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Search results for: HORMONES
The Effect of Craniosacral Therapy on Blood Levels of Stress Hormones
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Vasopressin and Its Analogues: From Natural Hormones to Multitasking Peptides
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Conformational studies of neurohypophyseal hormones analogues with glycoconjugates by NMR spectroscopy
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Membrane structure and interactions of peptide hormones with model lipid bilayers
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Determination of hormones in water samples using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationOver the past few years, many synthetic (ethinylestradiol) and natural (estradiol,estriol, estrone) compounds present in the environment have been affecting the hormonalbalance of humans and animals. Steroid hormones are very often used for medical purposesand have high estrogenic activity what makes them endocrine disrupters. Most hormonalcompounds are released into the water as a result of their incomplete removal in wastewatertreatment...
Temperament and ovarian reproductive hormones in women: Evidence from a study during the entire menstrual cycle
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Simultaneous determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oestrogenic hormones in environmental solid samples
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Comparison of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Methods with Different Detectors for Determination of Steroid Hormones in Aqueous Matrices
PublicationThis paper presents the development and comparison of procedures for the qualitative and quantitative determination of five estrogenic compounds (17-a-ethynylestradiol, estrone, estradiol, estriol, and progesterone) in drinking water and wastewater samples. Five extraction columns and two disks were tested for their efficiency. The C18 columns were superior on the basis of cost for solid phase extraction of drinking water or sewage....
The Effect of Craniosacral Therapy on Blood Levels of Stress Hormones in Male Firefighter Cadets: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Do stress hormones influence choice? A systematic review of pharmacological interventions on the HPA axis and/or SAM system
PublicationThe hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) and the sympathetic–adrenal–medullary system (SAM system), two neuroendocrine systems associated with the stress response, have often been implicated to modulate decision-making in various domains. This systematic review summarizes the scientific evidence on the effects of pharmacological HPA axis and SAM system modulation on decision-making. We found 6375 references, of which...
Relationships between concentrations of selected organohalogen contaminants and thyroid hormones and vitamins A, E and D in Faroese pilot whales
PublicationPilot whales (Globicephala melas) from the Faroe Islands, North-East Atlantic, have high body concentrations of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). The aim of the present study was to examine if and to what extent blood plasma and liver concentrations of several groups of these OHCs are related to concentrations...
Study of the chromatographic behavior of selected steroid hormones on aluminum oxide plates based on quantitative structure-retention relationships
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Thyroid Hormones Directly Alter Human Hair Follicle Functions: Anagen Prolongation and Stimulation of Both Hair Matrix Keratinocyte Proliferation and Hair Pigmentation
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Effect of Manual Therapy Compared to Ibuprofen on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Young Women—Concentration Assessment of C-Reactive Protein, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Prostaglandins and Sex Hormones
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Simultaneous analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogenic hormones in water and wastewater samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
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Revision of Biological Methods for Determination of EDC Presence and Their Endocrine Potential
PublicationEndocrine-disrupting compounds (EDC) are chemicals responsible for disturbances in the hormonal balance of organisms. This group of chemicals includes both egzogenic and endogenic substances or their mixtures that impact functioning of natural hormones in organisms. In the available literature one can find information on the application of chromatographic and related techniques in the analysis of environmental samples for detection,...
Recent progress in the development of steroid sulfatase inhibitors – examples of the novel and most promising compounds from the last decade
PublicationThe purpose of this review article is to provide an overview of recent achievements in the synthesis of novel steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors. STS is a crucial enzyme in the biosynthesis of active hormones (including estrogens and androgens) and, therefore, represents an extremely attractive molecular target for the development of hormone-dependent cancer therapies. The inhibition of STS may effectively reduce the availability...
PublicationThis investigation has been carried out to study Micropropagation of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis shootlet,induction and growth of callus and enhancement of antioxidant, total phenolics and flavonoids content in shootlet andcalli. The results revealed that for shooting stage adding 2 or 3 mg/l BAP gave the highest shootlet number/explant. Butadding 3 mg/l 2iP produced the longest shootlet and leaves number. The...
Cyanogenic Compounds and Estrogen Disruptors
PublicationBalanced diet consists largely of plants containing cyanogenic compounds in the form of the more common cyanogenic glycosides and sometimes lipids. Maize, wheat, rye, apples, barley, oats, sugar cane and yet many other plants consumed by humans contain cyanogenic compounds. However the risk of poisoning is negligible as it is very easy to remove the toxic HCN by grinding and drying in air or soaking in water and an additional...
Chemistry of human breast milk – a comprehensive review of the composition and role of milk metabolites in child development
PublicationEarly nutrition has an enormous influence on a child's physiological function, immune system maturation and cognitive development. Human breast milk (HBM) is recognized as the gold standard for human infant nutrition. Accordingly to WHO report breastfeeding is consider as an unequalled way of providing ideal food to the infant, which is required for his healthy growth and development. HBM contains various macronutrients (carbohydrates,...
House dust as a source of analytical information on concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) - first approach
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which are best recognized as flame retardants, were in 2001, by virtue of Stockholm Convention, listed in a group of Persistent Organic Compounds (POPs). Increasing concentration levels of PBDEs, reported in human tissues (e.g., blood, serum, breast milk, etc.) haverecently caught worldwide concern due to their potential tendency to disrupt thyroid hormones, neurobehavioral deficits and endocrine...
Endometrial nitric oxide production and nitric oxide synthases in the equine endometrium: Relationship with microvascular density during the estrus cycle
PublicationNitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in angiogenesis and in the regulation of the blood flow. This study was carried out to investigate (i) the effects of endogenous estrogens and progestins and exogenous progesterone (P(4)) (5 ng/ml or 1 microg/ml) or estradiol 17beta (E(2)beta) (50 pg/ml or 1 microg/ml) on in vitro endometrial NO synthesis; (ii) the presence of different isoforms of NO synthase;...
Assessment of cytotoxic and endocrine potential of selected xenobiotics commonly present in food products
PublicationMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC). A vast number of chemical substances is considered to belong to the this group, including substances which occur naturally in the environment, such as mycotoxins and phytoestrogens, and substances...
Multivariate Statistical Approach for Nephrines in Womenwith Obesity
PublicationCatecholamines are physiological regulators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during stress, but their chronic influence on metabolic changes in obese patients is still not clarified. The present study aimed to establish the associations between the catecholamine metabolites and metabolic syndrome (MS) components in obese women as well as to reveal the possible hidden subgroups of patients through hierarchical cluster analysis...
Brain circuit imprints of developmental 17α-Ethinylestradiol exposure in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): Persistent effects on anxiety but not on reproductive behaviour
PublicationThe effects of endocrine disruptors may vary with the timing of exposure. The physiological implications of adult exposure are present during and shortly after exposure while embryonic exposure can imprint changes manifested in adulthood. In this study, guppy (Poecilia reticulata) embryos were exposed to 2 and 20 ng/L of 17α-ethinylestradiol during development via the mother and reared in clean water from gestation until 6 months...
Pharmaceuticals and another groups of emerging contaminants: Occurrence and sources in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica)
PublicationEveryday live activities may introduce a wide range of chemicals into wastewater systems. In this study presence of selected types of pharmaceuticals from cardiovascular system group, nervous and muscolo-skeleton system group, antimicrobial agents, genitourinary and sex hormones were tested in the wastewater from H. Arctowski Antarctic station. Moreover, the receiver of discharged wastewater (Admiralty Bay) were also studied. Considering...
Implementation of advanced micropollutants removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Examples and challenges based on selected EU countries
PublicationThe accumulation of micropollutants (MPs) and their increasing concentration in the aquatic environment are an emerging issue for water quality in the world. The complex web of exposure pathways, as well as the variety in the chemical structure and potency of MPs, represents enormous challenges for researchers and policy initiatives. In order to manage MPs, it has to be decided which of them have to be reduced and to what extent,...
Phytoecdysteroid containing plants – a source of bioactive compounds with potential anticarcinogenic effects
PublicationEcdysteroids are a group of steroids synthesized in inver- tebrates as molting hormones and also in some plants as secondary metabolites acting as a defense against parasites. These compounds do not naturally occur in mammals and are not structurally related to mammalian steroid hor- mones, consequently do not activate mammalian hormone receptors. Ecdysteroids exhibit very low toxicity to mam- mals and to date no serious side effects...
Does the chemical modification of Nystatin A1 affect the drug's ability to overcome the multidrug resistance of fungi?
PublicationAlthough the contemporary medicine keeps moving forward, disseminated infections caused by fungal pathogens are an emerging challenge. The dramatic rise of fungal diseases, especially the most life-threatening systemic mycoses is associated with a permanently growing number of immunodeficient patients. Undoubted difficulties in the treatment of fungal infections are caused by lack of highly effective and selective antifungal drugs,...
The II phase metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including antitumor chemotherapeutics
PublicationThe II phase metabolism, it is a set of metabolism and excretion pathways of endogenous as well as exogenous compounds including xenobiotics. UDP-glucuronyltransferases (UGTs; EC are the most crucial representatives of II phase enzymes, which are responsible for the transformation of bilirubine and bile acids, steroids and thyroid hormones and lipids. Exogenous compounds, including drugs, carcinogens, environmental pollutants...
Literature review of user needs, toward user requirements
PublicationThis report has been developed in the frame of the IEA SHC Task 61 Subtask A “User requirements”. The main objective was to rethink and reformulate user requirements to lighting (daylighting and electric lighting) in public buildings on the basis of a thorough literature study. The work is a joint effort of a number of scientists and represents collective knowledge in this topic. The concept of Lighting quality is the one, among...
Daily diet containing canned products significantly increases serum concentrations of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A in young women
PublicationNowadays, exposure to environmental factors is considered to be one of the possible causes of several lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Particularly noteworthy are endocrine‑disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which affect the metabolism of hormones and interact with their receptors, thus exerting adverse health effects. One of the most ubiquitous EDC in daily life is bisphenol A...
Development of a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometryprocedure for determination of endocrine disrupting compounds infish from Mediterranean rivers
PublicationA new, sensitive and rapid method based on QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe)approach followed by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spec-trometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) was developed for the determination of nineteen endocrine disruptors (EDCs)and related compounds belonging to different classes in various fish species. Matrix effect on the analyti-cal performance was evaluated,...
Modeling of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity with deviation ratio and best-fit functions models
PublicationThe present study deals with assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of 9 drugs (diclofenac (sodium salt), oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, ketoprofen, progesterone, estrone, androstenedione and gemfibrozil), present in the environmental compartments at specific concentration levels, and theirmutual combinations by couples against Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS® bioassays. As the quantitative...