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Search results for: DRIVE SYSTEM
Increasing the Utilization of dc-link Voltage of a Five-Leg VSI Based on Rotor Angle Control of Dual Induction Motors
PublicationThis paper introduces an increased utilization of the dc-link voltage of a five-leg voltage source inverter (VSI) based on the rotor flux angle control technique for dual induction motors, IM. The main purpose is to utilize additional abilities provided by a multi-motor drive system in limited operating conditions. Generally, a multi-motor drive system is widely used in electric vehicles (EVs), traction systems and in several industrial...
Faults and Fault Detection Methods in Electric Drives
PublicationThe chapter presents a review of faults and fault detection methods in electric drives. Typical faults are presented that arises for the induction motor, which is valued in the industry for its robust construction and cost-effective production. Moreover, a summary is presented of detectable faults in conjunction with the required physical information that allow a detection of specific faults. In order to address faults of a complete...
Application of renewable energy sources to drive organic Rankine cycle micro CHP
PublicationOdnawialne źródła energii rzadko znajdują zastosowanie przy stawianych obecnie wymaganiach przez nowoczesne ciepłownie. Pojawiła się unikalna okazja pomocy przy wprowadzeniu na rynek elektrowni zoptymalizowanej dla tych nieużywanych i pomijanych źródeł ciepła. Organiczny obieg Rankine'a jest podobny do konwencjonalnych turbin parowych, wyjątkiem jest płyn napędzający turbinę, którym jest płyn roboczy o dużej masie cząsteczkowej....
Increases in leptin levels, sympathetic drive, and weight gain in obstructive sleep apnea
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Transient torsional vibrations control in the geared drive trains of the hot rolling mills
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State feedback control of the PMSM servo-drive with sinusoidal voltage source inverter
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Analysis of Interspike-Intervals for the General Class of Integrate-and-Fire Models with Periodic Drive
PublicationWe study one-dimensional integrate-and-fire models of the general type x˙=F (t, x) and analyze properties of the firing map which iterations recover consecutive spike timings. We impose very week constraints for the regularity of the function F (t, x), e.g. often it suffices to assume that F is continuous. If additionally F is periodic in t, using mathematical study of the displacement sequence of an orientation preserving circle...
Improving Control Dynamics of PMSM Drive by Estimating Zero-Delay Current Value
PublicationDynamic performance of current control loop still remains crucial for position-, speed-, and torque-controlled drives. In the study, a current loop solution has been designed for field oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). It enhances typical PI controller with an estimator of zero-delay current (ZDC) value. The ZDC estimation allows for selecting substantially higher controller gain. It reduces control...
The use of plate springs for preloading of a system of tapered roller bearings of a wind turbine gearbox
PublicationThe use of preloaded tapered roller bearings in wind turbine drive systems allows a transfer of load in the case of high variations of axial forces. The examined bearing system, a modification of a current design, consists of a pair of different sized bearings. Previous study showed the high sensitivity of tapered roller bearings on the existing radial interference. Dimensional tolerances used in the original design do not allow...
Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter
PublicationThe Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...
Control of induction machine supplied by a current source inverter using the multi-scalar transformation and backstepping approach
PublicationThe paper describes the voltage control technique of squire-cage induction machines supplied by a current source inverter. The control system is based on new transformation of the electric drive system (machine and inverter) state variables to the multi-scalar variables form. The backstepping approach is used to obtain the feedback control law. The control system contains the structure of the observer...
Broken Rotor Symptons in the Sensorless Control of Induction Machine
PublicationInverter fed sensorless controlled variable speed drives with induction machine are widely used in the industry applications, also in wind power generation and electric vehicles. On-line self diagnostic systems implementation is needed for early stage fault detection and avoiding a critical fault. Diagnostic algorithms in modern DSP-based controllers can operate simultaneously with control system functions. In the closed-loop controlled...
Visualization of short-term heart period variability with network tools as a method for quantifying autonomic drive
PublicationWe argue that network methods are successful in detecting nonlinear properties in the dynamics of autonomic nocturnal regulation in short-term variability. Two modes of visualization of networks constructed from RR-increments are proposed. The first is based on the handling of a state space. The state space of RR-increments can be modified by a bin size used to code a signal and by the role of a given vertex as the representation...
Unidirectional DC/DC Converter with Voltage Inverter for Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries
PublicationThe paper proposes the adaptation of the industrial plant’s power network to supply electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging converters (above 300 kW) using renewable energy sources (RESs). A 600 V DC microgrid was used to supply energy from RESs for the needs of variable speed motor drives and charging of EV batteries. It has been shown that it is possible to support the supply of drive voltage frequency converters (VFCs) and charging...
Sensorless Fault Detection of Induction Motor with Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of monitoring and fault detection of a sensorless voltage inverter fed squirrel cage induction motor with LC filter. The detection is based on load torque estimation of the investigated torque transmission system. The load torque is calculated besides the computation of other variables that are mandatory for sensorless drive operation such as rotor flux and speed. The implemented LC filter smooths...
Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the...
Parallel computing applied to auto-tuning of state feedback speed controller for PMSM drive
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Theoretical and mathematical models of the torque of mechanical losses in a hydraulic rotational motor for hydrostatic drive
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono modele teoretyczne i matematyczne momentu strat mechanicznych występujących w silniku hydraulicznym obrotowym o stałej teoretycznej chłonności qMt silnika na obrót wału (o stałej teoretycznej objętości roboczej VMt silnika) i o zmiennej chłonności qMgv = bM qMt na obrót wału (o zmiennej geometrycznej objętości roboczej VMgv silnika). Modele mają służyć badaniom laboratoryjnym i symulacyjnym strat energetycznych...
Determination of ability of machines with hydraulic drive during start-up in low ambient temperatures
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sposoby określania zdatności maszyn z napędem hydraulicznym podczas rozruchu w niskich temperaturach otoczenia. Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i symulacji komputerowej nagrzewania się układów maszyny roboczych i zespołów hydraulicznych podczas rozruchu w warunkach szoku termicznego.
Broken rotor symptoms in the sensorless control of induction machine
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the need for a universal method for sensorless controlled induction motor drive diagnosis. The increasing number of sensorless control systems in industrial applications require a universal method for the drive diagnosis, which provides reliable diagnostic reasoning independent of control system structure and state variables measurement or estimation method.Simulations and experimental...
An electric ring thruster as auxiliary manoeuvring propulsion system for watercraft - construction analysis
PublicationThe reported project aimed at examining properties and purposefulness of use of modern electromagneticbearings for a screw propeller in a prototype version of a synchronous ring motor with rare earths magnets.Bearings of this type generate electromagnetic forces which keep the rotor in a state of levitation. Therotating machine with magnetic bearings can work in any environment which reveals diamagnetic properties(air, vacuum,...
50’ Sail Catamaran with Hybrid Propulsion, Design, Theoretical and Experimental Studies
PublicationThe development of modern lithium batteries and propulsion systems now allows the use of complex propulsion systems for vessels of various sizes. As part of the research and implementation project, a parallel hybrid drive system was designed, built and then tested in the laboratory. The experimental studies conducted allowed for the measurements of power, fuel consumption and electric power distribution in various operating modes...
Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery
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Application of extended Kalman filter for estimation of periodic disturbance and velocity ripple reduction in PMSM drive
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Modeling and simulation of a demonstration robot fed by a modular hybrid source with the dc brushless motor drive.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model demonstracyjnego robota mobilnego wykonany w środowisku Matlab-Simulink. Robot napędzany jest przez dwa silniki bezszczotkowe prądu stałego. Hybrydowe źródło energii składa się z wodorowego ogniwa paliwowego PEMFC oraz banku superkondensatorów. Wyniki symulacji przedstawiają zapotrzebowanie na moc podczas znormalizowanego cyklu jazdy robota oraz zachowanie układu w zależności od struktury hybrydowego źródła...
Energy losses in the hydraulic rotational motor - definitions and relations for evaluation of the efficiency of motor and hydrostatic drive
PublicationStosowane dotychczas w badaniach naukowych i w praktyce przemysłowej metody oceny strat i sprawności energetycznej obrotowych silników hydraulicznych stosowanych w napędach hydrostatycznych dają błędne rezultaty, ponieważ obarczone są wpływem samych strat na parametry, w funkcji których straty i sprawności są oceniane.Celem pracy było zdefiniowanie w silniku parametrów pracy, rozwijanych mocy, występujących strat i sprawności energetycznej...
СИСТЕМА КОНТРОЛЯ СОСТОЯНИЯ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПРИВОДОВ В СЕТЯХ С ГЛУХОЗАЗЕМЛЕННОЙ НЕЙТРАЛЬЮ (System of insulation status monitoring for electric drives in networks with a dead-earth neutral)
PublicationПредложен метод контроля изоляции частотно-регулируемых электроприводов в сетях с глухозаземленной нейтралью. Система контроля изоляции включается в момент остановки электропривода. Ключи инвертора коммутируются по специальному закону, и с помощью сигнала трансформатора тока, который изме- ряет ток во всех трех фазах привода одновременно, определяется ток утечки. Рассмотрена схема датчика тока утечки и приведены экспериментальные...
Immunity of residual current devices to the impulse leakage current in circuits with variable speed drives
PublicationThis paper concerns reliability of supply in variable speed drive circuits with residual current devices. During normal operation of these circuits high value of leakage current causes unwanted tripping of residual current devices. Immunity of residual current devices to the impulse leakage current should be evaluated. The system for testing of residual current devices and results of the test are presented
An Approach to Trust Case Development
PublicationIn the paper we present an approach to the architectural trust case development for DRIVE, the IT infrastructure supporting the processes of drugs distribution and application. The objectives of DRIVE included safer and cheaper drugs distribution and application. A trust case represents an argument supporting the trustworthiness of the system. It is decomposed into claims that postulate some trust related properties. Claims differ...
Rotor broken bar diagnostics in induction motor drive using Wavelet packet transform and ANFIS classification
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Application of State Feedback Controller with Feedforward for velocity ripples reduction of PMSM drive at low speed operation
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Artificial bee colony based state feedback position controller for PMSM servo-drive – the efficiency analysis
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Application of DC/DC/AC dual voltage source inverter for current harmonics reduction in PMSM drive
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Maximum Power Point Technique (MPPT) for PV System Based on Improved Pert and Observe (P&O) Method with PI Controller
PublicationPhotovoltaic power generation system has key rule in electricity production. Although, it is clean renewable energy with unlimited resources but it has some drawbacks in efficiency. In order to maximize the efficiency, PV array must drive at maximum power point. For the reason so, several algorithms are used in PV system to track MPP and reduce the...
O strumieniu mocy w silniku lub w układzie napędowym
PublicationW silniku lub w układzie napędowym wielkość strumienia mocy rośnie w kierunku przeciwnym do kierunku przepływu mocy. Straty energetyczne i sprawność energetyczna silnika lub układu napędowego powinny być przedstawiane jako funkcje wielkości fizycznych niezależnych od strat. Takimi wielkościami są prędkość i obciążenie silnika. Jednakże obraz strumienia mocy w silniku lub w układzie napędowym jest przedstawiany w literaturze w formie...
Calculation of self and mutual inductances of the switched reluctance machine mathematical model.
PublicationA mathematical model of the switched reluctance machine (SRM) in a drive system obtained using Lagrange's energy method and a method of calculation of self and mutual inductances of the SRM are presented in the paper. The self and mutual inductances are elements of Lagrange's function in generalised coordinates and have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM). Selected calculation results for the particular machine...
Współczynniki strat energetycznych w elementach napędu hydrostatycznego
PublicationW każdym układzie napędowym należy zastąpić obraz przepływu mocy opisany dotychczas powszechnie stosowanym wykresem Sankey’a spadku mocy zgodnego z kierunkiem przepływu mocy proponowanym przez autora wykresem wzrostu mocy w układzie przeciwnego do kierunku przepływu mocy. Należy więc opisywać straty i sprawność energetyczną a także pole pracy każdego silnika i układu napędowego jako zależne od wielkości fizycznych niezależnych...
Visual measurement system for chosen parameters of current collectors
PublicationA current collector is an element in a traction vehicle, used for movable, contact con-nection between the main circuit of this vehicle and the contact line. Bad technical condi-tion of these important elements in the main circuit of the vehicle result in its incorrect cooperation with contact line. Periodic control of technical condition of current collectors ensures infallible current collection. The pantograph diagnostics consists...
An application for a new type of pneumatic engine concept
PublicationHeavy trucks are often equipped with loading and unloading systems like dock levellers with swing lip or telescopic lip. Most of these devices require hydro-electrical energy supply systems (eg. the pump that presses the working substance to the actuators must be propelled by electric engine.) The space taken by pump with electric engine can be reduced on condition that a new type of pneumatic drive will be considered. It is possible...
Active flux based adaptive and non-adaptive observer for sensorless interior permanent magnet synchronous machine drive
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Koncepcja, modelowanie i symulacja układu napędowego prototypu samochodu elektrycznego "ELV001"
PublicationAbstract: In this paper a conception, modelling and simulation tool for drive system of the prototype electric vehicle ''ELV001'' have been presented. The design and building of this vehicle have been carried out in frame of the project: ''Building a market of electric vehicle and charging infrastructure - fundamentals of energy safety''. The simulation tools are of great assistance to engineers and researchers to reduce product-development...
Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator
PublicationElectrodynamic actuators are used in hybrid switching systems where a very quick contact separation as well as operation repeatability and long-term reliability are required. The article presents selected results of thermal studies in the electrodynamic drive system. Study was carried out on the basis of the 3D electromagneto-thermal model implemented in the Ansys_Maxwell environment. The present model allows to determine the critical...
High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab/ Simulink
PublicationExplore this indispensable update to a popular graduate text on electric drive techniques and the latest converters used in industry. The Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges...
Analytical modeling of electric drives for vehicle traction control systems
PublicationWheel-torque control bandwidth in vehicle dynamics model is crucial in evaluating optimal tracking ability of tire slip and in analysis of control system stability. Electric drives’ control dynamics are influenced by timing of digital control events, e.g. by sampling instant of motor currents. Reflecting this timing in drive analytical models is therefore important for analysis of vehicle traction systems. The paper considers five...
Estimation of the Regenerative Braking Process Efficiency in Electric Vehicles
PublicationIn electric and hybrid vehicles, it is possible to recover energy from the braking process and reuse it to drive the vehicle using the batteries installed on-board. In the conditions of city traffic, the energy dissipated in the braking process constitutes a very large share of the total resistance to vehicle motion. Efficient use of the energy from the braking process enables a significant reduction of fuel and electricity consumption...
A state-space approach for control of NPC type 3-level sine wave inverter used in FOC PMSM drive
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Sensorless Multiscalar Control of Five-Phase Induction Machine with Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents a complete solution for speed sensorless control system for five-phase induction motor with voltage inverter, LC filter and nonlinear control of combined fundamental and third harmonic flux distribution. The control principle, also known as multiscalar control, nonlinear control or natural variables control, is based on a use of properly selected scalar variables in control feedback to linearize controlled system....