total: 4683
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Design analysis of combined gas-vapour micro power plant with 30 kW air turbine
PublicationThe article presents basic results of the design analysis of a combined gas-vapour micro power plant with a waste-heat boiler without exhaust reheat, working in the vapour section in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. The analysis concerned working media most frequently used in those types of power plants and planned to be used in future. The object of the analysis was a micro power plant with a 30 kW gas (air) turbine for...
Atomistic Surrogate-Based Optimization for Simulation-Driven Design of Computationally Expensive Microwave Circuits with Compact Footprints
PublicationA robust simulation-driven design methodology for computationally expensive microwave circuits with compact footprints has been presented. The general method introduced in this chapter is suitable for a wide class of N-port un-conventional microwave circuits constructed as a deviation from classic design solutions. Conventional electromagnetic (EM) simulation-driven design routines are generally prohibitive when applied to numerically...
An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method
PublicationIn this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...
Two-phase optimizing approach to design assessments of long distance heat transportation for CHP systems
PublicationCogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for power plants is a method of putting to use waste heat which would be otherwise released to the environment. This allows the increase in thermodynamic efficiency of the plant and can be a source of environmental friendly heat for District Heating (DH). In the paper CHP for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is analyzed with the focus on heat transportation. A method for effectivity and feasibility...
Virtual Engineering Object (VEO): Toward Experience-Based Design and Manufacturing for Industry 4.0
PublicationIn this article we propose the concept, its framework, and implementation methodology for Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object that embodies its associated knowledge and experience. A VEO is capable of adding, storing, improving, and sharing knowledge through experience. Moreover, it is demonstrated that VEO is a specialization of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In this...
Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
PublicationThe interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...
Implementation of multicriteria decision analysis in design of experiment for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction optimization for chlorophenols determination
PublicationA novel and efficient approach to optimization of extraction step prior the chromatographic determination of nine chlorinated phenols is described. It is based on the combination of design of experiments and multicriteria decision analysis. Such an approach is used to optimize dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for the determination of 9 chlorophenols in water samples. Three parameters are optimized – sample volume,...
PublicationThere is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of the...
Rapid multi-criterial design of microwave components with robustness analysis by means of knowledge-based surrogates
PublicationManufacturing tolerances and uncertainties concerning material parameters, e.g., operating conditions or substrate permittivity are detrimental to characteristics of microwave components. The knowledge of relations between acceptable parameter deviations (not leading to violation of design specifications) and the nominal performance (not considering uncertainties), and is therefore indispensable. This paper proposes a multi-objective...
Innovative Urban Blue Space Design in a Changing Climate: Transition Models in the Baltic Sea Region
PublicationWaterfront areas in cities are subject to constant changes. The desire to integrate the transformed waterside areas with the urban fabric involves shaping high-quality public spaces related to water, which are often referred to as urban blue spaces (UBS). The aim of the research was to examine the transformation processes of urban waterfront areas in the Baltic Sea Region and identify emerging transition models and types of blue...
Low-Cost Yield-Driven Design of Antenna Structures Using Response-Variability Essential Directions and Parameter Space Reduction
PublicationQuantifying the effects of fabrication tolerances and uncertainties of other types is fundamental to improve antenna design immunity to limited accuracy of manufacturing procedures and technological spread of material parameters. This is of paramount importance especially for antenna design in the industrial context. Degradation of electrical and field properties due to geometry parameter deviations often manifests itself as, e.g.,...
Calculation Program Supporting Switched Capacitor DC-DC Charge Pump Design (CP Design Calculator) - PartI: Preface
PublicationPrzedmiot badań i motywy podjęcia pracy. Metoda badawcza. Nota historyczna nt. konwertera Fibonacciego (Fibonacci multiplier) i pompy ładunkowej Makowskiego ("Makowski charge pump"). Przewidywane cele pracy. Podziękowania
Design of a Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Wideband Compact-Size Circularly Polarized Antenna and polarization-sense alteration
PublicationThis paper presents the design and validation of a geometrically simple circularly polarized(CP) structure featuring flat gain in the sub-6 GHz 5th generation spectrum. The proposed structure is based on coplanar-waveguide-fed, modified wide slot etched in the ground plane. For generating CP waves, the coplanar ground planes are designed with slight asymmetry in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Furthermore, the ground...
Blade Section Prpfile Array Lifting Surface Design Method for Marine Screw Propeller Blade
PublicationThe lifting surface model is widely used in screw propeller design and analysis applications. It serves as a reliable tool for determination of the propeller blade mean line and pitch distribution. The main idea of this application was to determine the blade shape that would satisfy the kinematic boundary condition on its surface with the prescribed bound circulation distribution over it. In this paper a simplified lifting surface...
Design of a SiC based triple active bridge ceil for a multi-megawatt DC-DC converter
PublicationThe paper describes the design methodology of a novel Triple Active Bridge cell used as the building block for modular DC-DC converters. The intended application is for Medium Voltage Direct Current grids, such as the DC collector for offshore wind farms. The latest generation of SiC MOSFET semiconductors is utilized to operate in the medium frequency range while optimizing the efficiency. The dimensioning of the main cell components,...
Multicriteria Optimization Approach to Design and Operation of District Heating Supply System over its Life Cycle
PublicationDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). In the paper a method for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS) is proposed. The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectivity of heat transportation...
Selected aspects of the design of artificial organs
e-Learning Coursesdla III stopnia EiT+IBM
A Generalized SDP Multi-Objective Optimization Method for EM-Based Microwave Device Design
PublicationIn this article, a generalized sequential domain patching (GSDP) method for efficient multi-objective optimization based on electromagnetics (EM) simulation is proposed. The GSDP method allowing fast searching for Pareto fronts for two and three objectives is elaborated in detail in this paper. The GSDP method is compared with the NSGA-II method using multi-objective problems in the DTLZ series, and the results show the GSDP method...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based 5G Millimeter Wave Antenna for Gain Enhancement
PublicationIn this brief, a low profile, broadband, high-gain antenna array based on optimized metamaterials (MMs) with dual-beam radiation is reported for 5G millimeters wave (mm-wave) applications. The design is a simple bow tie operating at a 5G band of 28 GHz. It consists of two bow ties with substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter. A broad impedance bandwidth of 26.3−29.8 GHz is obtained by appropriately combining the...
Introducing Design for Disassembly Concept to the MSc Curricula
Publication11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Design of Microwave-Based Angular Displacement Sensor
PublicationThis letter presents a novel microwave-based rotation sensor having a wide dynamic range to detect and measure the angular displacement in terms of the change in resonant frequency. The proposed sensor is based on the microstrip technology, where a rotor comprised of a complementary splitring resonator (CSRR) placed on the ground plane of the microstrip line is free to rotate around its axis. The mechanical rotation of CSRR determines...
Aerated grit chambers hydraulic design equation.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano metodę wymiarowania piaskowników napowietrzanych. Jej głównymi elementami są wyznaczanie niezbędnej intensywności aeracji ścieków, pola ich prędkości oraz trajektorii cząstek zawiesiny.
Hygienic design of pumps, homogenisers and dampening devices.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wymagania dotyczące materiałów oraz ich przygotowania, a także dla powierzchni wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych urządzeń takich jak pompy, homogenizatory i nawilżacze oraz ich elementów, zwłaszcza wielu typów uszczelnień, ze względu na ich zastosowanie do produkcji żywności w warunkach sanitarno-higienicznych i maksymalne wyeliminowanie zagożeń dla jakości podczas jej wytwarzania w różnorodnych procesach technologicznych.
Design of knowledge-based systems in environmental engineering.
PublicationW pracy omawia się konstrukcję iteracyjnie dostrajającego się modelu rozmytego zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, stosowanego do wspomagania wytwarzania systemów opartych na wiedzy. Proponowany model służy w szczególności do zarządzania zmianami finansowania i czasu realizacji projektów dotyczących systemów wykorzystywanych w (inżynierii) ochronie środowiska. Struktura tego modelu zasadza się na teorii systemów...
Information significance in engineering design processes in shipyards
PublicationW artykule zwrócono uwagę na aspekt zarządzania procesem budowy statku, zarządzania informacją w procesie projektowania oraz znaczeniu systemów informacyjnych w transmisji informacji pomiędzy biurem projektowym a organizacjami współpracującymi. Dzięki jednolitej informacji projektowej we wszystkich fazach projektowania uzyskujemy ciągłość procesu projektowego, eliminację niepotrzebnych kosztów związanych z poprawą błędów oraz lepszą...
How Good are the Design Tools in Power Electronics?
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2D inverse method of turbomachinery stage design
Publication1. How 2D model for turbomachinery stages has developed historically. 2. Recent understanding of physical background of 2D model. 3. Curvilinear system of non-orthogonal coordinates in the application to 2D model. 4. Set of basic equations. 5. Closing conditions for the inverse problem. 6. Examples of solutions a)
Stirling engine design effects on performance indicies.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę wpływu wybranych parametrów konstrukcyjnych silnika Stirlinga MAC-02 na jego własności eksploatacyjne. Przyjmując maksimum mocy jako kryterium optymalizacji badano jaki wpływ na wybrane wskaźniki jakości (moc i sprawność) oraz optymalizowane parametry konstrukcyjne silnika (wymiary wymiennika cieplnego oraz parametry układu korbowego) mają ograniczenia nałożone na ciepło dostarczane oraz długość...
Control theory methods in diagnostic system design
PublicationPraca dotyczy zastosowania wybranych metod teorii sterowania do syntezy al-gorytmów detekcji uszkodzeń. Algorytmy takie, stanowiące istotną gałąźwspółczesnej diagnostyki technicznej obiektów dynamicznych, w swej istocieopierają się na rozwiązaniach odpowiednich zadań odpornego wyznaczania wek-torów resztowych, czyli ważonych błędów oszacowań wyjściadanego obiektu dy-namicznego (nadzorowanego procesu). Na treść pracy...
Design of knowledge based systems in environmental engineering.
PublicationW pracy omawia się konstrukcję samo narastającego modelu rozmytego zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, stosowanego do wspomagania wytwarzania systemów opartych na wiedzy. Proponowany model służy w szczególności do zarządzania zmianami finansowania i czasu realizacji projektów. Opiera się on na eksperymentalnej regułowej wiedzy, pochodzącej z realizacji zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, na teorii systemów...
Design of precise control systems of industrial plants
PublicationA method for developing precision control systems in industry has been created based on a set of models that take into account the nonlinearity of the reactor model, the nonlinearities of the hydrodynamic regime and the accuracy of the control elements, the nonlinear characteristics and accuracy of the actuators, and the precision of the sensors used. A multidimensional precision control system has been developed for a continuous...
A computer system for the complete design of ship propellers
PublicationPraca zawiera opis metody obliczeniowej pozwalającej na zaprojektowanie okrętowej śruby napędowej dla również obliczeniowo wyznaczonego niejednorodnego pola prędkości za kadłubem statku o znanej geometrii i parametrach ruchu. Metoda pozwala na właściwe ujęcie efektu skali i konsekwencji obecności płetwy sterowej za projektowaną śrubą.
Design of electromagnetic shields for small electronic units.
PublicationSystemy elektroniczne, które przetwarzają informacje niejawną lub informację chronioną prawem, wymagają nie tylko jej szyfrowania, ale także zastosowania środków i metod minimalizacji ulotu elektromagnetycznego, jaki zawsze towarzyszy elektronicznemu przetwarzaniu informacji. Wymagania dotyczące tłumienia emisji promieniowanej i przewodzonej, w szczególności dotyczące przetwarzania i przesyłania informacji tajnej osiągają poziom...
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Modelling the context of use for Intranet portals design
PublicationIntranet portals in contemporary enterprises affect the way how people work, communicate and build relationships within teams and organizations. Developing high usability in Intranet projects requires analysing context of use and including many additional organizational and cultural factors, normally not present in regular software projects. A modelling framework presented in this paper is useful for analysing context of use for...
Interactive design system for provisioning of customized houses
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Alternative shaper: a model for automatic design generation
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Design and synthesis of new substrates of HtrA2 protease
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Urban design and therapeutic landscapes. Evolving theme.
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Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries
PublicationThe fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...
Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries
PublicationThe fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...
Progress in design of adsorption refrigeration systems. Evaporators
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SNDlib 1.0—Survivable Network Design Library
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Portable Raman spectrometer - design rules and applications
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Bandpass Filter Design Using Multimode Resonator
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Geometry design in rerfractive capillary optical fibers
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Design of Experiments in metabolomics-related studies: An overview
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Computer Aided Design of Wood Pellet Machines
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The use of CAD applications in the design of shredders for polymers
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CAD/CAE Applications in Mill’s Design and Investigation