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Search results for: low-cycle fatigue
Inhibition of amyloid fibril formation of hen egg white lysozyme by trimethylamine N-oxide at low pH
PublicationIn vitro inhibition of the formation of fibrous aggregates of proteins (amyloids) has gained increasing attention due to the number of diseases associated with protein misfolding and fibrillation. An interesting group of compounds for which pronounced activity against this phenomenon can be expected consists of low molecular weight substances (osmolytes) which have the ability to change protein stability. Here we investigate the...
In uence of Low-Level Features Extracted from Rhythmic and Harmonic Sections on Music Genre Classi cation
PublicationWe present a comprehensive evaluation of the infuence of 'harmonic' and rhythmic sections contained in an audio file on automatic music genre classi cation. The study is performed using the ISMIS database composed of music files, which are represented by vectors of acoustic parameters describing low-level music features. Non-negative Matrix Factorization serves for blind separation of instrument components. Rhythmic components...
Practical Trial for Low-Energy Effective Jamming on Private Networks With 5G-NR and NB-IoT Radio Interfaces
PublicationFourth-generation (4G) mobile networks are successively replaced by fifth-generation (5G) ones, based on the new releases of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. 5G generation is dedicated to civilian users and the conducted analytical work shows that it has numerous technological gaps that prevent its direct implementation in military communications systems. However, the recent armed world conflicts showed that...
Fatigue damage development in 10CrMo9-10 steel for power plant pipes in as-received state and after 280,000 h of exploitation
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Monitoring of fatigue damage development in as-received and exploited 10CrMo9-10 power engineering steel supported by Digital Image Correlation
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Influence of e-beam irradiation on the dynamic creep and fatigue properties of poly(aliphatic/aromatic-ester) copolymers for biomedical applications
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Effect of non-zero mean stress bending-torsion fatigue on fracture surface parameters of 34CrNiMo6 steel notched bars
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A fractographic study exploring the fracture surface topography of S355J2 steel after pseudo-random bending-torsion fatigue tests
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Wpływ olejów smarowych na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową stopów łożyskowych = Lubricating oil influence on fatigue strength of bearing alloys
PublicationBadano wpływ olejów smarowych na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową stopów łożyskowych. Obiektem badań były cienkościenne bimetalowe panwie łożyskowe poddawane zginaniu w różnych ośrodkach podczas testów zmęczeniowych na stanowisku badawczym SKMR-2. Zaobserwowano wyraźny wpływ rodzaju oleju i czynników związanych z wymuszeniami mechanicznymi i cieplnymi na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową warstwy ślizgowej. Przedstawiono wnioski z badań oraz program...
Low-Cost Unattended Design of Miniaturized 4 × 4 Butler Matrices with Nonstandard Phase Differences
PublicationDesign of Butler matrices dedicated to Internet of Things and 5th generation (5G) mobile systems—where small size and high performance are of primary concern—is a challenging task that often exceeds capabilities of conventional techniques. Lack of appropriate, unified design approaches is a serious bottleneck for the development of Butler structures for contemporary applications. In this work, a low-cost bottom-up procedure for...
Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image
PublicationThe work presented in the paper is dedicated to determining and evaluating the most efficient neural network architecture applied as a multiple regression network localizing human body joints in 3D space based on a single low resolution depth image. The main challenge was to deal with a noisy and coarse representation of the human body, as observed by a depth sensor from a large distance, and to achieve high localization precision....
A concept of software extension of 3D low-PRF radar systems to 4D semi-medium-PRF radar systems
PublicationWe present a concept of software modification of three-dimensional (3D) radar systems, designed to work in the low pulse repetition frequency mode, that equips them with the ability to estimate the radial velocity and to properly measure the range of targets that are detected outside the radar’s instrumented range. Despite the fact that the proposed modifications are designed so as to require only minor changes in software, they...
Theoretical and Economic Evaluation of Low-Cost Deep Eutectic Solvents for Effective Biogas Upgrading to Bio-Methane
PublicationThis paper presents the theoretical screening of 23 low-cost deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as absorbents for effective removal of the main impurities from biogas streams using a conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS). Based on thermodynamic parameters, i.e., the activity coefficient, excess enthalpy, and Henry’s constant, two DESs composed of choline chloride: urea in a 1:2 molar ratio (ChCl:U 1:2), and choline...
Millimeter Wave Wideband and Low-Loss Compact Power Divider Based on Gap Waveguide: For Use in Wideband Antenna Array System
PublicationThis paper presents a wideband and low-loss design of a compact power divider based on gap waveguide technology. The proposed power divider consists of two adjacent E-plane groove gap waveguide and a small ridge section to couple and equally divide the EM energy from the input E-plane groove gap waveguide to the two output ones in-phase. The simulation results show that the proposed waveguide power divider has about 40% impedance...
Porosity and shape of airborne wear microparticles generated by sliding contact between a low-metallic friction material and a cast iron
PublicationThe wear of brakes in transport vehicles is one of the main anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter in urban environments. The present study deals with the characterisation of airborne wear microparticles from a low-metallic friction material / cast iron pair used in car brakes. Particles were generated by a pin-on-disc machine in a sealed chamber at sliding velocity of 1.3 m/s and contact pressure of 1.5 MPa. They...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublicationThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Impact of aeration conditions on the removal of low concentrations of nitrogen in a tertiary partially aerated biological filter
PublicationA submerged biological aerated filter (BAF) partially aerated was used to study the removal of low concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (0.3 g N/m3 to 30.5 g N/m3) typically found in nutrient enriched river and lake waters, and treated effluents. Four series of experiments were performed with a synthetic wastewater at ammonia loading rates between 6 g N/m3 d and 903 g N/m3 d and C/N ratios from 2 to 20. The results showed that ammonia...
Technical and economic analysis of energy storage in the compressed air technology with low capacity for the production plant
PublicationCompressed air energy storage (CAES) system is a promising technology due to its numerous advantages, including relatively low maintenance cost, a long lifespan and high operational flexibility. This article explores the possibility of designing a CAES power plant as a source of electricity and heat for an existing industrial plant. The study involves the technical analysis of the power plant parameters and the economic analysis...
Broad Stopband, Low-Loss, and Ultra-Compact Dual-Mode Bandpass Filter Based on HMSIRC
PublicationIn this investigation, an ultra-compact dual-mode bandpass filter (BPF) with a wide stopband re-sponse is realized by using a half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (HMSIRC). The HMSIRC resonator is designed with a cavity that is rectangular in shape and has metallic vias along three of the sides. The fourth side is open-ended and contains microstrip feed lines. For the purpose of constructing a magnetic wall, a rectangular...
Assessment of immunomodulation and regulation of cell cycle in epithelium and stroma after Cidofovir injection in patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis—Pilot study
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A raising alarm on the current global electronic waste situation through bibliometric analysis, life cycle, and techno-economic assessment: a review
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Increased susceptibility of PARP-1 KO cells to antitumor triazoloacridone C-1305 is associated with permanent G2 cell cycle arrest.
PublicationTriazoloakrydon C-1305 jest nowym inhibitorem topoizomerazy II wykazującym wysoką aktywność przeciwnowotworową. W tej pracy badaliśmy działanie cytotoksyczne pochodnej C-1305 i jej analogu strukturalnego C-1533 wobec komórek fibroblastów mysich i dwóch mutantów, w których uszkodzono gen PARP-1. Jak wykazaliśmy, komórki z uszkodzonym genem PARP-1 są nadwrażliwe na działanie związku C-1305 w porównaniu z komórkami PARP-1 +/+ podczas...
The influence of 4-substituted and unsubstituted derivatives of 1-nitroacridine on the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis in human cancer HT29 and HeLa S3.
PublicationZbadano wpływ pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 i C-857, w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych, na cykl życiowy oraz indukcję apoptozy komórek raka jelita grubego HT29 oraz raka szyjki macicy HeLa S3. Metodą cytometrii przepływowej wykazano, że 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyna C-1748 powoduje akumulację komórek HT29 w fazie S i komórek HeLa S3 w fazie G2 cyklu komórkowego zaś związek C-857 indukuje akumulację komórek HT29 i HeLa S3 w fazie...
ProSIL Software for functional saferty management in life cycle = Aplikacja ProSIL do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem funkcjonalnym w cyklu życia
PublicationIn the paper the ProSIL software to aid the functional safety management is presented. The software consists of three modules to aid: determination of the required SIL level (ProSILen), veryfication of the SIL level (ProSILver). In the aplication the method of the calibrated risk graph to determine the required safety integrity level SIL for defined safety instrumented functions is applied. The methods concerning functional safety...
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Jacek Łubiński dr hab. inż.
PeopleJacek Łubiński, absolwent Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1994). Stopień doktora nauk technicznych uzyskał w roku 2002. Tytuł doktora habilitowanego usyskał w roku 2018. Obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa PG, Instytut Instytutu Mechaniki i Konstrukcji Maszyn. Od początku swojej działalności naukowej zajmuje się tribologią, a w szczególności badaniami tarcia...
Efficient Analysis of Noise Induced in Low-Voltage Installations Placed Inside Buildings with Lightning Protection Systems
PublicationThis paper describes an efficient approach to the broadband analysis of lightning protection systems (LPSs) using the method of moments (MoM) implemented in the frequency domain. The adaptive frequency sampling (AFS) algorithm, based on a rational interpolation of the relevant observable (e.g., voltage, current, electric or magnetic field) which describes the properties of the LPS, is employed to reduce the number of samples computed...
Photovoltaic effect in the single-junction DBP/PTCBI organic system under low intensity of monochromatic light
PublicationPhotoelectric properties of the planar ITO/MoO3/DBP/PTCBI/BCP/Ag system were characterized on the basis of short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage and absorption spectra, and current-voltage measurements in the dark and under monochromatic illumination of low intensity. Photovoltaic performance of the system was compared with the performance of ideal semiconductor and excitonic cells of chosen bandgaps. Such analysis shows,...
Low-Cost Open-Hardware System for Measurements of Antenna Far-Field Characteristics in Non-Anechoic Environments
PublicationExperimental validation belongs to the most important steps in the development of antenna structures. Measurements are normally performed in expensive, dedicated facilities such as anechoic chambers, or open-test sites. A high cost of their construction might not be justified when the main goal of antenna verification boils down to demonstration of the measurement procedure, or rough validation of the simulation models used for...
Low-volume label-free SARS-CoV-2 detection with the microcavity-based optical fiber sensor
PublicationAccurate and fast detection of viruses is crucial for controlling outbreaks of many diseases; therefore, to date, numerous sensing systems for their detection have been studied. On top of the performance of these sensing systems, the availability of biorecognition elements specific to especially the new etiological agents is an additional fundamental challenge. Therefore, besides high sensitivity and selectivity, such advantages...
Effects of thermal history on the performance of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ electrolyte and LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2 electrodes
PublicationIn this study, low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with an ∼560 μm thick Sm0.2Ce0.8O2−δ (SDC) electrolyte and ∼890 μm thick LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2−δ (NCAL) electrodes are constructed and characterized under three experimental conditions. The cell with an NCAL cathode pre-reduced under an H2 atmosphere at 550 °C presents the best electrochemical performance. This is ascribed to facts that the reduction reaction generating Ni–Co...
Fiber optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO layers in transmission and reflective mode: comparative study
PublicationA construction of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer using a thin ZnO layer as a reflective surfaces was proposed and examined. In the investigated setup, the ZnO layer of thickness 200 nm were deposited on the face of the standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF-28). Measurements of interference signal were performed for the interferometer working in the transmission and reflective mode, as...
Propulsion system with a hydraulic transmision for a low draught inland vessel
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia i uwarunkowania techniczne oraz projekt koncepcyjny dwóch wariantów układu napędowego statku śródlądowego o małym zanurzeniu. Oba warianty dotyczą systemu Diesel-hydraulicznego, przy czym pierwszy - z tradycyjną, poziomą linią wałów i śrubami stałymi w wychylnych dyszach Korta, a drugi - z pędnikami azymutalnymi. Projekt zawiera schemat systemu napędowego oraz wizualizację rozmieszczenia podstawowych...
Trachyonychia successfully treated with low-dose acitretin in a paediatric patient
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Low-temperature reactivity of the surface species of vanadia–tungsta catalyst
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The low price anomaly and the Intriguing Case of the Polish Stock Market
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Low latency control board for LLRF system: SIMCON 3.1
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Farrow structure for complex digital Hilbert filter of low complexity
PublicationW pracy przeanalizowano złożoność numeryczną filtru Hilberta (filtr zespolony), złożonego z pary filtrów cyfrowych o zmiennym opóźnieniu ułamkowym, o strukturze Farrowa. Struktura ta pozwala na zmianę opóźnienia ułamkowego na bieżąco, bez potrzeby każdorazowego przeprojektowywania filtru. Zaproponowano algorytmy/struktury wykorzystujące nie tylko symetrię oryginalnej struktury Farrowa, ale również wspólne elementy opóźniające podfiltrów...
Vibrational excitation of tetrahydrofuran by electron impact in the low energy range
PublicationWzbudzenie oscylacyjne cząsteczki tetrahydrofuranu w zderzeniach z elektronami przeprowadzone było w zakresie energii 5-14 eV w szerokim kącie rozproszenia (20°-180°). Pomiary funkcji wzbudzenia oscylacyjnego modów rozciągających w grupie CH2 (wiązania C-H) wykazują obecność struktur dla energii 6.0, 7.9 i 10.3 eV, którym można przypisać formowanie się stanów rezonansowych jonów ujemnych cząsteczki. W pracy wyznaczono także różniczkowy...
Characterization of low-dose doxorubicin-loaded silica-based nanocomposites
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Low-temperature spectroscopic and scintillation characterisation of Ti-doped Al2O3
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An update on medium- and low-abundant blood plasma proteome of horse
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Non- and low-alcoholic beer – popularity and manufacturing techniques [pdf]
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Low-temperature synthesis of silicon carbide powder using shungite
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Mitigation of Membrane Wetting by Applying a Low Temperature Membrane Distillation
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Fiber-optic temperature sensor using low-coherence interferometry
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Fluorescence emission of carbon disulfide in low energy electron collision.
PublicationZbadano widma emisyjne dwusiarczku węgla w zakresie widmowym od 235 nm do575 nm wzbudzane zderzeniami elektronów o energii 9.7eV I 15eV. W otrzymanych widmach największe natężenie miały pasma pochodzące z dysocjacji cząsteczek dwusiarczku węgla.
Cementite transformation in low carbon steel under the influence of sulphur.
PublicationBadano cementyt (węglik Fe3C) w przemysłowym gatunku stali niskowęglowej po długotrwałej eksploatacji w benzynie ciężkiej, zawierającej 0,3 ppm siarki, o temperaturze 200-220C. Wykazano, że cementyt na powierzchni i we wnętrzu stali ulega przemianie w niestabilną, quasi-krystaliczną fazę wzbogaconą w siarkę i pierwiastki domieszkowe a zubożoną w żelazo. Przemiana cementytu i rozpad zdegradowanej fazy związana jest z uwolnieniem...
Low-order models from FD-TD time samples
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł zawiera opis szeregu kryteriów pozwalających na automatyczne tworzenie wysokiej jakości modeli sygnałów czasowych uzyskanych w drodze symulacji obwodów wysokiej częstotliwości metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu. Podany jest szczegółowy opis selekcji kluczowych parametrów modeli takich jak wybór długości ciągu użytego do konstrukcji modeli, współczynnika decymacji silnie nadpróbkowanego przebiegu w dziedzinie...