Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NUMERY ALARMOWE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NUMERY ALARMOWE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NUMERY ALARMOWE

  • Stany nadzwyczajne i „niezwyczajne”

    Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej jako ustawa zasadnicza definiuje trzy stany nadzwyczajne, które mogą być wprowadzone w sytuacjach szczególnych zagrożeń, jeżeli zwykłe środki konstytucyjne są niewystarczające. Dodatkowo w systemie prawnym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej funkcjonują stan zagrożenia epidemicznego i stan epidemii, a także stany gotowości obronnej państwa i stopnie alarmowe wprowadzane w związku z zagrożeniami o...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Minimum order of graphs with given coloring parameters



    A complete k-coloring of a graph G=(V,E) is an assignment F: V -> {1,...,k} of colors to the vertices such that no two vertices of the same color are adjacent, and the union of any two color classes contains at least one edge. Three extensively investigated graph invariants related to complete colorings are the minimum and maximum number of colors in a complete coloring (chromatic number χ(G) and achromatic number ψ(G), respectively),...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries


    - Rok 2016

    In 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Data obtained by numerical simulation for X-ray focusing using a finite difference method

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied.

  • The spontaneous electron emission and rotational predissociation lifetimes of the diatomic silver anion

    The process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...

  • System Zarządzania Energią w zakładzie przemysłowym

    W ramach prac badawczo-rozwojowych z firmą Nowa Energia Sp. z o.o. powstał System Zarządzania Energią, w postaci systemu informatycznego i sprzętowego koncentratora danych tzw. IED (ang. Inteligent Electronics Devices). Produkt ten został wdrożony w przemyśle do Zarządzania Energią w zakładach przemysłowych. System jest zainstalowany w stacji energetycznej 15kV/0,4kV, zaś główny serwer z oprogramowaniem znajduje się na Politechnice...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • THREE-DIMENSIONAL numerical investigation of MHD nanofluid convective heat transfer inside a CUBIC porous container with corrugated bottom wall


    - Rok 2022

    Simultaneous use of porous media and nanofluid as a heat transfer improvement method has recently captivated a great deal of attention. The heat transfer and entropy production of the Cu-water nanofluid inside a cubic container with a heated bottom wavy wall and an elliptic inner cylinder were numerically analyzed in this study. The container is partitioned into two sections: the left side is filled with permeable media and...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Teaching High Performance Computing Using BeesyCluster and Relevant Usage Statistics


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents motivations and experiences from using the BeesyCluster middleware for teaching high performance computing at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. Features of BeesyCluster well suited for conducting courses are discussed including: easy-to-use WWW interface for application development and running hiding queuing systems, publishing applications as services...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Asking Data in a Controlled Way with Ask Data Anything NQL

    • A. Seganti
    • P. Kapłański
    • J. Campo
    • K. Cieśliński
    • J. Koziołkiewicz
    • P. Zarzycki

    - Rok 2016

    While to collect data, it is necessary to store it, to understand its structure it is necessary to do data-mining. Business Intelligence (BI) enables us to make intelligent, data-driven decisions by the mean of a set of tools that allows the creation of a potentially unlimited number of machine-generated, data-driven reports, which are calculated by a machine as a response to queries specified by humans. Natural Query Languages...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Issues related to noise and protection against noise against the background of hazards present in the working environment


    - Rok 2023

    Noise is one of the physical factors that poses the greatest threat in the working environment. In order to reduce the noise exposure, noise reduction at the source should be considered. Next, the engineering and administrative controls are being developed. Finally, hearing protectors are used. Issues related to protection against noise are part of the topics in the field of occupational...

  • Inżynieria Systemów Alarmowych [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]

    Kursy Online
    • A. Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • A. Dzwonkowski
    • M. Śliwiński

    V semestr, 1 stopień, niestacjonarne. Przegląd urządzeń i systemów alarmowych. Czujki – rodzaje, zasady działania. Sygnalizatory i urządzenia do powiadamiania. Systemy sygnalizacji włamania i napadu – zasady doboru urządzeń, poziomy zabezpieczeń. Systemy kontroli dostępu – przegląd urządzeń, zasady doboru. Centrale alarmowe – budowa, zasada działania, programowanie i konfiguracja z wykorzystaniem modułów dodatkowych. Zdalne sterowanie...

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K5-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K5-e,Km-e)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K5-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K5-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K5-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K5-e,Km-e) is the smallest...

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K6-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K6-e,Km-e)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K6-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K6-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K6-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed. The Ramsey number R(K6-e,Km-e) is the smallest...

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K4,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K4,Km-e)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K4 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K4,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K4 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K4,Km-e)...

  • Double bondage in graphs


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. The double bondage number of G, denoted by b_d(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The influence of microjet array area ratio on heat transfer in the compact heat exchanger

    The paper describes the comprehensive study on the effect of microjet array geometrical parameters on the heat transfer enhancement in the modular heat exchanger. The conducted experimental study provides an experimental database on single phase submerged microjet heat transfer. The Wilson plot method was applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients in the laminar and transition flow regimes of a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Increasing accuracy of frequency estimation by decimation. W: [CD-ROM]EUSIPCO 2002. XI European Signal Processing Conference. Toulouse, France, September 3-6, 2002. [B.m.]: New Medias**2002 [4 s. 3 rys. bibliogr. 6 poz.] Page numbers in the proceedings: Volume 3, s. 135-138. Zwiększanie dokładności estymacji częstotliwości poprzez decymację.


    - Rok 2002

    Artykuł rozważa problem estymacji częstotliwości zaszumionego, sinusoidalne-go sygnału zespolonego. Częstotliwość wyznaczana jest w oparciu o autoregre-syjny model sygnału. W pracy wykazano, że wprowadzenie decymacji sygnału po-zwala na redukcję rzędu modelu autoregresyjnego, a tym samym powoduje znacz=ne zmniejszenie złożoności obliczeniowej metody.

  • An Efficient Noisy Binary Search in Graphs via Median Approximation



    Consider a generalization of the classical binary search problem in linearly sorted data to the graph-theoretic setting. The goal is to design an adaptive query algorithm, called a strategy, that identifies an initially unknown target vertex in a graph by asking queries. Each query is conducted as follows: the strategy selects a vertex q and receives a reply v: if q is the target, then =, and if q is not the target, then v is a...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Benchmarking Parallel Chess Search in Stockfish on Intel Xeon and Intel Xeon Phi Processors


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents results from benchmarking the parallel multithreaded Stockfish chess engine on selected multi- and many-core processors. It is shown how the strength of play for an n-thread version compares to 1-thread version on both Intel Xeon and latest Intel Xeon Phi x200 processors. Results such as the number of wins, losses and draws are presented and how these change for growing numbers of threads. Impact of using particular...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Three-dimensional numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluids in chain microchannel under electrohydrodynamic actuator

    Energy efficiency enhancement methods have received considerable attentionwithin the industry and scientific community, owing to the rising concern ofglobal energy sustainability. The present article attempts to scrutinize the effectsof electrohydrodynamics and nanofluids on the rate of heat transfer and fluidflow in the 3-D chain microchannels. Improved heat exchangers (e.g., chainmicrochannel) would have a key role in increasing...

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  • Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek dr hab. inż. arch.

    Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek, dr hab. inż. arch., urbanista, architekt światła.  Doktor habilitowany nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka, z dodatkową specjalnością architektonicznego projektowania światłem. Podstawowym obszarem jej zainteresowań naukowych jest urbanistyka, w obrębie której skoncentrowała się na trzech nurtach badawczych, a mianowicie: Problemy kształtowania współczesnych przestrzeni publicznych,...

  • Non-isolating bondage in graphs

    A dominating set of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $V(G) \setminus D$ has a neighbor in $D$. The domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of $G$. The non-isolating bondage number of $G$, denoted by $b'(G)$, is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges $E' \subseteq E$ such that $\delta(G-E') \ge 1$ and $\gamma(G-E')...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Non-isolating 2-bondage in graphs

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The non-isolating 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2'(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that delta(G-E') &gt;= 1 and gamma_2(G-E') &gt; gamma_2(G)....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Paulina Parcheta-Szwindowska dr inż.

    Aktualnie, od 1.10.2019 roku, pracuję na stanowisku adiunkta naukowo-dydaktycznego w Katedrze Technologii Polimerów na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2015-2019 odbyłam Studia Doktoranckie na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Tytuł obronionej w 2019r. rozprawy doktorskiej to: ,,Synteza, właściwości i zastosowanie liniowych polioli poliestrowych otrzymanych z wykorzystaniem monomerów pochodzenia roślinnego”....

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(3,m)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K3 and Km graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph).The Ramsey number R(3,m) is the smallest natural number n such that for any edge coloring...

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (Km,K3-e;n), 4<m<8, 1<n<R(Km,K3-e)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For Km and K3-e graphs, a coloring type (Km,K3-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the Km subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the K3-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). K3-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(Km,K3-e)...

  • Piotr Grudowski dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Piotr Grudowski, profesor w Politechnice Gdańskiej karierę naukową rozpoczynał na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej w zespole „Inżynierii Jakości i Metrologii”. Stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie budowa i eksploatacja maszyn uzyskał w roku 1993 na Wydziale Mechanicznym PG a stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych, w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu, w 2008 roku na Wydziale...

  • Open source solution LMS for supporting e-learning/blended learning engineers


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule zaprezentowano darmowe systemy zarządzania kształceniem na odległość wspomagające e-learningowe/mieszane nauczanie inżynierów. Pierwszy system TeleCAD został opracowany w ramach projektu Leonardo da Vinci (1998-2001). System TeleCAD był propozycją w projekcie V Ramowy CURE (2003-2006). W roku 2003 dzięki projektowi Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (2001-2005) Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej wybrało system...


    The paper presents utilization of one of the latest tool from the group of Machine learning techniques, namely Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), in process of decision making in selected medical problems. After the survey of the most successful applications of CNN in solving medical problems, the paper focuses on the very difficult problem of automatic analyses of the skin lesions. The authors propose the CNN structure...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Euro 2012 economic impact on host cities in Poland


    - Rok 2013

    The UEFA European Championship (Euro) is among the world's most important sporting events staged nowadays. Apart from tremendous excitement among football fans, such a major event has a number of other implications, above all of economic nature. This study, as one of the few concerned with the Polish circumstances, is intended to determine what significance should be attributed to stage the Euro 2012 in Polish host cities. aware...

  • Free randomness amplification using bipartite chain correlations

    • A. Grudka
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • M. Pawłowski
    • R. Ramanathan

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2014

    A direct analysis of the task of randomness amplification from Santha-Vazirani sources using the violation of the chained Bell inequality is performed in terms of the convex combination of no-signaling boxes required to simulate quantum violation of the inequality. This analysis is used to find the exact threshold value of the initial randomness parameter from which perfect randomness can be extracted in the asymptotic limit of...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Experimental investigations on heat transfer enhancement in shell coil heat exchanger with VARIABLE Baffles GEOMETRY

    The paper presents the possibility of using passive intensification of heat transfer in the form of baffles to increase the energy efficiency of the shell and coil heat exchanger. The experiment was carried out by using a modular coil heat exchanger in the form of an electric heater. Water was used as a working fluid with constant thermal-flow parameters at the inlet of the module. It should be noted that experiments were made...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • PG_00040165_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00040165 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24 

  • Performance assessment of OpenMP constructs and benchmarks using modern compilers and multi-core CPUs


    - Rok 2023

    Considering ongoing developments of both modern CPUs, especially in the context of increasing numbers of cores, cache memory and architectures as well as compilers there is a constant need for benchmarking representative and frequently run workloads. The key metric is speed-up as the computational power of modern CPUs stems mainly from using multiple cores. In this paper, we show and discuss results from running codes such as:...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • On configuration of residue scaling process in pipelined radix-4 MQRNS FFT processor

    Residue scaling is needed in pipelined FFT radix-4 processors based on the Modified Quadratic Residue Number System (MQRNS) at the output of each butterfly. Such processor uses serial connection of radix-4 butterflies. Each butterfly comprises n subunits, one for each modulus of the RNS base and outputs four complex residue numbers. In order to prevent the arithmetic overflow in the succesive stage, every number has to be scaled,...

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  • Dariusz Jenek mgr inż.


    I am an interdisciplinary person with basic knowledge at Structured Query Language. I combine the following areas: - sociology, - management, - economics, - mathematics and computer science, - data analysis. 

  • Angażujący wykład z Mentimeter – warsztat stacjonarny


    08-04-2022 13:15 - 08-04-2022 15:00

    CNE zaprasza na stacjonarne warsztaty do Sali Kreatywnej w Hydromechanice. Będziemy projektować wykłady w Mentimeter. Na warsztat obowiązują zapisy (link na stronie cne.pg.edu.pl). Szkolenie będzie transmitowane.

  • Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem


    - Rok 2023

    Electric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Benchmarking Scalability and Security Configuration Impact for A Distributed Sensors-Server IOT Use Case


    - Rok 2021

    Internet of Things has been getting more and more attention and found numerous practical applications. Especially important in this context are performance, security and ability to cope with failures. Especially crucial is to find good trade-off between these. In this article we present results of practical tests with multiple clients representing sensors sending notifications to an IoT middleware – DeviceHive. We investigate performance...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • PG_00055087_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042031_ PHYSICS 2 - ET- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042031 PHYSICS 2-ET- 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00055087_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24 

  • Przeszłość-teraźniejszość-przyszłość Inżynierii Morskiej i Geotechniki

    Historia założenia czasopisma i jego zakres tematyczny, skład kolegium redakcyjnego, numery specjalne czasopisma (konferencyjne i jubileuszowe) i perspektywy rozwoju czasopisma.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K3,Km-e).

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K3 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3,Km-e)...

  • Data obtained by computation for X-ray focusing using oriented Gaussian beams

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of several X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Gaussian beams are exact solutions of the paraxial equation. The Helmholtz equation describes the propagation of a monochromatic electromagnetic wave. Since the widths of the beams are much larger than the wavelength of X-rays, Gaussian...

  • Paweł Tysiąc dr inż.

    dr inż. Paweł Tysiąc   Urodził się 25 marca 1992 w Gdańsku. Po ukończeniu Gimnazjum nr 32 uczęszczał do VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku, klasy o profilu matematyczno-geograficznym, uzyskując w 2011 roku świadectwo dojrzałości. Następnie w latach 2011-2016 kontynuował naukę na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończył studia I stopnia w specjalności Geodezja...

  • Complementarity between entanglement-assisted and quantum distributed random access code


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2017

    Collaborative communication tasks such as random access codes (RACs) employing quantum resources have manifested great potential in enhancing information processing capabilities beyond the classical limitations. The two quantum variants of RACs, namely, quantum random access code (QRAC) and the entanglement-assisted random access code (EARAC), have demonstrated equal prowess for a number of tasks. However, there do exist specific...

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  • Numerical study of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in pipes


    - Rok 2015

    In this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (6 000 &lt; Re &lt; 12 000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data of Vajjha et al. [1]. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...