Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: los srodowiskowy - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: los srodowiskowy

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: los srodowiskowy

  • Optical low-coherence interferometry for selected technical applications

    W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy optycznej interferometrii niskokoherentnej i przedyskutowano jej unikatowe właściwości. Opisano w nim opracowany przez autorów system OCT przeznaczony do badań strukturalnych materiałów technicznych. Badania te obejmują także zmiany stanu polaryzacji promieniowania rozproszonego w badanym obiekcie. W artykule zawarto wyniki badań wybranych materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie...

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  • Low-cost handheld multiprobe reflectometer for the ism band


    - Rok 2008

    W artykule przedstawiona została procedura oraz działający model taniego miernika współczynnika odbicia na pasmo ISM. Koncepcja modelu oparta jest o reflektometr z multi próbkowaniem oraz wykorzystanie zintegrowanego detektora mocy firmy Analog Devices. Prototypowy miernik z interfejsem został zbudowany. Wyniki symulacji oraz eksperymentu zostały przedstawione.

  • Low-Molecular-Weight Aldehyde Inhibitors of Cathepsin G

    • A. Lesner
    • M. Wysocka
    • M. Solek
    • A. Legowska
    • K. Rolka

    - Protein & Peptide Letters - Rok 2009

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  • Mobile Networks' Analysis in Terms of QoS Performance Assessment


    - Rok 2023

    Quality of service (QoS) assessment is one of the basic processes carried out by mobile network operators (MNOs) and regulators of the telecommunications market. Usually, professional companies carry out measurements for various country areas and use cases (scenarios). In this paper, we show exemplary measurement results carried out in drive tests in the vicinity of the Polish capital by a professional company. The measurement...

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  • Emerging oxidized and defective phases in low-dimensional CrCl3

    • D. Mastrippolito
    • L. Ottaviano
    • J. Wang
    • J. Yang
    • F. Gao
    • M. Ali
    • G. D'Olimpio
    • A. Politano
    • S. Palleschi
    • S. Kazim... i 8 innych

    - Nanoscale Advances - Rok 2021

    Two-dimensional (2D) magnets such as chromium trihalides CrX3 (X ¼ I, Br, Cl) represent a frontier for spintronics applications and, in particular, CrCl3 has attracted research interest due its relative stability under ambient conditions without rapid degradation, as opposed to CrI3. Herein, mechanically exfoliated CrCl3 flakes are characterized at the atomic scale and the electronic structures of pristine, oxidized, and defective...

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  • QoS Resource Reservation Mechanisms for Switched Optical Networks


    The paper regards the problem of resource reservation mechanisms for Quality of Service support in switched optical networks. The authors propose modifications and extensions for resources reservation strategy algorithms with resources pools, link capacity threshold and adaptive advance reservation approach. They examine proposed solutions in Automatically Switched Optical Network with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching...

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  • Experimental test of nonclassicality with arbitrarily low detection efficiency


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2020

    We theoretically introduce and experimentally demonstrate the realization of a nonclassicality test that allows for arbitrarily low detection efficiency without invoking an extra assumption of independence of the devices. Our test and its implementation is set in a prepare-and-measure scenario with an upper limit on the classical communication capacity of the channel through which the systems are communicated. The essence for our...

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  • Transmisja w kanale hydroakustycznym w warunkach NLOS


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2022

    Transmisja danych w kanale hydroakustycznym w warunkach NLOS (ang. Non-Line-Of-Sight) jest szczególnie problematyczna. Dlatego podjęto próbę opracowania bezprzewodowej komunikacji podwodnej i jej przebadanie w warunkach NLOS. Zastosowano modulację MFSK (ang. Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying), przesyłając pojedynczy bit na dwóch nośnych, oraz odbiór zbiorczy. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły przydatność opracowanej techniki do transmisji...

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  • Low-coherence photonic method of electrochemical processes monitoring

    We present an advanced multimodality characterization platform for simultaneous optical and electrochemical measurements of ferrocyanides. Specifcally, we combined a fber-optic Fabry– Perot interferometer with a three-electrode electrochemical setup to demonstrate a proof-ofprinciple of this hybrid characterization approach, and obtained feasibility data in its monitoring of electrochemical reactions in a boron-doped diamond flm...

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  • Influence of the Adsorption Bed Composition on the Low-Pressure Fluidization

    • A. Kulakowska
    • A. Zylka
    • J. Krzywanski
    • D. Skrobek
    • K. Grabowska
    • M. Sosnowski
    • W. Nowak

    - Processes - Rok 2023

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  • Smart Graphite–Cement Composites with Low Percolation Threshold


    - Materials - Rok 2022

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  • Polarisation effects in low-energy positron–molecule scattering

    The UK molecular R-matrix method has been adapted to treat positron collisions from polyatomic targets. A simple empirical enhancement factor which corrects for the underestimation of electron–positron polarisation and correlation effects in the calculations performed with the static-plus-polarization model at low scattering energies is presented. Application of this model to positron scattering from carbon dioxide at energies...

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  • Low-Sulphur Marine Fuels—Panacea or a New Threat?


    - Rok 2021

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  • Study of QoS Parameters Measurement Methodology and Requirements in RSMAD


    The paper presents the results of analysis and research of the quality of service requirements (defined by the QoS parameters) for data transmission services in Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short: RSMAD). The paper also presents and discusses the results of test of impact of the size of images from traffic enforcement cameras (TECs) on the average transmission time. Moreover,...

  • Architektura i mechanizmy Równoległego Internetu Ipv6 QoS

    • H. Tarasiuk
    • W. Góralski
    • J. Granat
    • M. B. Jordi
    • W. Szymak
    • S. Hanczewski
    • R. Szuman
    • M. Giertych
    • K. Gierłowski
    • M. Natkaniec
    • J. Gozdecki

    - Rok 2012

    Artykuł przedstawia propozycje architektury i mechanizmy Równoległego Internetu IPv6 QoS, który jest rozważany jako jeden z trzech równoległych Internatów w systemie IIp tworzonym w ramach projektu Inzynieria Internetu Przyszłości (IIP). Artykuł zawiera funkcje i mechanizmy, które umożliwiają działanie sieci wirtualnych dla wybranych typów aplikacji, takich jak e-zdrowie, monitorowanie, bezpieczeństwo publiczne, zdalne nauczanie,...

  • Traffic Type Influence on Performance of OSPF QoS Routing


    - Rok 2012

    Feasibility studies with QoS routing proved that the network traffic type has influence on routing performance. In this work influence of self-similar traffic for network with DiffServ architecture and OSPF QoS routing has been verified. Analysis has been done for three traffic classes. Multiplexed ON-OFF model was used for self-similar traffic generation. Comparison of simulation results were presented using both relative and...

  • A High-Efficient Low-Voltage Rectifier for CMOS Technology

    A new configuration of rectifier suiting CMOS technology is presented. The rectifier consists of only two nchannel MOS transistors, two capacitors and two resistors; for this reason it is very favourable in manufacturing in CMOS technology. With these features the rectifier is easy to design and cheap in production. Despite its simplicity, the rectifier has relatively good characteristics, the voltage and power efficiency, and...

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  • Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation


    - Rok 2018

    We propose a use of a power amplifier in the circuit of voltage to current converter (current driver) for supercapacitor charging/discharging in controlled conditions. The current driver is controlled by DAC output of DAQ board and voltage of DUT is measured and a control loop is realized by software. In the circuit the DC current method of evaluation of capacitance and equivalent series...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Low-Power WSN System for Honey Bee Monitoring


    - Rok 2019

    The paper presents a universal low-power system for biosensory data acquisition in scope of bees monitoring. We describe the architecture of the system, energy-saving components as well as we discuss the selection of used sensors. The work focuses on energy optimization in a scope of wireless communication. A custom protocol was implemented, which is the basis for presented energy-efficient devices. Data exchange process during...

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  • Shear resistance of low height precast concrete lintels

    The scope of the paper is to investigate analytically and determine experimentally the shear resistance of low height reinforced precast concrete lintels. The chosen procedures included in national and international standards applied for the design of structural concrete elements to an estimation of shear behaviour of reinforced concrete elements are described. The characteristic and designed shear strength of precast concrete...

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  • Low energy electron mass stopping power in H2


    We present experimental mass stopping powers of electrons in gaseous H2 obtained with a newly developed electron time-of-flight spectrometer, for the incident electron energy range of 10eV to 25eV. In our procedure the average energy loss is derived from our conversion of measured electron time-of-flight spectra into equivalent electron energy loss spectra so as to obtain the values of mass stopping power for electron scattering...

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  • Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways


    For each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...

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  • Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation

    Supercapacitors are capable to store relatively high amount of energy comparing to its mass. Growing number of these devices applications requires development of new testing methods. Standard methods of evaluation of supercapacitor parameters, as cycling voltammetry, CV, galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation, GCPL, impedance measurements, require equipment of high cost...

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  • Dissociation of 2-oxopropanoic acid by low energy electrons


    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Rok 2017

    Electron attachment to molecular target can lead to a variety of negative fragment ions. We experimentally probe the main dissociative electron attachment (DEA) channels in 2-oxopropanoic acid (CH3 - CO - COOH) - an important trace component in the Earth's atmosphere. In our studies we utilise nearly mono-energetic electrons at electron energies from 0 eV up to 15 eV.

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  • Assessment of Supercapacitor’s Quality by Means of Low Frequency Noise


    Low frequency noise is a well-known tool for quality and reliability assessment of electronic devices. This phenomenon is observed in different electrochemical devices as well (e.g., smart windows, electrochemical corrosion processes). Thus, we can assume that the same tool can be used to asses quality of supercapacitors. Their quality is usually determined only by capacitance and/or equivalent series resistance (ESR), or impedance....

  • Low-frequency tripping characteristics of residual current devices

    Fast development of various types of converters makes their utilization in industry and in domestic installations very common. Due to converters, an earth fault current waveform in modern circuits can be distorted or its frequency can be different than 50/60 Hz. Frequency of earth fault (residual) current influences tripping of residual current devices which are widely used in low voltage systems. This paper presents the behaviour...

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  • Voltage Conditions in Low Voltage Grid with Connected Mictogeneration


    The introduction of distributed generation into a low voltage grid may cause voltage problems in it. The paper discusses the effect of microgeneration on voltage levels in a low voltage grid. A real low voltage grid of considerable length was selected for the analysis. The grid primarily supplies residential buildings in a rural area. Results of tests that consider potential measures which could be applied in this grid to improve...

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  • Design of low noise preamplifers for characterization of LSCO bolometers


    W artykule przedstawiono wymagania stawiane układom do pomiaru szumów bolometrów. Ze względu na niski poziom mierzonych szumów układy te wymagają zastosowania niskoszumnych przedwzmacniaczy i układów ustalających punkt pracy badanych detektorów. Omówiono konstrukcje dwóch przedwzmacniaczy z zintegrowanymi układami polaryzacji. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów szumów w zakresie częstotliwości 10-90Hz. Przedstawiono możliwości ulepszenia...

  • Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość (QoS...

  • Mechanizmy QoS dla wielousługowych sieci IP. 2.


    - Rok 2002

    Zaprezentowano koncepcje organizacji wielousługowych sieci IP. Przedstawiono podstawowe modele usług pozwalających na zróżnicowanie obsługi różnych typów ruchu. Opisano usługę best effort, a także usługi zintegrowane (IntServ-) i zróżnicowane (DiffServ). Podobno przykłady realizacji usługi DiffServ.

  • Hydrogen degradation of high strength low alloyed steels.


    Badano wpływ polaryzacji katodowej na własności stali węglowej, stali o podwyższonej i wysokiej wytrzymałości metodą stałego powolnego odkształcania.Stwierdzono, że stopień kruchości wodorowej każdej z badanych stali zależał od stężenia wodoru dyfuzyjnego.

  • An advanced low-cost sensorless induction motor drive



    W artykule przedstawiono układ sterowania silnikiem asynchronicznym klatkowym pracujący bez pomiaru prędkości obrotowej. Układ zrealizowano na tanim procesorze stałoprzecinkowym. aspekty praktyczne realizacji układu rozpatrzono na podstawie uzyskanych wyników z symulacji i eksperymentu.

  • Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość...

  • Sensorless multiscalar controls of induction motor at low speed


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie obserwatora prędkości w dwóch różnych układach sterowania multiskalarnego silnikiem klatkowym. Pierwszy układ bazuje na prądzie stojana i strumieniu wirnika, natomiast drugi nowy układ wykorzystuje zmienne prąd stojana i strumień stojana. Zamieszczono wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalych w układzie ze sterowaniem na procesorze SHARC.

  • Regulated Control of the Assembly and Diversity of LPS by Noncoding sRNAs

    The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is asymmetric due to the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) facing the outer leaflet of the OM and phospholipids facing the periplasmic side. LPS is essential for bacterial viability, since it provides a permeability barrier and is a major virulence determinant in pathogenic bacteria. In Escherichia coli, several steps of LPS biosynthesis and assembly are regulated by the RpoE...

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  • Biological hazards in low noise, poroelastic road surfaces


    - Rok 2013

    Drainage pavements as well as poroelastic pavements ("PERS") are a very efficient way to decrease traffic noise by reducing tire/road noise at the source as well as noise propagation over the road surface. Many noise generating mechanisms at the tire/road interface are very much reduced by road porosity (pipe resonance, "air pumping", Helmholtz resonance and the horn effect). A well-designed porous or poroelastic road surface may...

  • Low-Level Music Feature Vectors Embedded as Watermarks

    In this paper a method consisting in embedding low-level music feature vectors as watermarks into a musical signal is proposed. First, a review of some recent watermarking techniques and the main goals of development of digital watermarking research are provided. Then, a short overview of parameterization employed in the area of Music Information Retrieval is given. A methodology of non-blind watermarking applied to music-content...

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  • Application development for Android, iOS and BlackBerry mobile platforms

    Mobile devices, along with dedicated operating systems, have become a substantial and rising trend in software development. Computer industry has significantly changed in order to fulfil the needs of this new segment of the market. Authors have participated in projects, which involved programming on Android, iOS and BlackBerry operating systems. In this paper the most popular mobile platforms (and multiplatform Unity3D environment)...

  • Traffic Type Influence on Performance of OSPF QoS Routing

    Feasibility studies with QoS routing proved that the network traffic type has influence on routing performance. In this work influence of self-similar traffic for network with DiffServ architecture and OSPF QoS routing has been verified. Analysis has been done for three traffic classes. Multiplexed On-Off model was used for self-similar traffic generation. Comparison of simulation results was presented using both relative and non-relative...

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  • Low Cost Method for Location Service in the WCDMA System

    A new and low cost method for a location service (LCS) in the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) system is outlined. This method, which is called TDOA + RTT, enables calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between base stations (BSs). The TDOA+RTT method is based on the measurement of round trip times (RTTs) between the MS and the serving...

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  • Potential reduction of traffic noise by the means of increased fleet of electric vehicles using a combination of low-noise tyres and low-noise road surfaces


    - Rok 2016

    In the future, the number of zero-emission vehicles like electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (in electric mode) is expected to be a substantial part of the vehicle fleet. In Norway, such vehicles already account for approximately 20 % of all new cars sold. Since these vehicles emit negligible noise related to the power-train, the tyre/road noise is the dominating noise source. In the LEO project, tyres designed for such cars have...

  • Les Belles Lettres


  • Capillary Electrophoresis in Determination of Low Molecular Mass Organic Acids

    This paper presents overviews the capabilities of capillary electrophoretic techniques to determine low molecular mass organic acids in a variety of aqueous, gas and solid samples. It mainly focuses on short - chain carboxylic acids containing one or more carboxylic groups and possibly some other functional groups (hydroxyl, keto-, amino- etc.). Finally the procedures applied to the determine the acids in different matrices are...

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  • The low coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with diamond and ZnO layers


    The authors present a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer built with the application of diamond and zinc oxide (ZnO) thin layers. Thin ZnO films were deposited on the tip of a standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF- 28) while the diamond layer was grown on the plate of silicon substrate. Investigated ZnO layers were fabricated by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and the diamond films were deposited using Microwave...

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  • Sharp transitions in low-number quantum dots Bayesian magnetometry


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2016

    We consider Bayesian estimate of static magnetic field, characterized by a prior Gaussian probability distribution, in systems of a few electron quantum dot spins interacting with infinite temperature spin environment via hyperfine interaction. Sudden transitions among optimal states and measurements are observed. Usefulness of measuring occupation levels is shown for all times of the evolution, together with the role of entanglement...

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  • Use of AMI Meters in the Process of Low Voltage Grid Optimization


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2017

    This is a report of a project involving, inter alia, low voltage grid performance optimization with data from AMI meters . The study was supported with a European UPGRID grant, and executed by a consortium of companies from seven European countries, including Poland .

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  • Reclaiming ground tire rubber at low temperatures: benefits and limitations


    Lower extrusion temperatures during rubber reclamation lead to a reduction in toxic degradation products and improve the mechanical properties of vulcanizates, at the expense of reduced processability.

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  • Shipping Low Frequency Noise and Its Propagation in Shallow Water

    One of the most significant factor influencing acoustical climate of the sea is underwater noise generated by moving ships. If the considered sea area has features of the shallow water, namely the wave frequency fulfils relation f < 10c/h, where c denotes phase speed of sound, and h is depths of the sea, then in certain distance from the wave source specific image of sound pressure distribution in the mean of wave modes appears....

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  • Influence of design of hydraulic components on their operation in low ambient temperatures


    W artykule przestawiono wpływ konstrukcji zespołów hydraulicznych na ich działanie w niskich temperaturach otoczenia.

  • Low current transformer utilizing Co-based amorphous alloys



    Metal oxide surge arresters have been widely used for protection of power system networks against overvoltages due to atmospheric discharges or malfunction of devices connected to the network. During its operation a surge arrester structure is degradated, what can be observed as an increase of a surge arrester leakage current. Paper presents an implementation of a new, high-permeability, Co64Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy as a current...

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