Search results for: WASTEWATER QUALITY
Constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment in Poland
PublicationOczyszczalnie hydrofitowe mogą stanowić interesującą alternatywę dla konwencjonalnych rozwiązań gospodarki ściekowej na terenach o rozproszonej zabudowie. Celem pracy była ocena działania i skuteczności usuwania zanieczyszczeń w hybrydowych systemach hydrofitowych pracujących w rejonie Gdańska, w klimacie umiarkowanym.Technologiczne rozwiązanie składające się z osadnika gnilnego oraz złoża hydrofitowego z podpowierzchniowym przepływem...
Cavitation-Based Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment
PublicationCavitation based on advanced oxidation processes (Cav-AOPs) is interesting alternatives for already implemented wastewater treatment technologies. Destructive and strongly undesirable phenomena in the industry, i.e., cavitation, revealed to be useful in a positive manner as a source of energy for chemical reactions. During the implosion of cavitation bubbles, focused energy and resulting high temperature and pressure allows to...
Titania modification for photocatalytic wastewater treatment.
PublicationW celu polepszenia efektywności katalitycznej za pomocą separacji ładunkowe-/n+ TiO2 został zmodyfikowany jonami i klasterami platyny. Badania degradacji z wykorzystaniem promieniowania UV wykazały, że domieszkowanie powierzchniowe (adsorpcja) powoduje znaczne zwiększenie efektywności katalizatora od domieszkowania wewnętrznego
The wastewater flow through trickling filters.
PublicationFiltry zraszane projektowane są głównie w oparciu o wytyczne techniczne. W pracy zaproponowano metodę o charakterze strukturalnym. Pokazano sposób określania miarodajnego czasu przebywania cieczy w układzie i powiązania go z kinetyczną charakterystyką procesu oczyszczania ścieków.
Intensification of fire-fighting wastewater biotreatment
PublicationDuża ilość ścieków pożarniczych powstała w trakcie akcji gaśniczej w jednej z rafinerii w północnej Polsce w 2003 roku. Bakterie wyizolowane ze ścieków pożarniczych dodano do osadu czynnego w celu zintensyfikowania procesów biologicznych. Zbadano efektywność biologicznego oczyszczania tychże ścieków, uwzględniając nitryfikację, w laboratoryjnym reaktorze z osadem czynnym. Ok. 50 % lepszy efekt redukcji ChZT oraz ok. 40 % zmniejszenie...
Anaerobic bacteria in wastewater treatment plant
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Carwash Oily Wastewater Separated by Ultrafiltration
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Influence of sulphanilamide in wastewater on Anammox process
PublicationBadano wpływ krótko- oraz długookresowej ekspozycji mieszanej kultury Anammox na działanie sulfonamidu. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdziły, że sulfanilamid (SA)hamuje proces Anammox. Wyższe stężenia SA powodowały silniejszy efekt inhibicji usuwania związków azotu ze ścieków. Natomiast długookresowe testy potwierdziły hipotezę, że wydłużenie czasu ekspozycji mikroorganizmów Anammox na działanie SA skutkuje obniżeniem stopnia inhibicji...
Analysis of the impact of wastewater discharge on recipients: synergistic approach
PublicationThe dissertation presents the analysis of chemical and microbial composition of wastewater and examines the impact of wastewater discharge on the environment. Various case studies were analysed: from small settlements in a pristine European Arctic, to large municipal wastewater treatment plants in areas subjected to greater anthropogenic pressure. In order to comprehensively analyse the impact of wastewater discharge on the receiving...
Correlations between organic pollution indicators in municipal wastewater
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of parameters used for determining the amount of organic pollutants in wastewater flowing into a collective wastewater treatment plant with a population equivalent of about 120 000 PE. The plant constituted part of a sewage system. Assays were performed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), permanganete index (CODMn) and total organic carbon (TOC). In addition,...
Antimicrobial resistance of fecal indicators in disinfected wastewater
PublicationThe main objective of the study was to assess the potential of three systems (UV irradiation, ozonation, and micro/ultrafiltration) operated in a pilot scale in removal of antimicrobial-resistant fecal bacteria from secondary effluent of the local wastewater treatment plant (700,000 population equivalent). The effectiveness of the processes was analysed using the removal ratio of fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus...
A review on recent advances in the application of biosurfactants in wastewater treatment
PublicationMicroorganisms produce a variety of non-conventional surface-active molecules, known as biosurfactants. The biosurfactants find diverse applications in the oil industry, agriculture, emulsifiers, and wastewater treatment, to name a few. Since they are produced from microbes, advantages such as biodegradability, lower toxicity, and environmental compatibility can be leveraged compared to the chemical surfactants. Recently, biosurfactants...
Innovative strategies: Combining treatments for advanced wastewater purification
PublicationWater scarcity is a pressing global challenge, driving the urgent need for effective wastewater treatment solutions. With untreated wastewater extensively employed, particularly in agriculture, the significance of proper treatment becomes evident, as it presents a more practical and ecologically responsible alternative. This chapter explores the diverse treatment approaches encompassing chemical, physical, and biological methods,...
The Problem of Wastewater in Shale Gas Exploitation The Influence of Fracturing Flowback Water on Activated Sludge at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Treatment Wetland effluent quality improvement by usage sorbents of various origin
PublicationTWs are finding as low-cost and also effective system to treat domestic wastewater. The aim of this study is to find suitable adsorbing material for application in an additional treatment unit where treatment wetlands do not provide sufficient PO4 3- reduction level. Material M1 is a fine-grained by-product of thermal treatment of carbonate-siliceous rock (opoka) with high content of calcium carbonate CaCO3 in temperature 700°C....
PublicationThis paper presents characteristics of the Biovac® wastewater treatment plants operating in the mountain areas of the Polish national parks (NP): Tatrzanski NP and Babiogórski NP as well as in the West Spitsbergen NP. On the basis of the laboratory tests performed on raw sewage and the final effluent the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plants was evaluated. It was found that high COD values and rather high COD / BOD5 ratios...
The use of RP-HPLC–Q-TOF–MS as a powerful tool for wastewater composition profiling and selection of water pollution marker specific to wastewater contamination
PublicationLimited drinking water resources and water pollution are one of the main worldwide problems. To reduce the consumption of fresh water resources, the use of treated wastewater has been proposed. The farmlands have been irrigated with wastewater for centuries, but the composition of used sewage has changed over the years. Recent research has revealed the presence of hundreds of new organic contaminants in many environmental waters,...
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part I: Case study on the watercourses in the Baltic Sea catchment area
PublicationThe area of the Coastal Landscape Park (CLP) due to its location is extremely attractive touristic area. In the summer season, a significant increase in population density is observed, which influences surface water quality. Large numbers of tourists generate an increased amount of municipal wastewater, being treated in local treatment plants and discharged into rivers and streams. The paper presents preliminary research from summer...
Hierarchical predictive control of integrated wastewater treatment systems
PublicationThe paper proposes an approach to designing the control structure and algorithms for optimising control of integrated wastewater treatment plant-sewer systems (IWWTS) under a full range of disturbance inputs. The optimised control of IWWTS allows for significant cost savings, fulfilling the effluent discharge limits over a long period and maintaining the system in sustainable operation. Due to the specific features of a wastewater...
Mathematical Modelling in Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper reports development of mathematical modeling in diagnosis of the WWTP. The algorithm is based on a comparition of data from the mathematical modeling and measurments of real datefrom WWTP, until it will detect any malfunction of the sensors in th case of study.
Supervisory control of integrated wastewater treatment systems.
PublicationSterowanie zintegrowanym systemem oczyszczania ścieków (sieć kanalizacyjna- oczyszczalnia ścieków), w pełnym zakresie jego obciążeń wymaga zastosowania zaawansowanych algorytmów sterowania optymalizującego. System sterowania jest hierarchicznie zdekomponowany, tworząc wielopoziomową-wielowarstwową. Główną technologią sterowania sterowanie predykcyjne (MPC). Nie jest możliwe wystarczająco efektywne sterowanie takim systemem we wszystkich...
Microorganisms in the air over wastewater treatment plant.
PublicationCelem pracy było aktywności źródeł emisji mikroorganizmów do powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków. Stwierdzono iż najwyższe liczebności bakterii występowały w rejonie piaskowników i komór recyrkulacji osadu czynnego. Natomiast liczba bakterii w rejonie komór napowietrzania była zbliżona do tła.
Nitrogen removal in two technologies of wastewater treatment
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problematykę usuwania związków azotu ze ścieków w świetle wymogów prawnych Polski i Unii Europejskiej. Problem został scharakteryzowany w odniesieniu do dwóch typów oczyszczalni ścieków - pracujących w całkowicie różnych skalach: dużej oczyszczalni ścieków miejskich Gdańska (Oczyszczalnia ścieków ''Wschód'') oraz oczyszczalni hydrofitowych, przeznaczonych do oczyszczania względnie niewielkich objętości ścieków...
Determination and pathways of nitrogen during wastewater treatment.
PublicationŚcieki rafineryjne, farmaceutyczne oraz z przemysłu spożywczego charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością azotu amonowego. Biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków przemysłowych zazwyczaj stwarza poważne problemy technologiczne. Azot zawarty w tego typu ściekach jest zawarty w aminach, amidach, czyli związkach, które wymagają wstępnego oczyszczania w celu zmniejszenia ich stężenia do wartości nie inhibujących reakcji biochemicznych oraz nitryfikacji....
Textile wastewater treatment by AOPs for brine reuse
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Supervisory Control of Integrated Wastewater Treatment Systems
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Microbiological Hazard Analysis of Car Wash Wastewater
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Separation of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation
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Concentration of saline wastewater from the production of heparin
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Purification of oily wastewater by hybrid UF/MD
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Application of H2O2 to optimize ammonium removal from domestic wastewater
PublicationThe paper presents the results of application of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for the optimization of the effects of ammonia nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater. The investigations were carried out at a model wastewater treatment plant consisting of a preliminary sedimentation tank and a sand filter with a horizontal flow of wastewater at a constant hydraulic load of 1.44 L/day. The efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal was...
Supervised model predictive control of wastewater treatment plant
PublicationAn optimizing control of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), allowing for cost savings over long time period and fulfilling effluent discharge limits at the same time, requires application of advanced control techniques. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a very suitable control technology for a synthesis of such a truly multivariable controller that can handle constraints and accommodate model-based knowledge combined with hard...
Evidence of mutations conferring resistance to clarithromycin in wastewater and activated sludge
PublicationThe occurrence of clarithromycin in wastewater samples and of the activated sludge bacteria possibly resistant to this pharmaceutical was the object of the study. Samples of wastewater or activated sludge were taken from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in summer and winter and characterised regarding their clarithromycin concentrations and the presence of nucleic acid fragments (Cla-sequences) known to be responsible for...
Influence of Wastewater Treatment Technology on Particle Size Distribution in the Effluent
PublicationSuspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution...
Fecal indicators resistance to antimicrobial agents present in municipal wastewater
PublicationIn this study removal rate of six antimicrobial compounds (belonging to folate pathway inhibitors and macrolides class) was analyzed in processes of local wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) together with susceptibility patterns of erythromycin (E) resistant Enterococcus spp. and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (SXT) resistant Escherichia coli. According to the obtained data, six of tested antimicrobial agents, namely erythromycin,...
PublicationThe results of research on physical and chemical methods for the preliminary treatment of wastewater of a cardboard and paper factory in Khmelnytskyi region of Ukraine are presented. At the cardboard and paper factory, wastewater is treated at a sewage treatment plant, which includes sand traps, primary radial sedimentation tanks, aeration tanks with activated sludge regenerators, secondary radial sedimentation tanks, and bioponds....
Ultrafiltration Process in Disinfection and Advanced Treatment of Tertiary Treated Wastewater
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the use of ultrafiltration, using membranes of 200 and 400 kDa separation, for disinfection of municipal treated wastewater. The research was conducted on a fractional technical scale using real municipal treated wastewater from two large wastewater treatment plants treating most of the wastewater over the one-million polycentric Gdańsk agglomeration (1.2 million inhabitants). UF 200...
Application of Nanomaterials for Cadmium Adsorption for Sustainable Treatment of Wastewater: a Review
PublicationMany heavy metals, particularly cadmium, are detrimental to both people and the environment when present in large quantities. In wastewater treatment plants, several conventional approaches are employed for cadmium abatement to restore the ecosystem, food supplies, and health of people and animals. Ion exchange, coagulation, membrane filtration, and chemical precipitation are a few examples of ways for removing heavy metals from...
Soft Sensor Application in Identification of the Activated Sludge Bulking Considering the Technological and Economical Aspects of Smart Systems Functioning
PublicationThe paper presented the methodology for the construction of a soft sensor used for activated sludge bulking identification. Devising such solutions fits within the current trends and development of a smart system and infrastructure within smart cities. In order to optimize the selection of the data-mining method depending on the data collected within a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), a number of methods were considered, including:...
Application of vertical flow cw for highly contaminated wastewater treatment
PublicationBasing on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reject waters generated during digested sewage sludge dewatering on centrifuges in conventional WWTP (RWC) and municipal landfill leachate (LL), the pilot constructed wetlands for treatment of both types of highly contaminated wastewater were designed. In the paper the characteristics of the pilot plants and assumed treatment efficiencies are presented. According to the...
Effect of organic nitrogen concentration on the efficiency of trickling filters
PublicationThe study was conducted in Poland at six selected wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) based on the trickling filters Bioclere® technology. The aim of the study was to find the relationship between the influent organic nitrogen concentration and the purification efficiency expressed as effluent COD concentration. In the tests performed, the COD to BOD5 relationship was close to 2 and the ratio of BOD5 to TN was lower than 4. The...
Antimicrobial resistance of fecal indicators in muncipal wastewater treatment plant
PublicationAntimicrobial resistance of fecal coliforms (n = 153) and enterococci (n = 199) isolates was investigated in municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) based on activated sludge system. The number of fecal indicators (in influent and effluent as well as in the aeration chamber and in return activated sludge mixture) was determined using selective media. Susceptibility of selected strains was tested against 19 (aminoglycosides,...
Deproteinated Potato Wastewater as a Sustainable Nitrogen Source in Trichosporon domesticum Yeast Lipids Biosynthesis—a Concept of Valorization of Wastewater from Starch Industry
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Innovative method for utilization of wastewater for security and safety in rural areas
PublicationIn the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. The teratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of reed beds were chosen. In...
Treated wasetewater as a source of humic substances in surface waters
PublicationHumic substances impose substantial effect on the aquatic environment as well as the water organisms and human health. Among other features, the humic acids determine organoleptic properties of surface waters. Therefore explanation of the origin and properties of humic acids in surface waters is one of the priorities of water technology.Recently it was pointed out that in the wastewater treatment process organic compounds characterized...
Adaptive stochastic and hybrid nonlinear optimization algorithms for improving the effectiveness of the biological processes at WWTP
PublicationWastewater treatment plays an important factor in the modern world. Insufficient treatment may result in environmental pollution which can further lead to disasters and diseases. However, processes that take place inside wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are highly complex in nature, therefore it is difficult to design an efficient, optimal control system. The problem regarding biochemical reactions inside Sequential Batch Reactor...
Detection, identification and determination of chiral pharmaceutical residues in wastewater: Problems and challenges
PublicationChiral pharmaceuticals (CPs) are widely used in different areas of human life, thus they are frequentlydetected in different ecosystems. However, before CPs reach the environment, wastewater is subjected todifferent treatment processes in order to remove them. Nevertheless, such processes may affect thechirality of CPs, thus it is very important to monitor CP levels during the wastewater treatment.This review addresses the present...
Analysis of energy consumption at the Rzeszów Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Intelligent control structure for control of integrated wastewater systems.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia podejście do tworzenia struktury sterowania zintegrowanym systemem oczyszczania ścieków (sieć kanalizacyjna- oczyszczalnia ścieków), w pełnym zakresie jego obciążeń hydraulicznych. System sterowania jest hierarchicznie zdekomponowany, tworząc wielopoziomową-wielowarstwową. Główną technologią sterowania wykorzystaną na poziomie optymalizacyjnym jest krzepkie sterowanie predykcyjne (RMPC) przy obecności niepewności...
Model predictive controller for integrated wastewater treatment systems.
PublicationSterowanie optymalizujace systemem oczyszczania ścieków (WWTS) pozwala na zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych przy jednoczesnym spełnieniu narzuconych ograniczeń na wypływające ścieki, jednak wymaga zaawansowanych technologii sterowania. Sterowanie predykcyjne z modelem (MPC) jest bardzo użyteczną technologią sterowania takimi systemami. MPC doskonale radzi sobie z obecnością ogrniczeń na wielkości wyjściowe, wielowymiarowością problemu...