


  • Efficiency of linear and non-linear classifiers for gas identification from electrocatalytic gas sensor

    Electrocatalytic gas sensors belong to the family of electrochemical solid state sensors. Their responses are acquired in the form of I-V plots as a result of application of cyclic voltammetry technique. In order to obtain information about the type of measured gas the multivariate data analysis and pattern classification techniques can be employed. However, there is a lack of information in literature about application of such...

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  • Fundamentals of Steam and Gas Turbines OASIV

    Kursy Online
    • J. Głuch

    Application of turbines in industry and sea power plants. Basic thermodynamics and fluid flow mechanics in turbomachinery. Steam turbine power cycle and plants. Gas turbine power cycle and plants. Turbine blading systems operation.

  • Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor with Reference Layer

    This paper presents studies of gas sensors prepared in ceramic technology with Nasicon as a solid electrolyte. Sensors work in the voltammetric mode thus based on the excitation of a sensor with a periodic potential signal while current response is recorded. The main aim is to investigate a Bi8Nb2O17 reference layer influence on sensor properties. Sensors I-V characteristics in different concentration of nitrogen dioxide have been...

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    Graphene has a range of unique physical properties which could be exploited in gas sensing. Every atom of graphene may be considered as a surface atom, able to interact even with single molecule of the target gas or vapour species resulting in the ultrasensitive sensor response. In this paper the potential of graphene as a nanomaterial for fabricating chemiresistors was described. Recent development in graphene sensors was considered...

  • Higher-Order Statistics for Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas-Sensing.


    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wykrywania wybranych mieszanin gazów za pomocą analizy fluktuacji rezystancji obserwowanych w sensorach gazu. Do analizy obserwowanych fluktuacji wykorzystano gęstość widmową mocy oraz funkcję bispektrum.

  • Gas sensing by resistance fluctuations in PdxWO3 nanoparticle films.

    • J. Ederth
    • J. Smulko
    • L. B. Kish
    • P. Heszler
    • G. Niklasson
    • C. G. Granqvist

    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań sensorów gazu wykonanych z nanocząstek WO3 z dodatkiem Pd. Stwierdzono, że badanie fluktuacji rezystancji tych sensorów może istotnie zwiększyć czułość wykrywania gazu w porównaniu z obserwacją wyłącznie rezystancji stałoprądowej.

  • Hazardous gases detection by fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing

    W pracy przedstawiono układ pomiarowy oraz metodę za pomocą której można jednym rezystancyjnym czujnikiem gazów wykrywać dwa gazy: amoniak i siarkowodór. Podano wskaźnik jaki pozwala dokonać detekcji tych gazów już przy stężeniach rzędu pojedynczych ppm. Przebadano także powtarzalność wyników pomiarów w kilku egzemplarzach czujników.

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  • Noise measurement setups for fluctuations enhanced gas sensing

    Obserwacje zjawisk fluktuacyjnych w sensorach gazów pozwala zwiększyć czułość i selektywność detekcji gazów. Problemem jest budowa prostego i taniego systemu do obserwacji tych zjawisk. W artykule przedstawiono dwa systemy pozwalające na obserwacje szumów w rezystancyjnych sensorach gazów dostępnych na rynku i prototypowych, wykonanych z warstwy nanocząstek o zbliżonych wymiarach.

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  • Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors


    - Rok 2014

    Resistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...

  • Features extraction from the electrocatalytic gas sensor responses

    One of the types of gas sensors used for detection and identification of toxic-air pollutant is an electrocatalytic gas sensor. The electrocatalytic sensors are working in cyclic voltammetry mode, enable detection of various gases. Their response are in the form of I-V curves which contain information about the type and the concentration of measured volatile compound. However,...

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  • Identification of volatile compounds based on the electrocatalytic gas sensor responses


    Measured response in case of electrocatalytic gas sensors is in form of a voltamperometric characteristic. Current-voltage (I-V) response shape depends on the gas type and its concentration. Such response contains significantly more information comparing with typical electrochemical sensors, but is quite difficult to analyze. When I-V curve contains current peaks, position of such peaks can be used...

  • New approaches for improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistive gas sensors: a review

    • J. Smulko
    • M. Trawka
    • C. G. Granqvist
    • R. Ionescu
    • F. E. Annanouch
    • E. Llobet
    • L. B. Kish

    - Sensor Review - Rok 2015

    Purpose – This paper aims to present the methods of improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistance gas sensors. Design/methodology/approach – This paper compares various methods of improving gas sensing by temperature modulation, UV irradiation or fluctuation-enhanced sensing. The authors analyze low-frequency resistance fluctuations in commercial Taguchi gas sensors and the recently developed tungsten trioxide (WO3) gas-sensing...

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    - Rok 2014

    Resistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...

  • Light-improved glucose sensing on ordered Au-Ti heterostructure


    - OPTIK - Rok 2020

    Non-enzymatic electrochemical platforms sensitive towards glucose presence have attracted a worldwide attention during last decades. We report on influence of solar light onto response of gold-titanium heterostructures prepared via controllable approach. The material based on Au nanoparticles orderly distributed over the structured titanium foil was obtained by electrochemical anodization followed by chemical etching, magnetron...

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  • Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing


    - Journal of Sensors - Rok 2020

    Fluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is an exciting and relatively new research field that promises to extend the range of information that can be extracted from a single sensor. In FES, the stochastic fluctuations of the sensor signal, rather than its average value, are recorded and analyzed. Typical components of such fluctuations are due to interactions at the microscopic level. Proper statistical analysis provides optimum sensory...

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  • Gas selectivity enhancement by sampling-and-hold method in resistive gas sensors


    Commercial resistive gas sensors exhibit various sensitivity to numerous gases when working at different elevated temperatures. That effect is due to a change in velocity of adsorption and desorption processes which can be modulated by temperature. Thus, to reach better selectivity of gas detection, we propose to apply a known method (called the sampling-and-hold method) of cooling down the gas sensor in the presence of the investigated...

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  • Development of Gas Sensor Array for Methane Reforming Process Monitoring

    The article presents a new method of monitoring and assessing the course of the dry methane reforming process with the use of a gas sensor array. Nine commercially available TGS chemical gas sensors were used to construct the array (seven metal oxide sensors and two electrochemical ones). Principal Component Regression (PCR) was used as a calibration method. The developed PCR models were used to determine the quantitative parameters...

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  • A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions

    Abstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...

  • A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions

    Abstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...

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  • Gas sensing by thermoelectric voltage fluctuations in SnO2 nanoparticle films

    • J. Smulko
    • J. Ederth
    • Y. Li
    • L. B. Kish
    • M. Kennedy
    • F. Kruis

    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono eksperymentalne wyniki wykrywania gazów za pomocą badania fluktuacji napięcia termoelektrycznego w warstwie SnO2 przygotowanej z jednorodnych ziaren o średnicy 20 nm. Obserwowano fluktuacje napięcia bez zewnętrznej polaryzacji warstwy SnO2. Intensywność obserwowanych fluktuacji przekraczała 1000-krotnie intensywność szumów termicznych. Obserwowane zjawisko może byc wykorzystane do zwiększenia czułości wykrywania...

  • Sensing of anesthetic drugs in blood with Raman spectroscopy


    - Rok 2015

    A proof-of-concept study of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of anesthesia drugs in blood is presented. Spectra of spiked blood from several patients exhibit prominent changes in regions associated with the drug.

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  • Gas Detection Using Resistive Gas Sensors And Radial Basis Function Neural Networks


    - Rok 2016

    We present a use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) method in gas detection system utilizing a prototype resistive WO3 gas sensing layer with gold nanoparticles. We investigated accuracy of gas detection for three different preprocessing methods: no preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and wavelet transformation. Low frequency noise voltage observed in resistive gas...

  • Determination of Odor Air Quality Index (OAQII) Using Gas Sensor Matrix

    This article presents a new way to determine odor nuisance based on the proposed odor air quality index (OAQII), using an instrumental method. This indicator relates the most important odor features, such as intensity, hedonic tone and odor concentration. The research was conducted at the compost screening yard of the municipal treatment plant in Central Poland, on which a self-constructed gas sensor array was placed. It consisted...

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  • Influence of vacuum sublimation deposited metal layer thickness on metrological parameters of the amperometric gas sensor with Nafion membrane


    The paper presents the results of investigation on an influence of vacuum sublimation deposited platinum layer thickness on the signal, sensitivity and response time of a prototype of sulphur dioxide sensor with Nafion membrane. The working electrode was made by vacuum sublimation deposition of platinum on a surface of Nafion membrane. Pt layers deposited changed an initial structure of Nafion membrane and that phenomenon was utilized...

  • Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for nitrogen dioxide sensing

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Networks consisting of randomly oriented carbon nanotubes (CNN) were investigated toward nitrogen dioxide detection by means of electrical and low-frequency noise measurements. UV-activation of CNN layers improved gas sensitivity and reduced the limit of detection, especially by employing 275 nm-LED. This data set includes DC resistance measurements...

  • Wavelet Transform Analysis of Temperature Modulated Gas Sensor Response

    The aim of the study was to evaluate whether it is possible to extract the information about the gas concentration despite the influence of humidity. Commercial semiconductor sensor response was examined under the application of a periodic temperature change. The data was collected using measurement protocol for different concentrations of ammonia at specified levels of relative humidity. In this work we focused on the evaluation...

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  • Low cost electrochemical sensor module for measurement of gas concentration

    This paper describes a low cost electrochemical sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module is universal and can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 is used. The proposed equipment will be used as a component of electronic nose system employed for classifying and distinguishing...

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    This paper describes an amperometric sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors without major hardware changes. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 configurable via I2C interface is used. The concept of a measuring system composed of several modules dedicated for a gas sensors...

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  • Towards large-scale application of nanoporous materials in membranes for separation of energy-relevant gas mixtures



    Membranes containing nanoporous materials (such as zeolites, metal–organic materials and 2D materials such as graphene derivatives) may allow more efficient separation of gas mixtures relevant to emerging energy technologies. For example, such membranes could be applied in the separation of gases containing mixtures of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2). However, these membranes are currently at a relatively low technology...

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  • ZnO coated fiber optic microsphere sensor for the enhanced refractive index sensing



    Optical fiber-based sensors are expected to become key components in the control of industrial processes,and the tuning and the enhancement of their sensing properties are crucial for the further developmentof this technology. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a vapor phase technique allowing for the deposition ofconformal thin films, is particularly suited for the deposition of controllable thin films on challenging sub-strates....

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  • New approaches for improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistive gas sensors: A review

    • J. Smulko
    • M. Trawka
    • L. Hasse
    • C. G. Granqvist
    • R. Ionescu
    • F. E. Annanouch
    • E. Llobet
    • L. B. Kish

    - Rok 2014

    Resistive gas sensors are very popular and reliable but suffer from low selectivity and sensitivity. Various methods have been suggested to improve both features without increasing the number of sensors in gas detection systems. Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing was proposed to improve gas detection efficiency by analyzing low-frequency resistance fluctuations, and noise parameters can be more informative than the single DC resistance...

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  • The effects of gas exposure on the graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure under UV irradiation



    This work demonstrates a graphene/AlGaN/GaN sensing device with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) toward nitrogen dioxide (NO2), tetrahydrofuran, and acetone detection under UV light irradiation. We propose combining measurements of the DC characteristics with a fluctuation-enhanced sensing method to provide insight into the gas detection mechanisms in the synergistic structure of highly stable GaN and gas-sensitive graphene....

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  • Tailoring properties of indium tin oxide thin films for their work in both electrochemical and optical label-free sensing systems

    • P. Sezemsky
    • D. Burnat
    • J. Kratochvil
    • H. Wulff
    • A. Kruth
    • K. Lechowicz
    • M. Janik
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • M. Cada
    • Z. Hubicka... i 4 innych


    This work is devoted to the identification properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films responsible for their possible application in combined optical and electrochemical label-free sensing systems offering enhanced functionalities. Since any post-processing would make it difficult to identify direct relation between deposition parameters and properties of the ITO films, especially when deposition on temperature-sensitive substrates...

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  • On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code


    - Rok 2016

    In this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...

  • Cation sensing by diphenyl-azobenzocrowns

    Metal cations complexation and proton binding by 13- and 16-membered diphenyl-azobenzocrowns and diphenyl-hydroxyazobenzocrowns were studied in acetonitrile using spectroscopic methods: UV–vis spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Phenyl moieties in benzene rings were found to affect binding strength alkali and alkaline earth metal cations and hydrogen ion, and affect tautomeric equilibrium of hydroxyazobenzocrowns....

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  • Determination of chlorine concentration using single temperature modulated semiconductor gas sensor

    A periodic temperature modulation using sinusoidal heater voltage was applied to a commercial SnO2 semiconductor gas sensor. Resulting resistance response of the sensor was analyzed using a feature extraction method based on Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The amplitudes of the higher harmonics of the FFT from the dynamic nonlinear responses of measured gas were further utilized as an input for Artificial Neural...

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  • Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • S. M. Sajadi
    • F. Seidi
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • M. T. Munir
    • O. Abida
    • S. Ahmadi
    • D. Kowalkowska-Zedler
    • N. Rabiee
    • M. Rabiee... i 4 innych

    - OpenNano - Rok 2022

    Early diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...

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  • Gas sensors based on conducting polymers-recent developments

    This work discusses sensing performance dependence of PEDOT polymer and its composites on the counter ions used in the polymerization process. The sensors based on PEDOT-RGO composite show reversible response to NO2, while on PEDOT/LiClO4 irreversible. As a result, PEDOT-RGO could be used as a typical gas sensor, while sensor based PEDOT/LiClO4 could be used as an integrating gas sensor, also known as an accumulating gas sensor....

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  • Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Images Using Improved Hydro Index Value with Ensemble Classifier

    • A. Stateczny
    • S. C. Narahari
    • P. Vurubindi
    • N. S. Guptha
    • K. Srinivas

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2023

    The economic sustainability of aquifers across the world relies on accurate and rapid estimates of groundwater storage changes, but this becomes difficult due to the absence of insitu groundwater surveys in most areas. By closing the water balance, hydrologic remote sensing measures offer a possible method for quantifying changes in groundwater storage. However, it is uncertain to what extent remote sensing data can provide an...

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  • Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection

    • A. Stateczny
    • G. Uday Kiran
    • G. Bindu
    • K. Ravi Chythanya
    • K. Ayyappa Swamy

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2022

    Remote sensing object detection plays a major role in satellite imaging and is required in various scenarios such as transportation, forestry, and the ocean. Deep learning techniques provide efficient performance in remote sensing object detection. The existing techniques have the limitations of data imbalance, overfitting, and lower efficiency in detecting small objects. This research proposes the spiral search grasshopper (SSG)...

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  • Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    The Special Issue (SI) “Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with navigational sensors. The sequence of articles included in this Special Issue is in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used. The 15 papers (from 23 submitted) were published.

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  • Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors

    Semiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...

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  • FFT analysis of temperature modulated semiconductor gas sensor response for the prediction of ammonia concentration under humidity interference

    The increasing environmental contamination forces the need to design reliable devices for detecting of the volatile compounds present in the air. For this purpose semiconductor gas sensors, which have been widely used for years, are often utilized. Although they have many advantages such as low price and quite long life time, they still lack of long term stability and selectivity. Namely, environmental conditions have significant...

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  • Organic Vapor Sensing Mechanisms by Large-Area Graphene Back-Gated Field-Effect Transistors under UV Irradiation

    • K. Drozdowska
    • A. Rehman
    • P. Sai
    • B. Stonio
    • A. Krajewska
    • M. Dub
    • J. Kacperski
    • G. Cywiński
    • M. Haras
    • S. Rumyantsev... i 3 innych

    - ACS Sensors - Rok 2022

    The gas sensing properties of graphene back-gated field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors toward acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, and chloroform vapors were investigated with the focus on unfolding possible gas detection mechanisms. The FET configuration of the sensor device enabled gate voltage tuning for enhanced measurements of changes in DC electrical characteristics. Electrical measurements were combined with a fluctuation-enhanced...

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  • 1D convolutional context-aware architectures for acoustic sensing and recognition of passing vehicle type


    A network architecture that may be employed to sensing and recognition of a type of vehicle on the basis of audio recordings made in the proximity of a road is proposed in the paper. The analyzed road traffic consists of both passenger cars and heavier vehicles. Excerpts from recordings that do not contain vehicles passing sounds are also taken into account and marked as ones containing silence....

  • Selectivity of amperometric gas sensors in multicomponent gas mixtures


    In recent years smog and poor air quality became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, a selectivity of the six amperometric gas sensors is being investigated. Calibration of sensors has been performed in order to find a correlation between concentration...

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  • Recognition and sensing of anions


    Molecular ion recognition is one of the most intensively studied areas of supramolecular technology. The reason for this is the essential role that ions play in many biological as well as industrial processes. On the other hand, however, it has been proved that ions can have a negative impact on human health and the environment. For these reasons, it is extremly important to develop rapid and simple methods allowing the determination...

  • Graphene field-effect transistor application for flow sensing


    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    Microflow sensors offer great potential for applications in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip systems. However, thermal-based sensors, which are commonly used in modern flow sensing technology, are mainly made of materials with positive temperature coefficients (PTC) and suffer from a self-heating effect and slow response time. Therefore, the design of novel devices and careful selection of materials are required to improve the overall...

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  • Resistive gas sensors – Perspectives on selectivity and sensitivity improvement

    • J. Smulko
    • M. Trawka
    • U. Cindemir
    • C. G. Granqvist
    • C. Duran

    - Rok 2016

    Resistive gas sensors are very popular and relatively inexpensive; they can operate at elevated or room temperature for years on end. The main disadvantage of resistive gas sensors is their limited selectivity and sensitivity, but various methods have been applied to improve their behavior. The composition of the porous gas sensing layer, or changes in the sensor’s operating temperature, can enhance the gas detection ability. Furthermore, emerging...

  • Cascade Object Detection and Remote Sensing Object Detection Method Based on Trainable Activation Function

    • S. N. Shivappriya
    • M. J. P. Priyadarsini
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Puttamadappa
    • B. D. Parameshachari

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2021

    Object detection is an important process in surveillance system to locate objects and it is considered as major application in computer vision. The Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based models have been developed by many researchers for object detection to achieve higher performance. However, existing models have some limitations such as overfitting problem and lower efficiency in small object detection. Object detection in remote...

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