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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: architecture
New Arch-International Journal of Contemporary Architecture
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International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture
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Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University
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Journal of Architecture and Planning -King Saud University
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Landscape Architecture
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Architecture of security and application layer structure of radio system for monitoring and acquisition of data from traffic enforcement cameras
PublikacjaThe study presents architecture of security and application layer structure of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras. It also provides general assumptions concerning the range of the system as well as its modules and application components.
Digital data and tools in transformative education to preserve architecture and cultural heritage: case studies from Italy and Poland
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors present the findings and results of a recent study focused on various collaborative activities mostly between Italy and Poland, and digital teaching platforms aimed at educating future architects. These architects are envisioned as curators of digital data and experts in using digital tools in the field of architecture and architectural heritage. The investigation had two main objectives. Firstly, it...
Praca z drewnem - Przestrzeń eksperymentu w tworzeniu architektury; Crafting Wood - Space of experiment in making architecture
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono eksperymenty z materiałem w tworzeniu architektury prowadzące do praktycznych rozwiązań w konstrukcji budynku. Takie podejście do tematyki zastosowania materiałów w architekturze nakreśla praktyczne aspekty tworzenia przestrzeni podczas pracy np. z drewnem. Podejście przedstawiono w kontekście dziedzictwa kulturowego podczas intensywnych warsztatów dotyczących tradycji i kultury budownictwa wybranych regionów...
Światło jako materiał. Współczesne systemy oświetlenia w architekturze. = Light as the Material. Contemporary Lighting Systems in Architecture.
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy relacji między architekturą i światłem, które odnoszą się do postrzegania dzieła architektonicznego. Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii oświetleniowych sprawia, że światło staje się niezależnym elementem architektonicznym, który posiada silny wpływ na widza.
Evaluation of Medical Staff Satisfaction for Workplace Architecture in Temporary COVID-19 Hospital: A Case Study in Gdańsk, Poland
PublikacjaThis article analyses the architecture that was used in the temporary AmberExpo hospital in Gdańsk, Poland which was installed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The construction of this type of facility is often based on experimental approaches, aimed at caring for patients suffering from an infectious disease in emergency conditions. In order to assess the level of employee satisfaction with the architectural and technical elements...
Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)
PublikacjaSegmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...
Nowe wyzwania dla architektury krajobrazu - oceny środowiskowe = New challenges for landscape architecture - Environmental Impact Assessments
PublikacjaArchitektura krajobrazu jest dziedziną, której potencjał w Polsce nie jest odpowiednio wykorzystywany w gospodarowaniu przestrzenią. Tymczasem istnieją narzędzia dające możliwość przełożenia dorobku tej dziedziny na działania praktyczne. Należy do nich system ocen środowiskowych, towarzyszący procesom planistycznym i inwestycyjnym. W Europie w ramach ocen oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ) stosowana jest metodologia ocen krajobrazowych...
Assessment of New Sustainable Housing Project in Gdynia Using Justification Tools for Health-Promoting Urban Design and Architecture
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Excess nitrogen responsive HvMADS27 transcription factor controls barley root architecture by regulating abscisic acid level
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Presentation of Novel Architecture for Diagnosis and Identifying Breast Cancer Location Based on Ultrasound Images Using Machine Learning
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The structure of knowledge resources supporting a model of IT technologies architecture = Struktury zasobów wiedzy wspierających model architektury technologii IT
PublikacjaThis paper introduces an abstract model for tools used in the software engineering process. The main goal of the research is to develop a universal model which allows a description of tools used in the process. The model supports a decision making process and gives an option to choose the best tooling for the situation. The model considers many factors including, but not exclusive to, the company structure, project environment...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
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ACE-Architecture City and Environment
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PublikacjaThe purpose of the article is to present the results of the research on the aspects of the Port of Gdynia modernist architecture aesthetics. Its construction was one of the two major projects carried out in the interwar period in Poland. In the course of analyses it has been attempted to answer the question whether an individual aesthetic language has been created in the 1920s and 1930s for the industrial architecture of the Polish...
Real-Time Basic Principles Nuclear Reactor Simulator Based on Client-Server Network Architecture with WebBrowser as User Interface
PublikacjaThe real-time simulator of nuclear reactor basic processes (neutron kinetics, heat generation and its exchange, poisoning and burn- ing up fuel) build in a network environment is presented in this paper. The client-server architecture was introduced, where the server is a pow- erful computing unit and the web browser application is a client for user interface purposes. The challenge was to develop an application running under the...
Derivation of Executable Test Models From Embedded System Models using Model Driven Architecture Artefacts - Automotive Domain
PublikacjaThe approach towards system engineering compliant to Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) implies an increased need for research on the automation of the model-based test generation. This applies especially to embedded real-time system development where safety critical requirements must be met by a system. The following paper presents a methodology to derive basic Simulink test models from Simulink system models so as to execute them...
Approximation of Message Inter-Arrival and Inter-Departure Time Distributions in IMS/NGN Architecture Using Phase-Type Distributions
PublikacjaCurrently it is assumed that requirements of the information society for delivering multimedia services will be satisfied by the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. In order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), NGN has to be appropriately designed and dimensioned. Therefore, proper traffic models should be proposed and applied. This requires determination...
Sandwich-type architecture film based on WS2 and ultrafast self-expanded and reduced graphene oxide in a Li-ion battery
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Sandwich-type architecture film based on WS2 and ultrafast self-expanded and reduced graphene oxide in a Li-ion battery
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Active Site Architecture and Reaction Mechanism Determination of Cold Adapted beta-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublikacjaArthbetaDG is a dimeric, cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase that exhibits high hydrolytic and transglycosylation activity. A series of crystal structures of its wild form, as well as its ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein complexes with ligands were obtained in order to describe the mode of its action. The ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein is an inactive form of the enzyme designed to enable observation of enzyme interaction with its substrate. The...
Studia z architektury nowoczesnej/ Studies on modern architecture
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Borrowing Images of Empire. The contribution of research on the artistic influence of the Holy Roman Empire on Polish Romanesque architecture in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
PublikacjaAlthough knowledge concerning Romanesque architecture in Poland has developed over many years, most cathedrals and ducal or royal seats have not been comprehensively examined. Moreover, a substantial number of contemporary scholarly works have erased the thin line between material evidence and its interpretation. As a consequence, the architectural remains of Polish Romanesque edifices are often considered the basis for wider comparative...
Features of irregularity in examples of Polish multi-family architecture constructed in 2011–2021 and nominated for the Mies van der Rohe award
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to the analysis of contemporary Polish multi-family architecture in the context of aesthetic irregularity. The research was limited to constructions from 2011–2021 and nominated for the Mies van der Rohe award as the objects with the greatest potential impact on shaping further trends. In their research, the authors focused on searching for the features of irregularities, which, in their opinion, have become...
PublikacjaXX wiek wraz z rozwojem kultury masowej przyniósł gwałtowny wzrost znaczenia komunikacji marketingowej, która początkowo pełniła rolę głównie informacyjną, związaną z działaniami reklamowymi. Współcześnie można zauważyć zwiększone zainteresowanie specjalistów z dziedziny marketingu oddziaływaniem na człowieka poprzez przestrzeń, w której on przebywa. Podejmowanie działań marketingowych w ramach usług świadczonych przez jednostki...
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
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Contemporary Theories in Architecture
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Conthemporary Theories in Architecture
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Variability of relationship between cities and nature in landscape architecture= Zmienność relacji miedzy miastem a naturą na przykładzie architektury krajobrazu miast
PublikacjaInterpreting and creating the relations between nature and city are the process of learning which is a subject of permanent conceptualization. It is characterized by the culutrality due to human nature and own ability to perceive oneself in the context of the relationship between own environmental and cultural nature. The way of interpreting the nature and providing it with different features affected significantly the development...
Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization
PublikacjaSurrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...
Architektura współczesnego muzeum i jej znaczenie dla tożsamości krajobrazu miasta = The Architecture of Contemporary Museum and its Significance for the Identity of the Urban Landscape
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy architektury współczesnych muzeów, które pod koniec XX w. przeszły znaczący rozwój jako instytucje publiczne. Oprócz specyficznych wymagań technicznych, funkcjonalnych, estetycznych i kulturowych, ich charakterystyczną cechą jest wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na przestrzeń dodatkową służącą edukacji, odpoczynkowi, rozrywce i strefie komercyjnej (handlu i usług). Atrakcyjna przestrzeń publiczna zapewnia dostęp do wszystkich...
Global Approaches to Reduce Light Pollution from Media Architecture and Non-Static, Self-Luminous LED Displays for Mixed-Use Urban Developments
PublikacjaUrban environments have become significantly brighter and more illuminated, and cities now consider media architecture and non-static, self-luminous LED displays an essential element of their strategy to attract residents, visitors, and tourists in the hours after dark. Unfortunately, most often, they are not designed with care, consideration, and awareness, nor do they support the visual wellbeing and circadian rhythms of humans....
Portico Farmhouses of the Vistula Delta: Architecture, Current State and Finite Element Modelling of Timber Roof Truss under Material and Cross-section Uncertainty
PublikacjaThe article focuses on the oldest surviving I-type portico houses located in the Vistula Delta, which were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The study describes the houses’ origins, structure, details of roof structures and technical condition, and it also includes numerical modelling of a roof truss and its mechanical analysis. Numerical models of the roof trusses are defined and analysed by means of the finite element method....
Rediscovering Automatic Detection of Stuttering and Its Subclasses through Machine Learning—The Impact of Changing Deep Model Architecture and Amount of Data in the Training Set
PublikacjaThis work deals with automatically detecting stuttering and its subclasses. An effective classification of stuttering along with its subclasses could find wide application in determining the severity of stuttering by speech therapists, preliminary patient diagnosis, and enabling communication with the previously mentioned voice assistants. The first part of this work provides an overview of examples of classical and deep learning...
Zerowaste Architecture 2022/23
Kursy OnlineThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
Zerowaste Architecture 2023/24
Kursy OnlineThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
Embedded Systems Architecture 2024
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Theory of Rural Architecture - EXAM
Kursy OnlineThe series of lectures touching upon the history of rural architecture and regarding the composition of landscape designs. The lectures were designed to give students of architecture the tools to work with the nature and strengthen the presence of green spaces in their future designs. The exam is prepared to check what skills and competencies have been gained during the course.
Daylight in Architecture 2022/23
Kursy OnlineTutor: Professor Claudia Naves David Amorim (University of Brasilia) Project: 60 h (lectures + online platform + individual consultations) With a support of e-platform NLITED educational content;, Students will become familiar with the different methods of daylight assessment within the built environment. Innovative daylight design is understood as a better user-centred and energy-efficient design strategy. The...
History of contemporary architecture and urbanism
Kursy Onlinelectures: PhD Małgorzata Kostrzewska PhD Bartosz Macikowski exercises: PhD Łukasz Bugalski
History of Architecture and Urbanism_23/24
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Technology and Engineering in Historical Architecture
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Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji = TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WEB 2.0 AND THE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE IN THE INFORMATION BROKER’S WORK
PublikacjaThe development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical...
An Analysis of the Relationship between the Architecture and the Structure of a Vessel on the Example of the Reconstruction Design Process of the Historical Sailing Yacht "General Zaruski" Carried Out between 2009 and 2012
PublikacjaThe article analyzes the relation between architecture and structure of a vessel on the example of the reconstruction design of a wooden sailing yacht "General Zaruski" built in Ekanӓs, Sweden in 1939. Based on the documentation of "Kaparen" (sister yacht), "Mloda Gwardia" (ex "General Zaruski") and the reconstruction classification project made by the authors, the impact of functional, spatial and aesthetic design objectives (e.g....
Critical perspectives on media architecture: is it still possible to design projects without negatively affecting urban nighttime environments and will the future remain dynamic, bright and multi-colored?
PublikacjaNowadays, due to advances in electrical devices, new digital media, lighting, information and communication technologies, cities are being used 24/7. The paper discusses critical aspects of Media Architecture in the context of public spaces as well as urban nighttime environments from the perspective of a practising lighting architect. The author examines recent issues of negative design approaches and presents proposals for improving...