Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: advanced oxidation processes (aops)
Recent trends in advanced oxidation process-based degradation of erythromycin: Pollution status, eco-toxicity and degradation mechanism in aquatic ecosystems
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Mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles decorated KTaO 3 photocatalysts with improved Vis and UV–Vis light activity
PublikacjaNew mono- and bimetallic nanoparticle-decorated perovskite-type KTaO3 photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal reaction followed by photodeposition of MNPs/BNPs. The effect of noble metal type, amount of metal precursor as well as photoreduction method on the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of MNPs- and BNPs-KTaO3 have been investigated. Photocatalytic activity under Vis light irradiation was estimated...
Monometallic nanoparticles decorated and rare earth ions doped KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 photocatalysts with enhanced pollutant decomposition and improved H2 generation
PublikacjaNew, monometallic nanoparticles (MNPs) decorated surface and rare earth (RE) ions doped lattice of perovskite-type (KTaO3)/pyrochlore-type (K2Ta2O6) photocatalysts were successfully prepared by facile hydrothermal incorporation of RE ions into KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 lattices followed by photodeposition of MNPs. The impact of noble metal type (MNPs = Au, Pt, Rh) and rare earth dopant type (RE = Er, Pr) on the physicochemical properties correlated...
Advanced welding processes, W, L, P, Mechanical Engineering, second-cycle studies, sem. 02, 2022/2023
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Advanced welding processes, W, L, P, Mechanical Engineering, second-cycle studies, sem. 02, 2024/2025
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Advanced oxidation (H2O2 and/or UV) of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNT-OH and CNT-COOH) and its influence on the stabilization of CNTs in water and tannic acid solution
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Solid Supports and New Advanced Materials used in Microextraction processes Metal-organic framework-based solid-phase microextraction for air samples analysis: a mini-review
PublikacjaSPME methods are now extremely popular. Recent advances in SPME have focused on the development of new materials as sorbent coatings capable of providing high extraction efficiencies, as well as high selectivity with high mechanical and chemical stability. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have become an extremely popular material due to their unique properties (large surface area, selective gas adsorption, tunable structures, high...
Jolanta Łopatowska dr inż.
OsobyJolanta Łopatowska, adiunkt w Katedrze Inżynierii Zarządzania i Jakości na Wydziale Zarzadzania i Ekonomii, jest absolwentką Wydziału Elektroniki PG i Instytutu Organizacji i Projektowania Systemów Produkcyjnych PG oraz doktorem w dyscyplinie nauk ekonomicznych. Jej zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze koncentrują się wokół zaawansowanych organizacyjnie i technologicznie systemów produkcyjnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów...
Aneta Łuczkiewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyProwadzę badania nad zdolnościami adaptacyjnymi mikroorganizmów oraz możliwością ich wykorzystania do wspomagania procesów technologicznych. Łączę inżynierię środowiska z elementami inżynierii biomedycznej i materiałowej. Interesują mnie nowatorskie metody detekcji mikroorganizmów istotnych klinicznie w środowisku wodnym (tzw. epidemiologia oparta na ściekach) oraz zaawansowane i praktyczne rozwiązania w sektorze gospodarki wodnej....
Janusz Cieśliński prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodził się 15 kwietnia 1954 r. w Słupsku. Jest absolwentem Wydziału Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej (1978), z którą związał całe swoje życie zawodowe. W 1986 r. obronił doktorat, w 1997 r. – habilitację, w 2006 r. – uzyskał tytuł profesora. Pełnił funkcje prodziekana ds. nauki Wydziału Mechanicznego przez dwie kadencje (2002–2008) oraz kierownika: Katedry Maszyn Przemysłu Spożywczego (2002–2006), Katedry Ekoinżynierii i...
Catalytic Degradation of Safranin T in Aqueous Medium Using Non-conventional Processes
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Photodegradation of Benzo-[a]-pyrene on the Surface of the Photocatalytic Paints and Analysis of the Degradation Products
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Application of photocatalytic paint for destruction of benzo[a]pyrene. Impact of air humidity
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TiO2-Nitrogen Modified for Water Decolourisation under VIS Radiation
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TiO2/C Photocatalyst Prepared by Ethanol Vapour Treatment of TiO(OH)2
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Activity of TiO2 Photocatalyst Modified with H2WO4 for Degradation of Organic Compounds in Water
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FTIR Studies of the Surface of TiO2, Fe-TiO2 and Fe-C-TiO2 Photocatalysts in Phenol Oxidation Via the Photo-Fenton Process
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Effect of TiO2 Precursor on the Photoactivity of Fe-C-TiO2 Photocatalysts for Acid Red (AR) Decomposition
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Preparation of TiO2/C Photocatalyst by Ethanol Modification of Hydrolysed Titania TiO(OH)2 in a Pressure Reactor
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The Photocatalytic Performance of Benzene- Modified TiO2 Photocatalysts under UV-vis Light Irradiation
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Characterization of TiO2 Modified with Bimetallic Ag/Au Nanoparticles Obtained in Microemulsion System
PublikacjaFotokatalizatory TiO2 modyfikowane nanocząstkami bimetalicznymi Ag/Au przygotowano metodą mikroemulsyjną w układzie woda/surfaktant/cykloheksan. Aktywność fotokatalityczna próbek Ag/Au-TiO2 oszacowano przez wyznaczenie stopnia degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła VIS. Fenol został użyty jako model zanieczyszczeń, ponieważ jest substancją niebezpieczną dla środowiska. Najwyższą aktywność w zakresie światła widzialnego wykazała...
Wastewater Engineering 2020/21 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment. Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox). Implementation...
Wyniki sulfammox (SRAO)
Dane BadawczeTwo granular sequencing batch reactors were operated for 160 days under anammox conditions, comparing the Anammox process and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation process. The study aimed to investigate whether increasing the concentration of SO42- could enhance N removal rates under anaerobic conditions, and whether SO42- reduction and anammox processes...
Nina Rizun dr
OsobyNina Rizun jest adiunktem na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W październiku 1999 r. uzyskała stopień doktora nauk technicznych za specjalizacją Gospodarka przedsiębiorstwa i organizacja produkcji. W latach 1993–2000 pracowała na Wydziale Informatyki Ekonomicznej w Akademji Metalurgicznej, Dnipro, Ukraina. W latach 2000–2016 – na Wydziale Cybernetyki Ekonomicznej i Metod Matematycznych na Uniwersytecie Alfreda...
Wastewater Engineering 2021/22 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2022/23 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2024/25 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2023/24 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Vitamin C by Voltammetric Methods
PublikacjaVoltammetric methods—cyclic (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) are considered the most appropriate way to evaluate antioxidant activity of redox active compounds. They provide information about both mechanism and kinetics of electrochemical oxidation of antioxidants as well as their physical and chemical properties such as the redox potential or the number of electrons transferred. These methods are helpful for understanding...
Insightful Analysis of Phenomena Arising at the Metal|Polymer Interphase of Au-Ti Based Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensitive Electrodes Covered by Nafion
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on the examination of glucose oxidation processes at an electrode material composed of gold nanoparticles embedded in a titanium template. Three dierent conditions were investigated: the chloride content in the electrolyte, its ionic conductivity and the presence of a Nafion coating. The impact of the provided environment on the oxidation reaction was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance...
LIDAR data from a survey conducted in the vicinity of the town of Lake Lednica
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data was obtained during research aimed at utilizing LiDAR observations to assess changes occurring in the shoreline of Lake Lednica. The collected information comes from a spatial survey conducted using a scanner mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (ALS, in the IR channel). This advanced measurement system allows for precise registration...
Recent advances in electrochemically surface treated titanium and its alloys for biomedical applications: A review of anodic and plasma electrolytic oxidation methods
PublikacjaNowadays, titanium and its alloys are widely used materials in implantology. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge is still its appropriate surface treatment in order to induce optimal properties, which facilitates formation of a permanent bond between the implant and human tissue. The use of electrochemical treatment such as anodic oxidation or plasma electrolytic oxidation allows for the production of porous coating that mimics...
Marek Tobiszewski dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodzony 07.04.1984 roku w Gdańsku. W 2012 roku obronił z wyróżnieniem doktorat, w 2017 roku uzyskał habilitację na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego „Opracowanie służących do oceny uciążliwości środowiskowej procedur analitycznych i rozpuszczalników”. Pracuje w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej od 2012 roku. Jego zainteresowania naukowe łączą analitykę chemiczną, zwłaszcza analityka związków organicznych w próbkach środowiskowych, z...
Preparation of MnCo2O4 and Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 single-layer, and novel MnCo2O4/ Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 dual-layer spinel protective coatings on complex-shaped metallic interconnects by EPD method
PublikacjaCeramic protective coatings applied to metallic interconnects play a vital role in solid oxide cells (SOCs) preventing interconnect degradation. In this study, uniform, dense, and crack-free single-layer coatings of MnCo2O4, Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4, and dual-layer coatings of MnCo2O4/ Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 spinel are deposited onto complex-shaped metallic interconnect using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method. The porosity of sintered MnCo2O4...
Materials Design for the Titanium Scaffold Based Implant
PublikacjaThe main objective of here presented research is a design the scaffold/porous titanium(Ti) alloy based composite material demonstrating better biocompatibility, longer lifetime andbioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants. The development of such material is proposed bymaking a number of consecutive tasks. Modelling the mechanical, biomechanical and biologicalbehavior of porous titanium structure and an elaboration of results...
Materials Design for the Titanium Scaffold Based Implant
PublikacjaThe main objective of here presented research is a design the scaffold/porous titanium(Ti) alloy based composite material demonstrating better biocompatibility, longer lifetime andbioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants. The development of such material is proposed bymaking a number of consecutive tasks. Modelling the mechanical, biomechanical and biologicalbehavior of porous titanium structure and an elaboration of results...
Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives
PublikacjaThis work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...
Nanostructures fabrication with use of electrical AFM litography
Dane BadawczeIn the last 10 years, one of the nanotechnological trends has been observed, consisting in the development of new variants of computer memory systems with high capacity and speed of access, using quantum dots. One of the techniques for creating nanodots and other nanostructures is based on the use of an atomic force microscope acting as a lithographic...
Recent advances in aqueous virus removal technologies
PublikacjaThe COVID-19 outbreak has triggered a massive research, but still urgent detection and treatment of this virus seems a public concern. The spread of viruses in aqueous environments underlined efficient virus treatment processes as a hot challenge. This review critically and comprehensively enables identifying and classifying advanced biochemical, membrane-based and disinfection processes for effective treatment of virus-contaminated...
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublikacjaThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
A grey box model of glucose fermentation and syntrophic oxidation in microbial fuel cells
PublikacjaIn this work, the fermentative and oxidative processes taking place in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) fed with glucose were studied and modeled. The model accounting for the bioelectrochemical processes was based on ordinary, Monod-type differential equations. The model parameters were estimated using experimental results obtained from three H-type MFCs operated at open or closed circuits and fed with glucose or ethanol. The experimental...
Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials
PublikacjaSeries of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery...
Water uptake kinetics and electrical transport in BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−δ (M = Tb, Pr, Fe) protonic conductors
PublikacjaBaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d (M = Fe, Pr, Tb) is a mixed conducting oxide in which three mobile charge carriers – oxygen ion, electron/hole, and protonic defects – are present. These types of materials have gained much interest as electrode materials for protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) and protonic ceramic electrolysis cells (PCECs). In this study, the water uptake and oxygen transport properties of different BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d...
Daniel Gromadzki Phd., Eng., Assistant Professor dr inż.
OsobyDr. Daniel Gromadzki, PhD, specjalizuje się w chemii polimerów, biomateriałach i technologiach zrównoważonych. Uzyskał tytuł doktora w dziedzinie chemii makromolekularnej na Akademii Nauk Republiki Czeskiej oraz Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze, co ugruntowało jego wiedzę w zakresie zaawansowanej syntezy polimerów i ich zastosowań. Biegle włada wieloma językami, w tym polskim, angielskim, niemieckim, czeskim i francuskim, dzięki czemu...
Investigation of the Efficiency of a Dual-Fuel Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber with a Plasma‒Chemical Element
PublikacjaThe study is devoted to the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the working process in dual-fuel combustion chambers of gas turbine engines for FPSO vessels. For the first time, it is proposed to use the advantages of plasma‒chemical intensification of the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the dual-fuel combustion chambers, which can simultaneously operate on gaseous and liquid fuels. A design scheme of a combustion chamber...
Chemical denudation and the role of sulfide oxidation at Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard
PublikacjaThis study aims to determine the rate of chemical denudation and the relationships between dominant geochemical reactions operating in the proglacial and subglacial environments of the polythermal glacier Werenskioldbreen (SW Svalbard) during an entire ablation season. Water sampling for major ion chemistry was performed at a proglacial hydrometric station and from subglacial outflows from May to September 2011. These data were...
Closing the loop: Upcycling secondary waste materials into nanoarchitectured carbon composites for the electrochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals
PublikacjaIn this study, we demonstrated the application of electrochemical oxidation as a safer and cleaner technology for minimizing the impact of pharmaceuticals in wastewaters, simultaneously mediated by upcycled secondary waste materials (SWMs)-derived electrodes, to further reduce their environmental impact. The modularity, scalability, ease of operation and reliability make electrochemical oxidation an ideal process for the destruction...
Smart Innovation Engineering: Toward Intelligent Industries of the Future
PublikacjaKnowledge-based Engineering Systems are founded upon integration of knowledge into computer systems and are one of the core requirements for the future Industry 4.0. This paper presents a system called Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) capable of facilitating product innovation process semi-automatically. It enhances decision-making processes by using the explicit knowledge of formal decision events. The SIE system carries the...
Model-Based Evaluation of N2O Production Pathways in the Anammox-Enriched Granular Sludge Cultivated in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaA mechanistic model was developed as an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 to describe three nitrous oxide (N2O) production pathways in a laboratory-scale anammox-enriched granular sequencing batch reactor. Heterotrophic denitrification and two processes mediated by ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB), that is, ammonia (NH4+) oxidation via hydroxylamine (NH2OH) and autotrophic denitrification, were considered. A systematic...
Effect of double thermal and electrochemical oxidation on titanium alloys for medical applications
PublikacjaThe research focuses on the development and characterization of innovative thin hybrid oxide coatings obtained in subsequent processes of thermal (TO) and electrochemical (EO) oxidation. Four different surface modifications were investigated and the microstructure was determined, the mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy were assessed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersion analysis,...