Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FACTOR STRUCTURE
The INTERSTROKE Study: hypertension is by far the most important modifiable risk factor for stroke
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Further evidence that oxidative stress may be a risk factor responsible for the development of atherosclerosis
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Household standards and socio-economic aspects as a factor determining energy consumption in the city
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Perceived supervisor support as a relevant factor for subordinates’ job satisfaction – model verification
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Modern information technology as a factor supporting participation in physical culture of a contemporary man
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Dermal white adipose tissue development and metabolism: The role of transcription factor Foxn1
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Limits to arbitrage, investor sentiment, and factor returns in international government bond markets
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The pH Value as a Factor Modifying Bacterial Colonization of Sinonasal Mucosa in Healthy Persons
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The Phytoestrogen Genistein Modulates Lysosomal Metabolism and Transcription Factor EB (TFEB) Activation
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Temperature effect on the current-voltage characteristic fill factor for the silicon solar cells
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania wpływu temperatury pracy krzemowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych na wartość współczynnika wypełnienia charakterystyki prądowo- napięciowej (FF). Efekty dyfuzyjne w obszarze złącza oraz rekombinacja nośników ładunku ograniczają wartość współczynnika wypełnienia charakterystyki. Spadek tej wartości wynika głównie ze wzrostu wartości rezystancji szeregowej rs. Na rezystancję szeregową składają się: opór emitera...
The formal safety assessment and influence of human factor in application to chosen ship's type
PublikacjaTragedia jednego ze statków typu ro-ro pokazała podatność tego typu statków na utratę stateczności, przewrócenie się, a w ostateczności zatonięcie. Wszystkie ro-rowce charakteryzują się małym zanurzeniem, a wynurzona część kadłuba podatna jest na działanie wiatru. Jeżeli dodatkowo w takich warunkach dochodzi element nieprawidłowego rozmieszczenia pojazdów i ich słabego zamocowania to groźba przesunięcia ładunku staje się realna....
Strength deterioration of 26H2MF and 34HNM steels used in ship engines: hydrogen factor
PublikacjaBadano podatność stali 26H2MF i 34HNM poddanych różnej obróbce cieplnej na niszczenie wodorowe. Badania wykonano metodą powolnego rozciągania z szybkością 10-6 s-1. Określano wytrzymałość, wydłużenie, przewężenie i energię zniszczenia. Stwierdzono znaczna degradację w 0,01 M kwasie siarkowym z dodatkiem arszeniku. Wykazano istnienie korelacji między obróbką cieplną i stopniem degradacji. Efekty przypisano pułapkowaniu wodoru.
High Q-factor Microwave Fabry-Perot Resonator With Distributed Bragg Reflectors
PublikacjaZrealizowany został rezonator Fabry-Perot pracujący na częstotliwości 39 GHz i wykorzystujący dwie pary ćwierćfalowych kwarcowych reflektorów Bragga. Dla fali o długości 98.26 mm otrzymano dobroć ok. 560,000, co oznacza 4.3-krotny wzrost w porównaniu z identycznym rezonatorem bez reflektorów Bragga. Analizę problemu wykonano przy pomocy metody różnic skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości (FDFD) i porównano z uproszczonym rozwiązaniem...
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of pollutants as a factor influencing their redistribution during snowpack melt
PublikacjaGlaciers accumulate organic pollutants delivered by snow. However, our understanding of the exact dynamics of organic pollutants in the snowpack relies primarily on laboratory experiments and mathematical models. To fill the gap related to the detailed field data, we have conducted observations of melting snow profiles in two locations and three different stages of melting on one High Arctic glacier, as well as in superimposed...
The aspect of continuous improvement as a factor determining achieving competitive advantage on the labor market - case study
PublikacjaThe article presents an introduction to the concept of continuous improvement as a factor determining achieving competitive advantage on the labor market based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes continuous improvement idea and their tools that can be used in practice by the new employees on the market. The entire publication is summarized by the conclusion and a list...
Scaling of signed residue numbers with mixed-radix conversion in FPGA with extended scaling factor selection
PublikacjaA scaling technique of signed residue numbers in FPGA is proposed. The technique is based on conversion of residue numbers to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS). The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of MRS terms, the subsequent generation of residue representations of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations and generation of residues...
Are the short cationic lipopeptides bacterial membrane disruptors? Structure-Activity Relationship and molecular dynamic evaluation
PublikacjaShort cationic lipopeptides are amphiphilic molecules that exhibit antimicrobial activity mainly against Grampositives. These compounds bind to bacterial membranes and disrupt their integrity. Here we examine the structure-activity relation (SAR) of lysine-based lipopeptides, with a prospect to rationally design more active compounds. The presented study aims to explain how antimicrobial activity of lipopeptides is affected by...
Explicit Size-Reduction of Circularly Polarized Antennas through Constrained Optimization with Penalty Factor Adjustment
PublikacjaModern communication systems of high data capacity incorporate circular polarization (CP) as the preferred antenna radiation field configuration. In many applications, integration of the system circuitry with antennas imposes size limitations on CP radiators, which makes their development process a challenging endeavor. This can be mitigated by means of simulation-driven design, specifically, constrained numerical optimization....
Resiliency as a factor protecting youths from risky behaviour: Moderating effects of gender and sport
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The affective temperaments as a prognostic factor in the course of alcohol addiction – a key to enhance diagnoses and therapy?
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CD105 and placental growth factor – Potent prognostic factors in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
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A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand and B-Cell Activating Factor Are Upregulated in Patients with Essential Thrombocythemia
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Trust in the source of received information as a factor related to public perception of shale gas drilling
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Dry cutting effect in turning of a duplex stainless steel as a key factor in clean production
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Triazolopeptides Inhibiting the Interaction between Neuropilin-1 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-165
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Nitric Oxide Synthase 2 Promoter Polymorphism Is a Risk Factor for Allergic Asthma in Children
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Human factor and functional Safety analysis = Czynniki ludzkie i analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego
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Stakeholders Satisfaction Index as an Important Factor of Improving Quality Management Systems of Universities in Poland
PublikacjaThe following article analyses the role of stakeholders in selected methods of assessing the quality of educational services of universities and discusses quality management systems according to Common Assessment Framework for education. Furthermore, it presents the example of method of stakeholder satisfaction measurement called Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI) which is an original proposal of an aggregate measure of satisfaction...
The geometry of free-standing titania nanotubes as a critical factor controlling their optical and photoelectrochemical performance
PublikacjaTitanium dioxide nanotubes are regarded as one of the most important functional materials and due to their unique electronic properties, chemical stability and photocorrosion resistance, they find applications in, for example, highly efficient photocatalysis or perovskite solar cells. Nevertheless, modification of TiO2 nanotubes is required to overcome their main drawback, i.e. large energy bandgap (>3.2 eV) limiting their ability...
PublikacjaEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
Selecting an Applicable Cybersecurity Assessment Framework: Qualitative Metrics-Based Multiple-Factor Analysis
PublikacjaRecently, a survey of cybersecurity assessment methods focused on general characteristics was conducted. Among its major findings, it revealed the methods’ adoption issues. This paper presents a follow-up to the study. It provides an in-depth analysis of the methods’ adoption-related properties based on qualitative metrics. As a result, the proposals which demonstrate a higher adoption potential were identified. The methods are...
Determination of COD Fractionation as a Key Factor for Appropriate Modelling and Monitoring of Activated Sludge Processes
PublikacjaAn operation of wastewater treatment plant is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time, sludge age, concentration of ammonia and dissolved oxygen, etc. It is considered that, together with the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD), those parameters indirectly exhibit the effectiveness of activated sludge processes. Especially the BOD indicate the amount of organic pollution that...
A 0.5 V Nanowatt Biquadratic Low-Pass Filter with Tunable Quality Factor for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublikacjaA novel implementation of an analogue low-power, second-order, low-pass filter with tunable quality factor (Q) is presented and discussed. The filter feature is a relatively simple, buffer-based, circuit network consisting of eleven transistors operating in a subthreshold region. Q tuning is accomplished by injecting direct current into a network node, which changes the output resistance of the transistors and, as a result, modifies...
DSC and TG results for strontium ferrite molybdate: pristine La, or Nb-doped
Dane BadawczeThis dataset consists of DSC and TG data collected for SFM, LSFM (La-doped) and SFMNb (Nb-doped) compounds, which were undertaken to analyze the reoxidation process of reduced compounds and its transition to double-perovskite structure .The appropriate amount of the powder (~10 mg with 10% tolerance factor) were placed into the alumina crucible and...
Angiopoietin-like growth factor-derived peptides as biological activators of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
PublikacjaAdipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AD-MSCs) are an essential issue in modern medicine. Extensive preclinical and clinical studies have shown that mesenchymal stromal/stem cells, including AD-MSCs, have specific properties (ability to differentiate into other cells, recruitment to the site of injury) of particular importance in the regenerative process. Ongoing research aims to elucidate factors supporting AD-MSC culture...
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental research of stability of a truss with side elastic supports at the top chord. The structure is a model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. The linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis were carried out. The buckling length factor for the compressed top chord was calculated and the limit load for the imperfect truss shell model with respect to brace stiffness...
System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing
PublikacjaThe authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...
Mapping the Structural and Dynamic Determinants of pH-Sensitive Heparin Binding to Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
PublikacjaGranulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF) is an immunomodulatory cytokine that is harnessed as a therapeutic. GMCSF is known to interact with other clinically important molecules, such as heparin, suggesting that endogenous and administered GMCSF has the potential to modulate orthogonal treatment outcomes. Thus, molecular level characterization of GMCSF and its interactions with biologically active compounds is critical...
Linalool as a novel natural factor enhancing ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of American ginseng
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Linalool as a novel natural factor enhancing ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of American ginseng
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UGT1A1gene polymorphism as a potential factor inducing iron overload in the pathogenesis of type 1 hereditary hemochromatosis
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The Level of FGF 21 as a New Risk Factor for the Occurrence of Cardiometabolic Disorders amongst the Psoriatic Patients
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Redox reactions of the FAD-containing apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) with quinoidal xenobiotics: A mechanistic study
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Polish version of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) by Wegner and Zanakos: factor analysis and reliability
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Postoperative Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as an Overall Mortality Midterm Prognostic Factor following OPCAB Procedures
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The effect of cabbage juice and its active components on transcription factor Nrf2 in breast cell lines
PublikacjaObniżenie zagrożenia chorobami nowotworowymi w przypadku diety bogatej w kapustę wiąże się ze zdolnością bioaktywnych związków tego warzywa do indukowania enzymów ochronnych 2. fazy będacych pod kontrolą czynnika transkrypcyjnego Nrf2. Zbadano wpływ soków z kapusty na poziom Nrf2 w komórkach unieśmiertelnionych i nowotworowych linii odpowiednio MCF10A i MCF-7. W obu przypadkach obserwowano wzrost poziomu tego czynnika oraz jego...
An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
PublikacjaPolymer composites are used in all branches of industry, with numerous applications. Despite the many years of modifying commodity polymers, using novel fillers allows the range of their applicability to be extended. The impact of new types of fillers on the polymer matrix is not always predictable and requires further studies. The presented study analyzed the application of gypsum as a filler for composites based on high-density...
Low-Voltage Low-Power Filters with Independent ω0 and Q Tuning for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublikacjaAn acoustic second-order low-pass filter is proposed for filter banks emulating the operation of a human cochlea. By using a special filter structure and an innovative quality (Q)-factor tuning technique, an independent change of the cutoff frequency (ω0) and the Q-factor with unchanged gain at low frequencies is achieved in this filter. The techniques applied result in a simple filter design with low Q-factor sensitivity to component...