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Search results for: characterization
The characterization of collagen‑based scaffolds modified with phenolic acids for tissue engineering application
PublicationThe aim of the experiment was to study the morphology of collagen-based scaffolds modified by caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and gallic acid, their swelling, and degradation rate, as well as the biological properties of scaffolds, such as antioxidant activity, hemo- and cytocompatibility, histological observation, and antibacterial properties. Scaffolds based on collagen with phenolic acid showed higher swelling rate and enzymatic...
Characterization of naproxen salts with amino acid esters and their application in topical skin preparations
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Characterization and classification of hoarfrost samples collected in Poland (2003-2005) by discriminant analysis
PublicationTechnikę analizy dyskryminacyjnej wykorzystano do klasyfikacji próbek szronu (zebranych w latach 2003-2005 na terenie Gdańska, Grudziądza, Poznania) na naturalnie wyłaniające się grupy oraz by zidentyfikować parametry fizykochemiczne odpowiedzialne za podobieństwa i różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi miejscami pobierania próbek. Aby ocenić jakość dyskryminacji zastosowano następujące kryteria: lambdę Wilksa, cząstkową...
Modifications of Hydroxyapatite by Gallium and Silver Ions—Physicochemical Characterization, Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Evaluation
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Isolation and Characterization of NP-POL Nonapeptide for Possible Therapeutic Use in Parkinson’s Disease
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Precision surface characterization for finish cylindrical milling with dynamic tool displacements model
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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application
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Synthesis and thermal characterization of luminescent hybrid composites based on bisphenol A diacrylate and NVP
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Synthesis and characterization of periphery-functionalized porphyrazines containing mixed pyrrolyl and pyridylmethylamino groups
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Synthesis, characterization, photochemical properties and cytotoxicity of the novel porphyrazine functionalized with nitroimidazolylbutylsulfanyl groups
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Structural and Pharmacological Characterization of Phenylalanine-Based AMPA Receptor Antagonists at Kainate Receptors
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Characterization of the Physical, Chemical, and Adsorption Properties of Coal-Fly-Ash–Hydroxyapatite Composites
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Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Selected Phenothiazines and Phenazines Rationalized Based on DFT Calculation
PublicationTwo unique structures were isolated from the phosphorylation reaction of 10H-phenothiazine.The 5,5-dimethyl-2-(10H-phenothiazin-10-yl)-1,3,2-dioxaphosphinane 2-oxide (2a) illustrates theproduct of N-phosphorylation of phenothiazine. Moreover, a potential product of 2a instability,a thiophosphoric acid 2b, was successfully isolated and structurally characterized. Molecule 2a,similarly to sulfoxide derivative...
Comprehensive Spectroscopic Characterization of Finasteride Polymorphic Forms. Does the Form X Exist?
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Processing and thermal characterization of polymer derived SiCN(O) and SiOC reticulated foams
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Photoinduced Isomerization of 23-Oxosapogenins: Conformational Analysis and Spectroscopic Characterization of 22-Isosapogenins
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Characterization of a Unique Bordetella bronchiseptica vB_BbrP_BB8 Bacteriophage and Its Application as an Antibacterial Agent
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Morphological and physico-biochemical characterization of various tomato cultivars in a simplified soilless media
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Preparation and characterization of silk fibroin/collagen sponge modified by chemical cross-linking
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Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotubes Derived from g-C3N4
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Preparation and characterization of catalyst mix Fe-Co/MgO for carbon nanotubes growth
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Isolation and Characterization of Pseudomonas spp. Strains That Efficiently Decompose Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
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P3F-6 Characterization of Human Cancellous Bone Specimens in Terms of Biot's Theory
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The Characterization of Ground Raspberry Seeds and the Physiological Response to Supplementation in Hypertensive and Normotensive Rats
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Starch-grafted-N-vinylformamide copolymers manufactured by reactive extrusion: synthesis and characterization
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Synthesis and characterization of crystalline Fe3O4 nanoparticles Synteza i charakterystyka nanokrystalicznego Fe3O4
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The FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopies as Tools for Biofilm Characterization Created by Cariogenic Streptococci
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FTIR spectroscopic and thermogravimetric characterization of ground tyre rubber devulcanized by microwave treatment
PublicationIn this work, the phenomena involved in the microwave devulcanization of ground tyre rubber (GTR) were investigated. Three types of GTR with different content of organic compounds (elastomers, plasticizers, etc.), carbon black and ash have been studied. The chemical structure of GTR before and after a microwave devulcanization process was analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...
Botanical and geographical origin characterization of polish honeys by headspace SPME-GCxGC-TOFMS
PublicationVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition of Polish honeys obtained from various geographical regions was studied. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) using Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibers was used in combination with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC× GC-TOFMS) because of the complexity of the samples. Acacia, linden, rapeseed, buckwheat...
Characterization and properties of LDPE/(ground tire rubber)/crosslinked butyl rubber blends
PublicationIn recent years, interest in used rubber recycling, mainly focusing on the utilization of end-of-life tires, has heightened. This interest, is owing to the activities related to environmental protection and economic factors, which both stimulate companies to reuse the high-quality rubber present in ground rubber scrap. In this study, the application of crosslinked butyl rubber in thermoplastic compositions of low-density polyethylene...
Characterization of TiO2 Modified with Bimetallic Ag/Au Nanoparticles Obtained in Microemulsion System
PublicationFotokatalizatory TiO2 modyfikowane nanocząstkami bimetalicznymi Ag/Au przygotowano metodą mikroemulsyjną w układzie woda/surfaktant/cykloheksan. Aktywność fotokatalityczna próbek Ag/Au-TiO2 oszacowano przez wyznaczenie stopnia degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła VIS. Fenol został użyty jako model zanieczyszczeń, ponieważ jest substancją niebezpieczną dla środowiska. Najwyższą aktywność w zakresie światła widzialnego wykazała...
Solid-phase synthesis and characterization of N-acetylated Gly-His-Lys analogues
PublicationZaprezentowano nowe analogi tripeptydu Gly-His-Lys (GHK), stanowiącego sekwencję naturalnie występującą w -II-łańuchu kolagenu, skąd jest uwalniany w stanach zapalnych i w procesach gojenia się ran. Gly-His-Lys jest szeroko stosowany na rynku kosmetycznym w połączeniu z kwasem palmitynowym, który ułatwia jego wnikanie w głąb skóry. Zaplanowane modyfikacje zawierały fragment Gly-X-Y (X=Met, Hyp, Hyp-Met, Gly-Hyp; Y=Lys, D-Lys) i...
Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of recombinant trehalose synthase from Deinococcus radiodurans.
PublicationTrehalose (α-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-α-D-glucopyranoside) is a nonreducing disacharide in which the two glucose molecules are linked trough a α-1,1-glycosidic bond. Trehalose is readily hydrolyzed to glucose and can be used as a reserve of that sugar in the cell. The presence of trehalose was found in the cells of fungi and yeasts, bacteria, nematodes, insects, eggs, pupae and some plants. The characteristics of trehalose make it...
Preparation and characterization of Pt–N/TiO2 photocatalysts and their efficiency in degradation of recalcitrant chemicals
PublicationSeries of Pt–N/TiO2 photocatalysts were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The photocatalysts’ characteristics by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that sample with the molar ratio Ti:N equal 1:4 and platinum nanoparticles size of about 3 nm had anatase structure, about 94 m2/g specific surface area...
Efficient three-dimensional fluorescence measurements for characterization of binding properties in some plants
PublicationThe main aim of this research was to characterize some plants and to determine their similarities and differences, using spectroscopic methods. The interactions of soluble polyphenols of different plants with human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by 3D-fluorescence. The obtained fluorescence results allow to classify the investigated plants according to their binding properties. The HSA-binding capacities of these plants...
Fast Fading Characterization for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublicationWith the increasing development of 5G and Body Area Network based systems being implemented in unusual environments, propagation inside metallic structures is a key aspect to characterize propagation effects inside ships and other similar environments, mostly composed of metallic walls. In this paper, indoor propagation inside circular metallic structures is addressed and fast fading statistical distributions parameters are obtained...
Size Exclusion Coupled to Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Characterization of Cranberry Products
PublicationA combination of solvent extraction, size exclusion purification, and reversed-phase liquid chromatography with UV absorption and fluorescence detection was here used for the determination of flavan-3-ols and related oligomeric compounds in cranberry products. The method relied on robust, simple, and inexpensive instrumental equipment present in most of routine analytical laboratories. Sample extracts in methanol/water/hydrochloric...
Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows
PublicationThis book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...
Medical-Grade PCL Based Polyurethane System for FDM 3D Printing—Characterization and Fabrication
PublicationThe widespread use of three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies in medicine has contributed to the increased demand for 3D printing materials. In addition, new printing materials that are appearing in the industry do not provide a detailed material characterization. In this paper, we present the synthesis and characterization of polycaprolactone (PCL) based medical-grade thermoplastic polyurethanes, which are suitable for forming...
Buried Object Characterization by Data-Driven Surrogates and Regression-Enabled Hyperbolic Signature Extraction
PublicationThis work addresses artificial-intelligence-based buried object characterization using FDTD-based electromagnetic simulation toolbox of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to generate B-scan data. In data collection, FDTD-based simulation tool, gprMax is used. The task is to estimate geophysical parameters of a cylindrical shape object of various radii, buried at different positions in the dry soil medium simultaneously and independently...
Electrical characterization of diamond/boron doped diamond nanostructures for use in harsh environment applications
PublicationThe polycrystalline boron doped diamond (BDD) shows stable electrical properties and high tolerance for harsh environments (e.g. high temperature or aggressive chemical compounds) comparing to other materials used in semiconductor devices. In this study authors have designed electronic devices fabricated from non-intentionally (NiD) films and highly boron doped diamond structures. Presented semiconductor devices consist of highly...
Kinetic characterization of hydrogen sulfide inhibition of suspended anammox biomass from a membrane bioreactor
PublicationThe inhibition effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on anammox-enriched biomass from a laboratory membrane reactor were analyzed in a series of batch respirometric experiments. The determined half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 4.67 mg H2S-S L−1 at the constant pH = 7.0 and the total sulfide concentration varying between 1 and 15 mg TS-S L−1. In another test, the IC50 was found to be 4.25 mg H2S-S L−1 under a constant...
Softwood-lignin/natural rubber composites containing novel plasticizing agent: Preparation and characterization
PublicationComposite materials based on natural rubber were obtained by using glycerolysate (decomposition prod- uct of polyurethane) as a novel plasticizer. In order to determine the effect of various lignin content, four different filler amounts were used, namely, 5 phr (parts per 100 parts of natural rubber) of lignin (WLI5G), 10 phr (WLI10G), 20 phr (WLI20G), and 40 phr (WLI40G). The reference specimen without lignin (WLI0G) was also...
Molecular aspects of biogenesis of Escherichia coli Dr Fimbriae: characterization of DraB-DraE complexes
PublicationHemaglutynina Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli jest fimbrialnym homopolimerem zbudowanym z podjednostek białkowych DraE kodowanych przez operon dra. Operon dra zawiera geny draB i draC, kodujące białka homologiczne do białek (białko opiekuńcze-białko kanałotwórcze) zaangażowanych w procesie biogenezy struktur polimerycznych eksprymowanych powierzchniowo. Białko DraB jest jednym z białek periplazmatycznych, należącym...
High-Entropy Perovskites as Multifunctional Metal Oxide Semiconductors: Synthesis and Characterization of (Gd0.2Nd0.2La0.2Sm0.2Y0.2)CoO3
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Adaptive neuro fuzzy and fuzzy decision tree classifiers as applied to sea floor characterization.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu różnych parametrów echa odbitego od dna morskiego na dokładność klasyfikacji typu dna przy pomocy sieci neuronowej z logiką rozmytą i przy pomocy drzew decyzyjnych. W szczególności uwzględniono takie parametry echa jak: energia, amplituda i nachylenie opadającego zbocza, wzbogacone o współczynniki falkowe otrzymane z dyskretnej transformacji falkowej (DWT).
Molecular characterization of a cryptic plasmid from the psychrotrophic antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. 643A
PublicationW ostatnich latach znacznie wzrosło zainteresowanie organizmami zimnolubnymi, głównie z powodu ich enzymów o biotechnologicznym znaczeniu. Jednak, aby wydajnie produkować takie enzymy w skali przemysłowej użyteczne jest stworzenie rekombinantowych systemów ekspresyjnych, które pozwolą na ich opłacalną produkcję. W osiągnięciu tego celu mogą pomóc odpowiednie wektory, konstruowane na bazie plazmidów pozyskiwanych z bakterii psychrofilnych/psychrotrofowych....
Multidirectional Characterization of Phytochemical Profile and Health-Promoting Effects of Ziziphora bungeana Juz. Extracts
PublicationZiziphora species (Lamiaceae) have been used in traditional medicine as sedatives, anti-septics, carminatives, or expectorants. Despite their common applications in phytotherapy, there is still lack of evidence about the composition of their extracts and its impact on biological properties of the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of Ziziphora bungeana, a less studied species growing in Kazakhstan, using...
Experimental frequency-domain characterization of fundamental guided mode parameters in coupled coplanar waveguide
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współczynnika propagacji oraz impedancji charakterystycznej rodzajów podstawowych w strukturze sprzężonych linii koplanarnych. Metoda, oparta o wykorzystanie specjalnych struktur pobudzających oraz klasyczne pomiary w dziedzinie częstotliwości przy pomocy wektorowego analizatora sieci wykazała przydatność do wyznaczania zależnych od częstotliwości parametrów struktury.
Characterization of Structural and Energetic Differences between Conformations of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein