Fast Fading Characterization for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublicationWith the increasing development of 5G and Body Area Network based systems being implemented in unusual environments, propagation inside metallic structures is a key aspect to characterize propagation effects inside ships and other similar environments, mostly composed of metallic walls. In this paper, indoor propagation inside circular metallic structures is addressed and fast fading statistical distributions parameters are obtained...
A Conception of Pairwise Comparisons Model for Selection of Appropriate Body Surface Area Calculation Formula
PublicationBody surface area (BSA) may be computed using a variety of formulas, but the computed BSA differs from real BSA values for particular subjects. This is presented in the paper by computing BSA values for selected subject and comparing them to the real BSA value obtained with the use of a 3D body scanner. The results show inequalities in the relevant BSA computing formulas. Hence, there is a need to determine a method that will allow...
Modified Inductive Multi-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Approach Based On Z-Source Network
PublicationThis article presents a non-conventional approach to a multi-coil wireless power transfer system based on a Z-source network. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of a Z-source as a voltage source for energy transmission through the wireless power transfer coils. The main advantage is in a reduced number of semiconductors. This paper provides the design approach, simulation and experimental study. Feasibility and possible...
Guessing Intrinsic Forwarding Trustworthiness of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Nodes
PublicationA novel node misbehavior detection system called GIFTED is proposed for a multihop wireless ad hoc network (WAHN) whose nodes may selfishly refuse to forward transit packets. The system guesses the nodes’ intrinsic forwarding trustworthiness (IFT) by analyzing end-to-end path performance rather than utilizing unreliable and incentive incompatible low-layer mechanisms. It can work with occasional IFT jumps, directional antennae,...
The dataset of simulations for optimal and non-optimal rotating receiver angles of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system
Open Research DataThe provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".
A Wideband Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublicationIn this paper, the wideband characterization of the propagation channel in circular metallic indoor environments is addressed, regarding Body Area Networks and 5G small cells, an analytical model for the dependence of the mean delay and the average delay spread on the circle radius, the working frequency and the distance between the transmitter and the receiver being proposed. The derivation of the model is initially done analytically,...
Relay-aided Wireless Sensor Network Discovery Algorithm for Dense Industrial IoT utilizing ESPAR Antennas
PublicationIndustrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applicationsrequire reliable and efficient wireless communication. Assumingdense Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) operating in a harshenvironment, a concept of a Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) based WSN enriched with Electronically SteerableParasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas is proposed andexamined in this work. The utilized...
Performance Evaluation of GAM in Off-Body Path Loss Modelling for Body Area Networks
PublicationThis paper addresses the performance evaluation of an off-body path loss model, based on measurements at 2.45 GHz, which has been developed with the use of the Generalised Additive Model, allowing to model a non-linear dependence on different predictor variables. The model formulates path loss as a function of distance, antennas’ heights, antenna orientation angle and polarisation, results showing that performance is very sensitive...
An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats
PublicationBackground Behavior consists of the interaction between an organism and its environment, and is controlled by the brain. Brain activity varies at sub-second time scales, but behavioral measures are usually coarse (often consisting of only binary trial outcomes). Results To overcome this mismatch, we developed the Rat Interactive Foraging Facility (RIFF): a programmable interactive arena for freely moving rats with multiple feeding...
Limiting influence of wireless network emissions on environment
PublicationW pracy proponowany jest sposób zarządzania parametrami kanału radiowego w sieciach WiFi. Rozwiązanie oparte jest o niestosowaną dotąd w sieciach bezprzewodowych metodę pomiaru odległości stacji klienckiej od punktu dostępowego. Wymagane jest zmodyfikowanie warstwy MAC zarówno punktów dostępowych, jak i stacji klienckich. Możliwa jest także praca z typowymi kartami bezprzewodowymi.Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala znacząco podnieść...
Wireless Network Selection: A Population Dynamics Approach
PublicationW artykule rozpatruje się środowisko wireless multihoming, gdzie terminal bezprzewodowy może w każdej chwili połączyć się z jedną z wielu dostępnych sieci bezprzewodowych. Zwrócono uwagę na rolę informacji zwrotnej z sieci powiadamiającej terminal o bieżącym stanie sieci. Zaproponowano trzy dynamiczne modele wyboru sieci, różniące się dostępem terminala do informacji zwrotnej dotyczących sieci, z którą nie jest aktualnie połączony.
A wireless network for off-shore marine research
PublicationThis paper presents functionality, the most important technology developments and potential use cases of digital communication system, developed to facilitate selected tasks commonly required during off-shore operations and marine research, including: broadband information sharing between platforms isolated from an on-shore communication infrastructure, acquisition of large data-sets from variety of off-shore...
Computer Supported Analysis of the Human Body Surface Area
PublicationRecent scientific studies show the growing importance of the coefficients: BSA and TBSA, as an alternative to the widely used BMI. The relevant indicators are widely used in medicine, including such areas as: the treatment of burns, chemotherapy, dermatology and toxicology; as benchmarks when calculating doses of drugs and fluids. The particular problems concerning this subject are: the change of the reference parameter value which...
The dataset of coupling coefficients for rotating receiver of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system
Open Research DataThe provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".
Modular wireless sensor network platform for RF transceiver evaluation
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia modułową technikę projektowania sieci sensorów bezprzewodowych. Uniwersalne połączenia występujące pomiędzy modułami pozwalają na zaprojektowanie nowej wersji sieci w przeciągu kilku dni zamiast tygodni. Na bazie wymienionej metodologii skonstruowane została platforma pozwalająca testować różnego rodzaju układy nadawczo odbiorcze pracujące na częstotliwościach RF.
Enforsing cooperative behaviour in multi wireless ad-hoc network.
PublicationMechanizmy kontroli przekazywania pakietów tranzytowych w rozległych sieciach had-hoc wykorzystują nasłuchiwanie pakietów transmitowanych przez stacje sąsiednie i ich porównywanie z zachowanymi kopiami. W pracy pokazuje się możliwość egoistycznych zachowań stacji podlegających na niekontrolowanej admisji pakietów źródłowych, a następnie odmowie przyjmowania pakietów tranzytowych z powodu przepełnienia lokalnej pamięci buforowej.
Multihomed Wireless Terminals: MAC Configuration and Network Selection Games
PublicationW artykule rozpatruje się rozdział pasma pomiędzy zbiór racjonalnych terminali bezprzewodowych dołączonych do wielu sieci lokalnych. Przy pomocy narzędzi analitycznych teorii gier pokazuje się, w jaki sposób można zniechęcać terminale do agresywnej konfiguracji protokołu MAC. Analizowana jest ilościowo rola prędkości generacji informacji zwrotnej z sieci w stosunku do częstości generacji żądań dostępu terminala do sieci. Wykazano,...
On the fast BSS transition algorithms in the IEEE 802.11r local area wireless networks
PublicationHandover performance is critical to support multimedia services that are becoming increasingly available over the wireless devices. The high transition delay can be unaccepted for such services or can be a source of disruption on the session. On the other side, IEEE 802.11 standard is being extended with new functionalities. Security and QoS features, included in recent IEEE 802.11-2007 standard, add management frames that are...
Network lifetime maximization in wireless mesh networks for machine-to-machine communication
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PSoC embedded systems and its potential applications in wireless sensors network
PublicationW artykule zostanie przedstawiona koncepcja bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej z wykorzystaniem mikrokontrolerów PSoC firmy Cypress. Mikrokontrolery PSoC (ang. Programmable System on a Chip) to 8-bitowe uniwersalne układy programowalne znajdujące zastosowanie między innymi w przemyśle, elektronice medycznej, telekomunikacji i samochodowych systemach sterowania. Mikrokontrolery PSoC pozwalają użytkownikom wybierać rodzaj i liczbę peryferiów...
Dynamic Route Discovery Using Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Network
PublicationIn recent times, visible light communication is an emerging technology that supports high speed data communication for wireless communication systems. However, the performance of the visible light communication system is impaired by inter symbol interference, the time dispersive nature of the channel, and nonlinear features of the light emitting diode that significantly reduces the bit error rate performance. To address these problems,...
Which Simulator to Choose for Next Generation Wireless Network Simulations? NS-3 or OMNeT++
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Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Józef Woźniak received his M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in electronics and telecommunications from the Faculty of Electronics, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1971, 1976 and 1991, respectively. In January 2002 he became a full professor. In 1993 he was elected Associate Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and in 1994 he was he was appointed a Professor at GUT. Simultaneously, from October 1994 till...
Application of the semantic network to manage processes in the area of legal regulation of education at the Doctoral School
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Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr hab. Rafal Leszczyna is an associate professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics. He holds the M.Sc. degrees of Computer Science and Business Management. In December, 2006 he earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specialisation - Computer Security at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. Between 2004 and 2008 he worked in the European...
A reactive algorithm for deducing nodal forwarding behavior in a multihop ad-hoc wireless network in the presence of errors
PublicationA novel algorithm is presented to deduce individual nodal forwarding behavior from standard end-to-end acknowledgments. The algorithm is based on a well-established mathematical method and is robust to network related errors and nodal behavior changes. The proposed solution was verified in a network simulation, during which it achieved sound results in a challenging multihop ad-hoc network environment.
The role and importance of WIMAX mobile system as a high-performance data transfer technology in wireless sensor networks for wide area monitoring applications
PublicationThe study discuses basic features and functional design of WiMAX Mobile system, based on the IEEE 802.16e (Release 1.5 Rev. 2.0) standard. The analysis has been made in terms of ability to use this system to transmit video stream related to monitoringof large agglomeration areas. What is more, the study includes comparison of technical parameters of WiMAX Mobile system with competitive systems such as: HSPA+ and UMTS-LTE, which...
3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
Open Research Data=== SET DESCRIPTION===3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
Measures of region failure survivability for wireless mesh networks
PublicationWireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a promising alternative to wired local, or metropolitan area networks. However, owing to their exposure to various disruptive events, including natural disasters, or human threats, many WMN network elements located close to the failure epicentre are frequently in danger of a simultaneous failure, referred to as a region failure. Therefore, network survivability, being the ability...
Grzegorz Maciejewski dr hab. prof. UE
PeopleGrzegorz Maciejewski holds a postdoctoral degree in Economic Sciences. He is a Professor at the University of Economics in Katowice and is Head of the Market and Consumption Department. He is a research projects manager at the Research and Development Center in Katowice and the manager and contractor of six grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He is an academic tutor. His scientific interests are mainly in...
Wireless Networks as an Infrastructure for Mission-Critical Business Applications
PublicationDespite the dynamic growth of wireless network systems, their pres-ence in business-support infrastructure has been limited. In the article we provide an overview of generic corporate network architecture and examine usefulness of available wireless network solutions in such systems. Following this overview we analyze new wireless network architecture which currently undergoes standardization process - wireless mesh. It can result...
The Latest Advances in Wireless Communication in Aviation, Wind Turbines and Bridges
PublicationPresent-day technologies used in SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems in many implementations are based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the context of the continuous development of these systems, the costs of the elements that form the monitoring system are decreasing. In this situation, the challenge is to select the optimal number of sensors and the network architecture, depending on the wireless system’s other parameters...
Miniaturized and Lightweight ESPAR Antenna for WSN and IoT Applications
PublicationA new compact ESPAR antenna is investigated in this paper. The proposed antenna has 12 directional radiation patterns based on 12 passive elements and can be successfully used in Wireless Sensor Network applications. In proposed antenna design, the possibilities of 3D printing were used to implement a dielectric miniaturization overlay that allowed for reducing antenna occupied area by almost 60% and antenna profile by 27% in comparison...
Connectivity Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks Using ESPAR Antennas with Dielectric Overlays
PublicationThis article presents an electrically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) switched beam antenna with a dielectric overlay to miniaturize the antenna and modify the radiation pattern in the vertical plane. The antenna is intended for a gateway in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and is located on the ceiling of a room. Because the ESPAR antenna consists of an array of vertical monopoles, there is a deep minimum in the radiation...
Wideband Channel Measurements for Polarised Indoor Off-Body Communications
PublicationThis paper presents the initial results of wideband channel measurements for polarised off-body communication at 5.8 GHz, in an indoor environment. Channel Impulse Response measurements were performed simultaneously for two orthogonal polarisations of the wearable antenna, and repeated for vertical and horizontal orientations of the off-body one. Four types of measurement scenarios were considered in order to investigate the influence...
Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents a measurements of the path loss for validation of a statistical model for off-body radio channels in an indoor multipath environment, which considers the distance dependent mean path loss, and describes body shadowing and fast fading components in a statistical way. The measurement equipment and propagation indoor environment have been presented. Two different bodies and five static and two walking scenarios...
Optimization of Wireless Networks for Resilience to Adverse Weather Conditions
PublicationIn this chapter, we consider how adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog affect the performance of wireless networks, and how to optimize these networks so as to make them robust to these conditions. We first show how to analyze the weather conditions in order to make them useful for network optimization modelling. Using an example realistic network, we show how to optimize two types of wireless networks: free-space optical...
PublicationA minimum connected dominating set (MCDS) can be used as virtual backbone in ad-hoc wireless networks for efficient routing and broadcasting tasks. To find the MCDS is an NP- complete problem even in unit disk graphs. Many suboptimal algorithms are reported in the literature to find the MCDS using local information instead to use global network knowledge, achieving an important reduction in complexity. Since a wireless network...
Wireless systems of threats monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Wireless systems of threats monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring
PublicationConcept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Interworking and Cross-layer Service Discovery Extensions for IEEEE802.11s Wireless Mesh Standard
PublicationWith the rapid popularization of mobile end-user electronic devices wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies. While classic point-to-multipoint wireless access systems, based on fixed infrastructure of base stations providing access to clients, remain the main most popular solution, an increasing attention is devoted to wireless mesh systems, where each connecting client can extend...
Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements. Presented practical applications of the wireless threats monitoring system is...
PublicationThe research problem considered in this paper is how to protect wireless sensor networks (WSN) against cyber-threats by applying trust management and how to strengthen network resilience to attacks targeting the trust management mechanism itself. A new method, called WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method (WCT2M), of distributed trust management in multi-layer wireless sensor networks is proposed and its performance is evaluated....
Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image
PublicationThe work presented in the paper is dedicated to determining and evaluating the most efficient neural network architecture applied as a multiple regression network localizing human body joints in 3D space based on a single low resolution depth image. The main challenge was to deal with a noisy and coarse representation of the human body, as observed by a depth sensor from a large distance, and to achieve high localization precision....
Transmission protocol simulation framework for the resource-constrained sensor network
PublicationIn this paper the simulation framework for simulation of the sensor network protocol is presented. The framework enables the simultaneous development of the sensor network software and the protocol for the wireless data transmission. The advantage of using the framework is the convergence of the simulation with the real software, because the same software is used in real sensor network nodes and in the simulation framework. The...
A new approach to design of weather disruption-tolerant wireless mesh networks
PublicationWireless Mesh Networks, offering transmission rates of 1–10 Gb/s per a millimeter-wave link (utilizing the 71–86 GHz band) seem to be a promising alternative to fiber optic backbone metropolitan area networks because of significantly lower costs of deployment and maintenance. However, despite providing high transmission rates in good weather conditions, high-frequency wireless links are very susceptible to weather disruptions....
Communication Networks in the Service of the Environmental Monitoring
PublicationIn the paper selected issues relating to communication networks in the services of the environmental monitoring (EM) have been described. It is divided into three main parts: introduction, wire and wireless networks. At the beginning of the basic definitions were explained. The wire part focuses on a plain old telephone service (POTS), an integrated services digital network (ISDN), a digital subscriber line (DSL) and a fiber-optic...
A survey on network resiliency methodologies against weather-based disruptions
PublicationDue to the increasing dependence on network services of our society, research has recently been concentrating on enhancing traditional protection strategies to withstand large-scale failures, as in case of disaster events. The recently-formed EU-funded RECODIS project aims at coordinating and fostering research collaboration in Europe on disaster resiliency in communication networks. In particular, the Working Group (WG) 2 of the...
Józef Judycki prof. dr hab. inż.