Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CBRN DEFENCE TACTICAL TRAINING - MOST Wiedzy




  • Aneta Łuczkiewicz prof. dr hab. inż.

    Prowadzę badania nad zdolnościami adaptacyjnymi mikroorganizmów oraz możliwością ich wykorzystania do wspomagania procesów technologicznych. Łączę inżynierię środowiska z elementami inżynierii biomedycznej i materiałowej. Interesują mnie nowatorskie metody detekcji mikroorganizmów istotnych klinicznie w środowisku wodnym (tzw. epidemiologia oparta na ściekach) oraz zaawansowane i praktyczne rozwiązania w sektorze gospodarki wodnej....

  • A review of emotion recognition methods based on keystroke dynamics and mouse movements


    - Rok 2013

    The paper describes the approach based on using standard input devices, such as keyboard and mouse, as sources of data for the recognition of users’ emotional states. A number of systems applying this idea have been presented focusing on three categories of research problems, i.e. collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and training classifiers of emotions. Moreover the advantages and examples of combining standard...

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  • Deep neural networks for data analysis 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • J. Cychnerski
    • K. Draszawka

    This course covers introduction to supervised machine learning, construction of basic artificial deep neural networks (DNNs) and basic training algorithms, as well as the overview of popular DNNs architectures (convolutional networks, recurrent networks, transformers). The course introduces students to popular regularization techniques for deep models. Besides theory, large part of the course is the project in which students apply...

  • Praktyka budowlana/Construction on site training 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • B. Konarzewska

  • “Project-factor-decision”. Decisive factors in IT projects and their impact on its success

    The aim of this article is to indicate the need for a deepening, systematizing and codifying of the theoretical and practical knowledge on IT project management, in the area of management decision-making processes. The scope of decisions made by managers is constantly on the increase. Project managers make decisions not only within the classic triangle of constraints, which consists of a schedule, a budget and the project scope,...

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  • Paweł Ziemiański dr

    Paweł Ziemiański - adiunkt na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania badawcze dotyczą przedsiębiorczości, zespołów przedsiębiorczych oraz negatywnych aspektów (ciemnej strony) przedsiębiorczości. Prowadził również badania dotyczące psychologicznych aspektów sprawowania władzy w organizacjach. W działalności dydaktycznej interesuje go praca ze studium przypadku. Brał udział w szkoleniu z nauczania...

  • Structure of the register of immovable monuments under the primary function – comparison of 2017 and 2024

    This dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland under the primary function of objects for 2017 and 2024. The statement included the following primary functions of the monuments: urbanism, sacral, defence, industrial, economic, residential, public utilities, communication, cemeteries, greenery, etc. The dataset has...

  • Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution

    The aim of this paper is to introduce the Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution which shall be in compliance with the Generic IT Organization Evolution Model. Due to its general nature, a set of practical adjustments is proposed in order to adapt the Generic Model to the IT Service Management domain. Further, two sets of rules describing the evolution of the IT Service Management area are defined based on two types of rules...

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  • Digital Fingerprinting based on Quaternion Encryption for Image Transmission

    In this paper a new digital fingerprinting scheme for images is proposed. A proposed method is based on quaternion encryption with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of operation. Quaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4 and thus often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. The encryption algorithm is designed for grey-tone images. For purpose of encryption, the algorithm uses the rotation of data vectors presented...

  • Rola geosiatek Tensar przy wzmacnianiu słabych podłoży gruntowych pod nawierzchniami ulepszonymi


    - Rok 2005

    Kiedy konstrukcje nawierzchni projektuje się na słabych gruntach, wzmocnienia przy użyciu geosiatek są jedną z najlepszych opcji.Za krytyczną wartość wskaźnika nośności podłoża gruntowego uznaje się najczęściej CBR <2,5. Katalogo typowych nawierzchni [1,2] zalecają jednak zastosowanie geosyntetyków nawet dla podłoży grupy nośności G3 i G4 (przy CBR <5) w celu uzyskania bardziej efektywnego ekonomicznie rozwiązania. Jeżeli geosiatki...

  • Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics


    - Rok 2015

    The article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...

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  • Rapid Design of 3D Reflectarray Antennas by Inverse Surrogate Modeling and Regularization


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2023

    Reflectarrays (RAs) exhibit important advantages over conventional antenna arrays, especially in terms of realizing pencil-beam patterns without the employment of the feeding networks. Unfortunately, microstrip RA implementations feature narrow bandwidths, and are severely affected by losses. A considerably improved performance can be achieved for RAs involving grounded dielectric layers, which are also easy to manufacture using...

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  • Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    Surrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...

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  • Musical Instrument Identification Using Deep Learning Approach


    The work aims to propose a novel approach for automatically identifying all instruments present in an audio excerpt using sets of individual convolutional neural networks (CNNs) per tested instrument. The paper starts with a review of tasks related to musical instrument identification. It focuses on tasks performed, input type, algorithms employed, and metrics used. The paper starts with the background presentation, i.e., metadata...

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  • Color-based Detection of Bleeding in Endoscopic Images

    In this paper a color descriptor designed for bleeding detection in endoscopic images is proposed. The development of the algorithm was carried out on a representative training set of 36 images of bleeding and 25 clear images. Another 38 bleeding and 26 normal images were used in the final stage as a test set. All of the considered images were extracted from separate endoscopic examinations. The experiments include color distribution...

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  • Evaluating Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Modeling and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process



    The fourth industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0 is reshaping and evolving the way industries produce products and individuals live and work therefore, gaining massive attraction from academia, business and politics. The manufacturing industries are optimistic regarding the opportunities Industry 4.0 may offer such as, improved efficiency, productivity and customization. The present research contributes to the Industry 4.0...

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  • Muhammad Danish Ali MSc.


    Muhammad Danish Ali is a dedicated researcher ( Google scholar h index 12) specializing in energy Storage Materials at Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Poland. He is completing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Anna Starczewska from Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland. With a solid academic foundation in material science from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, he has focused his research on...

  • Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Rafał Leszczyna jest profesorem uczelni na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W lipcu 2020 r., na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego w obszarze zarządzania cyberbezpieczeństwem infrastruktur krytycznych w sektorze elektroenergetycznym, uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego w dziedzinie nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplina informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja. W latach 2004–2008 pracował...

  • A Universal Theory of Wisdom . A Mind - oriented Approach



    The purpose of the paper is to synthesize the issues of human wisdom in terms of minds which create knowledge-based judgment. We form a transdisciplinary, big-picture view of the wisdom of humans. Findings: Wisdom is the right judgment and choice in the context of the art of living. Practical implications: Wisdom can be developed within the set of minds. Social implications: To pursue wisdom in thinking and action, one must extend...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics

    Data-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...

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  • Bees Detection on Images: Study of Different Color Models for Neural Networks


    This paper presents an approach to bee detection in video streams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivation for our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The main contribution to this work is a comparison of different color models used as an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture applied to bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural binary classifier that classifies...

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  • Poprawa jakości klasyfikacji głębokich sieci neuronowych poprzez optymalizację ich struktury i dwuetapowy proces uczenia


    - Rok 2024

    W pracy doktorskiej podjęto problem realizacji algorytmów głębokiego uczenia w warunkach deficytu danych uczących. Głównym celem było opracowanie podejścia optymalizującego strukturę sieci neuronowej oraz zastosowanie uczeniu dwuetapowym, w celu uzyskania mniejszych struktur, zachowując przy tym dokładności. Proponowane rozwiązania poddano testom na zadaniu klasyfikacji znamion skórnych na znamiona złośliwe i łagodne. W pierwszym...

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  • Effect of starch fillers on the dynamic mechanical properties of rubber biocomposite materials


    In the paper the results of dynamic mechanical study of the biocomposites containing one of two types of (potato or corn) strach used as fillers in different amount were discussed. The composites were obtained from rubbery mixture containing natural rubber (NR) as a main component. Thermomechanical analyses (by DMA) showed that the used quantity of strach fillers only slightly influence on the glass transition temperature of vulcanizates.

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  • Explainable AI for Inspecting Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

    Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are state of the art algorithms for image classification. Although significant achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some important challenges to tackle. However, it appears that it is relatively easy to attack and fool with well-designed input samples called adversarial examples. Adversarial perturba-tions are unnoticeable for humans. Such attacks...

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  • Urszula Szybowska mgr

    Zawodowo zajmuje się rozwijaniem działań w zakresie obsługi i kształcenia polskich i zagranicznych użytkowników Biblioteki PG oraz w zakresie rozwoju i promowania projektów mobilnościowych w ramach programu Erasmus+. W latach 2017-2020 koordynator ds. współpracy międzynarodowej w Bibliotece PG ; od roku 2020 koordynator ds. programu Erasmus+ w Bibliotece PG ; 2018-2023 bibliotekarz ds. mediów społecznościowych Biblioteki Politechniki...

  • Angelica Pegani mgr


    Absolwentka Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończyła menedżerskie studia podyplomowe oraz Program Przedsiębiorczości na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie i napisała rozprawę doktorską w zakresie nauk społecznych. Posiada liczne certyfikaty potwierdzające znajomość języka angielskiego, m. in z British Council oraz University of Cambridge. Posiada 12-letnie doświadczenie...

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Neural-Based Cerebral Microbleeds Detection System


    - Electronics - Rok 2021

    Machine learning-based systems are gaining interest in the field of medicine, mostly in medical imaging and diagnosis. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic cerebral microbleeds (CMB) detection in magnetic resonance images. It is challenging due to difficulty in distinguishing a true CMB from its mimics, however, if successfully solved it would streamline the radiologists work. To deal with this complex three-dimensional...

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  • Hybrid System for Ship-Aided Design Automation


    - Rok 2011

    A hybrid support system for ship design based on the methodology of CBR with some artificial intelligence tools such as expert system Exsys Developer along with fuzzy logic, relational Access database and artificial neural network with backward propagation of errors.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine

    Reliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...

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  • Study on some of the strength properties of soft clay stabilized with plastic waste strips

    It is well known that if plastic wastes are not well managed, it has a negative impact on the environment as well as on human health. In this study, recycling plastic waste in form of strips for stabilizing weak subgrade soil is proposed. For this purpose, a weak clay soil sample was mixed with 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% of plastic strips by weight of soil, and the experimental results were compared to the control soil sample with 0%...

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  • Environmemtal Degradation of Ramie Fibre Reinforced Biocomposites

    • K. Krasowska
    • J. Brzeska
    • M. Rutkowska
    • H. Janik
    • S. Sreekala Meyyarappallil
    • K. Goda
    • T. Sabu


    The estimation of environmental degradibility of different fibre reinforced biocomposites in Baltic sea and in compost with activated sludge under natural conditions is the subject of this paper. Two types of biocomposites, ramie fibre/ecoflex and ramie fibre/cellulose nanofibre reinforced corn starch resin, were studied.It was demonstrated that the biocomposites with natural fibre of ramie were degraded in compost faster than...

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  • Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Conference


  • Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.


    Paweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....

  • Train the trainer course


    - Rok 2018

    This chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...

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  • Final Project BiM

    Kursy Online
    • P. Ziemiański

    This course pertains to the final thesis that you students prepare and defend to obtain the bachelor's degree.

  • Digital Fingerprinting Based on Quaternion Encryption Scheme for Gray-Tone Images

    In this paper a new idea of digital images fingerprinting is proposed. The method is based on quaternion encryption in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. Quaternion sare hyper-complex numbers of rank 4 and thus often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. The encryption algorithm described in the paper is designed for gray-tone images but can easily be adopted for color ones. For the encryption purpose, the algorithm...

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  • Trening mentalny - P2ETARDA

    Kursy Online
    • R. Ossowski
    • A. Krysiak

  • Static puncture resistance of non-woven geotextiles


    - Rok 2010

    Badania cech fizycznych i wytrzymałościowych geowóknin separcyjnych i osłonowych. Analiza wyników badań oporu na przebicie statycze metodą CBR, dla różnych rodzajów geowłóknin, próbek pozyskanych z terenu (po wbudowaniu w nasyp)i kontrolnych.

  • The Caucasian flora: a still-to-be-discovered rich source of antioxidants



    Cellular redox homeostasis is a state of balance between the formation of Usually Reactive Oxygen and / or Nitrogen Species (ROS/RNS), endogenous antioxidant defence systems, and exogenous dietary antioxidants. The disturbance of redox homeostasis, by the overproduction of endogenous ROS/RNS, may increase the risk of development of so-called civilisation diseases. The solution seems to be either the increased production of endogenous...

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  • Development and test of fex, a fingers extending exoskeleton for rehabilitation and regaining mobility


    - International Journal of Mechanics and Control - Rok 2018

    This paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers' extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes, together with its first clinical usability tests of a robotic exoskeleton. Furthermore, the Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers' extension. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...

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  • Creating new voices using normalizing flows

    • P. Biliński
    • T. Merritt
    • A. Ezzerg
    • K. Pokora
    • S. Cygert
    • K. Yanagisawa
    • R. Barra-Chicote
    • D. Korzekwa

    - Rok 2022

    Creating realistic and natural-sounding synthetic speech remains a big challenge for voice identities unseen during training. As there is growing interest in synthesizing voices of new speakers, here we investigate the ability of normalizing flows in text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) modes to extrapolate from speakers observed during training to create unseen speaker identities. Firstly, we create an approach for TTS...

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  • Narzędzia treningu twórczości jako pomoc w kształceniu projektantów


    - Rok 2016

    Kreatywność rozwijać. Na tym założeniu opiera się międzynarodowy program edukacyjny Odyssey of the Mind (Odyseja Umysłu). W programie zespoły młodych osób pracują metodą projektową, wykorzystując różnorodne techniki treningu twórczości, nad rozwiązaniem abstrakcyjnego problemu rozbieżnego. Część absolwentów programu wybiera kierunki kreatywne jako naturalną kontynuację procesu edukacji. Elementy treningu twórczości można wykorzystać...

  • Cybersecurity in the Electricity Sector


    - Rok 2019

    This book offers a systematic explanation of cybersecurity protection of electricity supply facilities, including discussion of related costs, relevant standards, and recent solutions. The author explains the current state of cybersecurity in the electricity market, and cybersecurity standards that apply in that sector. He then offers a systematic approach to cybersecurity management, including new methods of cybersecurity assessment,...

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  • Isolation of Citrus lemon extracellular vesicles: Development and process control using capillary electrophoresis

    • A. Steć
    • M. Chodkowska
    • J. Kasprzyk-Pochopień
    • P. Mielczarek
    • W. Piekoszewski
    • B. Lewczuk
    • A. Płoska
    • L. Kalinowski
    • B. Wielgomas
    • S. Dziomba

    - FOOD CHEMISTRY - Rok 2023

    A new and scalable method for the isolation of extracellular vesicles (EV) from Citrus lemon juice samples was developed. The methodology included preliminary preconcentration of the sample using ultrafiltration (UF) followed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) purification and final preconcentration of the eluates. Transmission electron microscopy and proteomic analysis showed that isolates contained exosome-like vesicles, exocyst-positive...

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  • Tanatoarchitektura [=] Thanatoarchitecture


    - Rok 2015

    Apart from medicine and philosophy, deliberations about thanatology - the science of dying and death - are nowadays a subject of interest in psychol-ogy, pedagogy, anthropology, sociology or theology. It seems that there is also space for such deliberations in the field of architecture. This may con-cern the conditions and dignity of death (i.e. in a hospice) but also matters related to the design of the burial and memorial sites....

  • Green energy extraction for sustainable development: A novel MPPT technique for hybrid PV-TEG system

    • M. Kamran Khan
    • M. Hamza Zafar
    • M. Mansoor
    • A. Mirza
    • U. Amir Khan
    • N. Mujeeb Khan

    - Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments - Rok 2022

    The Photovoltaic (PV) module converts only a small portion of irradiance into electrical energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature and a decrease in solar cell efficiency. One way to harvest this freely available solar thermal energy and improve PV cell efficiency is by integrating PV systems with thermoelectric generators (TEG). This cogeneration approach of the hybrid PV-TEG...

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  • Visual measurement system for chosen parameters of current collectors


    - Rok 2009

    A current collector is an element in a traction vehicle, used for movable, contact con-nection between the main circuit of this vehicle and the contact line. Bad technical condi-tion of these important elements in the main circuit of the vehicle result in its incorrect cooperation with contact line. Periodic control of technical condition of current collectors ensures infallible current collection. The pantograph diagnostics consists...

  • Laser microscope profilometry of SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode surface after quickly drying

    The dataset consists of a surface image, topography and profilometry obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode (STF70). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable...

  • Laser microscope profilometry of (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 surface before polishing

    The dataset consists of a surface image and topography obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 substrate (CGO-20). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable focus. The...

  • Towards bees detection on images: study of different color models for neural networks


    This paper presents an approach to bee detection in videostreams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivationfor our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The maincontribution to this work is a comparison of different color models usedas an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture appliedto bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural...