano nowe analogi tripeptydu Gly-His-Lys (GHK), stanowiącego sekwencję naturalnie występującą w -II-łańuchu kolagenu, skąd jest uwalniany w stanach zapalnych i w procesach gojenia się ran. Gly-His-Lys jest szeroko stosowany na rynku kosmetycznym w połączeniu z kwasem palmitynowym, który ułatwia jego wnikanie w głąb skóry. Zaplanowane modyfikacje zawierały fragment Gly-X-Y (X=Met, Hyp, Hyp-Met, Gly-Hyp; Y=Lys, D-Lys) i...
Novel materials and approaches for solid-phase (micro) extraction in LC-MS-based metabolomics
PublikacjaMetabolomics offers a unique approach to study biological systems. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry serves as a powerful analytical tool to analyze complex mixtures of metabolites. However, successful metabolomic analysis relies on sample preparation. While untargeted analysis traditionally favors nonselective procedures like liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), these methods can compromise analytical performance due...
Application of deep eutectic solvents in analytical sample pretreatment (update 2017–2022). Part A: Liquid phase microextraction
PublikacjaSustainable development in all branches of human activity has become an unequivocal necessity in the last two decades, and green chemistry goes hand in hand with it. Various ways have been proposed in analytical chemistry to meet the current requirements of green chemistry. One such approach is the research of new reagents and solvents for analytical purposes. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) began being investigated and used in analytical...
Phase separation in poly(butylene terephthalate)-based materials prepared by solid-state modification
PublikacjaThe morphology of a series of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT)/fatty acid dimer diol (FADD)-based copolyesters prepared by solid-state modi fi cation (SSM) was studied. It was shown that in copolyesters containing less than 10 wt% FADD two different phases, i.e. a PBT crystalline phase and a PBT-rich amorphous phase, are present. The FADD residues were more or less homogeneously distributed throughout the interlamellar regions....
Deep eutectic solvents in analytical sample preconcentration Part B: Solid-phase (micro)extraction
PublikacjaOne of the key challenges of modern analytical chemistry is the monitoring of trace amounts of contaminants using sensitive and selective instrumental techniques. Due to the variety and complexity of some samples, it is often necessary to properly prepare a sample and to perform a preconcentration of trace amounts of analytes. In line with the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC), it is important for an analytical procedure...
Solid Phase Photocatalytic Reaction on the Soot/TiO2 Interface: The Role of Migrating OH Radicals
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Distinguishing between polymorphic forms of linezolid by solid-phase electronic and vibrational circular dichroism
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Development and validation of urinary nucleosides and creatinine assay by capillary electrophoresis with solid phase extraction
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Applications of metal organic framework adsorbents for pipette-tip micro solid-phase extraction
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The dispersive micro-solid phase extraction method for MS-based lipidomics of human breast milk*
PublikacjaA simple and rapid microextraction method ensuring high lipidome coverage was developed for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based lipidomics of human breast milk. The dispersive microsolid phase extraction (D-µ-SPE) technique, coupled with the design of experiment (DoE) method, enabled the study of the influence of several conditions (desorption solvent, stationary phase ratio, and sorption and desorption time)...
Monolithic capsule phase microextraction prior to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in environmental water samples
PublikacjaIn this study, a capsule phase microextraction (CPME) protocol followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is proposed for the accurate and sensitive monitoring of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in environmental water samples. Different monolithic sol–gel encapsulated sorbents were compared and monolithic sol–gel poly(ethylene glycol)-based sorbent incorporated into porous microextraction capsules resulted in the highest...
Application of magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic solid-phase extraction in preparing biological, environmental and food samples
PublikacjaThe need to obtain meaningful results as the basis for determining the content of trace amounts of analytes has become the driving force behind the development of modern analytical techniques, including sample-preparation techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE). Recently, great interest was aroused in the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in SPE. These materials exhibit high selectivity, and, in small amounts, can provide...
The solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction method revisited. Application for the determination of anionic surfactants
PublikacjaA new approach in solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction (SA-DSPE) procedure using a supercooled liquid was developed. It demonstrates the first use of a supercooled liquid in this technique, in particular, and in chemical analysis in general. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work devoted to the determination of the total concentration of anionic surfactants (as LAS, Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate)...
Determination of pesticides in water using new solid phase extraction technique - speedisk and speedisk column.
PublikacjaW publikacji opisano zastosowanie nowych narzędzi do ekstrakcji do fazy stałej: szybkie dyski i szybkie kolumienki (speedisk i speedisk column). Zaprezentowano ich zastosowanie do ekstrakcji pestycydów z próbek wody, przy zastosowaniu różnych rozpuszczalników.