Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ACOUSTICS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ACOUSTICS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ACOUSTICS

  • Detection Range of Intercept Sonar for CWFM Signals


    Stealth in military sonars applications may be ensured through the use of low power signals making them difficult to intercept by the enemy. In recent years, silent sonar design has been investigated by the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. This article provides an analysis of how an intercept sonar operated by the enemy can detect silent sonar signals. To that end a theoretical intercept...

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  • Variable Ratio Sample Rate Conversion Based on Fractional Delay Filter


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2014

    In this paper a sample rate conversion algorithm which allows for continuously changing resampling ratio has been presented. The proposed implementation is based on a variable fractional delay filter which is implemented by means of a Farrow structure. Coefficients of this structure are computed on the basis of fractional delay filters which are designed using the offset window method. The proposed approach allows us to freely...

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  • Experimental Study of Silent Sonar


    Stealth is a frequent requirement in military applications and involves the use of devices whose signals are difficult to intercept or identify by the enemy. The silent sonar concept was studied and developed at the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. The work included a detailed theoretical analysis, computer simulations and some experimental research. The results of the theoretical...

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  • Underwater Acoustic Imaging of the Sea

    Acoustic waves are a carrier of information mainly in environments where the use of other types of waves, for example electromagnetic waves, is limited. The term acoustical imaging is widely used in the ultrasonic engineering to imaging areas in which the acoustic waves propagate. In particular, ultrasound is widely used in the visualization of human organs - ultrasonography (Nowicki, 2010). Expanding the concept, acoustical imaging...

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  • Classification of Music Genres Based on Music Separation into Harmonic and Drum Components . Klasyfikacja gatunków muzycznych wykorzystująca separację instrumentów muzycznych


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2014

    This article presents a study on music genre classification based on music separation into harmonic and drum components. For this purpose, audio signal separation is executed to extend the overall vector of parameters by new descriptors extracted from harmonic and/or drum music content. The study is performed using the ISMIS database of music files represented by vectors of parameters containing music features. The Support Vector...

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  • Digital waveguide models of the panpipes

    W artykule przedstawiono główne cechy syntezy falowodowej. Omówiono cechy instrumentu fletni Pana. Przedyskutowano cechy zaproponowanych dwóch modeli fletni Pana różniących się złożonością obliczeniową. Pokazano szczegóły implementacyjne tych modeli, a także uzyskane wyniki symulacji dźwięków w modelach. Dokonano porównania dźwięków rzeczywistych i uzyskanych w wyniku syntezy falowodowej.

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  • Heating caused by a non periodic ultrasound. Theory and calculations on pulse and stationary sources.


    Przedstawiono teorię ewolucji ogrzewania na skutek przejścia fali akustycznej każdego typu. Przedyskutowano obliczenia na podstawie nowych wzorów dla fali impulsowej i uderzeniowej. Wzory zgadzają się z klasycznymi w wypadku fal okresowych.

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  • Experiments and FE analyses on airborne sound properties of composite structural insulated panels


    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki doświadczalne i numeryczne odnośnie właściwości akustycznych paneli budowlanych. Jako panele zastosowano płyty kompozytowe konstrukcyjno-izolacyjne CSIP. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano MES stosując podejście zaproponowane w pakiecie ABAQUS. Wyniki MES porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Zaproponowano różne spsoby poprawy właściwości akustycznych paneli.

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  • Jacek Marszal dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Jacek Marszal, prof. nadzw. PG  ukończył w roku 1977 studia magisterskie na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej w zakresie Aparatury Elektronicznej. W 1989 r. uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie Telekomunikacja, a w roku 2014  stopień doktora habilitowanego w tej samej dyscyplinie. Jego specjalnością naukową jest hydroakustyka. Bezpośrednio po ukończeniu studiów rozpoczął pracę na Wydziale...

  • Józef Kotus dr hab. inż.

  • Krzysztof Bikonis dr inż.

  • Katarzyna Wojan dr hab.

    Doktor habilitowany nauk humanistycznych w zakresie językoznawstwa; rusycystka i fennistka; profesor uczelni w Instytucie Skandynawistyki i Fennistyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; w latach 2016–2019 pełniła funkcję kierownika Pracowni Języka, Kultury i Gospodarki Finlandii; założycielka i kierownik Pracowni Leksykograficzno-Bibliograficznej oraz Pracowni Języka Fińskiego na Wydziale Filologicznym UG. Autorka i współautorka ponad 200...

  • Towards Audio Signal Equalization Based on Spectral Characteristics of a Listening Room and Music Content Reproduced


    - Rok 2018

    This study presents investigations of the influence of the room acoustics on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback. First, the concept of a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the room spectral response, a system for room acoustics compensation based on an equalizer designed is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre recognized automatically....

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  • Acoustical Standards Used in Design of School Spaces = Standardy akustyczne używane w projektowaniu przestrzeni szkoły


    Artykuł prezentuje wytyczne projektowania akustyki wnętrz w pomieszczeniach szkolnych zawarte w europejskich i amerykańskich standardach technicznych. Opisane są także aktualne polskie przepisy odnoszące się do akustyki wnętrza. We wnioskach zaprezentowano wytyczne dla poprawy komfortu akustycznego w szkołach. // Design guidelines for interior acoustics in learning spaces included in European and American technical standards and...

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    A research study presents investigations of the influence of the room acoustics on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback. First, a concept of a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the room spectral response, a system for room acoustics compensation based on an equalizer designed is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre recognized automatically....

  • Adaptacja akustyczna pomieszczenia wykładowego - studium przypadku


    - Rok 2018

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę rozkładu pola akustycznego sali wykładowej znajdującej się w budynku Wydziału Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Politechniki Gdańskiej. Badania przeprowadzono metodą pomiarową oraz symulacyjną z wykorzystaniem programu Odeon. Wybór parametrów oceny akustyki wnętrz sugerowany jest wymaganiami stawianymi pomieszczeniom lekcyjnym z zaznaczeniem multimedialnego charakteru wykładów prowadzonych...

  • Underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen, at the front of the Hans Glacier

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • J. Tegowski
    • O. Glowacki
    • M. Ciepły
    • M. Błaszczyk
    • J. Jania
    • M. Moskalik
    • P. Blondel
    • G. Deane

    The data includes underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen at the front of the Hans Glacier between 05/09/2013 and 30/09/2013. A description of the data is in the article

  • A concept of Signal Equalization Method Based on Music Genre and the Listener's Room Characteristics


    - Rok 2016

    A research study that investigates the influence of the room acoustics environment on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback is presented. First, a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the frequency response of the room, a system for room acoustics compensation based on eight-band equalizer is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre. In...

  • Time-Domain Description of Point-Source Acoustic Wavefields as a Useful Approach in Ultrasonic Techniques


    - Rok 2011

    In traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...

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  • Time-domain description of point-source acoustic wavefields as a useful approach in ultrasonic techniques


    - Rok 2012

    In traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...

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  • Eugeniusz Kozaczka prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Creating dynamic maps of noise threat using pl-grid infrastructure; materiały konferencyjne

    This paper presents functionality and operation results of the system for creating dynamic maps of noise thread with the use of the PL-Grid infrastructure integrated with distributed sensors network for measuring, modeling and rendering noise level distribution. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project. Specific computational environments, so called domain grids,...

  • Local dynamics of fluids and dielectrics as the foundation of signal-carrying wave properties


    - Rok 2014

    This paper develops an original approach to fundamental problems of classical linear acoustics and electromagnetics, proving a crucial role of doubly-dynamic local properties of a propagation medium in supporting wave-like fields able to carry information signals. The proof is composed of two steps concerning, subsequently, fluid acoustics and dielectric electromagnetics. The first step consists in complementing a common, practically...

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  • Efficient quadrature for fast oscillating integralof paraxial optics


    The study concerns the determination of quadrature for the integral solutionof the paraxial wave equation. The difficulty in computation of the integral isassociated with the rapid change of the integrand phase. The developed quadraturetakes into account the fast oscillating character of the integrand. The presentedmethod is an alternative to the commonly used methods based on the use of theFourier transform. The determination...

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  • How Machine Learning Contributes to Solve Acoustical Problems

    • M. A. Roch
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • Z. Michalopoulou

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Rok 2021

    Machine learning is the process of learning functional relationships between measured signals (called percepts in the artificial intelligence literature) and some output of interest. In some cases, we wish to learn very specific relationships from signals such as identifying the language of a speaker (e.g. Zissman, 1996) which has direct applications such as in call center routing or performing a music information retrieval task...

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  • Radio Simulcasting at a Glance: a New Look at Broadcasting and Streaming Services


    - Rok 2018

    Radio is by far one of the most popular and accessible medium. With its availability it attracts listeners all around the world. There are numerous ways of delivering content to consumers. The present situation is characterized by the convergence of acoustics, computer science and telecommunications. This paper reviews the current status of radio broadcasting and streaming services. It describes a subjective study concerning different...

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  • Action-reaction based synthesis of acoustic wavefield equations


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2011

    The analysis of acoustic fields is usually based on the well-known mathematics of second order partial differential equations called wave equations. The author explores the duality and symmetry of linear fluid mechanics and develops two distinct equations of acoustics on the basis of a causal approach to local small-scale phenomena. Wavefields that are solutions of these equations have different composition, the spherical pressure...

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  • Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler


    - Rok 2010

    The paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...

  • Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods


    Searching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...

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  • Multibeam Sonar Data Processing for Seafloor Classification


    Despite many years of the development of methodology for sensing the seafloor by means of underwater acoustics, the currently used techniques are still not mature enough and not ready to be utilised in numerous different (i.e. with respect to a water region character, used equipment type etc.) tasks. Therefore the hydroacoustic methods, both utilising vertical observations (e.g. by singlebeam echosounders), as well as those relying...

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    Artykuł opisuje użycie blachy kortenowej jako dominującego materiału wykończeniowego na elewacjach i we wnętrzach budynku o przesłaniu symbolicznym. Przedstawiono architektoniczne przesłanki, uzasadniające jednorodność zastosowanego materiału. Na tym tle omówiono wpływ blachy kortenowej na akusty-kę pomieszczeń, wraz z podaniem kroków zaradczych redukujących nadmierną pogłosowość i zwiększających stopień rozproszenia dźwięku. Pozytywnym...

  • Grażyna Grelowska prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Adaptive Identification of Underwater Acoustic Channel with a Mix of Static and Time-Varying Parameters


    - Rok 2022

    We consider the problem of identification of communication channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such scenarios are typical, among others, in underwater acoustics. In this paper, we further develop adaptive algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle resulting in excellent performance when identifying time-varying systems. The main drawback of an LBF algorithm is its high complexity. The subsequently...

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  • Searching of the buried objects in the sea bottom by means of noninvasive methods


    - Rok 2012

    Searching of objects on the seabed or under its surface currently is a challenge for a number of researchers interested in the sea bottom. The problem relates to the objects on the depths of up to several tens of meters from the surface of the seabed. Finding the objects is the subject of interest for a wide group of users starting from archaeologists, and ending on groups interested in marine safety, as well as in military application...

  • Measurements of transmission properties of Acoustic Communication Channels


    Tough transmission properties of shallow water acoustic channels (SWAC) highly limit the use of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. An adaptive matching of modulation and signaling schemes to instantaneous channel conditions is needed for reliabledata communications. This creates, however, unique challenges for designers when compared to radio transmission systems. When communication system elements are in move, the...

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  • Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense...

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  • Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications


    Large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency...

  • On Some Aspects of Fish Target Strength Estimation in Shallow Waters


    - Rok 2013

    The theory of acoustic surveys for determining fish abundance are well established in fishery acoustics. The origins of the estimation are related to overcoming the problem of unknown position of target in the beam using statistical inversion. Although recently researchers use more sophisticated echosounders that provides more informative data allowing for direct solution it is known that the results are biased due to not ideally...

  • Sound quality metrics applied to road noise evaluation

    Road noise monitoring systems typically measure sound levels in specific time periods. The more insightful approach suggests to measure also the nature of noise. Sound quality of sounds such as car noise can be objectively evaluated by several parameters. One of them is psychoacoustic annoyance, described by loudness, tone color, and the temporal structure of sound. In this paper the assessment of several sound quality parameters, such...

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  • Evaluation of Medical Staff Satisfaction for Workplace Architecture in Temporary COVID-19 Hospital: A Case Study in Gdańsk, Poland

    This article analyses the architecture that was used in the temporary AmberExpo hospital in Gdańsk, Poland which was installed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The construction of this type of facility is often based on experimental approaches, aimed at caring for patients suffering from an infectious disease in emergency conditions. In order to assess the level of employee satisfaction with the architectural and technical elements...

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  • Adaptive identification of sparse underwater acoustic channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters


    - SIGNAL PROCESSING - Rok 2022

    We consider identification of sparse linear systems with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such systems are typical in underwater acoustics (UWA), for instance, in applications requiring identi- fication of the acoustic channel, such as UWA communications, navigation and continuous-wave sonar. The recently proposed fast local basis function (fLBF) algorithm provides high performance when identi- fying time-varying systems....

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  • Acoustic Sensing Analytics Applied to Speech in Reverberation Conditions


    The paper aims to discuss a case study of sensing analytics and technology in acoustics when applied to reverberation conditions. Reverberation is one of the issues that makes speech in indoor spaces challenging to understand. This problem is particularly critical in large spaces with few absorbing or diffusing surfaces. One of the natural remedies to improve speech intelligibility in such conditions may be achieved through speaking...

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  • Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm in C × R Domain

    An algorithm to find the roots and poles of a complex function depending on two arguments (one complex and one real) is proposed. Such problems are common in many fields of science for instance in electromagnetism, acoustics, stability analyses, spectroscopy, optics, and elementary particle physics. The proposed technique belongs to the class of global algorithms, gives a full picture of solutions in a fixed region ⊂ C × R and...

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  • Ocena klimatu akustycznego w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego serii EN57


    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomów dźwięku w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego (EZT) serii EN57 podczas postoju, rozruchu, jazdy oraz hamowania. Badania przeprowadzono na podstawie autorskiej metodyki badawczej bazując na normie PNEN ISO 3381:Kolejnictwo. Akustyka. Pomiar hałasu wewnątrz pojazdów szynowych. Badania przeprowadzono na linii kolejowej nr 250 od przystanku Gdańsk Śródmieście do stacji...

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  • New hybrid quadrature schemes for weakly singular kernels applied to isogeometric boundary elements for 3D Stokes flow


    This work proposes four novel hybrid quadrature schemes for the efficient and accurate evaluation of weakly singular boundary integrals (1/r kernel) on arbitrary smooth surfaces. Such integrals appear in boundary element analysis for several partial differential equations including the Stokes equation for viscous flow and the Helmholtz equation for acoustics. The proposed quadrature schemes apply a Duffy transform-based quadrature...

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  • Analysis of GNSS, Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Integration Methods Used in Hydrography

    • O. Lewicka
    • M. Specht
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Specht
    • D. Brčić
    • A. Jugović
    • S. Widźgowski
    • M. Wiśniewska

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    The integration of geospatial data in hydrography, performed using different measurement systems, involves combining several study results to provide a comprehensive analysis. Each of the hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems is characterised by a different spatial reference system and the method for technical implementation of the measurement. Therefore, the integration of hydrographic data requires that problems in selected...

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  • Identification of acoustic event of selected noise sources in a long-term environmental monitoring systems

    • M. Kłaczyński
    • W. Cioch
    • T. Wszołek
    • W. Wszołek
    • D. Mleczko
    • P. Pawlik
    • A. Grzeczka

    - Rok 2014

    ABSTRACT Undertaking long-term acoustic measurements on sites located near an airport is related to a problem of large quantities of recorded data, which very often represents information not related to flight operations. In such areas, usually defined as zone of limited use, often other sources of noise exist, such as roads or railway lines treated is such context as acoustic background. Manual verification of such recorded data...

  • Supercomputing Grid-Based Services for Hearing Protection and Acoustical Urban Planning, Research and Education

    Specific computational environments, so-called domain grids, are developed within the PLGrid Plus project in order to prepare specialized IT solutions, i.e., dedicated software implementations and hardware (infrastructure adaptation), suited for particular research group demands. One of the PLGrid Plus domain grids, presented in this paper, is Acoustics. The article describes in detail two kinds of the acoustic domain services....

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  • Jaroslaw Tegowski prof. dr hab.


    Jaroslaw Tegowski was born in Olsztyn, Poland, in 1955. He received the M.S. degree in physics from the University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree in physical oceanography in 1995 and the habilitation degree from the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, in 2007. From 1983 to 2008, he was a Research Assistant and a next Associate Professor at the Marine Acoustical Laboratory,...

  • Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją


    - Rok 2012

    Rozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez ultradźwięk w różnych modelach płynów z relaksacją. Ma ona charakter teoretyczny, jednak wykorzystanie uzyskanych dzięki niej wyników może przynieść lepsze zrozumienie ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez siłę akustyczną. W I rozdziale rozprawy przedstawione zostały ogólne rozważania dotyczące akustyki nieliniowej. Rozdział II dotyczy ruchu wirowego wywoływanego...