Search results for: CORROSION RESISTANCE
Elctrochemical oxidation and corrosion resistance of the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublicationThis paper presents the results of oxidation and corrosion tests carried out on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr. The oxide film was prepared by electrochemical environment 2M H3PO4 for 30 min and 1 h, at a constant voltage 40V. The tests of corrosion resistance were performed by potentiostatic method in Ringer's solution at different pH values: 7, 5 and 3. The change in an appearance of surface and the increase in corrosion resistance...
High temperature corrosion resistance of porous hastelloy alloy
PublicationTo further understand the suitability of Ni-Cr-base alloy for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), a commercial Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloy, Hastelloy X was selected and evaluated for oxidation behaviour under high temperature conditions. HastelloyX was chosen due to its unusual resistance to oxidizing, reducing and neutral atmospheres. For long term stability of metal supported fuel cell, the corrosion resistance plays a vital role and must be...
High temperature corrosion resistance of porous hastelloy alloy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania korozyjne stopu Hastelloy w wysokich temperaturach.
The corrosion resistance of laser surface alloyed stainless steels
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Corrosion resistance studies of carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles
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Special Issue “Corrosion Resistance of Alloy and Coating Materials”
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Coatings for improvement of high temperature corrosion resistance of porous alloys
PublicationPorowate stopy metaliczne są potencjalnymi podłożami nośnymi dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwo. Ich stosowanie obniża cenę ogniw paliwowych, co zaowocuje ich szybszą komercjalizacą. Jednak są one podatne na korozję w wysokich temperaturach. Dotychczas brak jest metod, które mogą poprawić rezystancję korozyjną porotawych stopów w wysokich temperaturach porowatych stopy do zastosowań SOFC. W tym artykule zaproponowano sposób na poprawę...
Magnetic composite adsorbents of phenolic compounds with superior corrosion resistance
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Corrosion resistance of dissimilar austenite and duplex steels welded joints
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ warunków spawania, a zwłaszcza energii liniowej, na odporność korozyjną złączy różnoimiennych stali austenitycznej 316L i typu duplex 2203. Przedstawiono wyniki testów korozyjnych:korozji wżerowej wg ASTM G48 oraz korozji naprężeniowej badanej w próbach odkształcania z małą pędkością w środowisku roztworu chlorku magnezowego.
Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of dissimilar stainless steel welds
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono właściwości mechaniczne oraz odporność korozyjną doczołowych złączy różnoimiennych stali odpornych na korozję, austenitycznej 316L oraz duplex 2205. Blachy o grubości 15 mm spawano automatycznie łukiem krytyn z różnymi energiami liniowymi. Wykazano, że właściwości mechaniczne złączy spełniają wymagania okrętowych towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych, natomiast najbardziej narażoną strefą złącza na działanie korozji...
Effects of the preheating laser treatment on microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V bioalloy
PublicationThe laser remelting of the Ti6Al4V alloy was made on specimens pre-heated at elevated temperatures. The laser treatment effected in change of microstructures of surface layers and an appearance of blisters and numerous cracks. The corrosion tests demonstrated the decrease in corrosion resistance for each preheating temperature. The observed effects were attributed to negative influence of excessive compressive stresses with no...
Effect of laser treatment on the wear and corrosion resistance of aluminiumalloy used for pistons
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ powierzchniowego laserowego przetapiania w warunkach kriogenicznych na skład chemiczny, mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość oraz zużycie ścierne i odporność korozyjną stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi stosowanego na tłoki silników spalinowych. Uzyskano zwiększenie odporności na ścieranie i korozję stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi.
The influence of the welding thermal cycles on corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel
PublicationBadano skłonnośc strefy wpływu ciepła spoin ze stali dupleks do korozyjnego pękania narężeniowego. Wykonano próby korozyjne z wykorzystaniem metody SSRT w środowisku korozyjnym wrzącego MgCl2. Wykazano, że duży udział ferrytu w strukturze SWC pogarsza odpornośc na korozję. Badania metalograficzne na mikroskopie lektronowym wykazały różne sposoby propagacji pęknięcia zależnie od zawartości austenitu w strukturze SWC.
Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel
PublicationThis paper presents results of the research on impact of microstructure of austenitic-ferritic steel of duplex type on its mechanical properties and susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. As showed, improper processing technologies more and more often used in shipbuilding industry for plates and other half-finished products made of duplex steel may cause significant lowering their properties, which frequently makes their...
Effect of Processing Parameters on Strength and Corrosion Resistance of Friction Stir-Welded AA6082
PublicationThe friction stir welding method is increasingly attracting interest in the railway sector due to its environmental friendliness, low cost, and ease of producing high-quality joints. Using aluminum alloys reduces the weight of structures, increasing their payload and reducing fuel consumption and running costs. The following paper presents studies on the microstructure, strength, and corrosion resistance of AA6082 aluminum alloy...
Corrosion resistance of sintered duplex stainless steels in the salt fog spray test
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Influence of laser remelting at cryogenic conditions on corrosion resistance of non-ferrous alloys
PublicationCelem nadtapiania laserowego elementów wytwarzanych z stopów aluminium, miedzi i tytanu jest uzyskanie wysokiej twadrości i odporności na korozję dla wydłużenia okresu ich eksploatacji w rezultacie ich szybkiej krystalizacji. Końcowa mikrostruktura, skład fazowy i właściwości wymienionych stopów zależą od parametrów obróbki laserowej oraz budowy wykresów równowagi fazowej. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ laserowego nadtapiania...
Cavitation erosion of some laser-produced iron-base corrosion-resistance alloys
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania kawitacyjne stali C45, X20Cr13 oraz X5CrNi18-10 po laserowym stopowaniu ich warstwy wierzchniej proszkami Mn, Cr, Ni, Si, Ti, Co, Al, Mo, B. Badania kawitacyjne prowadzono na stanowisku z wirującą tarczą. Zniszczenia powierzchni w okresie inkubacji oceniano metodą optyczną. Przedstawiono związek pomiędzy uzyskaną mikrostrukturą obrabianej warstwy i jej odpornością kawitacyjną.
Comparison of corrosion resistance of al-alloys by means of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania metodą dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjne stopów 1100 i 5162. Zaproponowano zastępcze modele elektryczne opisujące zachowanie się stopów w warunkach ekspozycji w roztworach zawierających wysokie stężenie jonów chlorkowych. Wyznaczono zmiany podstawowych parametrów elektrycznych układów zastępczych od potencjału. Stwierdzono wyższą podatność na korozję stopu 5162 w porównaniu ze stopem...
The Influence of Microstructure on the Passive Layer Chemistry and Corrosion Resistance for Some Titanium-Based Alloys
PublicationThe effect of microstructure and chemistry on the kinetics of passive layer growth and passivity breakdown of some Ti-based alloys, namely Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-7Nb and TC21 alloys, was studied. The rate of pitting corrosion was evaluated using cyclic polarization measurements. Chronoamperometry was applied to assess the passive layer growth kinetics and breakdown. Microstructure influence on the uniform corrosion rate of these alloys...
Functionalization of graphene oxide coatings with phosphorus atoms and their corrosion resistance in sodium chloride environment
PublicationIn this work, we compared corrosion resistance of graphene oxide, and phosphorus functionalized reduced graphene oxide coatings obtained as a result of electrophoretic deposition on the copper substrate. Doping graphene oxide with phosphorus atoms was performed by a hydrothermal method in the presence of different amounts of phosphoric acid. Structural studies confirmed the insertion of phosphorus atoms into the graphene oxide...
Corrosion resistance evaluation of Al‐based alloys by means of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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Effect of Aluminizing on the Fatigue and High-Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Inconel 740 Nickel Alloy
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Corrosion resistance evaluation of Al-based alloys by means of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań stopów aluminium wykonane za pomocą dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii. Na podstawie uzyskanych widm impedancyjnych zostały pokazane zmiany parametrów elektrycznego schematu zastępczego z potencjałem. Stwierdzono, że dodatek magnezu do badanego stopu obniża właściwości przeciwkorozyjne stopu.
Fabrication, Microstructure and High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Porous Alloys for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublicationPorous alloys find use in modern Solid Oxide Fuel Cells as the supporting structures. As they are exposed to high temperatures (> 500°C) an oxide scale forms on their surface due to high temperature corrosion phenomena. Since the ratio between the surface area and volume is much higher than for planar samples, formation of the oxide can lead to a breakaway oxidation after relatively short times. Therefore corrosion properties of...
Effect of the Post-Weld Surface Condition on the Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 304
PublicationSurfaces of welded elements made of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steels develop temper colours. The removal of thickened oxide layers off steels exposed to temperatures below 300°C is necessary and entails the restoring of high corrosion resistance of the stainless steel. The article presents tests concerned with the effect of a method applied to remove post-weld temper on the corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel...
Corrosion resistance examinations of Ti6Al4V alloy with the use of potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s and artificial saliva solutions
PublicationThe research results of corrosion resistance of the Ti6Al4V alloy in the simulated body fluids (SBF) are presented. The polished specimens have shown better corrosion resistance than grinded surfaces in both liquids. The artificial saliva has revealed more aggressive test solution than Ringer`s solution. The pitting tendency has been observed in Ringer`s solution for grinded specimens.
Corrosion Resistance and Structure of Cr−O−N Coatings Formed in Vacuum Arc Plasma Fluxes With PIIID
PublicationCr−O−N-based vacuum arc coatings are very promising for the wear and corrosion protection of various steel parts. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of frequency and amplitude of the pulsed bias voltage (UB) on the elemental and phase composition, mechanical, and corrosion properties of Cr−O−N coatings. They have an amorphous structure with embedded nanosized solid solution crystallites based on CrN with a cubic structure...
Corrosion Resistance and Surface Bioactivity of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Finish Turning under Ecological Cutting Conditions
PublicationThe influence of cooling conditions and surface topography after finish turning of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and surface bioactivity was analyzed. The samples were machined under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions to obtain different surface roughness. The surface topographies of the processed samples were assessed and measured using an optical profilometer. The produced samples were subjected...
Effect of plasma nitriding process on the fatigue and high temperature corrosion resistance of Inconel 740H nickel alloy
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Influence of process of straightening ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel on corrosion resistance and mechanical properties
PublicationThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries, for architectural elements, and many others. The chemical composition of corrosion-resistant...
The Effect of C45 Carbon Black-Phosphomolybdic Acid Nanocomposite on Hydrogenation and Corrosion Resistance of La2Ni9Co Hydrogen Storage Alloy
PublicationIn this paper, we analysed the influence of corrosion processes and the addition of a carbon black-heteropoly phosphomolybdic acid (C45-MPA) nanocomposite on the operating parameters of a hydride electrode obtained on the basis of the intermetallic compound La2Ni9Co. The electrochemical properties of negative electrodes for NiMH batteries were studied using galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, the potentiostatic method, and electrochemical...
The influence of plasma-sprayed coatings on surface properties and corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel for possible implant application
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Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of TIG and A-TIG Welded Joints of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel S82441 / 1.4662
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The influence of microstructure on the corrosion resistance for some titanium-based alloys
Open Research DataThis dataset contains scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs revealing the microstructure of some Ti-based alloys, namely: Ti-6Al-4V (file name: TiV), Ti-6Al-7Nb (file name: TiNb) and TC21 (file name: TiAlSnZrMoCrNbSi) alloys and their localized corrosion as a result of passive layer breakdown in a corrosive environment, ie. 0.9% NaCl solution...
Cobalt Base Clad Layer Resistance On The Corrosion Under Low Sulfur Preassure
PublicationNapawane laserowo warstwy ze stopu kobaltu, zostały poddane siarkowaniu przy niskich ciśnieniach cząstkowych w temperaturze 800 stopni celsiusza prze 24 godziny. Uzyskano warstwę zgorzeliny zróżnicowaną w zależności od zastosowanego ciśnienia. W obu jednak przypadkach podobne były zmiany zachodzące w warstwie po zgorzeliną - degradacja węglików i intensywna korozja wzdłuż granic dendrytów.
An investigation of microstructural basis for corrosion behavior of Al-CNT composites fabricated by SPS
PublicationIn this research effect of the addition of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as additive powder on microstructure and corrosion behavior of fabricated Al-CNT composites was studied. The aluminum powder and CNTs were mixed with high energy planetary ball-mill. It is observed that by increasing milling time, the uniformity of CNTs on aluminum matrix and consequently corrosion resistance of Al-CNT composite is increased. On the...
The Impact of Crushed Rock Spoil on Pitting Corrosion of Selected Stainless Steel
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the pitting resistance investigations of selected stainless steels in the chloride environment and the simultaneous impact of erosive factors using the cyclic polarization technique. Additionally, using electrochemical techniques, ie: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and measurement of corrosion potential, the behavior of the passive layer of selected stainless steels in the environment...
Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublicationMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Corrosion monitoring by harmonic analysis in aqueous environments
PublicationThis paper presents tests concerning the rate of corrosion in non-alloy steel (type S235JR) in an aqueous environment, with an additive of sodium chloride by means of polarization resistance measurements and harmonic analysis. The tests have been carried out for steel samples exposed to the testing environment for six weeks, in order to obtain a constant rate of corrosion in the function of time. The measurements have aimed at...
Instantaneous impedance monitoring of synergistic effect between cavitation erosion and corrosion processes
PublicationThe most common method of determination of cavitation erosion resistance as well as the magnitude of erosion-corrosion synergistic interaction is based on the weight loss measurements. Nondestructive characterization of installations elements is in most cases impossible to perform. Also, such a measurement does not include local types of failure or alteration of operating conditions. There is an urge to elaborate a method for monitoring...
The effect of pre-hydrogen charging on corrosion behaviour of superduplex stainless steel welded joints
PublicationThe paper presents results of research undertaken to determine the influence of hydrogen on passivity and corrosion resistance of 2507 super duplex stainless steel welded joints. Butt welded joints were made with low heat input using flux corded arc welding (FCAW) method. Coupons of 5.0 x 5.0 mm were cut from the welded joints containing weld metal (WM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and parent metal (PM). Hydrogen was introduced...
Corrosion and Cavitation Resistances of Low Alloy Steel After Frictional-Mechanical Treatment
PublicationPaper presents the results of the studies of wear, corrosion and cavitation resistances of the S355J2 low alloy medium carbon steel subjected to surface modification by friction-mechanical treatment, as tested in sea water simulated solution. To evaluate the effect of the surface treatment, the comparative studies of the corrosive properties of the steel before and after treatment have been considered. The treatment due to a severe...
Properties of surface layers of duplex stainless steel after burnishing processes
PublicationStress corrosion cracking resistance of cold worked layers of 25 Cr duplex stainless steel grade UR52N+ has been investigated. The surface layers were performed through burnishing treatment. The residual stresses at surface layers were determined using grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction method (g-sin2 Ψ). Corrosion tests were performed with the use of Slow Strain Rate Test technique in boiling 35% MgCl2 solution. It has...
Complex Corrosion Monitoring System for Crude Distillation Unit in Form of Neutral Network
PublicationComplex and successful corrosion monitoring of refinery processes can significantly reduce material losses and failure risk. The developed corrosion monitoring system is based on online ultrasonic sensors, ER (electrical resistance) probes, gravimetric method and multipoint analytical analysis of chemical composition of the fluids. Additional online LPR (linear polarization resistance) sensors controlling corrosiveness of sour...
Application of quartz crystal microbalance and dynamic impedance spectroscopy to the study of copper corrosion inhibitors
PublicationThe study investigates the application of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) and Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) techniques to examine the corrosion inhibition of copper by Benzotriazole and Sodium Folate in a 0.1 M NaCl solution. DEIS, an advanced version of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), allows for real-time monitoring of non-stationary electrochemical systems,...
Influence of electropolymerization temperature on corrosion, morphological and electrical properties of PPy doped with salicylate on iron
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the electropolymerization temperature on corrosion, morphological and electrical properties of polypyrrole (PPy) film is studied. Polypyrrole is electrochemically synthesized on iron in the presence of sodium salicylate. The X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy are performed in order to study the structure and morphology of electrodeposited PPy. The electroactive surface area, corrosion...
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Corrosion of AISI1018 and AISI304 steel exposed to sulfates
PublicationThis research analyses the behavior of corrosion, durability, and quality of reinforced concrete samples coated with two different materials when exposed to contaminated soil with sulfates. The initial assessment involved evaluating the water absorption rate of the coating materials before and after exposure to a solution containing 3%푁푎2푆푂4+3%푀푔푆푂4+3%퐾2푆푂4+3%퐶푎푆푂4to determine their durability. the corrosion...