wszystkich: 144
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: hydrolysis
The Hydrolysis of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate in Activated Sludge
PublikacjaIn a present work a novel procedure, based on the standard batch tests and pretreatment of wastewater sample with coagulation-flocculation method, was proposed to evaluate the effects of hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) on biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes in activated sludge systems. The study was conducted at two large BNR wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in northern Poland: "Wschod" in Gdansk and...
An optimal designed experiment for the alkaline hydrolysis of feather keratin
PublikacjaFeathers, burdensome waste from the poultry industry, can be a cheap source of keratin, a protein with excellent physico- chemical, biological, and mechanical properties. Acid and alkaline hydrolyses are usually adopted for isolation of keratin from its natural resources. This study aimed at assessing the statistically significant effect of input variables in the alkaline hydrolysis of keratin from chicken feathers on the process...
Beta-blockers in the environment: Part I. Mobility and hydrolysis study
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Beta-Galactosidases of Pseudoalteromonas sp. – Characteristics and application for lactose hydrolysis and galactopyranosides synthesis
PublikacjaBeta-galactosidase [EC] is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of O-glycosidic linkages in galactosides. It has biotechnological applications in the dairy industry for the production of milk with a low content of lactose and galactooligosacharides for use in healthy food. The transgalactosylation activity of beta-galactosidase can be used in the synthesis of alkyl galactopyranosides. Due to the fact that conditions of...
Membrane Filtration-Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis Affects the Biological Activity of Potato Juice
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Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Lignocellulosic Biomass under Alkaline Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublikacjaPre-treatment is a significant step in the production of second-generation biofuels from waste lignocellulosic materials. Obtaining biofuels as a result of fermentation processes requires appropriate pre-treatment conditions ensuring the highest possible degree of saccharification of the feed material. An influence of the following process parameters were investigated for alkaline pre-treatment of Salix viminalis L.: catalyst concentration...
Properties of retrograded and acetylated starch produced via starch extrusion or starch hydrolysis with pullulanase
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The range of protein hydrolysis and biogenic amines content in selected acid- and rennet-curd cheeses
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Cuticle hydrolysis in four medically important fly species by enzymes of the entomopathogenic fungusConidiobolus coronatus
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Mechanistic studies of the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl sulfate catalyzed by arylsulfatase from Helix pomatia
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Hydrogen Production from Energy Poplar Preceded by MEA Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublikacjaThe need to pre-treat lignocellulosic biomass prior to dark fermentation results primarily from the composition of lignocellulose because lignin hinders the processing of hard wood towards useful products. Hence, in this work a two-step approach for the pre-treatment of energy poplar, including alkaline pre-treatment and enzymatic saccharification followed by fermentation has been studied. Monoethanolamine (MEA) was used as the...
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublikacjaHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and has been known as the rate limiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The biodegradation of XS is initiated by hydrolysis which is an integral part of activated sludge models, such as the Activated Sludge Model no. 2d (ASM2d). The aim of this study was to evaluate different concepts of modeling the hydrolysis process...
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublikacjaHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and is known to be the ratelimiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The influence of the readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand fraction in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about the effects of slowly biodegradable substrate (XS) on denitrification and...
Gold(III) complexes with chloride and cyanopyridines: Facilitated hydrolysis of nitrile ligand to amide and antibacterial activity
PublikacjaA range of novel simple gold(III) compounds has been synthesized in their monocrystalline form, including two previously unknown chloro-complexes of Au3+ with 2-cyanopyridine or 3-cyanopyridine, respectively. Our investigations have revealed the intricate nature of the reaction between 2-cyanopyridine and tetrachloroauric acid, yielding at least three distinct products. The main product, obtained in high yield, is a salt featuring...
Chicken feather keratin as a source of bioactive peptides useful in prevention of metabolic disorders – in silico and in vitro hydrolysis
PublikacjaProtein derived bioactive peptides not only serve as nutrients but can also exert drug-like activity, e.g. antidiabetic, antihypertensive, or antimicrobial, to name a few. Most biopeptides have beneficial effects on health that make them attractive for nutraceutical applications. The majority of bioactive peptides have been obtained from food proteins, but protein-rich by-products generated by agriculture...
Estimation and modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate based on the batch respirometric tests in activated sludge systems
PublikacjaNowadays, appropriate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionation together with degradation kinetics of organic compounds have a prime importance on the design and operation of activated sludge systems. Batch respirometric tests based on the oxygen uptake rates (OUR) and corresponding COD is accepted method to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction...
Immobilized preparation of cold-adapted and halotolerant Antarctic β-galactosidase as a highly stable catalyst in lactose hydrolysis
PublikacjaZimnolubna rekombinowana beta-galaktozydaza antarktycznej morskiej bakterii Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b została immobilizowana na chitozanie za pomocą aldehydu glutarowego. Preparat immobilizowanego enzymu w przeciwieństwie do preparatu enzymu w buforze reakcyjnym nie był inhibowany przez glukozę. Immobilizacja enzymu wpłynęła na podwyższenie o 10°C optymalnej temperatury aktywności względem jego nieimmobilizowanego odpowiednika...
Solid and liquid fractionation of sugarcane and Agave bagasse during ozonolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis: Impact on biohydrogen and biogas production
PublikacjaSustainable and cost-efficient lignocellulosic biomass-to-energy bioprocesses require assessing the main components released during biomass fractionation. This study assessed the mesophilic biochemical potential of biohydrogen (BHP) and methane production (BMP) from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and cooked (CAB) and uncooked (UAB) Agave bagasse. A systematic comparative analysis was performed for the liquid and solid fractions derived...
M-BDC (M = Co and/ or Fe) MOFs as effective catalysts for hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
PublikacjaMono- (Co-BDC, Fe-BDC) and bimetallic FeCo-BDC Metal-Organic Frameworks are successfully synthesized by the solvothermal method in DMF at 150 °C within 15 h and tested as catalysts for sodium borohydride hydrolysis. The materials are characterized by FTIR, PXRD, TGA, ICP-OES, H2-TPR, BET model, and SEM-EDS. The catalytic activity of these materials is studied for dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride in water at various temperatures...
Comparison and Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Alkaline Pre-Treated Triticale Straw for Acid and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Followed by Ethanol Fermentation
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the comparison of the efficiency of two-stage hydrolysis processes, i.e., alkaline pre-treatment and acid hydrolysis, as well as alkaline pre-treatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, carried out in order to obtain reducing sugars from triticale straw. For each of the analyzed systems, the optimization of the processing conditions was carried out with respect to the glucose yield. For the alkaline pre-treatment,...
The Influence of COD Fraction Forms and Molecules Size on Hydrolysis Process Developed by Comparative OUR Studies in Activated Sludge Modelling
PublikacjaThe activated sludge models (ASMs) commonly used by the International Water Association (IWA) task group are based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionations. However, the proper evaluation of COD fractions, which is crucial for modelling and especially oxygen uptake rate (OUR) predictions, is still under debate. The biodegradation of particulate COD is initiated by the hydrolysis process, which is an integral part of an ASM....
A fast and convenient method for analysis of collagen hydrolysis products Szybka i dogodna metoda analizy produktów hydrolizy kolagenu
PublikacjaPolypeptides produced by hydrolysis of collagen from minced animal hide and skin scraps were studied by mass spectrometry (MS) in conjunction with electrophoresis to det. their mol. mass. The degree of peptides ionisation was ca 50+. This allowed for observation of the large polypeptide chains with mass analyzers with a relatively low m/z range. The electrospray and atm. pressure photoionization techniques were used. The polypeptide...
Partial inhibition of borohydride hydrolysis using porous activated carbon as an effective method to improve the electrocatalytic activity of the DBFC anode
PublikacjaCarbon materials are commonly used catalyst supports in various types of fuel cells. Due to the possibility of designing their properties, they seem to be attractive and functional additives. In Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells (DBFCs), the electrooxidation reaction of borohydride competes with the undesirable hydrolysis reaction, therefore our work aimed to modify anodes based on a multi-component hydrogen storage alloy with a small...
Potential DPP IV Inhibitory Peptides from Dry-Cured Pork Loins after Hydrolysis: An In Vitro and In Silico Study
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Partial inhibition of borohydride hydrolysis using porous activated carbon as an effective method to improve the electrocatalytic activity of the DBFC anode
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Prebiotic Potential of Oligosaccharides Obtained by Acid Hydrolysis of α-(1→3)-Glucan from Laetiporus sulphureus: A Pilot Study
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The role of electrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis treatment in the enhancement of the electrochemical properties of 3D-printed carbon black/poly(lactic acid) structures
PublikacjaAdditive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is beginning to play an unprecedented role in developing many applications for industrial or personalized products. The conductive composite structures require additional treatment to achieve an electroactive surface useful for electrochemical devices. In this paper, the surfaces of carbon black/poly(lactic acid) CB-PLA printouts were activated by electrolysis or enzymatic digestion...
Effect of oxidation and in vitro intestinal hydrolysis on phospholipid toxicity towards HT29 cell line serving as a model of human intestinal epithelium
PublikacjaOxidation of food-derived phospholipids (PLs) can influence nutrient digestion and induce oxidative stress in gastrointestinal epithelium. In this study, hen egg yolk PL fraction was used to evaluate the effect of lipoxygenase (LOX)-induced PL oxidation on the rate of PL hydrolysis catalyzed by pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in the presence of bile salts (BSs). Then, PL/BS solutions containing native or oxidized PLs were used...
Isolation and characterization of stable nanofiber from turmeric spent using chemical treatment by acid hydrolysis and its potential as antimicrobial and antioxidant activities
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Process Optimization for Acid Hydrolysis and Characterization of Bioethanol from Leftover Injera Waste by Using Response Surface Methodology: Central Composite Design
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Response of murine gut microbiota to a prebiotic based on oligosaccharides derived via hydrolysis of fungal α-(1→3)-d-glucan: Preclinical trial study on mice
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Effect of poplar (Populus sp.) biomass pretreatment on the yield of its enzymatic hydrolysis Wpływ obróbki wstępnej biomasy z topoli (Populus sp.) na wydajność hydrolizy enzymatycznej
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Porównanie przebiegu enzymatycznej hydrolizy oleju rzepakowego i strukturyzowanych lipidów zawierających kwas behenowy. The comparision on the course of enzymatic hydrolysis of rapeseed oil and structured lipids containing behenoic acid.
PublikacjaPorównywano przebieg enzymatycznej hydrolizy oleju rzepakowego i strukturyzowanych lipidów zawierających kwas behenowy (C22:0). Hydroliza prowadzona była w obecności lipazy trzustkowej, w warunkach stymulujących proces trawienia. Stwierdzono, że olej rzepakowy hydrolizowany jest znacznie szybciej niż strukturyzowane lipidy z kwasem behenowym.
Study on products of enzymatic hydrolysis of pulp from poplar wood (Populus alba L.) Badanie produktów hydrolizy enzymatycznej masy celulozowej pozyskanej z drewna topoli (Populus alba L.)
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The yield of model hydrolysis and fermentation in the technology of bioethanol production from poplar wood (Populus sp.) Wydajność procesów hydrolizy i fermentacji w technologii wytwarzania bioetanolu z drewna topoli (Populus sp.)
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Chromatographic analysis of extracts isolated from different poplar species as potential inhibitors of enzymatic hydrolysis Analiza chromatograficzna substancji ekstrakcyjnych pozyskanych z różnych odmian topoli jako potencjalnych inhibitorów hydrolizy enzymatycznej
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Effect of furfural on the enzyme activity during enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose isolated from poplar wood (Populus sp.) Wpływ furfuralu na aktywność enzymu podczas hydrolizy celulozy wyodrębnionej z drewna topoli (Populus sp.)
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Modelization of Nutrient Removal Processes at a Large WWTP Using a Modified ASM2d Model
PublikacjaThe biodegradation of particulate substrates starts by a hydrolytic stage. Hydrolysis is a slow reaction and usually becomes the rate limiting step of the organic substrates biodegradation. The objective of this work was to evaluate a novel hydrolysis concept based on a modification of the activated sludge model (ASM2d) and to compare it with the original ASM2d model. The hydrolysis concept was developed in order to accurately...
Enzymatic activities behind degradation of glucosinolates
PublikacjaMyrosinase (thioglucosidase, EC is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of glucosinolates (GLs). In plant tissue, myrosinase and GLs are sequestered in separate cellular compartments. As a result of cell disruption, e.g., after pathogen attack or on chopping or grinding during food preparation, the myrosinase comes into contact with GLs and catalyzes the hydrolysis of thioglucosidic bond in GL structure. Consequently,...
Modeling the Effects of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate at Large WWTP in Northern Poland
PublikacjaThe essential study was divided into two parts: experimental investigation and mathematical modeling using special platform to computer simulations. In the first part of research an innovative measurement procedure for an indirect determination of the effect of biodegradable particulate and colloidal Xs substrate was developed and implemented. The results of laboratory tests were used futher to verify the mechanism of the hydrolysis...
Electricity generation from rapeseed straw hydrolysates using microbial fuel cells
PublikacjaRapeseed straw is an attractive fuel material for microbial fuel cells (MFCs) due to its high content of carbohydrates (more than 60% carbohydrates). This study has demonstrated that reducing sugars can be efficiently extracted from raw rapeseed straw by combination of hydrothermal pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis followed by utilization as a fuel in two-chamber MFCs for electrical power generation. The most efficient method...
The Reactivity of the Imine Bond within Polynuclear Nickel(II) Complexes
PublikacjaThree novel Ni complexes with the Schiff base ligand 2-methoxy-6-(E-2-pyridyliminomethyl)-phenol (L1) are described. In comparison with the similar 2-(pyridine-2-ylimino-methyl)phenol (pymp), the mode of coordination of L1 is altered due to the presence of methoxy substituent introducing the sterical hindrance. During the synthesis of the complexes, partial hydrolysis of the ligand was observed. Since such immediate hydrolysis...
The XPS studies of the CB-PLA electrodes after different surface treatments (chemical, electrochemical, enzymatic)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy results of the studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by hydrolysis in different solvents (DMF, 1M HCl, 1M NaOH), electrolysis in 1M NaOH, enzymatic treatment in polymerase or simultaneous electrolysis...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion with different times and concentrations
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K. DIfferent proteinase K concentrations and digestion times were evaluated, as described in subfolder names. The studies were performed before surface activation, during...
Correlation between partial inhibition of hydrogen evolution using thiourea and catalytic activity of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloy towards borohydride electrooxidation
PublikacjaDirect borohydride fuel cells (DBFCs) are devices which directly convert the chemical energy stored in the borohydride ion and oxidant into electrical energy as a result of redox reactions. Unfortunately, a significant amount of fuel is lost as a result of the undesirable hydrolysis reaction. The selection of an efficient borohydride hydrolysis inhibitor requires detailed knowledge regarding the interaction mechanism between the...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA surface activation by electrolysis in 1M NaOH
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by electrolysis in 1M NaOH solution under cycling polarization with different anodic or cathodic overpotentials (data in different subfolders). The file names contain the exact...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K (72h digestion period). Different enzyme concentrations were evaluated: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mg/ml. The studies were performed before surface activation, during and...
MOF/TiO2 erythrocyte-like heterostructures decorated by noble metals for use in hydrogen photogeneration and pollutant photodegradation
PublikacjaVarious metal–organic framework (MOF)/TiO2 heterostructures can be obtained by the partial hydrolysis or calcination of Ti-based MOFs. By adjusting the hydrolysis and calcination steps of NH2-MIL-125 (Ti), a novel photoactive material composed of a MOF (NH2-MIL-125 (Ti)) and TiO2, with a unique “erythrocyte” shape, was developed. Furthermore, modification of the composition prepared by the partial hydrolysis of NH2- MIL-125 (Ti)...
Monosubstituted hydrazone β-cyclodextrin derivatives for pH-sensitive complex formation with aromatic drugs
PublikacjaA new and convenient synthetic pathway was developed to produce monosubstituted cyclodextrins with high yields. Each of the β-cyclodextrin derivatives described in this work has an aromatic substituent connected with cyclodextrin core by a pH-sensitive hydrazone linker and a carbon chain. Carbon chains differ in lengths having one or three carbon atoms. The correlation between water solubility and linker length was determined using...
Recycling of Polyurethanes
PublikacjaPolyurethane waste can be recycled by mechanical methods (i.e., grinding and applying as a filler or pressing with a bonding agent) and chemical methods (mainly by e.g., glycolysis, hydrolysis, or aminolysis). There is also possibility to the recover energy from polyurethanes waste (by incineration, gasification, and pyrolysis).