Search results for: NUMERICAL METHODS
Fast Re-Design of Multi-Band Antennas by Means of Orthogonal-Direction Geometry Scaling and Local Parameter Tuning
PublicationApplication-driven design of antenna systems fosters a reuse of structures that have proven competitive in terms of their electrical and field performance, yet have to be re-designed for a new application area. In practice, it most often entails relocation of the operating frequencies or bandwidths, which is an intricate endeavor, normally requiring utilization of numerical optimization techniques. If the center frequencies of...
Approximation algorithms for job scheduling with block-type conflict graphs
PublicationThe problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines (identical, uniform, or unrelated), under incompatibility relation modeled as a block graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, is considered in this paper. No two jobs that are in the relation (equivalently in the same block) may be scheduled on the same machine in this model. The presented model stems from a well-established line of research combining scheduling theory...
Buckling analysis of piezo-magnetoelectric nanoplates in hygrothermal environment based on a novel one variable plate theory combining with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublicationIn the present investigation, a new first-order shear deformation theory (OVFSDT) on the basis of the in-plane stability of the piezo-magnetoelectric composite nanoplate (PMEN) has been developed, and its precision has been evaluated. The OVFSDT has many advantages compared to the conventional first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) such as needless of shear correction factors, containing less number of unknowns than the existing...
Numeryczna analiza wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Numerical analysis the influence of the direction of explosion wave at the curvature of asymmetrical rolling of bimetallic plate.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono numeryczną analizę wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Przeprowadzono symulacje dla procesu walcowania w temperaturze 20 C. Proces walcowania prowadzono w walcarce duo D 150 mm, o prędkości obwodowej 18,5 obr/min. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch stosunków grubości warstw 2/10 i 4/8. Symulację procesu przeprowadzono dla trzech gniotów 10%, 20%,...
The importance of individual spray properties in performance improvement of a urea-SCR system employing flash-boiling injection
PublicationThe appropriate mixing of a urea–water solution (UWS) with exhaust gases in a selective catalytic reduction system is crucial to efficiently reduce nitrogen oxides and diminish the deposition of liquid wall film. One of the methods to enhance the mixing of the UWS with the exhaust gases is a flash-boiling injection. Its positive effect has been linked with a reduced Sauter mean diameter (SMD) and improved evaporation, but the...
Comprehensive exploration of technological tensioning effects in welded thin plate girders: an in-depth investigation
PublicationThin-walled plate girders are widely used in structures and construction due to their effectiveness in transferring loads. The permanent deformations of the girder lead to a lack of stability, which necessarily leads to its replacement. Replacing permanently deformed thin-walled load-bearing structures requires large financial outlays. Technological prestressing is one of the most effective methods for studying and treating permanent...
Multi-objective optimization of expensive electromagnetic simulation models
PublicationVast majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. For the sake of simplicity and through a priori preference articulation one can turn many design tasks into single-objective problems that can be handled using conventional numerical optimization routines. However, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about the system at hand, in particular, about possible...
Forced vibrations in a dynamic system that is damped by a mechanism that trans-pass through its singular position
PublicationIn the paper, vibrations of a hybrid multibody-continuous system are investigated. For all the mechanical devices, effective damping methods are crucial in the design process. To obtain it, installation of viscous dampers or elasto-viscous elements is dominant. In the paper, an alternative method is investigated. It is based on modal disparity. To describe the method briefly, when structural damping is present in continuous systems,...
Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization
PublicationSurrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...
Response of cylindrical steel tank under stochastically generated non-uniform earthquake excitation
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very important structures in industrial facilities since their application is related to storing different types of products. Their safety and reliability have become a crucial issue because any damage may cause significant consequences, including ecological disaster. The most dangerous dynamic load acting on cylindrical steel tanks is related to earthquakes, especially that the seismic excitation may...
Generalized Formulation of Response Features for Reliable Optimization of Antenna Input Characteristics
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM)-driven parameter adjustment has become imperative in the design of modern antennas. It is necessary because the initial designs rendered through topology evolution, parameter sweeping, or theoretical models, are often of poor quality and need to be improved to satisfy stringent performance requirements. Given multiple objectives, constraints, and a typically large number of geometry parameters, the design closure...
Low-cost multi-criterial design optimization of compact microwave passives using constrained surrogates and dimensionality reduction
PublicationDesign of contemporary microwave circuits is a challenging task. Typically, it has to take into account several performance requirements and constraints. The design objectives are often conflicting and their simultaneous improvement may not be possible; instead, compromise solutions are to be sought. Representative examples are miniaturized microwave passives where reduction of the circuit size has a detrimental effect on its electrical...
On time-dependent nonlinear dynamic response of micro-elastic solids
PublicationA new approach to the mechanical response of micro-mechanic problems is presented using the modified couple stress theory. This model captured micro-turns due to micro-particles' rotations which could be essential for microstructural materials and/or at small scales. In a micro media based on the small rotations, sub-particles can also turn except the whole domain rotation. However, this framework is competent for a static medium....
Low-Cost Design Optimization of Microwave Passives Using Multi-Fidelity EM Simulations and Selective Broyden Updates
PublicationGeometry parameters of contemporary microwave passives have to be carefully tuned in the final stages of their design process to ensure the best possible performance. For reliability reasons, the tuning has to be to be carried out at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. This is because traditional modeling methods are incapable of quantifying certain phenomena that may affect operation and performance of these...
Prediction of maximum tensile stress in plain-weave composite laminates with interacting holes via stacked machine learning algorithms: A comparative study
PublicationPlain weave composite is a long-lasting type of fabric composite that is stable enough when being handled. Open-hole composites have been widely used in industry, though they have weak structural performance and complex design processes. An extensive number of material/geometry parameters have been utilized for designing these composites, thereby an efficient computational tool is essential for that purpose. Different Machine Learning...
Optymalizacja strategii sieci inteligentnych agentów za pomocą programowania genetycznego w systemie rozproszonym realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing
PublicationDynamicznie rosnąca złożoność i wymagania w odniesieniu do rozproszonych systemów informatycznych utrudnia zarządzanie dostępnymi zasobami sprzętowymi i programistycznymi. Z tego powodu celem rozprawy jest opracowanie wielokryterialnej metody programowania genetycznego, która pozwala na optymalizację strategii zespołu inteligentnych agentów programistycznych w zakresie zarządzania systemem realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing....
Ocena wpływu dawki DME na wybrane wskaźniki procesu spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest analiza wpływu różnej ilości odparowanego DME wprowadzonego do kolektora dolotowego na wybrane wskaźniki spalania DME/ON dla wielu punktów pracy, turbodoładowanego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Jako punkty pracy silnika, wybrano punkty najbardziej reprezentujące cykl jazdy WLTP dla samochodu Volkswagen Golf IV. Analizę procesu współspalania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem danych pomiarowych, uzyskanych...
A framework for accelerated optimization of antennas using design database and initial parameter set estimation
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to exploit a database of pre-existing designs to accelerate parametric optimization of antenna structures is investigated. Design/methodology/approach The usefulness of pre-existing designs for rapid design of antennas is investigated. The proposed approach exploits the database existing antenna base designs to determine a good starting point for structure optimization and its response sensitivities....
Design centering of compact microwave components using response features and trust regions
PublicationFabrication tolerances, as well as uncertainties of other kinds, e.g., concerning material parameters or operating conditions, are detrimental to the performance of microwave circuits. Mitigating their impact requires accounting for possible parameter deviations already at the design stage. This involves optimization of appropriately defined statistical figures of merit such as yield. Alt-hough important, robust (or tolerance-aware)...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
PublicationProblematyka planowania rozwoju systemów elektroenergetycznych jest zagadnieniem często podejmowanym w badaniach optymalizacyjnych ze względu na wagę i zasięg problemu. Rozwój techniki komputerowej pozwolił na połączenie tematyki optymalizacji struktury wytwarzania i planowania sieci elektroenergetycznej, co jest zagadnieniem wielowątkowym oraz wielowymiarowym. W prezentowanym artykule przedstawiono kryteria stosowane w analizach...
Numerical modelling of POC dynamics in the southern Baltic under possible future conditions determined by nutrients, light and temperature**The study was financially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (grants: NN305 111636 and NN306 404338) and Baltic-C – the BONUS funded project.
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Numeryczna analiza możliwości zwiększenia efektywności grzewczej pompy ciepła, poprzez modyfikację skraplacza
PublicationW niniejszej pracy określono charakterystykę prostego modelu wymiennika ciepła bazującego na skraplaczu powietrznej pompy ciepła. Jest to helikoidalny rekuperator typu rura w rurze. Zaproponowano i poddano analizie numerycznej dwie metody intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła i zestawiono wyniki z modelem porównawczym. Zastosowane rozwiązania zwiększające strumień wymienianego ciepła spowodowały wzrost odbieranego przez wodę strumienia...
Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks...
Technical and Economic Analysis of the Supercritical Combined Gas-Steam Cycle
PublicationCombined cycle power plants are characterized by high efficiency, now exceeding 60%. The record-breaking power plant listed in the Guinness Book of World Records is the Nishi-Nagoya power plant commissioned in March 2018, located in Japan, and reaching the gross efficiency of 63.08%. Research and development centers, energy companies, and scientific institutions are taking various actions to increase this efficiency. Both the gas...
Diagnostyka eksploatacyjna okrętowych silników spalinowych - tłokowych i turbinowych
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia diagnostyki technicznej silników spalinowych dużej mocy, zarówno tłokowych, jak i turbinowych, ukierunkowane na eksploatację okrętowych (i nie tylko) systemów energetycznych, w których występują tego typu silniki. W początkowej części opracowania zaproponowano koncepcję systemowego ujęcia diagnostyki eksploatacyjnej silników okrętowych w aspekcie obowiązujących standardów światowych...
A novel degree-hour method for rational design loading
PublicationCooling degree-hours (CDH) received the broadest application in evaluation of the ambient air cooling efficiency in power engineering (engine intake air cooling systems) and air conditioning. The current CDH numbers are defined as a drop in air temperature multiplied by associated time duration of performance and their summarized annual number is used to estimate the annual effect achieved due to sucked air cooling in power plants...
Karolina Lademann Mgr
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Komputerowo wspomagana analiza elastycznych siłowników elektrostatycznych dla potrzeb implementacji w systemach mechatroniki
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania naukowe rozpoczęto od szczegółowej analizy układu mechatronicznego dłoni robotycznych, powstałych na przestrzeni ostatnich 40 lat, w celu dokładnego rozpoznania ich głównych wymogów konstrukcyjnych i ograniczeń systemowych. Z uwagi na brak dostępnych narzędzi do symulacji omawianych siłowników, w rozprawie opracowano uniwersalne narzędzie – program do analizy numerycznej. U jego podstawy założono wykorzystanie...
Monika Gwóźdź - Lasoń dr
PeoplePhD Eng. Monika Gwóźdź-Lasoń, REV Diplomas and scientific degrees 28/11/2007 Acquiring the PhD in technical sciences [630000] [630900]; doctoral dissertation entitled Modele Obliczeniowe Podłoża Gruntowego w Aspekcie Różnych Metod i Technologii Wzmocnienia = Numerical models of the subsoil reinforced by different kind of methods and technology. 1995-2000 Obtaining the degree: Master of Science; Faculty of Civil Engineering,...
Active Kriging-based conjugate first-order reliability method for highly efficient structural reliability analysis using resample strategy
PublicationEfficient structural reliability analysis method is crucial to solving reliability analysis of complex structural problems. High-computational cost and low-failure probability problems greatly limit the efficiency in structural reliability analysis problems, causing the safety and reliability of the structure to be questioned. In this work, a highly efficient structural reliability analysis method coupling active Kriging algorithm...
The smoothness test for a density function
PublicationThe problem of testing hypothesis that a density function has no more than μ derivatives versus it has more than μ derivatives is considered. For a solution, the L2 norms of wavelet orthogonal projections on some orthogonal ‘‘differences’’ of spaces from a multiresolution analysis is used. For the construction of the smoothness test an asymptotic distribution of a smoothness estimator is used. To analyze that asymptotic distribution,...
Two-criteria optimisation problem for ventral hernia repair
PublicationTwo-criteria optimisation problem related to laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is formulated in this paper. An optimal implant from a given set and its orientation is sought. The implant is subjected to kinematic extortions due to a patient’s body movement and intra-abdominal pressure. The first criterion of the optimisation problem deals with the reaction force in the implant fastener, while the deflection of the implant constitutes...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublicationA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
Multiresolution analysis and adaptive estimation on a sphere using stereographic wavelets
PublicationWe construct an adaptive estimator of a density function on d dimensional unit sphere Sd (d ≥ 2), using a new type of spherical frames. The frames, or as we call them, stereografic wavelets are obtained by transforming a wavelet system, namely Daubechies, using some stereographic operators. We prove that our estimator achieves an optimal rate of convergence on some Besov type class of functions by adapting to unknown smoothness....
A novel section–section potential for short-range interactions between plane beams
PublicationWe derive a novel formulation for the interaction potential between deformable fibers due to short-range fields arising from intermolecular forces. The formulation improves the existing section–section interaction potential law for in-plane beams by considering an offset between interacting cross sections. The new law is asymptotically consistent, which is particularly beneficial for computationally demanding scenarios involving...
An isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically exact Timoshenko beams with extensible directors
PublicationAn isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically and materially nonlinear Timoshenko beams is presented, which incorporates in-plane deformation of the cross-section described by two extensible director vectors. Since those directors belong to the space R3, a configuration can be additively updated. The developed formulation allows direct application of nonlinear three-dimensional constitutive equations without zero...
A selectively reduced degree basis for efficient mixed nonlinear isogeometric beam formulations with extensible directors
PublicationThe effect of higher order continuity in the solution field by using NURBS basis function in isogeometric analysis (IGA) is investigated for an efficient mixed finite element formulation for elastostatic beams. It is based on the Hu–Washizu variational principle considering geometrical and material nonlinearities. Here we present a reduced degree of basis functions for the additional fields of the stress resultants and strains...
Robert Piotrowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleRobert Piotrowski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki (2001r., kierunek: Automatyka i Robotyka) oraz Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii (2002r., kierunek: Organizacja Systemów Produkcyjnych) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2005 roku jest zatrudniony na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki, aktualnie w Katedrze Inteligentnych Systemów Sterowania i Wspomagania Decyzji. W 2005 roku obronił rozprawę doktorską (Automatyka...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
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Galerkin formulations of isogeometric shell analysis: Alleviating locking with Greville quadratures and higher-order elements
PublicationWe propose new quadrature schemes that asymptotically require only four in-plane points for Reissner–Mindlin shell elements and nine in-plane points for Kirchhoff–Love shell elements in B-spline and NURBS-based isogeometric shell analysis, independent of the polynomial degree p of the elements. The quadrature points are Greville abscissae associated with pth-order B-spline basis functions whose continuities depend on the specific...
Efficient and robust quadratures for isogeometric analysis: Reduced Gauss and Gauss–Greville rules
PublicationThis work proposes two efficient quadrature rules, reduced Gauss quadrature and Gauss–Greville quadrature, for isogeometric analysis. The rules are constructed to exactly integrate one-dimensional B-spline basis functions of degree p, and continuity class C^{p−k}, where k is the highest order of derivatives appearing in the Galerkin formulation of the problem under consideration. This is the same idea we utilized in Zou et al....
Rapid tolerance‐aware design of miniaturized microwave passives by means of confined‐domain surrogates
PublicationThe effects of uncertainties, primarily manufacturing tolerances but also incomplete information about operating conditions or material parameters, can be detrimental to the performance of microwave components. Quantification of such effects is essential to ensure a meaningful evaluation of the structure, in particular, its reliability under imperfect fabrication procedures. The improvement of the circuit robustness can be achieved...
Introduction to Numerical Simulation
e-Learning CoursesCourse description: This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by applications drawn from electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering. Topics include: mathematical formulations of simulation problems; sparse direct and iterative linear system solution techniques,...
Ewa Drzazga-Szczęśniak dr inż.
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Geotechnical Analysis and Stability Assessment of a Landslide Event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia
PublicationThis study investigates the geotechnical factors influencing a recent landslide event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia. The primary objective was to identify the soil properties contributing to landslide occurrence and understand the triggering mechanisms. Field investigations, soil sampling from both affected and unaffected areas, and subsequent laboratory characterization were conducted. The analysis revealed a dominance of fine-grained...
Convergence of Monte Carlo algorithm for solving integral equations in light scattering simulations
PublicationThe light scattering process can be modeled mathematically using the Fredholm integral equation. This equation is usually solved after its discretization and transformation into the system of algebraic equations. Volume integral equations can be also solved without discretization using the Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm, but its application to the light scattering simulations has not been sufficiently studied. Here we present implementation...
Magdalena Maria Łapińska dr inż.